World War 1 and World War 2

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concentration camp

A place where Jews, political prisoners, and other "undesirables" were confined, usually under harsh conditions; Auschwitz, Dachau, and Treblinka are three places where these were located.

Nuremberg Laws

A series of laws and measures designed to isolate and humiliate the Jews; stripped away all Jewish rights in Germany and attempted to clarify the position of the Jews in the Third Reich.

puppet state

A supposedly independent country under the control of a powerful neighbor.


A war fought between 1939-1945 between Axis/Allied powers.

Neutrality Acts (1-3)

Act aimed at helping prevent the nation from being drawn into war

League of Nations

An international peace keeping organization that did not have the power to enforce decisions


Bataan death march occured here after 10,000 Americans and 70,000 Filipionos surrender

Great Purge

Beginning in 1934, Stalin's plan to eliminate all opposition to his Communist government (opposition was killed or sent to labor camps)

Winston Churchill

Britain prime minister, :"Never Surrender"


Captain of USSR orders a scorched Earth policy (advancing soldiers had no food or shelter)


Code name for the U.S. effort during World War II to produce the atomic bomb.


Code name for the day that the Allied invasion of France would take place; June 6th, 1944

Joseph Stalin

Communist dictator of the Soviet Union, Successor to Lenin as head of the USSR; strongly nationalist view of Communism; war with Western Europe and the United States.


Create a society with no social classes after a violent overthrow of capitalism. Government on behalf of the people- government owns and controls all means of production and distribution

Fourteen Points

Created by President Wilson to create a lasting peace. It included: League of Nations, Freedom of the Seas, Mandate System, and Self-determination


Day Day. US liberated france, belgium, luxemberg, and parts of netherland


An extreme form of Fascism shaped by Hitler's fanatical ideas about German nationalism and racial purity.


"Lightning War"


"night of broken glass" Nazis attacked many

Allied Powers

Great Britain, France, Russia, and later the United States during World War I


Great Britain, the Soviet Union, France, and the United States in World War II.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

He commanded the European Theatre in World War II; later became the 34th president of the United States.


Invaded by France

Operation Overlord

Invasion of France. Commanded by Eisenhower. Omar Bradley led US troops. Bernard Montgomery led British. This is the Largest amphibious operation in history


June 6, 1944 - Led by Eisenhower, over a million troops (the largest invasion force in history) stormed the beaches at Normandy and began the process of re-taking France. The turning point of World War II


Leader of Germany


Leader of Italy

Vladimir Lenin

Leader of the Bolshevik (later Communist) Party. He lead the Bolsheviks to victory during the Russian Revolution and the civil war that followed.

Benito Mussolini

Leader of the Fascist party in Italy.

V-E day

May 8, 1945; victory in Europe Day was also when the Germans surrendered, Victory in Europe Day on May 8th, 1945 celebrated the official defeat of the Nazis and end of WWII in Europe.


Militarize Rhineland, Anschluss (union of Germand and Austria to unite ethnic Germans). Hitler wants control of the Sudenten land (German speaking portion of Czech. Czech refuses, Hitler threatens military force). Munich Pact-G.B. (Neville Chamberlain) and France agree to let Hitler annex Sudentenland

Hideki Tojo

Military leader of Japan during World War II


Mussolini. inflation and desire for land. Had been promised land during WWI. the invade Ethiopia (league of nations doesnt take any actions)

V-J Day

Name chosen for the day on which the Surrender of Japan occurred, effectively ending World War II.

Nazi Party

National Socialist German Workers Party led by Hitler


Nazi-Germany's systematic attempt to murder all European Jews

Battle of El Alamein

North Africa attacks Germany and Germans are defeated in this battle

Enola Gay

On August 6, 1945, this American plane dropped a single atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.

Joseph Stalin

Russian leader who succeeded Lenin as head of the Communist Party and created a totalitarian state by purging all opposition


Second city that the Atomic Bomb was dropped onto...

Manhattan Project

Secret American program during World War II to develop an atomic bomb.

Kamikaze pilots

Suicide mission by Japanese pilots

Pearl Harbor

Surpries attact on USA by the Japanese


System under which the means of production are publicly controlled and regulated rather than owned by individuals. Government determines needs of people and provides for them (major industries


Term used for American soldiers in World War II, devised from the term "Government Issue."


ordered dropping of atomic bomb

Remove Germans from France

primary purpose of operation overlord

Manhattan Project

program that led to the creation of the atomic bomb

Nuremberg Laws

series of anti-semetic laws (779)

Treaty of Versailles

signed at the end of World War I - forced to sign a war-guilt clause and pay $33 billion in reparations


systematic killing of a racial or cultural group

Axis Powers

the alliance of Germany, Italy andJapan in WWII


the right of people to choose their own form of government

Five-year plans

these were economic goals set for increased industrial production in the Soviet union under Joseph Stalin

USSR, Germany

two countries that signed non-aggression pact

V-E Day

victory in Europe, when German surrendered

League of Nations

world organization formed after World War I to maintain peace

Causes of the Russian Revolution

a) Previous defeat in the Russo-Japanese War b) Landless peasants c) incompetent leadership d)Many defeats and casualties during WW I


accused by Churchill of appeasing Hitler

Hitler-Stalin Non-aggression pact

agree not to invade eachother (Hitler has assured himself a one front war) and Hitler promises Stalin part of Eastern Europe (Poland)

Allied Powers

alliance between Britain, France, and Russia, Later joined by the US during WWI

Lend - Lease

allowing US to send weapons to Great Britain regardless of their ability to pay


allows America to sell, lend, or lease arms or other war supplies to any nation considered "vital to the defense of the U.S."

Chester Nimitz

american leader at Battle of Coral Sea

Alliance System

another cause of World War I -defense agreement among nations - Triple Alliance & Triple Entente


attacks pearl harbour initially starting WWI

Neville Chamberlain

believes he has secured "peace in our time"

Dwight D. Eisenhower

commander of Operation Torch



Spanish civil war/ Francisco Franco

..., Military dictator of Spain


..., the Nazi program of exterminating Jews under Hitler

Adolf Hitler

1933 dictator of Germany, German Nazi dictator during World War II (1889-1945)

Neutrality Acts

1939 laws designed to keep the United States out of future wars.

Lend-Lease Act

1941 law that authorized the president to aid any nation whose defense he believed was vital to American security.

Battle of Midway

1942 World War battle between the United States and Japan, the turning point in the war in the Pacific.

Weapons, Loans

2 things prohibited in Neutrality Acts

War Bonds, Victory Gardens

2 ways average americans helped the war

Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini

3 totalitarian leaders


A government that exerts total control over the nations and the citizens' lives.


A kind of warfare that emphasizes rapid and mechanized movement used by Germany during World War II; lightening war


A leader who has complete control over a country's government


A military strategy used during World War II that involved selectively attacking specific enemy-held islands and bypassing others.

Winston Churchill

A noted British statesman who led Britain throughout most of World War II and along with Roosevelt planned many allied campaigns. He predicted an Iron Curtain that would separate Communist Europe from the rest of the West.

Mandate System

Allocation of former German colonies and Ottoman possessions to the victorious powers after World War I, to be administered under League of Nations supervision

Woodrow Wilson

American President during WWI and created the Fourteen Points

George S. Patton

An American General and tank commander who's advance across France and Germany in 1944 -1945 made a significant victory to the Allied forces.

Pearl Harbor

December 7th, 1941 Japanese air raid on the United States in Hawaii

Scorched Earth Policy

Destroy everything Germans can use

George Patton

During Battle of the Bulge, allied powers were surrounded and low on supplies but _________ came to provide relief for the American Force


Economic system that is controlled by the Government. No private ownership. (Soviet Union)

Emperor Hirohito

Emperor of Japan during WWII and was viewed as a god by the people

Big Three

FDR, Churchill, and Stalin were known as ...

Benito Mussolini

Fascist dictator of Italy during World War II

Benito Mussolini

Fascist dictator of Italy. He led Italy to conquer Ethiopia (1935), joined Germany in the Axis pact (1936), and allied Italy with Germany in World War two. He was overthrown in 1943 when the Allies invaded Italy.


First city that the Atomic Bomb was dropped in

Munich Pact

Great Britain (Neville Chamberlain) and France agree to let Hitler annex the Sudentenland






Gaining and promoting through PRIVATE OWNERSHIP and operation of business. FREE ENTERPRISE-can own and run any business as you wish

Adolf Hitler

German Nazi dictator during World War II/ leader of the Nazi party

Adolf Hitler

German dictator and leader of the Nazi party during World War II

Battle of Stalingrad

Germans went to capture ... industrial center on the Volga River.). Germans failed, Soviets counterattack, considered the turning point in East. Germany now on defensive


Germany attempted to take over

Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire during World War I

Axis Powers

Germany, Italy, and Japan in World War II


Government control over every aspect of public and private life (examples: Soviet Union, Germany, and Italy during WW II)


Government has complete control over all aspects of a persons life. Police state-abolishes freedom-no opposition allowed

Archduke Ferdinand

Heir to Austrian throne whose assassination sparked World War I


Hitler Militarizes ..... (violation of Versailles Treaty)


Hitler promises Stalin this in the Non-aggression pact. Hitler attacks them and uses the Blitzkrieg


Hitler wants to control the ..... (german speaking portion of Czech)

Battle of the Bulge

Hitlers last offensive. Germany attacked Belgian border. US held border until German troops broke through and created a bulge. America won with the help of Air support/ Tanks

death camp

In World War II, a German camp created solely for the purpose of mass murder.

Battle of Midway

Japan tries to lure USA into a naval battle to destroy fleet. Naval Intelligence had broken code and knew of attack. Japan lost naval superiority in the Pacific

Bataan Death March

Japanese soldiers surrendered starving and sick men to march for 5 days, If slowed they were shot, beaten, or beheaded and if they fell they were left for dead. Survivors were placed in P.O.W

Island hopping

MacArthur uses this tactic to travel from selected island to selected island to make their way to Japan


Policy of giving in to a competitor's demands in order to preserve the peace.


Political philosophy that emphasizes the importance of the nation or an ethnic group, and the supreme authority of the leader over that of the individual.

Winston Churchill

Prime Minister of Great Britain during World War II; hated the policy of appeasement.

Hedeki Tojo

Prime minister of Japan and military leader during WWII, later executed for war crimes.


The German Secret State Police; their job was to spy on the general public for the Nazi party.

Battle of Coral Sea

USA aircraft Carriers used to halt Japan's invasion of New Guinea, FIRST time the Japanese had been halted...

Operation Torch

USA soldiers invaded Morocco and Algeria, Dwight Eisenhower was commander

V-J Day

The day that Japan surrenders


The headquarters of the German Parliamentary; burned when Hitler became Chancellor; Nazi headquarters during World War II after it was rebuilt.


The name given to the night of violence on 9 November 1938 when Nazi storm troopers looted and destroyed Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues and arrested thousands of Jews in Germany and Austria.

Bolshevik Revolution

The overthrow of Russia's provisional government by Lenin and his followers - created a communist nation in Russia

Russian, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottman Empires

These empires ended as a result of World War I

Battle of Bulge

This battle was the German's last major offensive in World War II. The Allies pushed the Germans back and won.


This country pulled out of World War I due poltical and economic problems


This country's unrestricted submarine warfare caused the U.S. to enter World War I in 1917


This is a form of goverment in whitch individual fredoms are denied and complete power is given to the goverment.

United States

This world power did not join the League of Nations


Totalitarian in which the people are subordinate to the nation state (Mussolini). Stresses nationalism, militarism, and imperialism

Treaty of Versailles

Treaty that ended WW I. It blamed Germany for WW I and handed down harsh punishment.

Atomic BOMB

Type of bomb built during WORLD WAR II that was more powerful than any built before it.

Battle of Midway

U.S. naval victory over the Japanese fleet in June 1942, in which the Japanese lost four of their best aircraft carriers. It marked a turning point in the pacific theater of World War II.


US military (w/o gov't appeal) invades Chinese province of

Battle of Stalingrad

Unsuccessful German attack on the city of Stalingrad during World War II from 1942 to 1943, that was the furthest extent of German advance into the Soviet Union.

Battle of the Bulge

World War II battle in which German forces launched a final counterattack in the West; after this defeat, Germany lost the will to continue fighting.

cash and carry

World War II policy requiring nations at war to pay cash for all nonmilitary goods and to be responsible for transporting the goods from the United States.


a cause of World War I - loyalty to a nation and promotion of its interests above all others


a cause of World War I - policy of building up strong armed forces to prepare for war


a cause of World War I that involved European powers competing for colonies


a military structure where arms and ammunition and other military equipment are stored and training is given in the use of arms.

American isolationism

desire to avoid involvement in foreign wars

4th Neutrality Act

differs from the first three allowing the sale of weapons...


extreme fascism- developed by Hitler. More extreme racist convictions- superiority of Aryan race


first Facious country


first day of the Battle of Normandy


giving into demands of an aggressor in attempt to keep peace

Puppet Government

government that looks independent but actually controlled by another country

James Doolittle

he lead 16 American bombers on a raid of Tokyo

Dwight Eisenhower

leader of the Allied forces in Europe during WORLD WAR11 leader of troops in Africa and commander in D-Day invasion-elected president.


limiting the amount of a certain product an individual can get


method of destroying things Germany can use

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