Vet Science Certification

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First to divide organisms into two categories - plants and animals


I Make Dogs Sleep After Eating stands for

Ingestion Mechanical Processing Digestion Secretion Absorption Excretion

In the late nineteenth century, who experimented on dogs to evaluate their "conditioned" responses, like salivation?

Ivan Pavlov

Which of the following veins is located near the thigh or hind leg?

Lateral saphenous vein

Which of the following is determined by the percentage of sperm which are normal in shape and size?

Sperm morphology

Lead to food sources, new colonies and prey animals to kill

Trail Pheromones

.....the promotion of public health, and the _____________________ of medical knowledge.


The Controlled Substances Act of 1970 categorizes drugs into how many different schedules or classifications?


Which type of drug administration is the slowest at absorbing?


Which of the following is used to help determine pregnancy in an animal?


According to Katie Salas, CVT, how long should you leave the microscope cover slip on top of the fecal flotation before examining it under the microscope?

10-15 minutes

What is the average pulse rate for a dog


Your veterinarian prescribes a dose of medication which is 10 mL for every 100 lbs. This means a 100 lb. animal will receive 10 mL. What would the correct dosage be for an animal weighing 150 lbs.?


In which year was the Endangered Species Act signed into law?


In order to simulate the conditions of the body, how long must a culture plate be placed in a heated incubator?

24 hours

If your veterinarian knows the weight of the animal and you are told to give 100 mg of a medication. The concentration on the bottle is 200 mg for every 10 mL. How many mL should you give?

5 mL

According to Jenna Barber, DVM, how long does Swann Animal Clinic leave their patients attached to the oxygen machine after a surgical procedure?

5 minutes

The drug concentration of a medication is 250 milligrams per 10 milliliters. Based on the weight of the animal, the veterinarian determined he should receive a concentration of 225 milligrams. How many milliliters of medication should you give the animal?

9 mL

Which of the following administers licenses and registration to research facilities?


5th function of digestive system


According to the presentation, which of the following is the first step to pre-surgical care?

Administer pre-medication

promote the cohesion if animals

Aggregation Pheromones

Warn animals of possible danger

Alarm Pheromones

Keratin is found in which of the following locations?

All of the answer choices; feathers, hair, and hooves

Which of the following is NOT an example of common practices for law enforcement in regards to animals?

Allowing the ownership of poisonous or dangerous animals

Which act requires minimum standards of treatment and care for animals?

Animal Welfare Act

Which of the following was signed into effect in 1966 seeking to regulate who may possess or sell certain animals and to regulate animal living conditions?

Animal Welfare Act

How long does it take for a bull to be castrated using the banding method?

Approximately two weeks

Who was the first to divide organisms into two groups- plants and animals?


Once instruments are scrubbed, rinsed, dried and wrapped, the surgery pack is placed in which of the following to complete the sterilization process?


Which of the following is a strong, heated container used to decontaminate veterinary tools?


A very strong ammonia smell to an animal's urine could indicate which of the following?

Bacterial infection in the urinary tract

Contributed to the discovery of homeostasis


Veterinarian sam orally administered a drug to Tara's dog. The medicine will have to first be dissolved in the animal's gastric/intestinal fluids before


According to Jenna Barber, DVM, the Swann Animal Clinic uses which of the following to scrub an animal before surgery?

Chlorhexidine and alcohol

Transports oxygen, hormones and nutrients to body tissues

Circulatory System

veterinary assistant Shane is performing pre-surgical care. Before the IV can be placed in the cephalic vein, what should Shane do first?

Clip and clean the forelimb

Created the Theory of Evolution


3rd function of the digestive system


Breaks down food in order to absorb nutrients to maintain body function

Digestive System

During a spay surgery, the female is placed in which of the following positions?

Dorsal recumbency

Third step in the steps of drawing medication

Draw, or pull back, the plunger to the desired amount of medicine you wish to fill the syringe, filling the barrel with air

Which instrument records electrical activity of the heart over a period of time by placing electrode on a patient's body?


Secretes hormones to help integrate and control bodily metabolic activity

Endocrine System

Which of the following common veterinary medical equipment is represented in the picture?


Regulate populations density

Epideictic Pheromones

6th function of digestive system


Who regulates prescription drugs?


If an animal is determined to have "red dirt", then he/she most likely has which of the following


Which human disease is related to the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), which effects non-human primates?


Which of the following is NOT a common parasite found when performing a fecal flotation on a small animal?


After surgery, a patient's temperature may lower. Which of the following terms is used to define low temperature?


Protects the body from infection

Immune System

When a newborn kangaroo is born, he will crawl into the mother's pouch and begin nursing. This is a result of which of the following animal responses?


Retains body fluids, protects against disease, eliminates waste products and regulates body temperature

Integumentary System

Used mice to produce the first transgenic mammal


Which act prohibits the illegal trade of any fish or wild animals which were taken, possessed, transported or sold in violation of any law, treaty or regulation of the United States?

Lacey Act

The illustration is an example of a dog in which of the following positions?

Lateral recumbency

Seventh step in the steps of drawing medication

Lower the bottle and slowly remove the needle

Which animal rights activist protested animal cruelty and research in "A Dog's Tale"?

Mark Twain

2nd function of the digestive system

Mechanical processing

Which of the following is NOT a layer of the skin?


Which of the following tests might be used to gain more information as to the severity of an infection within the animal?

Microfilaria smear

Functions in movement of the body or of materials through the body

Muscular System

Which of the following is NOT an animal rights group?

National Animal Interest Alliance

Regulates the body's responses to internal and external stimuli

Nervous System

Which of the following can be used on cattle to restrain their head?

Nose Tong

When should the IV catheter be removed after surgery?

Once the patient is able to sit up in the recovery cage

When should the endotracheal tube be removed after surgery?

Once the patient is stimulated and able to completely swallow

Developed the rabies


First to evaluate conditioned responses leading to the study of behaviorism


What does PETA stand for?

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Who suggested primates were capable of human emotions?

Peter Singer

Who wrote against animal experimentation with his book Animal Liberation?

Peter Singer

Which process is known as "cell eating"?


Which of the following is an everyday practice in all aspects of veterinary medicine and is used to help determine how a patient feels?

Physical monitoring

Liquid portion, transports other blood components


Thrombocytes, responsible for clotting


Final step in the steps of drawing medication

Point the needle upwards to allow any air bubbles in the barrel to rise to the top. Then slowly push the plunger to eject the air bubbles

Which of the following is NOT a federal law, but organizations must comply with it in order to receive funding from PHSP member agencies?

Public Health Service Policy

Which of the following carries deoygenated blood?

Pulmonary artery

Which of the following is a procedure routinely used to provide valuable information about an animal's bones, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, heart and genitourinary system?


Erythrocytes, carry oxygen from the lungs

Red blood cells

First step in the steps of drawing medication

Remove the aluminum cap, if not already removed, from the top of the medicine bottle

Second step in the steps of drawing medication

Remove the cap from the needle

Functions in the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between an organism and its environment

Respiratory System

4th function of digestive system


Which type of animal can breed on their own but have undergone physiological or behavioral changes due to captivity?

Semi-domesticated animals

Protects and supports the body tissues and internal organs

Skeletal System

Which of the following is NOT a true statement about the beliefs and actions of animal rights groups?

Support regulations of animal recreational sports

Which of the following was signed and enacted to prohibit the illegal trade of fish or wild animals which were taken, processed, transported or sold in violation of any law, treaty or regulation of the United States?

The Lacey Act

Which of the following statements is true when the results show three or more dots in the window of the 4Dx SNAP® reader?

The dog has tested positive for more than one disease or parasite

What does the dark blue-green dot, which appears in the upper-left corner of the 4Dx SNAP® test window, confirm?

The test was run correctly

Which instrument is used for grasping, compressing, cutting and pulling tissues?

Thumb forceps

According the presentation, which of the following is NOT a reason for conducting laboratory tests?

To test the accuracy of the equipment in the facility

Which instrument listed below cuts material, other than tissue, which may dull a blade?

Utility scissors

What does a fecal flotation help veterinarians determine?

Whether or not the animal has intestinal parasites

Leukocytes, defend the body from invading organisms

White Blood cells

Joint moves away from the body


Joint moves towards the body


What is an induction agent?


... through the protection of ____________ and welfare...

animal health

Which of the following was discovered after testing on cats and prevents the clotting of blood?


Which of the following processes involves collecting sperm cells from a male animal and manually depositing them into the reproductive tract of a female?

artificial insemination

Where is the most common place to put a tag which identifies an animal?


Which of the following is the last step in the cleaning and sterilizing process of surgical instruments?


Antibiotics are used to treat which of the following?


Being admitted to the profession of veterinary medicine, I solemnly swear to use my scientific knowledge and skills for the ________________ of society....


Which process is also known as drug metabolism?


Which instrument is a drain used to release fluid or gas which has built up in an animal?


Which of the following terms is the Latin word for tail?


Which piece of equipment is used for the separation of fluids by spinning the vessel holding the material at a high speed?


An IV catheter is placed in which of the following veins before surgery?


Which of the following is defined as the first milk produced by the mother after giving birth?


Which of the following refers to the region of the body towards the head?


What test should be used to specifically identify the strain of bacteria or pathogen affecting the animal?

culture test

Which is NOT an example of a type of drug?


Which of the following is defined as the removal of dead tissue?


Which of the following is a condition caused by the excessive loss of water from the body?


Which part of the skin houses the hair follicles?


Pharmacology is a part of medicine which does NOT focus on which of the following?


Surgical procedures were often first studied on which animal?


What is the name of the highest point on most four legged animals?


Which of the following equipment does NOT allow for a visual examination of body parts?


Which of the following uses a device with a light attached to look inside a body cavity or organ?


Which of the following is a procedure used by veterinarians to administer certain medications or to remove toxins by flushing the lower intestinal tract?


Joint angle increases


joint angle decreases


Which of the following is the most common method used to examine a fecal sample?


Which of the following is administered to animals during surgery to help maintain blood pressure and compensate for blood loss?


Which external component can be used for defense?


Which of the following is caused by the body losing a severe amount of blood or fluids?

hypovolemic shock

Which of the following is defined as the physical blockage of the respiratory tract?


What is the process called when an active drug turns into an inactive metabolite?


1st function of the digestive system


There are many injectable routes for medication, an intra-articular route is injected into what part of an animal?


In order for the veterinarian to perform chest compressions during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, a dog should be positioned in which of the following positions?

lateral recumbency

Which of the following diseases is NOT detected by the 4Dx SNAP® test?


Which of the following terms is defined as tying up or closing off, sometimes with a suture?


According to Jenna Barber, DVM, how often should dogs be tested for heartworm disease?

once a year

Fourth step in the steps of drawing medication

poke the needle through the rubber cap of the medicine bottle

Palm downward


After an animal is anesthetized, which of the following is attached to the animal to measure his heart rate and respiration?

pulse oximeter

Which of the following is one of the first tools used when diagnosing a problem due to illness or injury in an animal?


Sixth step in the steps of drawing medication

raising the medicine bottle up almost vertically above the syringe and slowly pull back the plunger until you have the desired amount of medicine in the syringe

... the prevention and ______________ of animal suffering, the conservation of animal resources.....


In order to determine which organisms are most likely the source of a bacterial infection and to determine the most appropriate method of treatment, a veterinarian might perform which of the following tests?

sensitivity test

Which of the following is defined as the percentage of sperm which are progressively motile?

sperm motility

Which of the following terms is defined as any process which eliminates or kills bacteria and other living microorganism?


Palm faces upward


Caroline's cat was prescribed an antibiotic for infection. However, the cat continued to have the same symptoms and remained ill. What is likely the reason for the antibiotic being ineffective in this instance

the infection was viral

What is it called when the drug concentration in the body produces the desired effect in the animal with no signs of toxicity?

therapeutic range

What anatomical parts are removed from a female dog or cat during a spay surgery?

uterus and ovaries

Which of the following is NOT an anatomical location term?


Which of the following terms is also know as vibrissae?


Fifth step in the steps of drawing medication

with the plunger, push the air in the barrel of the syringe into the medicine bottle

Which of the following is the transplantation of living tissue from one species to another?


Which of the following is defined as a disease which can be transmitted to humans from animals?


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