Urinary system

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- small holes in glomerular capillary walls - filter out fluid (glomerular filtrate)

Functions of the kidneys include

-regulation of blood volume -control of blood pressure -secretion of erythropoietin -regulation of blood pH

Left kidney is _______ cm higher than right kidney.


A kidney is approximately _______ centimeters long, six centimeters wide, and three centimeters thick.


Juxtamedullary nephrons

25% of nephrons; sit low in cortex

Cortical nephrons

85% of nephrons; sit high in cortex


A chemical that comes from the breakdown of proteins

Effects of aging on the kidneys include:

A gradual decrease in the blood flow through the kidneys, a loss of glomerular function, a gradual decrease in size of the kidneys.

Uric acid

A product of nucleus metabolism

Which hormones affect the solute concentration of urine, particularly Na+

Aldosterone and cardiac natriuretic

Name the posterior pituitary hormone that has the direct effect of increasing water

Antidiuretic hormone

The hallow muscular organ is located in the pelvic cavity posterior to the symphysis pubis that is part of the urinary system is the urinary _______.



Can be used to diagnoses certain diseases or disorders, and check for drug usage.

Urethra function

Conveys urine from urinary bladder to outside of body

2 types of nephrons in the kidney are

Cortical nephrons & juxamedullary nephrons

Renal columns

Extensions of cortex that dip into medulla

Renal capsule

Fibrous capsule around kidney

kidney function

Filters blood and forms urine

The process by which blood pressure forces fluid through glomerular capillary walls into the glomerular capsule is called glomerular _______.


Glomerular filtration

First step of urine formation, substances move from the blood in the glomerulus into the glomerular capsule.


Functional units of the kidneys

Renal pelvis

Funny shaped sac; superior end of ureter.

If someone's renal clearance is abnormally low, it might indicate which type of condition?

Glomerular damage

If someone's renal clearance the is abnormally low, it might indicate which type of condition?

Glomerular damage

Urine formation begins with a process called ______, in which water and other small dissolved molecules and ions are moved from the glomerular capillary.

Glomerular filtration

The order of the structures involved from blood filtration at the glomerulus to urine excretion are in the follow order:

Glomerulus, glomerular capsule, proximal tubule, nephron loop, distal tubule, collecting duct, minor calyx, major calyx, renal pelvis, ureter, urinary bladder, ureter.

Active transport examples

Glucose, amino acids, creatine, lactic, citric, uric, and ascorbic acid, ions.

Renal sinus:

Hollow chamber in medial depression

Water excretion in the urine is ______ solute excretion.

Independent of

The renal artery brings blood to which structure?


Age related changed to kidneys include:

Kidney cells die, bladder holds less urine, renal tubules thicken

Regulating the volume and composition of body fluids is the primary function of the _______.


The bean shaped organs that are reddish-brown is color and have a smooth surface are the _______.


The urinary bladders lies posteriorly against the rectum in _______.

Males only

What is an alternate medical name for the process of urination?


Tubular reabsorption

Movement of substances from the renal tubules into the interstitial fluid, where they then diffuse into the peritubular capillaries

The wall of the urinary bladder consists of 4 layers:

Muscular coat, lumen, mucous coat, submucous coat

Each kidney has about one million _______, the functional unit responsible for urine formation.


The functional units of the kidneys, responsible for filter action of the blood, are the _______.


Renal cortex

Outer region of kidney

What transport urine along the ureters?

Peristaltic waves

The word element "nephr-" as in the term nephron, means _______.

Pertaining to the kidney

Renal clearance

Rate at which a chemical is removed from the plasma by the kidney

The full pathway of blood flow into and out of the kidney:

Renal artery, interlobar artery, arcuate artery, cortical radiate artery, efferent arteriole, glomerular capillaries, efferent arteriole, peritubular capillaries, cortical radiate vein, arcuate vein, interlobar vein, renal vein.

Movement of certain substances from the peritubular capillaries into the renal tubules is called the tubular ________.



Small protein reabsorption

Minor calyces

Small tubes that merge to form major calyces

ureterorenal reflex

Strong peristaltic waves in the obstructed ureter, to move stone toward urinary bladder Reduced urine production in affected kidney

Wall of ureter consists of 3 layers:

The inner mucous coat (transitional epithelium) The middle muscular coat The outer fibrous coat

What determines the composition of urine?

The ratio of water and solutes eliminated to maintain internal environment.

True or false: aging causes a gradual decreases in the size of the kidneys, beginning as early as age 20, becoming obvious after age 40, and continuing until death.


During tubular reabsorption, materials that are useful to the body are moved from the _____ into the _______.

Tubular fluid; blood

Hydrogen ions move from the plasma of the peritubular capillary into the fluid of the renal tubule by the process of _______.

Tubular secretion

The byproduct of amino acid catabolism in the liver that is excreted in urine is _______.


Which compound is the most abundant nitrogenous waste in blood and urine?


The byproduct of amino acid catabolism in the liver that is excreted in urine is _______.


The tube conveying ursing from one of the kidneys to the urinary bladder is is a _______.


The tubular organ carrying urine from the renal pelvis to the urinary bladder is the _____.


Order of urethra, urinary bladder, ureter?

Ureter, urinary bladder, urethra.

The system that removes certain salts and nitrogenous waters is the _______ system.


The excreted fluid that contains wastes, along with excess water and electrolytes is called _____.


What is formed as waste and excess water are removed from the blood and excreted by the kidneys?


Which functions does the urinary system regulate?

Volume of body fluids, removal of metabolic wastes, excretion of drugs, pH balance.

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) increases the reabsorption of _______ in the distal tubules and collecting ducts.


Antidiuretic hormone increases the permeability of cells in the last portion of the distal tubule and in the collecting duct to ______.


The composition of urine reflects the ratio of solutes to _______ being eliminated by the kidneys.



Water reabsorption

Urinary bladder function

Where urine is stored before urination

Within each nephron, blood flow is as follows:

afferent arteriole, glomerulus, efferent arteriole, peritubular capillaries

Glomerular filtration rate

amount of filtrate formed in all the renal corpuscles of both kidneys each minute

Where are the kidneys located?

behind the parietal peritoneum

The rate at which the kidneys remove a substance from plasma is called renal ______.


The rate at which the kidneys remove a substance from plasma is called renal _______.


What is kidney surrounded by?

connective tissue (renal fascia) and masses of adipose tissue (renal fat)


entrance to renal sinus

The three processes of urine formation:

glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion


inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney


inflammation of the kidney

Renal medulla

inner region; composed of renal pyramids

each ureter carries urine from a ______ to the _____

kidney, urinary bladder

Major calyces

large tubes that merge to form renal pelvis

tubular secretion

movement of wastes from peritubular capillaries into renal tubules

Which prefix means pertaining to kidney?


Where are the kidneys located in the human body?

on either side of the vertebral column

The kidneys are on the ______ wall.

posterior abdominal

The pathway through the renal tubule:

proximal tubule, nephron loop, distal tubule, collecting duct

In the kidney, the process by which fluid and solutes are moved from the tubular fluid to the blood is called tubular ______.


What is the PRIMARY function of the kidneys?

regulate the composition and volume of extracellular fluid.

The blood vessel that supplies blood to the kidney is called the _______.

renal artery

Where does glomerular filtration occur?

renal corpuscle

Each nephron is composed of two parts:

renal corpuscle and renal tubule

Where do kidney stones form?

renal pelvis

In the kidney, describe the movement of substances during tubular reabsorption.

substances move from the tubular fluid to the blood

Ureters function

transport urine from kidneys to urinary bladder

What is the process by which substances move out of the peritubular capillary and move into the renal tubule?

tubular secretion

As urine leaves the kidney, which structure will it enter first?


Define the term micturition


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