Theology 10 Midterm

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Meaning of abram

"Exalted father"

meaning of abraham

"Father of a multitude"

meaning of sarai

"ashamed, worthless, abandoned"

meaning of jacob

"he who supplants"

meaning of Israel

"one who has contended with divine and human beings"

meaning of sarah

"princess" (the "ah" represents God's breath)

Meaning of isaac

"to laugh"

languages on the rosetta stone

- Demotic - Hieroglyphics - Greek


- She is considered both a prophetess and a judge -She is celebrated in the famous "Canticle of Deborah"


-He came from a poor family - He objected to God for being called he stated "I am insignificant" - He led the Israelites in victory over the Midianites - He took gold from the battle and made an idol out of it → HE BROKE THE BAN!! - god put a curse on his family


-He has a detailed birth story → what does this tell us about him?? What is significant about a character having a detailed birth story in the Bible?? This tells us that he is an important person in the bible. - Legend said that his strength came from his hair → theologically, it came from his faith in God

Lessons to be Learned from the First family Stories

-Take a risk and follow God into the unknown -Can't fool God -Dare to wrestle with God/faith and truly find yourself -Dare to dream and achieve despite your flaws

basis of israelite faith

1) Based on a relationship with a God named Yahweh 2) Worshiped in a movable shrine/tent due to their wanderings in the desert 3) Had basic moral expectations & laws

benefits of exile

1) Cured of Idolatry 2) The preservation & teaching of Scripture occurred through the Scribes 3) Development of the idea for "synagogues" 4) Unification of the Faithful

characteristics of God in First creation story

1) Eternal 2) Omnipotent 3) Omniscient 4) Omnipresent

Samsons 4 feats of strength

1) He killed a lion with his bare hands 2) He tied torches on the tails of 300 jackals/foxes 3) He killed 1000 men with the "jawbone of an ass" \ 4) He collapsed the two columns in the temple of Dagon, killing "more than those killed during his lifetime" in that moment, along with himself

Deuteronomist History Books

1) Joshua 2) Judges 3) 1 Samuel 4) 2 Samuel 5) 1 Kings 6) 2 Kings

types of psalms

1) Psalms of Lament - Deals with loss 2 types of loss = personal or communal 2) Psalms of Praise & Thanksgiving 3) Psalms of Instruction - Wisdom psalms (develop wisdom themes) - Historical psalms (retell portions of the history of the Israelites) 4) Liturgical Psalms for use during Temple celebrations

how does divine revelation happen

1) Sacred Scripture (written) The Word of God in Human words ... aka "bricks" 2) Sacred Tradition (unwritten) aka "mortar"

Gods side of the covenant

1) will make Abram a great nation 2) will bless him 3) will make his name great 4) will bless those who bless him 5) will curse those who curse him 6) all the earth shall find you blessed


1)A share in God's power 2) Responsibility to care and protect the world around you → (stewardship) 3) Knowledge that with great power comes great responsibility

wisdom books

1. Book of Job 2. Psalms 3. Proverbs 4. Wisdom 5. Song of Songs 6. Sirach 7. Ecclesiastes

steps of divine inspiration

1. God chooses to reveal himself (aka Divine Revelation) 2. A person is invited to share God's message and agrees to share the message 3. The person puts the message that was shared into human language

themes of wisdom lit.

1. God's creation is good and true 2. God's order governs our world, not chaos 3. The future is bright! 4. Deals with "Why" questions

5 parts of a call narrative

1. In a mysterious/holy setting/location 2. God initiates the call 3. The person resists 4. God reassures the person 5. God sends the person on a mission

major latter prophet

1. Isaiah 2. Jeremiah 3. Ezekiel

10 commandments

1. No other gods besides me 2. Don't take the Lord's NAME in vain 3. Keep the Sabbath day holy 4. Honor your father and mother 5. Do not kill 6. Do not commit adultery 7. Do not steal 8. Do not lie 9. Do not covet your neighbor's wife 10. Do not covet your neighbor's belongings

the plagues

1. Water turns to blood___6. People get boils 2. Frogs overrun land_____7. Hail kills crops 3. Gnats__________________8. Locusts eat what hail didn't destroy 4. Flies____________________9. Darkness covers the land 5. Cows get sick and die__10. Death of the firstborn

In the story of Deborah, how many men did she command Barak to take with him to battle?


How much is she paid to discover the secret of Samson's strength?

1100 pieces of silver

In Chapter 4, ___ Israelites are instructed to carry __ stones from the riverbed to set up as a perpetual memorial for the Israelites


According to the Introduction, how many Judges are there?


Genesis 7:4, the Lord promises to bring rain down on the earth for forty days and forty nights. Genesis 8:3-5, however says that the flood lasted ____

150 days

In Chapter 2, how many spies did Joshua send ahead to Jericho?



2nd canon; the seven books of the Old Testament that are only included in the Catholic Bible and not the Jewish scripture

in which creation story does God use land as His building material?

2nd creation story

In Chapter 10, how long did darkness cover the land?

3 days

In the beginning of chapter 2, how long was the baby of the Levite couple hidden for?

3 months

In total, the number of kings defeated by Joshua is ___.


How long was the land "at rest" for after the victory of Gideon over Midian?

40 years

In Chapter 5, how long did it say the Israelites wandered in the wilderness?

40 years

Solomon rules Israel for ___ years (1 Kgs 11:42) and was succeeded by his son _____. (1 Kgs 11:43)

40; Rehoboam

The amount of time available for catching all of the animals for the ark was _____

7 days


A binding and solemn agreement between human beings or between God and his people, holding each to a particular course of action

In 1 Samuel 25, who gave David what he wanted?


According to the Introduction, whose story is considered to be a cautionary tale of royal ambition? p.s. this persn is not considered either a "minor" or "major" judge.


According to archaeological studies there was a great migration north along the Euphrates river about 1900 BCE after Ur was destroyed. This might possible be the date for the migration of _____


A name for God; used by Jewish people when speaking because the name Yahweh is considered too sacred to speak aloud



All 150 psalms were gathered into a single book called the Psalter (Greek word for "harp")

Joshua defeats the city of Ai by setting an ___.


According to page 170, ___ was a nearly unrelenting prophet of judgement and doom while _____ portrayed God as a loving, compassionate and ultimately deeply forgilightningving God



An abuse of man's freedom that is rooted in disobedience towards God and is a deliberate choice against God


An in-depth study of scripture that looks at: 1) Language 2) Literary form 3) Culture 4) Historical context

As with the sanctuary, the most important object in the Temple is the _____

Ark of the Covenant

Which of the following IS NOT from the Pentateuch: baruch, deuteronomy, exodus, levidicus


During which "age" of history did Israelite social formation begin to emerge?

Bronze Age

After that time, God commanded Abram to go to the land of ____



David's and Bathsheba's son, the last king of the united monarchy/ He was renowned for his wisdom as well as for his wealth and his many large building throughout Palestine, he also built the Temple of Jerusalem to house the Ark of projects. In addition to the king's palace and numerous walled fortresses the Covenant

In the 1st Creation story, on which day did God separate the land and the water, and create all the vegetation?

Day 3

divine inspiration

Divine Inspiration involves a shift from divine truth to human words/language

According to page 171, who did King Hoshea, King of Israel, seek help from against Assyria?


Mature, usually male, members of the Israelite community who met regularly to rule on specific disputes within the community


The name for God that is translated as "God"


(T/F) According to military strategist, there was no possible military strategy/explanation to the conquering of Jericho. The Israelites simply walked around the city, put their faith in God and hoped for the best


(T/F) After being warned by Samuel, the Israelites decide that they should never have a human king


(T/F) After the jews won back the temple and destroyed the altar to Zeus, they remained independent until the birth of Jesus


(T/F) An angel, although a messenger of God with intelligence and a personal nature, does not have free will


(T/F) At the start of chapter 7, God tells Moses that Pharaoh will instantly listen to him


(T/F) Based on archaeological evidence, it was very clear that ancient empires has a specific mission to want to control the Israelites and their culture


(T/F) By always comparing themselves to the holiness of God, the prophets were incredibly well liked by the people the (the people) enjoyed being kept honest and held to a higher standard


(T/F) Cain was the shepherd and Abel was the farmer


(T/F) Christians don't really need to worry about the covenant between God and Abraham because our history and relationship with God extended out of Jesus Christ


(T/F) Christians/Catholics don't really need to care about the OT. Only the NT matters


(T/F) Even though he brought the right food and wire goat's fur, Esau was unable to convince Isaac that he was Jacob and get the birthright


(T/F) God allowed the Israelites to keep capture tremors from conquered pagan cultures


(T/F) In 1 Kings 12:1-14, King Rehoboam listened to the Elders and took it easy on the Israelites


(T/F) In 1 Samuel, David speaks directly to Nabal


(T/F) In the 1st Creation story, the human beings speak


(T/F) In the Book of Jonah, Jonah is happy that God shows the Assyrians compassion and mercy


(T/F) In the Book of Jonah, the Assyrians don't repent and change their ways after hearing God's message


(T/F) In the Fall of Man story, even though man and woman get tricked by the snake, they don't actually go through with eating from the forbidden tree


(T/F) In the Tower of Babel story, it depicts God as speaking and looking down from above at in a very almighty, divine way, which is 100% evidence or it to be claimed as a "P" source story


(T/F) In the book of Jonah, the Assyrians don't repent and change their ways after hearing God's message.


(T/F) In the minds of the DH writers, every Israelite leader after Joshua was better than the one before, and this led to the glory of Israel


(T/F) Isaac doesn't bless Esau at all, in any way


(T/F) Israelite tradition was a very common idea during this era, which is why it fit in so well with other pagan traditions


(T/F) It is understandable that we today have difficulty understanding the proverbs because at the time they were meant specifically for the scribes and scholars of the temple


(T/F) It was easy for Abraham to have great faith in Yahweh because he has set of rules and laws y'all I had revealed to him through a theophany


(T/F) Jacob being struck in the shoulder has made the area of animals sacred which is why Jews will not eat meat from the shoulder area/socket of any animal as part of their dietary laws


(T/F) Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, was upset when Moses asked to return to Egypt and refused to let him go, foreshadowing Pharaoh's refusal to let the Israelites go


(T/F) Joseph never amounted to anything will in service of Pharaoh he always remained a slave


(T/F) Josephs mother is Leah


(T/F) One must be very careful when reading the Bible because even though the message is divine, the message may have changed when being put into human language


(T/F) Scholars never discovered by paganism was so tempting to the Israelites


(T/F) Since it was an angel that Jacob wrestled with, one can declare that the Priestly source is present in that particular passage of Genesis


(T/F) The Bible, although having different styles and purposes, is a collection of books that is truly believed by all Catholics to have been written by only one author


(T/F) The Book of Judges, since it talks about "judges", has everything to do with legal problems


(T/F) The First Creation story is primarily "J" source dominant due to its narration from a divine viewpoint and perspective


(T/F) The Pharaoh during the time of Moses didn't fear the Israelite people at all due to the fact that Pharaoh's army was too powerful to be overthrown by revolution


(T/F) The ancient Israelites have always remained 100% faithful to Yahweh from the very beginning, which is why we see the idea of monotheism in the First Creation story


(T/F) The book of Job teaches us about the historical life of Job, a man who we know historically lived


(T/F) The book of Judges is the only book in the OT that doesn't have a connection to the NT


(T/F) The first creation story depicts a God that interacts very closely with creation


(T/F) The hebrew word for satan in its context within the book of Job is a proper noun referring to the red horned guy


(T/F) The historical context of the Old Testament is a very small window of time, only going from 700 BC to 400 BC


(T/F) The literary style used in the psalms to show the relationship between the lines is called a polygon


(T/F) The professional prophets, like the true prophets, did not care about being liked and just spoke the true word of God


(T/F) The real and professional prophets got along with each other because at the end of the day, they were both preaching the true word of God, even though only professional prophets got paid


(T/F) The real prophets were, at the time, considered very patriotic because they spoke uplifting messages that only promoted the hope and glory of Israel


(T/F) The rebuilding of the temple didn't really do anything positive for the Jewish people. They just did it because they had nothing else better to do with their time


(T/F) The southern Kingdom of Judah was initially ruled by Jeroboam with Jerusalem as its capital whereas the northern Kingdom of Israel was ruled by Rehoboam with Samaria as its capital


(T/F) The truths/lessons in the Creation stories are incredibly simple. The reason there are two stories is due to the disagreement between the P and J source authors


(T/F) The two creation stories are the only examples in the Bible that we have of "repeated" stories


(T/F) Trying to study archaeology and Biblical Study together is foolish because one is a science and the other is a religion; these do not and should not go together


(T/F) When interpreting Scripture, Catholics must never read it as part of the living Church because since the Bible was written 2000+ years ago it is a dead, ancient text


(T/F) When the Israelites were considered Persian citizens, they had all the same economic and political freedoms that we as United states citizens have today


(T/F) in the "P" version of the "crossing the sea" event, a strong east wind blows back the water


(T/F) it made no sense to keep anyone alive, so calling the wartime strategy of the assyrians deportation was just a nice way of saying they killed literally everyone


(T/F)According to page 194, the period of the time of the divided kingdom (israel and Judah), Exile and post exile produced the least amount of written material that makes up the old testament


(T/F)The two creation stories are the only examples in the Bible that we have of "repeated" stories


(T/F)Within the first eleven chapters of Genesis, we get stories that are truly meant to be read and interpreted as depictions of what scientifically and historically happened


In Chapter 9, when the Lord struck the land with pestilence, all the livestock of both the Israelites and Egyptians died


True or False: At the start of Chapter 7, God tells Moses that Pharaoh will instantly listen to him


True or False: By seeing "plagues" such as nats, flies, frogs, etc., the Israelites were completely "wowed" by God's power because they had never seen those creatures before in Egypt


True or False: Moses got to enter into Canaan


True or False: Samson married an Israelite woman from Timnah


True or False: Samson's hair never grew back


True or False: The "most likely" number of Israelites to cross into the desert with Moses was in the fact 600,000 as the text says due to the accurate recordkeeping of the Priestly authors


True or False: The modern law model of Punitive Justice focuses on restoration of community and maintenance of social life


True or False: The people were pleased when they realized that Gideon had torn down the altar to Baal because it had been corrupting their Israelite culture


True or False? According to the Introduction, the Canaanites are still around at the time this book is written


True or False: Pharaoh's sorcerers were also able to produce gnats with their magic arts

False (unclear in the text)

(T/F) King David built the Temple in the holy city he established: Jerusalem

False- Solomon built the temple

(T/F) The word "Bible" comes from the Greek phrase "ta biblia" which translates to "God's breath"

False- Ta biblia does not mean Gods breath

The book of Exodus opens about 400 years after the close of Genesis narrative. There was an upheaval of power in Egypt during that time and the Israelites, because of the new dynasty of kings who were hostile to the Israelites, were placed into _____

Forced Labor

What plague came next after turning the water into blood?


books of the torah

Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy

In Chapter 5, what was the name of the location that Joshua and his men camped at outside of Jericho?


A great myth cycle of a Mesopotamian poem which also contained a story of a great flood is known as "The Epic of ____"


divine revelation

God's free choice to reveal Himself to His chosen people throughout time

The Israelites continued to live in the area given to them by Joseph, son of Israel, the land of _____



Greek name Exodus means "departure"


Greek version of the Old Testament is written during this time period


Greeks Life Under Seleucids They drove out the Ptolemies in 200 BC under rule of Antiochus III They ruled from the East → from the ruins of Babylon 2 sides emerged amongst the Jews during this time: 1)pro-Greek Sadducees 2)anti-Greek Pharisees & Zealots Problem: pro-Greek Jews were becoming less and less Jewish Types of Jewish Response to Foreign


Greeks- Life Under Ptolemies Ruled 320-200 BC They were known for: strong centralized control and heavy taxes religious freedom & not heavily promoting/forcing others to adopt Greek way of living They controlled Alexandria, Egypt → a huge Jewish community sprung up in Egypt during this period of Greek rule Jewish people's responses to this rule: 1) Some Jews adopted Greek ways 2) Some remained faithfully Jewish

According to page 194, which two prophets encouraged the re-building of the Temple?

Haggai and Zechariah

At the end of 1 Samuel 25, what happens to Nabal

He dies

What does Aaron do to show a sign of God's power to Pharaoh in Chapter 7?

He throws down his staff and it turns into a serpent

Joshua does not give orders to his army from a safe stronghold. In Joshua 8:10, it says that when the Israelites go up to attack, Joshua is at its ____.


Most of the Old Testament is written in ____



Hebrew Scripture names


Hebrew name for Psalms → Tehillim (which means "praises")

According to page 195, what position amongst the Israelites would rise to be the most important leader of the Jewish people from about 400 BC until the time of Jesus

High Priest

what caused samson's loss of strength

His lack of faith caused loss of personal strength this symbolizes Israel's lack of faith, which caused the loss of their independence & power as a nation

According to the blue box on Jonah...symbolically, who does Jonah represent?


northern kingdom


Because of Gideon's action in destroying the altar to Baal, what name was he given?


Which of the following IS NOT a Historical Book : esther, ezra, judith, jonah


According to the Introduction, it talks about a comparison between Moses and Joshua, in that Joshua crosses the _______ just like Moses crossed the Red Sea

Jordan River

As Moses parted the Red Sea in Exodus 14:21-22, so Joshua parted the ______ (Jos 4:7)

Jordan River

Out of all the Historical Books, which three of them begin with the letter "J"

Judges Joshua

In 2 Kings 23:1-14, who is the King that reforms and clears out all the pagan influences in the Temple

King Josiah

During the tenth plague, the Israelites are ordered by God to eat a special meal to commemorate the night that God secured their freedom from Egypt. The three things eaten at that meal are:

Lamb Unleavened Bread Bitter Herbs


Life Under Persians 200+ years: Cyrus and others Israelites probably had religious and personal freedom - not political freedom Official Persian religion was Zoroastrianism (monotheistic religion) It had a huge influence on Judaism especially with the idea of angels and role of Satan

The blood of the lamb that is to be eaten is to be placed on the _____ so that _____

Lintel and two doorposts; Lord will passover their house

Joshua's army inflicts a great defeat on five enemy kings at Gibeon (Jos 10:9-10) with a surprise attack after an all night ____.


In chapter 15, who tied up Samson and took him prisoner?

Men of Judah

Literal sense

Method involves trying to understand the original message that the original author intended for the original audience

Because Pharaoh wants to punish Moses with death, Moses flees to the country of ______


Who is the main character in these first 4 chapters of Exodus?


What river do Aaron and Moses turn to blood?


In Chapter 1, who is Joshua the son of?


In Chapter 2, where does the prostitute hide the Israelite spies when the king of Jericho comes looking for them?

On the roof

differences in creation stories

Order of Creation 1st: "stuff" then man 2nd: man then "stuff" How God Creates 1st: God's word does all the work (very awe inspiring) 2nd: God's hands do all the work (very intimate)

Documentary Hypothesis

Proposes the following idea that there are 4 main literary sources woven together that make up the Pentateuch/Torah • J (Yahwist) circa 10th century BC • E (Elohist) circa 9th/8th century BC • D (Deuteronomist) circa 7th century BC • P (Priestly) circa 6th century BC This contradicted the traditional belief that Moses was responsible for writing the entire Torah!!!

Out of all the Prophetic books, there are only two that begin with the letter "P".

Psalms Proverbs

In Chapter 2, what is the name of the prostitute that gives information to the Israelites?


The first symbol of a covenant or agreement between God and humanity in the Bible comes in Genesis 9:11-17. What is it?


What did God order Moses to do when He first called out to him?

Remove his sandals

God's words to Moses were the same as God's words to Joshua in an encounter outside of Jericho. Those words are: _________(Jos 5:15)

Remove your sandals from your feet for the place you are standing on is holy.

Joshua uses psychology to bewilder the people of Jericho (Jos 6:6-11), so that when the Israelites finally do attack, Jericho offers little ____


In the 2nd Creation story, what did God take from man in order to create woman?


Which book appears first in the Old Testament: Ruth or Nahum?


northern kingdom capital


Unable to defeat Samson because of his great strength and aware of his fondness for women, the Philistines enlist the aid of _____

Samson's love, Delilah

God becomes angry with Solomon and tells him he will lose the kingdom to his ______ but that this will only occur after his death


Genesis 6:19 says that Noah took two of each anima on the ark, one male and one female. Genesis 7:2-3 says, however, that Noah took with him _____

Seven pairs clean and One pair unclean

The mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments


This is the Elohist name for that mountain. The Yahwish and Priestly name for this same mountain is ____i


The first eleven chapters of the book of 1 Kings has to do with David's successor, the son of David and Bathsheba, named ____


As Moses was involved with God in leading the Israelites with a pillar of fire (Ex 13:21), so Joshua convinced God to make ______ (Jos 10:12-13)

Sun stand still

In chapter 13, when Samson's parents ask for the name of the angel of the Lord, what did he (the angel of the Lord) say that its was?

That it was wondrous

In Chapter 3, what did the priests carry as the Israelites marched towards Jericho?

The Ark of the Covenant

At the end of Chapter 5, who was standing in front of Joshua, holding a sword?

The commander of the army of the Lord


The first king of Israel, anointed by the prophet Samuel. He was never able to fully unite the twelve tribes and organize them into a recognizable region


The king of the united kingdom of Israel from 1009 to 969 B.C. He conquered the Trans-Jordanian states, gaining control of the major trade routes linking Egypt and Mesopotamia killed his way to the throne established Jerusalem as a holy city


The last independent king of Judah, and one of the only two kings to receive unmitigated praise in the Old Testament. He initiated religious reforms attempting to purify the worship of Yahweh in the Temple. He was killed in a battle with the Egyptians who then established a puppet government in Jerusalem


The word Psalms comes from the Greek word for "song"

Former Prophet

Their stories are in the Deuteronomistic History Books ; namely, Samuel, Deborah, Nathan, Elijah, Elisha

latter prophet

Their stories are recorded in "Prophetic Literature Books" and usually have their own books named after them

In Chapter 6, after Jericho was conquered, what did the spies do with the prostitute they met back in Chapter 2 and her family?

They allow them to live

Call Narrative

This is a literary form where certain phrases/parts happen in a certain pattern It describes the initial awareness that God wants a prophet to do something

What order did the king/Pharaoh give the midwives in Chapter 1?

To kill any baby boy they help deliver

The first five books of the Hebrew Bible; means "Law"


(T/F) 1250 - 1050 BC is the timeline from the settlement of Canaan to the beginning of the Israelite monarchy


(T/F) A true prophet was easy to distinguish from false prophets because the true prophets were always the one challenging the words and deeds of the king


(T/F) Although the early patriarchs of the faith (Isaac, Abraham, etc) did worship Yahweh, they also believed that many other gods existed as well


(T/F) An oracle comes before the formula establishing it as a message from God.


(T/F) As Catholics, even though we do read every word of the Bible as a Word of God, we do not take every word of the Bible to be truly historically/scientifically accurate


(T/F) Because the ancient Israelites were "caught in the middle" of Egypt and Mesopotamia, this resulted in much of the Old Testament containing stories/occurrences of warfare


(T/F) Both 2 Kings and Jeremiah report that around 15,000 exiles were taken by the Babylonians


(T/F) Creation is truly good even if there is constantly evil and failure in our world


(T/F) Despite having a short story, Isaac is a critical character because his birth symbolizes God being faithful to the covenant He made with Abraham


(T/F) Despite the tense working relationship between Judah and Israel, Jeroboam feared reunification


(T/F) Due to wanting/having a human king, the Israelite people suffer financial/political consequences


(T/F) Even though the Hebrews were treated very roughly in many ways, the stories of Joseph and Daniel show us that the Jews actually did well and prospered outside of the Promised Land


(T/F) Even though they had to be hopeful of getting out, many of the old testament passages written during the time of the exile are very dark and sad in nature


(T/F) Humans are made in God's image and likeness


(T/F) In the 2nd Creation story, God created with his hands


(T/F) Israelite tradition was a revolutionary idea that focused sharing resources within the society


(T/F) It is important to note that even though the prophets did speak of the future, it was in a very general terms and is not to be thought as accurately predicting distant events and the future


(T/F) It is through Joseph's story that we can truly see how the people of Israel became located in Egypt, thereby setting of the book of Exodus


(T/F) Jesus, as our Redeemer and Savior, needed to come into the world because of the Fall of Man


(T/F) Paganism was very heavily associated with fertility of the land in the economy


(T/F) Poor farmers and peasants were not one of the groups of people that would have been deported by the Assyrians or Babylonians


(T/F) Rebekah truly supported Jacob in deceiving Isaac to gain the birthright


(T/F) The "angry, warrior" God of the Old Testament can be attributed to the fact that the early Israelites were surrounded by warfare and needed to portray Yahweh as one who could protect them from the surrounding empires


(T/F) The Babylonian exile was more devastating than the Assyrian exile because the comfortable living that the captured the Israelites experienced cause them to forget their Jewish heritage


(T/F) The book of Job shows us that it is not easy to remain patient and sometimes, we all get frustrated with God and question him, and that it is okay to do so


(T/F) The book of Jonah was likely written after the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem


(T/F) The greek language, introduced by Alex the Great, remained the common language until 500 AD


(T/F) The second creation story was written before the First Creation story


(T/F) The southern Kingdom of Judah was initially ruled by Rehoboam with Jerusalem as its capital whereas the northern Kingdom of Israel was ruled by Jeroboam with Samaria as its capital


(T/F) Traditionally, the proverbs were thought to have been created by king solomon


(T/F) Translating the Bible from its ancient Greek and Hebrew manuscripts was not easy, and scholars have had to do their best given what they know and believe


(T/F) When the elders of the Israelites were told the message from God and shown the signs that He showed Moses, they believed, knelt down, and bowed


(T/F) With Jewish Wisdom literature, the role of the people is that is that we were made to love and fear god


(T/F) in the "J" version of the "crossing the sea" event, a strong east wind blows back the water


(T/F) the book of daniel is one of the prophetic books


(T/F)According to page 171, the king of Israel invaded the kingdom of Judah


(T/F)Creation is truly good even if there is constantly evil and failure in our world


(T/F)It was common for tribes from the northern area in Canaan to seek refuge down in Egypt during times of famine in their own land


(T/F)Much of the wisdom literature written had a very practical nature to it:


(T/F)The "left behind" remnants and the "returned" remnants conflicted with each other because both groups each felt that they, not the other, were the true and only faithful ones to God.


(T/F)The Book of Judges reminded the exiled Israelites of the importance of needing Yahweh


(T/F)The books of Samuel, Kings, Chronicles, and Maccabees are the only "dual" or "1 and 2" books of the Old Testament


(T/F)The story of the Tower of Babel allowed the early Israelites to answer the "WHY" question of why there are so many diverse languages in the world


True or False: Evidence suggest that, in reality, people from Canaan joined in the formation of the Israelite people during the course of a slow settlement of the region


True or False: Evidence suggests that, in reality, people from Canaan joined in the formation of the Israelite people during the course of a slow settlement of the region


True or False: In the 2nd Creation story, God created with his hands


True or False: Moses learning the desert because of his new life as a shepherd in Midian has real importance to his future leadership skills in leading the Israelites through the desert


True or False: Prior to the Babylonian exile, early Israelites often said the name of God out loud


True or False: The books of Joshua and Judges represent the settlement of Canaan as a "lightning campaign" filled with military conquests


True or False: The firstborn of the Pharaoh died in the final plague


True or False: the Book of Exodus was written while the Israelites were returning from Exile


True or False? According to the Introduction, the Book of Joshua is a cautionary tale about what the Israelites do and not do in order to avoid losing their land


True or False? In Chapter 2, the prostitute tells the spies that the people of Jericho are already scared of the Israelites due to what they've done to other tribes


True or False? In Chapter 6, when the Israelites conquered Jericho, they killed everything and took nothing


before attacking Jericho, Joshua sends in ___ (Jos 2:1)

Two spies

Abram was originally from the city of ____


characteristic of God in 2nd creation story

Very approachable Described like a craftsman/potter Matchmaker Disapproving but loving parent

As God appeared to Moses on Mount Sinai amid trumpet blasts (Ex 19:16-19), so Joshua, with a blast of ram's horns, showed God's glory by destroying _____ (Jos 6:20)

Walls of Jericho



In the Fall of Man story, who is it that first gets tricked by the snake?


What was the name of the girl given to Moses in marriage



an official list of books belonging in the entire Bible (both OT & NT)


circa 10th century BC Comes out of the Southern Kingdom (Judah), uses Sinai instead of Horeb, prominent in Genesis 1-11, has prolific characters (Adam/Eve, Cain/Abel) Prefer to use the name LORD or LORD GOD. They often portray God in very human terms, acting more human than divine. God is very close to his creation and people


circa 6th century BC written by priests who survived Babylonian Exile, promotes hope, stresses personal faith, encourages fidelity to law/Yahweh Prefer to use the name GOD when speaking of God They portray God as far above his creation, giving commands, being an all-powerful God. They also like to list family trees (genealogies)


circa 7th century BC Comes out of the Southern Kingdom (Judah), source for Deuteronomy through 2Kings, explains Israel's suffering because of their infidelity to God writers of the book of Deuteronomy


circa 9th/8th century BC Comes out of the Northern Kingdom (Israel), uses Elohim for God, used Horeb instead of Sinai, hardest to identify Make use of angels, visions, and dreams as ways God interacts with his people

(T/F) At the end of chapter 3, God told Moses that the Israelites would leave with nothing from Egypt, emphasizing the tragedy of the situation


(T/F) Despite the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, scholars still never translated the major languages of the Ancient Near East


(T/F) In Chapter 5, Pharaoh increased the number/quota of bricks the Israelites needed to make but continued to supply them with enough straw to make the bricks


(T/F) The psalms like many other books of the OT are impossible to date because they lack any specific events or names that would allow scholars to to know when they were approximately written


(T/F) The story of Noah and the flood only focuses on showing a God that is all powerful and mighty


(T/F)Adding vowels to Ancient Hebrew texts made translating them very clear and without problems


sothern kingdom capital


sothern kingom


In Chapter 12, what sort of animal are the Israelites instructed to get in order to sacrifice?


is there danger in the divine message changing?

no the action of the holy spirit guarantees the message that god wishes to reveal to humanity is preserved


ruled southern kingdom solomon is his father davidic heritage


ruler of Northern Kingdom 1) He built a new capital at Samaria 2) He built beautiful temples complete with golden calves in Dan and Bethel 3) He appointed priests from tribes other than Levi

functions of a prophet

social function, political function, religious function


the Israelites left behind who would be responsible for the restoration of Judah because they also stayed faithful to Yahweh


the connections/ comparisons that we can make between the Old Testament and New Testament


the physical manifestation of God that is tangible to human senses

(T/F) An oracle comes before the formula establishing it (the oracle) as a message from God


(T/F) It is true that that while exiled in Babylon, a good number of Jews were allowed to settle into their own communities, thereby being able to work and earn money.


(T/F) King cyrus's decision to return all exiles to their homelands was motivated by military strategy, not generosity, so that he could effectively and efficiently rule a larger area with military outposts


(T/F) Moses's father-in-law's name was Jethro, according to the Elohist source


(T/F) The Bible was NOT written in chronological order


(T/F) There is a time gap of 450 years between the life of Joseph and the life of Moses



which can mean "I am who am".... "I am who I am" ..."I am the One who is always present"... "He who is the creator of what is"

minor latter prophet

• Hosea • Habakkuk • Zephaniah • Nahum • Haggai • Micah • Zechariah • Jonah • Malachi • Obadiah • Joel • Amos

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