Absolute and Relative morality

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-Fixed ethical code to measure actions. -One culture can judge if actions of another culture are wrong. (as applied everywhere) e.g genocide, and act on judgment -Supports universal laws such as UN declaration of human rights -easy to apply e.g stealing is always wrong, I must not steal


-Absolute morality allows us to condemn things Kant. catagorical imperative, three maxims, last kingdom of ends says treat people as ends in themselves. abortion- treating a life as a means not an end. - Tony Nicklinson. Locked-in syndrome. wants wife to assist in suicide, as he could not alone, without being prosecuted. Absolute- Natural law- goes against preservation of life. no Relative- Situation ethics- It is not possible to know what God's will is in every situation. agape most loving thing to do -Relative morality Utilitarianism would say it is justified in some circumstances e.g abortion rape, bentham's act. hedonic calculus work out greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. mother and family. Mill's rule work out rule then apply to case, however did except exceptions. eg when lying is okay.


-Does not take into account circumstances or Cultural attitudes -Does not concern itself with consequences of an action -All sources of morality are open to human interpretation -An impossible ideal -Wouldn't allow for progress. -women rights -black rights -Takes away personal autonomy Mackie Society determines morality. Absolute morality does not exist. we look for objective morality because we look for objective meanings in life

Weakness of Relativism

-Implies there can be no real evaluation or criticism of practices e.g burning witches, human sacrifice, slavery - right for societies at time -Little reasons for behaving morally except to be socially acceptable -More difficult to apply than absolutism -Death penalty

Relative morality

A judgement that depends in the circumstances. There is no universal right and wrong. Things are right and wrong from a subjective point of view, personal point of view. Teleological - Takes circumstances and consequences into account.

Absolute morality

A rule that is true in all situations. Fixed ethical standards which apply universally. Immoral acts are intrinsically (by nature) wrong from an Objective point of view impartial value system. Deontological - Duty. No regard for consequences or circumstances.

Cultural relativism

Different societies have different moral codes. no objective standard can judge one culture better than another To understand what is right and wrong, must look at context. Arranged marriages for the west are frowned upon, however is traditional in the east. West cannot say an Eastern custom is morally wrong. There are no universal truths Moral codes are right for the society they apply.

Graded Absolutism

Many modern Christians believe there is a hierarchy of absolutes, it is our duty to obey the higher one:duty to god, duty to others then duty to property. it would be morally right to lie to Nazi's to protect Jews hiding in your house, because protecting life is a higher absolute then telling the truth to murderers.

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