Social Problems test 2

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Environmental problems are not confined within political borders so it is important to understand that?

if one country wastes finite resources, it impacts us all

What environmental issue can be the result of increased production and increased consumption?

eradication of environmental classism

A healthcare facility that is focused on meeting the needs of residents rather than the needs of the institution is exhibiting?

therapeutic care

Whereas immigrants historically have been 90 percent European, Europeans now constitute about __________ percent?


The United States burns just about __________ percent of the world's coal?


What percentage of fossil fuel is consumed by the United States?


The data indicate that at any one time, between __________ percent of people over the age of 65 are in extended-care facilities?

4 and 5

The world's population has increased dramatically and has reached approximately __________ people?

7 billion

Approximately __________ were born into the baby boom generation?

75 million

In 2009, the average life expectancy at birth was __________ years?


Major obstacles to the United States adopting a comprehensive plan to curb pollution include?


Since African Americans have been replaced as the U.S.'s largest minority group by Latinos, this demographic transition will?


Which of the following is currently the least likely place for immigrants to settle?


Which of the following is a problem for women associated with Social Security?

A divorced woman is not entitled to any of her ex-husband's Social Security income unless she was married to him for at least 10 years.

Which of the following is a sign of assimilation?

A family of immigrants sending their children to an English-only school

Immigration, such as slavery, can be forced, but when it is freely chosen, it is considered?

human agency

Which of the following contributes to the greenhouse effect?

Chlorofluorocarbon accumulation in the atmosphere

In less developed countries, contaminated water results in?

Cholera and other diseases

Which of the following could be seen as a major cause for recent environmental justice movements?

Corporations illegally dumping hazardous waste

Which of the following is commonly expressed as a concern about immigration?

Immigrants are a drain on society's resources.

Which of the following cultural values contributes to environmental problems?

Faith in Technology

Where do the elderly who have moved tend to migrate to?


Which of the following is a major source of water pollution?


Which of the following is true about Social Security?

It is a significant source of income for over half of retired people.

Which of the following is a major contributor to the deforestation of tropical rainforests?

Lumber and mining companies

U.S. citizens over the age of 65 are served by __________ for some of their health needs?


According to the text, what do Americans believe about technology in relation to environmental problems?

Technological answers to environmental problems can and will be developed

The major underlying sources of our present environmental problems are?

the culture and structure of our society

The cornucopia view of nature in America can lead to?

a temptation to view nature as plentiful and ours to use as we wish

Which of the following is a dominant cultural value contributing to environmental problems?

The cornucopia view of nature

Which of the following is a problem associated with Social Security?

The dependency ratio has changed, so Social Security is becoming harder to finance.

Environmental researchers argue that climate change on this planet could result in?

an increase in temperature and in weather extremes

The response of some people to the aging process—by retreating from relationships, organizations, and society—is known as?


Which of the following is true about nursing homes?

They are big business because the government pays for much of the care.

Which of the following is true about the elderly's health?

They are more likely to be in ill health than other age groups.

Which of the following is generally true of elderly African Americans?

They have a shorter life expectancy.

Which of the following is true about Latinos?

They have yet to replace African Americans as the largest racial-ethnic minority group in the United States.

Which of the following is generally true of older women when compared to older men?

They live longer than men.

Which of the following is true of the settlement patterns of new immigrants?

They locate where other poor people live.

If the Latino population continues to grow substantially,

Whites may be a racial minority by 2042

Families that make the decision to care for their elderly parents while caring for their own children are considered?

a sandwich family structure

The manufacturing industry contributes to air pollution, and passenger cars?

also emit dangerous gases into the environment

Although nursing homes are increasing, __________ percent of people over 80 live independently?

approximately 60

The biosphere of the planet includes the surface layer as well as the surrounding?


If a person was born between 1946 and 1964, they would be a part of the __________ generation?

baby boom

Environmental classism refers to the fact that the poor are more likely to?

be subject to polluted environments where they live

Anti-immigrant backlash most often results from immigrants?

being widely dispersed across the population

The plants, animals, and microorganisms that supply people with the essentials of life make up Earth's?


A person who holds the belief that nature is a vast and bountiful storehouse to be used by human beings would be considered to have a(n)?

cornucopia view of nature

In relation to environmental problems, Americans have?

disproportionately consumed the world's resources

In which of the following states is the majority non-White?


The state that is most impacted by immigration is?


Solutions for environmental problems in the United States call for?

changes in our personal mentality and lifestyle

Most Americans regard human beings as having mastery over nature and believe that our responsibility is to?

conquer it to our benefit

The sharing of knowledge by members of a society exists in a(n)?


A healthcare facility that is mainly focused on meeting the needs of the institution at the expense of the needs of the patient is exhibiting?

custodial care

The proportion of the population who work compared to the proportion who do not work is called the?

dependency ratio

According to the text, one effective alternative for a plan to solve our environmental crisis is the government?

enacting laws carrying severe criminal and civil penalties for harming the environment

Most __________ advocates attempt to improve community environments by eliminating toxic hazards?

environmental justice

If a toxic waste producing company decides to move all of its labs from suburban communities because of complaints, and relocates them to poorer communities where they assume people will not complain or have the political backing to force them to move, this would be an example of?

environmental racism

Typically, new immigrants face hostility from their hosts because they are?

feared as competitors and people who are "different"

Which of the following is a type of elder abuse?

financial exploitation

Which of the following will likely be necessary if we are to deal with our environmental problems on a global level?

finding new sources of energy

The greenhouse effect occurs when?

gases accumulate in the atmosphere and act as a glass roof

According to the text, a company that practices planned obsolescence would most likely?

give their products superficial changes and market them as new

Sociologists argue that although the expansion of the economy and globalization creates jobs and products, it also?

has an environmental downside

If a family consists of a beanpole structure, they are more likely to?

have three tiers of parent-child relationships

Curtailing the waste of energy will involve?

individual alternations of lifestyles

The method of financing Social Security is not equitable because?

it disproportionately disadvantages lower-income wage earners

The capitalist economy contributes to the present environmental problems in the following way?

it encourages overconsumption.

A skewed dependency ratio is problematic for Social Security because?

it is financed based on workers and if less people are working compared to those who are not, funding will become an issue

Which of the following is true of the effect that new immigration is having on the United States?

it is increasing racial diversity

One of the reasons elderly women are more likely to live alone as widows is because?

it is the norm for men to marry younger women

Social Security is considered a regressive tax because?

it takes a larger percentage from people with lower incomes

The principal indicator of successful assimilation is?


Sometime around 2050,

latinos will make up bout 29 percent of the U.S population

If an owner of a company that produces a lot of waste wants to be able to keep polluting, what, according to the text, is that owner's best strategy?

lobby and otherwise us the political system to ensure regulations are lax

One of the concerns related to the future funding of Social Security is that?

people are living longer and the system may not be able to afford to pay out to all citizens because of increased longevity

Strategies to maximize profits by designing products with a limited, useful life or making superficial changes to existing products so that the previous product seems out of date are examples of?

planned obsolescence

Economically advantaged elderly are __________ their less-well-to-do cohorts to be institutionalized?

not as likely as

According to the text, under the private enterprise system based on profits, corporations seek the profitable alternative rather than?

one based on conservation

Creating demands (needs) for products where no actual need exists contributes directly to?


The policy of planned obsolescence by many U.S. companies accomplishes the goal of consumption, but it?

overlooks the problems of disposal

The dominant cultural ideologies in U.S. society have tended to?

rationalize our wastefulness as part of our way of life

The location of U.S. cities has impacted the environment of?

rivers and lakes

One of the major forces behind the aging of the U.S. population is?

the baby boom generation reaching old age

A sociologist would argue that most environmental problems are?

socially created

Which of the following is currently the most likely place for immigrants to settle?


A realistic/rational plan to conserve energy could include which of the following?

strict enforcement of a relatively low speed limit

Politicians do not agree on whether or not humans cause global warming, but environmentalists argue that human wastefulness and excessive gas in the environment leads to?

the greenhouse effect

One of the main social forces that profoundly disturbs the earth's ecosystem is?

the increase in human population

The U.S. system of capitalism depends on?

the maximization of profit

With the increase in immigration in the United States,

the nation is shifting from an Anglo-White society rooted in Western culture

Which of the following is associated with environmental classism?

the poor often have dangerous jobs and are residentially segregated.

Although the intent of Alabama's Immigration Law was to discourage unauthorized immigrants from moving into the state, an unintended consequence is that?

the state's budget would take a hit as a result of lost income and sales taxes

Which of the following can be considered a structural source of environmental problems?

the system of stratification

Most elderly people are in reasonably good health, but aging can take a toll on finances because?

their medical expenses are three times greater than middle-aged adults

Nursing homes can be dangerous because?

they are not sufficiently regulated

Because racial minorities have lower life expectancy than do Whites,

they form a smaller proportion of the elderly population

A sociologist researching structural reasons for environmental problems would find that the poor?

use far less resources than the affluent.

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