The Peripheral Nervous System: Efferent Division

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Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Constricts digestive sphincters___________


The sympathetic nervous system causes a. blood vessels with alpha receptors to dilate b. bronchioles to constrict c. pupils of the eye to dilate d. sweat glands to be inhibited e. the urinary bladder to contract and eliminate urine


Select the CNS structure(s) that can influence autonomic activity. a. medulla b. hypothalamus c. spinal cord d. All of the above e. Only a and b


Which type of receptor binds norepinephrine on cardiac muscle, thus increasing cardiac activity? a. cholinergic b. nicotinic c. alpha d. beta-1 e. beta-2


TRUE/FALSE Clostridium botulinum toxin inhibits acetylcholinesterase.


TRUE/FALSE Muscarinic receptors are found on the effector cells innervated by the parasympathetic division.


Most sympathetic postganglionic fibers secrete the neurotransmitter ____________________, whereas all parasympathetic postganglionic fibers secrete the neurotransmitter ____________________.

norepinephrine (noradrenaline), acetylcholine

An EPP a. occurs because of Na+ diffusing into a muscle fiber after ACh binds with a receptor on the muscle fiber b. is usually smaller in magnitude than an EPSP c. is terminated when Ca2+ inactivates acetylcholine d. has characteristics a and b e. has characteristics a and c


Atropine ____ the effect of acetylcholine at ____ receptors and ____ ____ receptors. a. blocks; muscarinic; does not affect; nicotinic b. enhances; muscarinic; does not affect; nicotinic c. blocks; nicotinic; does not affect; muscarinic d. enhances; nicotinic; does not affect; muscarinic e. blocks; muscarinic; enhances; nicotinic


Botulism is caused by a toxin from bacteria in the species a. Clostridium b. Escherichia c. Salmonella d. Staphylococcus e. Streptococcus


Curare a. strongly binds to acetylcholine receptor sites b. inhibits acetylcholinesterase c. is found in pesticides and military nerve gases d. has characteristics a and b e. has characteristics b and c


Indicate the characteristics of the types of autonomic receptors using the following answer code: a. nicotinic receptors b. muscarinic receptors c. alpha receptors d. beta-1 receptors e. beta-2 receptors f. alpha-1 and beta-1 receptors g. muscarinic, alpha, beta-1, and beta-2 receptors Bind with acetylcholine released from preganglionic fibers________


Indicate the characteristics of the types of autonomic receptors using the following answer code: a. nicotinic receptors b. muscarinic receptors c. alpha receptors d. beta-1 receptors e. beta-2 receptors f. alpha-1 and beta-1 receptors g. muscarinic, alpha, beta-1, and beta-2 receptors Found in all autonomic ganglia________


Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Causes pupil constriction____________


Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Fibers originate from sacral nerves__________


Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Generally has long preganglionic fibers and shorter postganglionic fibers___________


Indicate which part of the autonomic nervous system is being described by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the following answer code. a. sympathetic nervous system b. parasympathetic nervous system c. both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system d. neither sympathetic nor parasympathetic nervous system Predominates in fight-or-flight situations_______


Indicate which part of the autonomic nervous system is being described by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the following answer code. a. sympathetic nervous system b. parasympathetic nervous system c. both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system d. neither sympathetic nor parasympathetic nervous system Originates in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the CNS______


Indicate which part of the autonomic nervous system is being described by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the following answer code. a. sympathetic nervous system b. parasympathetic nervous system c. both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system d. neither sympathetic nor parasympathetic nervous system Postganglionic fiber secretes norepinephrine______


Match the chemical with correct characteristic. a. myasthenia gravis b. black widow spider venom c. curare d. Clostridium botulinum toxin e. organophosphates Antibodies inactivate ACh receptor sites._________


Select the incorrect statement about the parasympathetic nervous system. a. It inhibits all cardiac muscle and smooth muscle. b. Neurotransmitter from all its postganglionic fibers bind to muscarinic receptors. c. Neurotransmitter from all its preganglionic fibers bind to nicotinic receptors. d. Part of it originates in the brain e. Part of it originates in the most inferior region of the spinal cord.


What system would suppress the digestive organs during times of greater physical activity? a. sympathetic b. parasympathetic c. enteric nervous system d. somatic nervous system e. none of these


Which of the following events occurs after all the other steps listed when describing the stimulation of a skeletal muscle fiber? a. ACh binds with receptors on the muscle cell membrane, opening sodium channels. b. ACh diffuses across the cleft of the junction. c. ACh is released by exocytosis. d. Calcium diffuses into the terminal button. e. Voltage-gated channels for calcium in the axon terminal are opened.


Which of the following selectively activates beta-2 receptors at low doses, making it possible to dilate bronchioles in the treatment of asthma? a. salbuterol b. atropine c. metoprolol d. neostigmine e. curare


Which one of the following involves a response of a skeletal muscle through an efferent output? a. augmented breathing from the diaphragm b. delayed emptying of the stomach c. increased pumping of blood d. increased secretion of insulin e. initiation of sweating


Which statement is correct about terminal ganglia? a. Those on parasympathetic preganglionic fibers lie in or near the effector organ. b. They give rise to sympathetic postganglionic fibers. c. They are the final common pathway for the autonomic nervous system. d. They contain muscarinic receptors. e. They lie in a chain located along either side of the spinal cord.


____________________ is the neurotransmitter that causes an EPSP on an autonomic neuron's dendrite located within a ganglion.

ACh (Acetylcholine)

Acetylcholinesterase a. has enhanced activity from organophosphates b. inactivates a neurotransmitter. c. is a neurotransmitter d. stimulates an EPSP e. triggers the release of sodium from postsynaptic cells


Binding of neurotransmitter to which of the following receptors on an effector would likely cause inhibition of the effector? a. alpha-1 b. alpha-2 c. beta-1 d. Both a and b e. Both a and c


Efferent neurons a. have cell bodies located only within ganglia b. are part of a two-neuron chain in the autonomic nervous system c. arise peripherally at a receptor d. send information toward the CNS e. signal only skeletal muscles


Indicate the characteristics of the types of autonomic receptors using the following answer code: a. nicotinic receptors b. muscarinic receptors c. alpha receptors d. beta-1 receptors e. beta-2 receptors f. alpha-1 and beta-1 receptors g. muscarinic, alpha, beta-1, and beta-2 receptors Bind with acetylcholine released from postganglionic fibers_________


Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Causes fat breakdown in adipose tissue_________


Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Decreases exocrine activity of the pancreas__________


Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Has short preganglionic fibers__________


Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Innervate most blood vessels and sweat glands_________


Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Innervates the adrenal cortex__________


Indicate which part of the autonomic nervous system is being described by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the following answer code. a. sympathetic nervous system b. parasympathetic nervous system c. both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system d. neither sympathetic nor parasympathetic nervous system Has a long preganglionic fiber and a short postganglionic fiber_________


Indicate which part of the autonomic nervous system is being described by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the following answer code. a. sympathetic nervous system b. parasympathetic nervous system c. both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system d. neither sympathetic nor parasympathetic nervous system Predominates in relaxed situations________


Indicate which type of neuron is associated with the characteristic by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the answer code below. a. afferent and efferent neurons and interneurons b. afferent and efferent neurons c. afferent neurons d. efferent neurons e. interneurons f. none of the neurons Lie within the peripheral nervous system________


Match the chemical with correct characteristic. a. myasthenia gravis b. black widow spider venom c. curare d. Clostridium botulinum toxin e. organophosphates Causes explosive release of ACh.________


Nicotinic receptors a. bind with acetylcholine released from parasympathetic postganglionic fibers b. respond to acetylcholine released from sympathetic and parasympathetic preganglionic fibers c. are found primarily in the heart d. bind with norepinephrine released from sympathetic postganglionic fibers e. are found on certain effectors of the parasympathetic nervous system


Postganglionic autonomic fibers a. end in a single synaptic knob that releases the neurotransmitter b. have numerous varicosities that simultaneously release neurotransmitter over a large area of the innervated organ rather than on single cells c. innervate skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle d. have characteristics a and c e. have characteristics b and c


The autonomic nervous system is a. part of the somatic nervous system b. the involuntary branch of the peripheral nervous system's efferent division c. part of the central nervous system d. part of the afferent division of the nervous system e. all of these


What is the fate of ACh following binding to receptors? a. It remains bound, causing continued excitement. b. It is removed by acetylcholinesterase. c. It is actively reabsorbed by the axon terminal. d. It is passively reabsorbed by the muscle cell. e. None of the above.


Which is not characteristic of sympathetic pathways? a. Fibers originate from the thoracic and lumbar levels b. Preganglionic fibers release norepinephrine c. Some postganglionic fibers release ACh d. Short preganglionic fibers e. Most preganglionic fibers synapse in the chain ganglia


Which of the following chemicals paralyzes skeletal muscle by binding to the acetylcholine receptor sites? a. black widow spider venom b. curare c. organophosphates d. insecticide e. local anesthetics


Which of the following does not characterize the sympathetic nervous system? a. It promotes responses that prepare the body for strenuous physical activity. b. It has some afferent fibers. c. Most of its postganglionic fibers are adrenergic. d. Its effects may be excitatory or inhibitory. e. Its postganglionic neurons display nicotinic receptors.


Which of the following is least related to the innervation of skeletal muscle cells? a. acetylcholine b. varicosities c. neuromuscular junction d. somatic nervous system e. motor neuron


A drop in blood glucose concentration would likely cause a. increased release of ACh onto autonomic effectors b. decreased frequency of impulses along short preganglionic neurons c. increased frequency of autonomic impulses from the lumbar region of the spinal cord d. decreased binding of neurotransmitters to alpha-2 receptors in the pancreas e. all of the above


Acetylcholine a. binds to cholinergic receptors on preganglionic neurons and skeletal muscle cells b. destroys acetylcholinesterase c. binds to muscarinic receptors d. is released from all postganglionic neurons e. does all of the above except b


Acetylcholine a. opens voltage-gated Na+ channels in skeletal muscle fibers, which causes depolarization of the muscle fibers b. may decrease the permeability of the motor end plate to Na+ and K+ when combined with the receptor sites on the motor end plate c. always depolarizes skeletal muscle fibers and postganglionic neurons d. does both a and b e. does both b and c


Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Displays cholinergic receptors on postganglionic neurons__________


Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Preganglionic fibers release acetylcholine________


Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Display nicotinic receptors on at least one neuron in the impulse pathway___________


Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Releases neurotransmitter that can bind to nicotinic receptors___________


Indicate which part of the autonomic nervous system is being described by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the following answer code. a. sympathetic nervous system b. parasympathetic nervous system c. both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system d. neither sympathetic nor parasympathetic nervous system Postganglionic fiber secretes acetylcholine_______


Indicate which part of the autonomic nervous system is being described by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the following answer code. a. sympathetic nervous system b. parasympathetic nervous system c. both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system d. neither sympathetic nor parasympathetic nervous system Preganglionic fiber secretes acetylcholine_______


Indicate which part of the autonomic nervous system is being described by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the following answer code. a. sympathetic nervous system b. parasympathetic nervous system c. both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system d. neither sympathetic nor parasympathetic nervous system Releases neurotransmitter that binds to cholinergic receptors________


Indicate which part of the autonomic nervous system is being described by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the following answer code. a. sympathetic nervous system b. parasympathetic nervous system c. both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system d. neither sympathetic nor parasympathetic nervous system Releases neurotransmitter that binds to nicotinic receptors________


Indicate which part of the autonomic nervous system is being described by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the following answer code. a. sympathetic nervous system b. parasympathetic nervous system c. both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system d. neither sympathetic nor parasympathetic nervous system Innervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and exocrine glands_______


Indicate which type of neuron is associated with the characteristic by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the answer code below. a. afferent and efferent neurons and interneurons b. afferent and efferent neurons c. afferent neurons d. efferent neurons e. interneurons f. none of the neurons Carry information to the central nervous system _______


Indicate which type of neuron is associated with the characteristic by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the answer code below. a. afferent and efferent neurons and interneurons b. afferent and efferent neurons c. afferent neurons d. efferent neurons e. interneurons f. none of the neurons Have a receptor at the peripheral ending_______


Match the chemical with correct characteristic. a. myasthenia gravis b. black widow spider venom c. curare d. Clostridium botulinum toxin e. organophosphates Binds with ACH receptor sites._________


Parasympathetic stimulation ____ heart rate and ____ the motility in the digestive tract. a. does not affect; increases b. decreases; decreases c. decreases; increases d. increases; decreases e. increases; increases


Indicate the characteristics of the types of autonomic receptors using the following answer code: a. nicotinic receptors b. muscarinic receptors c. alpha receptors d. beta-1 receptors e. beta-2 receptors f. alpha-1 and beta-1 receptors g. muscarinic, alpha, beta-1, and beta-2 receptors Adrenergic receptor found primarily in the heart________


Indicate the characteristics of the types of autonomic receptors using the following answer code: a. nicotinic receptors b. muscarinic receptors c. alpha receptors d. beta-1 receptors e. beta-2 receptors f. alpha-1 and beta-1 receptors g. muscarinic, alpha, beta-1, and beta-2 receptors Have equal affinity for epinephrine and norepinephrine ________


Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Innervates voluntary muscle cells_________


Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Preganglionic neurons have cell bodies in the chain ganglia________


Indicate whether the following autonomic anatomical and physiological features pertain to a. the parasympathetic division b. the sympathetic division c. both parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions d. neither parasympathetic nor sympathetic divisions Some preganglionic fibers synapse with postganglionic fibers outside of ganglia__________


Indicate which part of the autonomic nervous system is being described by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the following answer code. a. sympathetic nervous system b. parasympathetic nervous system c. both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system d. neither sympathetic nor parasympathetic nervous system Has neurons that display adrenergic receptors ______


Indicate which part of the autonomic nervous system is being described by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the following answer code. a. sympathetic nervous system b. parasympathetic nervous system c. both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system d. neither sympathetic nor parasympathetic nervous system Has neurons that display muscarinic receptors _______


Indicate which part of the autonomic nervous system is being described by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the following answer code. a. sympathetic nervous system b. parasympathetic nervous system c. both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system d. neither sympathetic nor parasympathetic nervous system Innervates skeletal muscle ________


Indicate which part of the autonomic nervous system is being described by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the following answer code. a. sympathetic nervous system b. parasympathetic nervous system c. both sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system d. neither sympathetic nor parasympathetic nervous system Preganglionic fiber secretes norepinephrine________


Indicate which type of neuron is associated with the characteristic by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the answer code below. a. afferent and efferent neurons and interneurons b. afferent and efferent neurons c. afferent neurons d. efferent neurons e. interneurons f. none of the neurons Alpha motor neurons are this type_______


Indicate which type of neuron is associated with the characteristic by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the answer code below. a. afferent and efferent neurons and interneurons b. afferent and efferent neurons c. afferent neurons d. efferent neurons e. interneurons f. none of the neurons Autonomic neurons are this type________


Indicate which type of neuron is associated with the characteristic by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the answer code below. a. afferent and efferent neurons and interneurons b. afferent and efferent neurons c. afferent neurons d. efferent neurons e. interneurons f. none of the neurons Carry information from the central nervous system ________


Indicate which type of neuron is associated with the characteristic by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the answer code below. a. afferent and efferent neurons and interneurons b. afferent and efferent neurons c. afferent neurons d. efferent neurons e. interneurons f. none of the neurons Release neurotransmitter that binds to peripheral, cholinergic receptors________


Match the chemical with correct characteristic. a. myasthenia gravis b. black widow spider venom c. curare d. Clostridium botulinum toxin e. organophosphates Blocks release of ACh._____________


Myasthenia gravis a. is an autoimmune disease b. occurs when axons are unable to release adequate amounts of acetylcholine c. can be treated with a drug that temporarily inhibits acetylcholinesterase d. has characteristics a and c e. has none of the above characteristics


Select the correct statement about the neuromuscular junction. Q a. AChE activity is absent here. b. It involves presynaptic neurons of the autonomic nervous system. c. It is a junction between two neurons. d. It is always excitatory. e. The axon terminals do not store neurotransmitters.


Sympathetic stimulation ____ heart rate and ____ the motility in the digestive tract. a. does not affect; decreases b. decreases; decreases c. decreases; increases d. increases; decreases e. increases; increases


The neurotransmitter at a neuromuscular junction is a. acetylcholine b. the same as the transmitter substance at parasympathetic postganglionic nerve endings c. the same as that released by all preganglionic fibers d. all of the above e. only a and b


The sympathetic nervous system a. is always excitatory for smooth muscle b. innervates only tissues concerned with protecting the body against challenges from the outside environment c. dominates in rest-and-digest situations d. contains cholinergic and adrenergic fibers e. stimulates only effectors that are dually innervated


Which effector is not dually innervated? a. salivary glands b. urinary bladder c. pancreas d. radial muscle of iris e. bronchioles in lungs


Which organ is not innervated by the parasympathetic division? a. blood vessels b. intestines c. eye d. liver e. erectile tissues


Activation of ______ receptors usually brings about _______. a. alpha-1, excitation b. alpha-2, inhibition c. beta-1, excitation d. beta-2, inhibition e. All of the above are correct choices.


Atropine is an antagonist of ACh and works by a. selectively binding to nicotinic receptors b. selectively binding to muscarinic receptors c. blocking the binding of ACh d. both a and b e. both b and c


Identify the true statement(s): a. NE causes most blood vessels to constrict. b. ACh causes the pancreas to release glucagon c. Binding of a neurotransmitter to a beta-1 receptor on the heart would result in a faster heart rate. d. Both a and b are true e. Both a and c are true


Indicate the characteristics of the types of autonomic receptors using the following answer code: a. nicotinic receptors b. muscarinic receptors c. alpha receptors d. beta-1 receptors e. beta-2 receptors f. alpha-1 and beta-1 receptors g. muscarinic, alpha, beta-1, and beta-2 receptors Activation of this type of adrenergic receptor is generally inhibition_______


Indicate the characteristics of the types of autonomic receptors using the following answer code: a. nicotinic receptors b. muscarinic receptors c. alpha receptors d. beta-1 receptors e. beta-2 receptors f. alpha-1 and beta-1 receptors g. muscarinic, alpha, beta-1, and beta-2 receptors Bind primarily with epinephrine_________


Indicate which type of neuron is associated with the characteristic by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the answer code below. a. afferent and efferent neurons and interneurons b. afferent and efferent neurons c. afferent neurons d. efferent neurons e. interneurons f. none of the neurons Are responsible for thoughts and other higher mental functions_______


Indicate which type of neuron is associated with the characteristic by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the answer code below. a. afferent and efferent neurons and interneurons b. afferent and efferent neurons c. afferent neurons d. efferent neurons e. interneurons f. none of the neurons Lie entirely within the central nervous system_______


Match the chemical with correct characteristic. a. myasthenia gravis b. black widow spider venom c. curare d. Clostridium botulinum toxin e. organophosphates Inhibit acetylcholinesterase.________


Parasympathetic postganglionic fibers a. arise from the ganglion chain located along either side of the spinal cord b. are cholinergic c. secrete a chemical messenger that binds to muscarinic receptors d. have characteristics a and b e. have characteristics b and c


The motor end plate a. contains receptor sites that are capable of binding curare b. contains acetylcholinesterase c. experiences an increase in permeability to cations when combined with acetylcholine d. contains nicotinic receptors e. exhibits all of the above characteristics


The neuromuscular junction a. is the junction between a motor neuron and a skeletal muscle fiber b. transmits an action potential between the nerve cell and muscle cell on a one-to-one basis c. may produce either an EPSP or an IPSP on the motor end plate d. has all of the above characteristics e. has characteristics a and b


The overall functioning of the ANS contributes to a. conservation of energy resources when stress levels are low b. mobilization of energy reserves when stress levels are high c. suppression of non-vital activities when stress levels are high d. homeostasis e. all of the above


The parasympathetic nervous system a. has long preganglionic fibers that end on terminal ganglia, which lie in or near the effector organ b. dominates in quiet, relaxed situations c. releases a postganglionic neurotransmitter that binds with muscarinic receptors d. has neurons that display nicotinic receptors e. has all of the above characteristics


The sympathetic nervous system a. releases NE from most of its preganglionic neurons b. has some postganglionic fibers that release acetylcholine c. has preganglionic neurons that originate in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord d. has characteristics a and b e. has characteristics b and c


What would occur if ACh was not removed from the nicotinic receptors on skeletal muscle cells? a. The cell would relax. b. The cell would repolarize with the opening of chloride channels. c. The cell would remain contracted until fatigued. d. Sodium would continue to move into the cell, causing excitation. e. Both c and d would occur.


Indicate the characteristics of the types of autonomic receptors using the following answer code: a. nicotinic receptors b. muscarinic receptors c. alpha receptors d. beta-1 receptors e. beta-2 receptors f. alpha-1 and beta-1 receptors g. muscarinic, alpha, beta-1, and beta-2 receptors Activation of this type of adrenergic receptor is usually excitation________


Indicate which type of neuron is associated with the characteristic by writing the appropriate letter in the blank using the answer code below. a. afferent and efferent neurons and interneurons b. afferent and efferent neurons c. afferent neurons d. efferent neurons e. interneurons f. none of the neurons Release neurotransmitter from their dendrites_______


TRUE/FALSE Only terminals of autonomic nerve fibers and motor neurons end in a single, enlarged knoblike structure that releases neurotransmitter.


TRUE/FALSE The autonomic nervous system mainly controls smooth and cardiac muscles, but it can inhibit a few skeletal muscles.


TRUE/FALSE All cholinergic and some adrenergic receptors are coupled to G proteins.


TRUE/FALSE Binding of a neurotransmitter to a beta receptor on the urinary bladder causes the bladder to contract.


TRUE/FALSE Inhibition of skeletal muscles occurs when a certain neurotransmitter causes IPSPs to develop at the neuromuscular junctions.


TRUE/FALSE Polio is the most common motor neuron disease.


TRUE/FALSE Acetylcholinesterase is stored in secretory vesicles in the motor end plate of the muscle fiber.


TRUE/FALSE Action potentials are initiated at the motor end-plate region of skeletal muscle fibers.


TRUE/FALSE Action potentials are transmitted on a one-to-one basis at both a neuromuscular junction and a synapse.


TRUE/FALSE An EPP is similar to an EPSP, except that the magnitude of an EPSP is much larger.


TRUE/FALSE Any autonomic neuron that conducts impulses out of the CNS will transmit those impulses to a postganglionic neuron


TRUE/FALSE Atropine blocks all nicotinic receptor sites.


TRUE/FALSE Binding of ACh to all muscarinic receptors is excitatory, but binding of Ach to nicotinic receptors may be excitatory or inhibitory.


TRUE/FALSE Binding of NE to adrenergic receptors in the adrenal medulla causes the release of epinephrine into the blood


TRUE/FALSE Most innervated blood vessels receive sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers.


TRUE/FALSE NE can cause inhibition of certain effectors by functioning as an autonomic antagonist.


TRUE/FALSE Nicotinic and muscarinic receptors are the two kinds of adrenergic receptors.


TRUE/FALSE Parasympathetic activation of sweat glands occurs to help reduce body temperatures.


TRUE/FALSE Sympathetic and parasympathetic activity at the salivary glands is antagonistic.


TRUE/FALSE Sympathetic dominance would be most likely responsible for erection.


TRUE/FALSE The parasympathetic nervous system dominates in situations when a person is afraid.


TRUE/FALSE The salivary glands and the eye are sympathetically innervated by cranial nerves.


TRUE/FALSE The sympathetic nervous system has its cells of origin in the brain stem as well as the spinal cord.


TRUE/FALSE The sympathetic nervous system is always excitatory to the organs it innervates.


Indicate the characteristics of the types of autonomic receptors using the following answer code: a. nicotinic receptors b. muscarinic receptors c. alpha receptors d. beta-1 receptors e. beta-2 receptors f. alpha-1 and beta-1 receptors g. muscarinic, alpha, beta-1, and beta-2 receptors Found on effector cell membranes_______


____________________ fibers of the autonomic nerve pathway are located partially in the central nervous system.


TRUE/FALSE The parasympathetic nervous system inhibits the rate of heartbeat.


TRUE/FALSE The preganglionic fibers of the autonomic nervous system are cholinergic fibers.


TRUE/FALSE By blocking the effect of acetylcholine at muscarinic but not nicotinic receptors, atropine is able to block parasympathetic effects.


TRUE/FALSE Most innervated blood vessels receive only sympathetic nerve fibers.


TRUE/FALSE The autonomic and somatic nervous systems are part of the efferent nervous system.


TRUE/FALSE The autonomic nervous system is the part of the peripheral nervous system that regulates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands.


TRUE/FALSE ACh always causes depolarization of skeletal muscles.


TRUE/FALSE All voluntarily controlled muscle cells contain nicotinic, cholinergic receptors.


TRUE/FALSE An EPP is a graded potential.


TRUE/FALSE Autonomic activity can be influenced by conscious neural activity.


TRUE/FALSE Binding of ACh with receptor sites on the motor end plate opens chemical messenger-gated cation channels in the motor end plate, bringing about depolarization of the motor end plate.


TRUE/FALSE Dual innervation of organs by both branches of the autonomic nervous system allows a fine degree of control over these organs.


TRUE/FALSE It is possible through the use of drugs to activate the receptors found in bronchiolar smooth muscle without influencing the receptors in the heart.


TRUE/FALSE Sympathetic postganglionic fibers are longer than parasympathetic postganglionic fibers


TRUE/FALSE Sympathetic preganglionic fibers originate in the thoracic and lumbar segments of the spinal cord.


TRUE/FALSE Sympathetic stimulation of the urinary bladder relaxes the activity of this organ.


TRUE/FALSE The axons controlling skeletal muscles are large and myelinated.


TRUE/FALSE The final common pathway relates to the ability of the nervous system to affect skeletal muscles via motor neurons.


TRUE/FALSE The sympathetic postganglionic fibers that innervate the sweat glands secrete acetylcholine rather than norepinephrine.


Binding of ____________________ to muscarinic receptors may initiate EPSPs or IPSPs.


Binding of ____________________ to nicotinic receptors is always excitatory.


The ____________________ is a modified sympathetic ganglion that secretes hormones similar or identical to sympathetic postganglionic neurotransmitters into the blood.

adrenal medulla

Alpha and beta are two kinds of ____________________ receptors.


An _______ binds with the receptor, preventing the neurotransmitter from binding and causing a response, whereas, an ______ binds to the neurotransmitter's receptor and causes the same response as the neurotransmitter

antagonist, agonist

The two divisions of the efferent division of the peripheral nervous system are the ____________________ nervous system, which supplies cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and glands, and the ____________________ nervous system, which supplies skeletal muscle.

autonomic, somatic

Most sympathetic postganglionic fibers have cell bodies in a sympathetic ganglion ____________________, also called the sympathetic _________.

chain, trunk

Parasympathetic preganglionic fibers arise from the ____________________ and ____________________ areas of the spinal column.

cranial, sacral

Sympathetic __________ to a particular organ exists when the sympathetic stimulation of that organ increases above tone level.


Sympathetic activity stimulates the secretion of ____________________ from the pancreas.


Sympathetic activity inhibits the secretion of ____________________ from the pancreas.


The ________ within the brain stem is the region most directly responsible for autonomic output.


In the autonomic nervous system, a(n) ____________________ neuron sends impulses away from a ganglion.


Depolarization of the motor end plate results from more ____________________ ions entering the cell than ____________________ ions leaving the cell.

sodium, potassium

The two divisions of the autonomic nervous system are the ____________________ nervous system, which dominates in fight-or-flight situations, and the ____________________ nervous system, which dominates in quiet, relaxed situations

sympathetic, parasympathetic

Sympathetic fibers originate from ____________________ and ____________________ spinal nerves.

thoracic, lumbar

The origin of the somatic nervous system is in the ____________________ horn of the spinal cord.


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