spanish 1 review
I- o
either, or
I- también
also: too
I- siempre
Because they refer to people, alguien and nadie are often used with the personal a. The personal a is also used before alguno/a, algunos/as, and ninguno/a when these words refer to people and they are the direct object of the verb.
There are two ways to form negative sentences in Spanish. You can place the negative word before the verb, or you can place no before the verb and the negative word after.
ex: nadie se levanta temprano. ( no one gets up early) No se levanta nadie. ( no one gets up early)
neither: nor
neither: not either
nunca, jamás
never : not ever
n- nadie
no one: nobody
ninguno/a, ningún
no: none: not any
n- nada
nothing: not anything
I- alguno/a(s), algún
some, any
I- alguien
I - algo
something, anything
Infinite and negative words
•Indefinite words refer to people and things that are not specific, for example, someone or something. •Negative words deny the existence of people and things or contradict statements, for instance, no one or nothing.•Spanish indefinite words have corresponding negative words, which are opposite in meaning.