AP Euro Units 1-8

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Mary Wollstonecraft 1759-1797

"A Vindication of the Rights of Women" 1792, Rousseau's separate spheres bad, unenlightened, Mary Shelley her daughter


"Candide" 1759, challenge authority but you can't fix all problems, believed religion was contradictory

Caspar David Friedrich 1774-1840

"Cloister Graveyard in the Snow", "The Sea of Ice" (1823-1825)

Thomas Malthus 1766-1834

"Essay on the Principle of Population" (1798), dealt with question of overpopulation

T.H. Huxley 1825-1895

"Evolution and Ethics" 1893, social progress checked survival of the fittest

John Locke 1632-1704

"First and Second Treatises of Government" 1690, rights to life, liberty, property, social contract to protect rights, "Letter Concerning Toleration" 1689, religion: different paths to the same goal, "Essay on Human Understanding" 1690, minds a blank state at birth

Artemisia Gentileschi 1593-1653

"Judith Beheading Holofernes" 1611-1612 (Gentileschi slaying her rapist?)

When were the first locomotives introduced to Britain?


Approximately what percentage of the Western European society could be classified as middle class or bourgeois around 1900?


Reaction to Russian terrorism

Alexander II killed with a bomb by terrorists in 1887, Alexander III (r. 1881-1894) decided it was way too much reform, brutal resistance to change, police state

Dreyfus Affair 1894-1906

Alsatian Jewish Captain Dreyfus convicted of treason (someone telling Germans French military secrets), found out evidence was forged and weren't sure what to do, split left and right about what to do

What was the inspiration for the Youth Culture that post-war European baby boomers often adopted?

American culture

This was the first group of Europeans subjected to mass murder that could be called genocide


Which nation was most reluctant to help Greece win its independence from the Ottoman Empire?


Which nations were the great powers?

Austria, Prussia, Russia, Britain

Anti-Socialist Laws 1878-1890

Bismarck attempted to diminish Social-Democratic Party (SPD) votes

Ferdinand II

Bohemian king, Holy Roman Emperor

The Defenestration of Prague 1618

Bohemian nobles tossed Ferdinand II's representatives out of windows (they didn't die)

Nationalist groups in "Italy"

Carbonari, Young Italy

In 1956 there was a speech given by Khrushchev that began a major change in the communism bloc called



Enlightenment opposed slavery, increasing abolitionist sentiment among the public

The Battle of White Mountain 1620

Ferdinand II defeated Frederick V, rebel leaders executed, Bohemia forced to be Catholic, Palatinate also conquered

Bohemian conflict

Ferdinand II, HRE Catholic troops, papal support v. Bohemian nobles, Frederick V, Dutch support

France, Russia and Britain

France and Russia allied in 1894, Britain and France resolved imperial problems and signed an entente cordiale in 1904, Britain and Russia signed similar alliance in 1907

Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871

France wanted to reduce Prussia's power, Southern German states joined Prussia. September 1 1870: French defeated at Sedan, Napoleon III captured

War of Austrian Succession 1740-1748

Frederick II (Prussia/France/Spain) and Maria Theresa (Austria/Britain/Netherlands) fight over Silesia

Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871

French defeated, Napoleon III captured then fled to England, Paris held on for five more months

Vietnam War

French fought 1946-1954, Dien Bien Phu led to French giving up (French army surrounded), Vietnam divided into North and South by UN, US took over fight until the 1970s when North invaded South. cold war proxy fight

Boulanger Affair 1886-1889

French government worried about Germans, anarchists, socialists, Gen. Boulanger a new strongman?

What was the result of Germany refusing to pay its reparations in 1922?

French invasion of Germany's industrial region

Auguste Comte 1798-1857

French sociologist, founder of positivism

Roman Republic fell June 1849

French troops intervened to help Pius IX, prevented Italian state, French remained in Rome until 1870

Popular Front 1936 in France

Great Depression and fascist threat caused left to unite, Stalin allows communist participation

Protest in the 1980s

Green Parties reacted to environmental problems including nuclear power, nuclear weapons and revived Cold War rhetoric (Reagan) another focus of protest: peace movement

Native revolts

Herero Revolt (1904-1907), Maji Maji Rebellion (1905-1907), Mahdist war (1880s-1890s), Italo-Ethiopian War (1895-1896), Four Anglo-Ashanti Wars (1826-1896)

Arab-Israeli Wars 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973

Israel created 1948, US supported Israel, Soviets supported Arabs

Philip II (r. 1556-1598)

King of Spain, very Catholic. Charles V's son. married to Bloody Mary

German Constitution 1849

Kleindeutsch solution, but Frederick Wilhelm IV didn't accept crown

Independent African states

Liberia (1847): connection to the US, Ethiopia defeated Italians in 1896 with modern arms

Who were the men involved in Germ Theory?

Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister, Robert Koch

Count D'Artois

Louis XVI's brother, conservative, flees France fast

Josef Goebbels

Nazi Minister of Propaganda


Nazis forced German-Austria Anschluss in March (many Austrians happy), Nazis start trouble over Sudetenland Germans, Czechoslovakia: strong, democratic French ally, Britain and France unsure if Hitler was bluffing

Fall of communism in Romania

Nicolae Ceausescu was like a little Stalin with Cult of Personality and wife, Stalinist regime abused people, street protests led to fighting, Ceausescu fled, was captured and executed

Oprichninn 1560-1568

Oprichniki kill and confiscate estates of traitorous boyars and gave land to loyal boyars or Oprichniki

Although the Europeans felt they were superior to non-Europeans, they also had a fascination with non-Europeans which is often referred to as


Causes of the Great European Witch Hunt

Papal Bull (1484) saying witches existed and needed to be dealt with. "The Witches Hammer" (1486). contracts (from towns and trade) with the Devil. neoplatonism. end of church magic (Protestant Reformation). general insecurity (wars of religion)

The Commune March-May 1871

Paris seceded from France, siege on Paris by Germans March through May 1871, lots of death

Terms of the Treaty of Versailles 1919

Rhineland occupied for 15 years and demilitarized, Saarland occupied and used for 15 years (full of coal mines), Alsace and Lorraine returned, some territory given to Poland and others, colonies divided, Anschluss between Germany and Austria prohibited, reparations must be paid by Germany, Germany: army limited to 100 thousand soldiers, no General staff or officer training grounds, no offensive weapons

Cromwell's dictatorship 1649-1660

Rump Parliament tried and executed Charles I, clashes with Parliament over expenses of army, eventually rules with martial law, decrees religious toleration (no catholics)

The book that inspired European women to courageous action to escape the role of the inferior other was

Simone de Beauvoir's "The Second Sex"

Which three states were not democracies until the 1970s?

Spain, Portugal and Greece

Hernan Cortés

Spanish conquistador, conquered Aztecs in 1521, Aztec emperor: Montezuma

Francisco Pizarro

Spanish conquistador, conquered Incas, Incan emperor: Atahualpa

Swedish phase 1630-1635

Swedes intervened under King Gustavus Adolphus, fought for faith not just faith, Adolphus killed at Lutsen. Swedes and German princes defeated in 1634, stop fighting

Which royal family controlled the Low Countries until the Dutch War of Religion?

The Habsburgs of Spain

The great international seventeenth century conflict that devastated the German states and was the last large religious war was

The Thirty Years' War

Results of the Dutch Revolt

The United Provinces of the Netherlands (northern 7 provinces): independence after 30 Years War, The Spanish Netherlands (lower 10)

World War I August 1914

Triple Entente: France, Russia, Britain v Triple Allaince: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, what will Italy do?

Bolshevik mobilization of the home front to fight the White armies in the Russian Civil War whereby the nationalized banks and industries, rationed, seized grain from peasants and enforced strict work discipline in the factories was called

War Communism

Treaty of Rapello 1922

Weimar Germany and Soviet Union, ended war and normalized relations, German manufactures for military advisors and an area where German army could test banned weapons

The one Eastern European nation which was communist but not under the control of Stalin/the Soviet Union was


The Treaty of Versailles supported

a "League of Nations" to provide for peaceful resolution to international problems, the principle of national self-determination to promote democratic governments over clearly defined nation borders, some of the Fourteen Points which called for open diplomacy and freedom of trade

Antwerp 1576

also known as the Spanish Fury, sacked Antwerp, 7000 killed

What did the women who invaded Versailles on October 5th 1789 want?

cheaper bread

Jaques Cartier

claimed New France (Quebec) for France 1534

The British People's Budget

created a basic social welfare system in Britain

Germans (WWI)

defensive war (Russia mobilized first), devised Schlieffen Plan

Max Planck

developed quantum theory

Baruch Spinoza 1632-1727

dutch Jew, religion due to a certain time and place

Denis Diderot

editor of "The Encyclopedia" 1751, the Enlightenment in book form

Meiji Restoration 1867

emperor restored to power, industrialization, classes/feudalism abolished, national conscription

Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal 1394-1460

encouraged exploration and cartography, conquest of Ceuta: African gold and slaves

Russian economic expansion

expansion of agriculture and industrial areas and banking/credit institutions and railroads

Galileo Galilei 1564-1642

experimented with rolling and falling objects, math to discover law of accelerating bodies, used telescope to observe rough moon, sunspots, moons of Jupiter, "Starry Messenger" 1610

What contributed to the European demographic crisis before 1700?

famine, epidemic disease, war

2nd Estate: nobility (308)

favored constitutional monarchy with individual rights, will pay taxes for representation and control over Estates General, enlightened but still want privilege

Galen 130-200 CE

four humors, balance of humors key to health

Great Reform Bill of 1832

gave urban middle class the vote, new electoral districts

Aristotle and Ptolemy

geocentric universe

Napoleon defeated 1813-1814

great powers (Britain, Russia, Austria, Prussia) joined to defeat the French, Louis XVIII put on throne, Napoleon exiled to Elba

While the continuity of religion in the lives of the eighteenth century Europeans existed, the change that was occurring during this time was

greater control over religion by the state in both Catholic and Protestant areas

Growing dissatisfaction in Eastern Europe during the Cold War

growing disparity between capitalist and communist worlds, slower economic grown in East bloc

Edgar Degas 1834-1917

impressionist. "La classe de danse" 1873-1875


increased production, new dyes and plastics, fertilizers, scientists played a role in expanding chemical industry, Germany's Bayer, BASF

War communism and terror

industry nationalized, food requisitioned, forced labor and conscription, cheka (secret police) executions and torture, concentration camps, famine, fear silenced opposition

What were foundling hospitals supposed to combat?


Three great economic readjustments

inflation, ocean trade routes, growth of population (urbanization)

Corn Laws of 1815

insure stable price of grain, no importation of foreign grain

Jethro Tull

invented the seed drill, plow/seed deeper

The greatest change in the Habsburg Empire came in 1867 when

it became the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary

What did the Dawes Plan (1924) do?

it gave American loans to Germany so the Germans could pay their reparations

"Witch Panics" were

large scale witch hunts often occurring after climatic disasters

Estates general (under Louis XIV)

last meeting in 1614

Charles de Gaulle

leader of the Free French, great hero of WWII

Huguenots were

led by Henry of Navarre

Increasing Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany

led to increasing inability to work for Jews, separation from civil society, 1935 Nuremberg Laws

How did Mussolini come into power?

legal appointment by the king

Feminists during the alter half of the nineteenth century wanted three things

legal rights, access to education and access to professional employment


legalized in Britain (1871), France (1864) and Germany (1890), started with skilled workers and worked into unskilled workers, lots of labor v business unrest

The House of Commons

middle class: economic-social power thought trade and improved agriculture. paid taxes (so needed representation)

Freud on dreams

most have meaning, allow unconscious/suppressed desires to surface, "Interpretation of Dreams" 1900


most men believed in separate spheres, the double standard, even socialists politically afraid women too conservative, economically afraid that women would drive men's wages down

What bold socialist idea was not adopted in the way Louis Blanc would have liked?

national workshops

Media as a motive for New Imperialism

newspapers sell with sport-like reporting of issues, Yellow Press, JA Hobson criticized this in "Psychology of Jingoism": patriotic chauvinism


not doing job, having multiple office. being absent

The Catholic Reformation

occurred because of the Protestant movement, good for the spiritual side of the church

Fall of communism in Hungary

opened Iron Curtain and held free elections, communists only got 8.5%

Black Africans were not the only group considered to be inferior by groups of European elites. Other groups included

peasants, the Irish, Jews and Muslims

During and after WWII there was a huge problems with DPs, which refers to

people who were displaced during the war

What were examples of Napoleon III's successful economic policies?

promotion of investment banks, expansion of railroads, massive renovation of Paris

sea beggars

recruited by William of Orange, iconoclastic pirates

House of Lords Act 1911

reduced power

Three-quarters of exported European capital went to "neo-Europes". What are neo-Europes?

regions around the world that had a significant number of ethnic Europeans

Booms and busts

relatively good economy 1850-1870, overproduction of grains in the world let to crash in 1873 and 20 years of deflation and unemployment, state regulation/integration to prevent busts

Duke of Alva

sacks towns, treats everyone like heretics, turned many against Spain

Renaissance neoplatonism

search for the universal spirit, essence of objects

Charles IX (r. 1560-1574)

second son of Henry II, listens to his mother Catherine de' Medici while ruling

The English in the Dutch Revolt

secretly supporting Dutch all along (afraid they're next), piracy from 1570s (Spanish silver ships)

East Indies Company

seized Portuguese trading forts and islands in the east during the 17th century, ruthlessly governed islands

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

self-declared emperor December 1852

General Windischgrätz

sent to put down worker disturbances in Prague in 1848


stress and anxiety of Fin de Siècle, Orientalism: New Imperialism


superpower, wealthy through trade but not per capita (internal trade)

Communists differed from Fascists in that Communists wanted

to level class differences

Catherine of Parr

took care of Henry VIII when he gets old, is dying

Alexander II r. 1855-1881

tried to modernize Russia and gain favor with liberals, freed the serfs

Soviet Union Interwar period

unprecedented totalitarianism, terror and death, transformed Russia into a modern industrial state, some Westerners duped, some not

Anti-Semitism in Russia

used to deflect attention from problems and to rally support, pogroms: riots against Jews, "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" (1905)

Point of nuclear weapons

very dangers situation kept in check with mutually assured destruction, arms race in conventional weapons occurred nonetheless: bombs, rockets (ICBMs), sub launched rockets, cruise missiles

Louis XIV's wars

very expensive, 33 out of his 55 years spent fighting. wanted frontier on the Rhine river, fights Dutch and allies, gains small bits of territory

Nicholas I r. 1825-1855

very repressive and conservative, supported the Holy Alliance

Belgian Revolution 1830

wanted to be separate from Dutch, declared independence, got a German king


war shook faith in what was real, portrays fantasy and dreams of the subconscious (Freudian), search for subconscious forces that molded reality, Salvador Dali

The textbook blames the "fall of imperial Russia" mostly on

weak and bad leadership

Results of the Dreyfus Affair

Émile Zola's "J'accuse" popularized the fight, Zola accused of libel, Dreyfus eventually pardoned, republican government became more anti-clerical, left/right split remains until after WWII

Ivan IV r. 1533-1584

"Ivan the Terrible". no Parliaments, extreme taxation, confiscated successful businesses, basic bureaucracy, alliance with Orthodox church, increased land but still isolated from the West. killed his son and heir

Caravaggio 1573-1610

"Judith Slaying Holofernes" 1598, "The Incredulity of St. Thomas" 1601-1602, "The Calling of St. Matthew" 1597-1598, "The Madonna of Loreto" 1603-1605

Thomas Hobbes 1588-1679

"Leviathon" 1651, humans evil, sovereignty should be absolute and unlimited, no resistance or protest

Eugene Delacroix 1798-1863

"Liberty Leading the People" (1830), "Massacre at Cheos" (1824)

Victor Hugo 1802-1885

"Notre-Dame de Paris" (1831), "Les Misérables" (1862)

Cesare Baccaria 1738-1794

"On Crimes and Punishment", punishment should be effective and just, fit the crime, speedy trials, laws for the greatest good for the greatest many

John Stuart Mill 1806-1873

"On Liberty" (1859), wanted absolute freedom of opinion on all subjects, advocate of harm principle, advocate for women's rights, "The Subjection of Women" (1869)

Charles Darwin 1809-1882

"Origin of the Species" 1859, discovered the idea of evolution, natural selection, "The Descent of Man" 1871

Betty Friedan 1921-2006

"The Feminist Mystique" 1963, the problem that has no name

Chateaubriand 1768-1848

"The Genius of Christianity" (1802), part of French Catholic revival, emotional religion

Frans Hal 1580-1666

"The Laughing Cavalier" 1624, "The Banquet of the Officers of the St. George Militia Company" 1616

Baron Montesquieu 1689-1755

"The Persian Letters" 1721, "Spirit of the Laws" 1748, loved check and balances

Theodore Gericault 1791-1824

"The Raft of Medusa" (1819)

Francisco de Goya 1746-1828

"The Shootings of May 3rd 1808" (1814), "The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters" (1797-1798)

Goethe 1749-1832

"The Sorrows of Young Werther" (1774), "Faust" (1808)

Adam Smith 1723-1790

"The Wealth of Nations" (1776), laissez faire, invisible hand, state for armies, roads, schools, risky ventures

Adam Smith 1723-1790

"The Wealth of Nations" 1776, free trade, capitalism

Immanuel Kant 1724-1804

"What is Enlightenment?" 1784, dare to know, "Critique of Pure Reason"

The "Civilizing Mission" of New Imperialists is best expressed by the term

"White Man's Burden"

Louis XIV

"l'état c'est moi", believed weak king led to chaos. in 1661 Louis came to power, didn't appoint new Cardinal like people thought. did 1-2-3-4-5-6

Independent women who could vote, hold a job, spend their salary on the latest fashions, wear make-up and smoke cigarettes were referred to as

"modern girls"

"White Man's Burden" as a motive for New Imperialism

"non-white savages" in need of civilization and Christianization, racist and Darwinian, missionaries sometimes got into trouble and had to be helped

Kristallnacht November 1938

"spontaneous" destruction of Jewish property and abuse of Jews, 30000 Jewish men arrested and sent to concentration camps until ransomed, insurance money for destroyed property went to state

Women's Political and Social Union (WPSU)

"suffragettes" lobbied for the vote, after 1910 engaged in arson, sabotage and vandalism, imprisoned suffragettes went on hunger strikes and were force fed, led by Emmeline Pankhurst (1858-1928)

Austria (Habsburgs) 1648-1720

(1) alliance/bargain with nobles, (2) collect taxes from serfs, (3) Ferdinand II created a hereditary kingdom, nobles control territory, (4) wanted everyone to be Catholic, used missionaries, (5) Hungary, Croatia, Romania (Transylvania), (6) most likely not unified

Prussia 1648-1720

(1) local lords had supreme power, Junker/crown alliance: military service, (2) lots of taxes for army on serfs: soldiers, (3) separate laws for army/civilians, helped finance industry, military bureaucracy, no independent royal officials to uphold law, very efficient, (4) fairly tolerant, took in religious refugees, (6) large army for such small resources, size increases

The Royal State of the 17th century

(2) elites usually had tax exemption, higher taxes on the masses led to revolts (3) age of expanding law courses administer justice, cardinals/royal council: necessary to help deal with complex administration

The Great Depression in Britain

1-3 million unemployed, government tried to cut social spending, tariffs increased, improving economy after 1932 due to internal market

Additions to the Union

10 new states joined in 2004: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Malta, poorer than the rest: not quite equal yet, not all on the Euro, no free movement of labor: decreasing wages

Approximately what percentage of Europe's population was from an immigrant background in 2010?


The Spanish Armada 1588

130 ships, defeated by (mostly) weather and English navy, growing English patriotism

Gulag system

14 million went through it between 1929-1953, prisoners "reeducated" through forced labor in the worst conditions, millions died

When was the witchcraft craze?


Amerigo Vespucci 1454-1512

1499 and 1502 discovered Venezuela and Brazil for Spain

Charles I r. 1625-1649

1620s wars v France and Spain, stopped calling Parliament in 1629, wanted religious conformity, needed revenue: forced loans, sold offices, ship money, avoids war

Archbishop Laud

1637: tried to impose a new prayer book, bishops in Scotland

Philip II wanted

17 bishops and an inquisition, a New Monarchy (3, 4, 5)

Bismarck's social welfare

1883: health insurance, 1884: accident insurance, 1889: old age and disability pensions, didn't diminish SPD votes either

At what point in time did approximately 50% or more of the people in Britain live in towns or urban areas?


French Law Separating Church and State


War weariness in the Central Powers

1916 Franz Josef died (symbol of Austro-Hungarian unity), 1917 German socialists and Center Party voted for peace without annexation, 1917 Austria voted the same way, Czechs and south Slavs (Yugoslavs) demanded autonomy, Germans control Austria to try to keep it going

This year more than any other was the year in which morale declined in almost every country


Crisis of leadership in Soviet Union

1922-1924 Lenin had strokes, who would be successor? Trotsky, Stalin

Germany joined League of Nations

1926, secretly starting to rearm

East German revolt 1953

1953 strike put down with Soviet troops, 3.5 million East Germans left for Western Germany (capitalism and freedom): mostly bourgeoisie, professionals, ambitious people


1970s easing of tensions, too much money spent on arms race, Vietnam War over, Sino-Soviet relations sour, Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty (SALT) reduced nuclear forces

Economic slowdown 1970s

1973 energy crisis due to increasing oil prices (OPEC), lowered growth rates, higher unemployment, welfare states and European labor expensive, economic unity as a measure to compete

Détente ended

1979 Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, 1980 Moscow Olympics boycotted, 1981: USA rearming, saber rattling, mini arms race in Europe: SS-20s v Pershing II missiles, SDI-Star Wars (Strategic Defense Initiative: killer satellites, nuclear shield)

Margaret Thatcher 1979-1990

1980s Iron Lady, reduced the welfare state: coal miners strike, unpopularity overcome by a war with Argentina: Faulkland Island Wars

Rising criticism of Gorbachev

1985-1988 rising food/consumer goods not enough, less fear led to more complaining, Gorbachev criticized

Nationalism in the Soviet Union

1998 fighting between Armenians and Azerbaijanis over land and power (not stopped), spring 1990 Baltic states demanded autonomy: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, ethnic Russians in all those places, army moved in: puts rebellions down in Baltic states

Industrialization in the Soviet Union

20 million migrated to cities from 1926-1939, new industrial bureaucracy created, managers and skilled workers profit, unskilled workers and peasants had crummy lives, propaganda: Stakhanovite movement

Aftermath of the blitzkrieg in France

3/5 of France occupied by Nazis, 2/5 Vichy France (collaborators) under Hero of Verdun Petain, French government in exile under Charles de Gaulle

Tennis Court Oath

3rd Estate locked out of meeting room, met on nearby tennis court and vowed to meet until they had a constitution. Louis XVI sided with nobles, called in troops

Kellogg-Briand Pact 1928

65 nations renounced war as a way to solve problems

Soviet government

7 man Politburo as executive: always a dictator though, Central Committee of the Communist Party: parliament, Communist Party the new elite/exploiter class

The Babylonian Captivity/Avignon Papacy (1309-1377)

7 popes concentrated on bureaucratic and financial matters, general atmosphere was one of luxury and extravagance. Sinning occurred, papacy very corrupt.

Serfdom in Russia

90% of people serfs (at least). escaped serfs go to the borders and become Cossacks, peasants legally bound to nobles and land. serf/cossack revolts further unify nobles/tsar/church

Reaction to Russian terrorism

Alexander II killed with a bomb in 1887, Alexander III (r. 1881-1894) decided it was way too much reform, brutal resistance to change, police state

Sergei Witte

Alexander III's finance minister, economic development: more coal, steel, railroads, proletarians, tariffs, taxes, French capital

Greek Revolution 1822-130

Alexander Ypsilanti: part of Russian army but Greek, tried to garner pro-Greek support by leading an armed band to Romania, Ottomans squashed Greek uprising, Britain, France and Russia defeated Ottoman Empire, signed a treaty guaranteeing Greek independence, Greece got a German king

What territory did France's Charles X conquer in order to distract the nation from his boneheaded conservatism?


Nuclear weapon possession in Cold War

American monopoly 1945-1949, Soviets got atomic bomb 1949, US got hydrogen bomb 1952, Soviets 1953, other countries with nuclear weapons included France, Britain, China, India...

Münster 1534-1535

Anabaptists take over Münster, John of Leyden claimed his power came from God, theocracy with polygamy and no private property, Catholics and Lutherans attack city. afterwards Anabaptists returned to their ideals, went pacifist and underground

Thirty Nine Articles 1563

Anglicanism once again official religion of England

The Japanese "Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere" had this as its anti-Western imperialist slogan

Asia for Asians

This nation had a dictatorial government to try to prevent a Nazi takeover. The dictator was shot and killed by Nazis in an unsuccessful coup attempt.


Treaties of St Germaine-en-Laye and Triannon

Austria and Hungary made smaller

Which two states issued the Declaration of Pillnitz which led to the French declaring war on them?

Austria and Prussia

Declaration of Pillnitz August 1791

Austria and Prussia said they would invade France and restore the absolute monarchy so long as the rest of Europe was okay with it

Spoils and compensation given at the Congress of Vienna

Austria got Lombardy and Venetia, German Confederation created, Russia got Poland back, Prussia got some German land bordering France

Which nation declared war first?


The Balkans

Austria-Hungary occupied Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1878 and annexed it in 1908

Sigmund Freud 1856-1939

Austrian and Jewish, lived in Vienna most of his life, studied the severely troubled, found the mind filled with irrational and subconscious desires

Adolph Hitler 1889-1945

Austrian loser and WWI veteran, couldn't get into art school, turned politician/speaker for NSDAP, railed against Versailles, democracy, communism, Jews, racist-nationalist ideology from Austria-Hungary, state based on blood ties, "Aryans" were the master race


Austrians/Prussians winning war, invasion getting closer to Paris, counter-revolutionaries everywhere, Convention declared war on the Netherlands, Britain and Spain, General Demouriez defected April 1793, right wing revolt in the Vendée, inflation and food shortage

Theodor Herzl

Austro-Jewish journalist, "The Jewish State" 1896 advocating for Jewish nationalism, advocated Jewish state for rights and liberties

Problems with the Church

Babylonian Captivity, Great Schism, conflicts with secular rulers, bribery of pope, conciliar movement, general immorality, clerical ignorance

The Balkans and the Eastern Question

Balkan nationalism v declining Turks, Russia and Austrian-Hungary wanted land-influence, Britain worried about Russia, Austria-Hungary got Bosnia in 1878: annexed in 1908

Historical background on Yugoslavia

Balkan region has always been ethnically and religiously diverse and subjected to others, Serbians: Orthodox Christians, Croatians, Slovenians: Roman Catholics, Bosniaks, Kosovars, Albanians: Muslims

1947 integration

BeNeLux countries created a tariff union, Marshall Plan require economic coordination and open markets, integration of coal and steel, products of war

the Netherlands

BeNeLux countries, 17 provinces, limited federalism with States General, Calvinism popular (French refugees), very few nobles (very little land)

Hitler in the 1920s

Beer Hall Putsch led to prison, wrote Mein Kampf, goals: undo Treaty of Versailles, rearm Germany, expand borders eastward: Lebensraum, solve "Jewish problem", Nazis insignificant until Great Depression

Romanti composers

Beethoven, Liszt, Schubert, Chopin, Verdi, Wagner

The "Scramble for Africa" and the rules set up by the Berlin Conference 1884-1885 were primarily caused by

Belgian King Leopold seizing the Congo

After Britain, which was the most per-capita industrialized European country?


Czechoslovakia's Velvet Revolution and divorce

Berlin wall fell, Czechs got elections, Slovaks voted for independence, created Czech Republic and Slovakia


Bessemer process cheaper, better for buildings, railroads, machines, Krupp company

Potsdam Conference July 1945

Big Three now Stalin, Truman and Atlee, each could take reparations from own zone, Soviets supposed to get $10 billion more from Western zones, Soviet and Polish borders pushed out, orderly and human transfer of Germans: which didn't really happen

Ems Telegram 1870

Bismarck manipulated the telegram so that it seemed offensive to both Wilhelm I and the French, published it

Danish War 1863-1864

Bismarck needed to beat Austria to get unification, Danes annexed Schleswig-Holstein, Austrians and Prussians defended Germans

What didn't happen at Yalta/after WWII

Bismarck's unification not undone, Morgenthau Plan: turn Germany into divided agriculture state

Although the Russo-Japanese War increased discontent, this was the spark that led to the outbreak of the 1905 Revolution

Bloody Sunday

Revolution of 1905 in Russia

Bloody Sunday January 1905, sailor mutinies, peasant revolts, student strikes, assassinations, worker strikes, Nicholas II promised constitutional reforms in October Manifesto

South Africa

Boers (Dutch colonists) arrived in 1600s, British gained foothold after 1815, Boers migrated away during the Great Trek 1837-1844 and formed the Orange Free State and Transvaal, British defeated Zulus in 1879, gold and diamonds discovered in 1884 in Boer nations

Which part of the Habsburg Empire was conquered during the Thirty Years' War, had much of its native nobility replaced, and became a wholly Catholic province?


Revolution in Habsburg Empire 1848

Bohemia granted same status as Hungary, Milan chased away Austrian soldiers, Venetia declared itself a republic

Four phases of the Thirty Years' War

Bohemian (1618-1624), Danish (1624-1629), Swedish (1630-1635), French (1635-1648)

Frederick V of the Palatinate

Bohemian king during Bohemian phase, also known as the "Winter King"

Albrecht von Wallenstein 1583-1634

Bohemian noble fought for HR emperor, hugely successful, wealthy, more powerful than HR emperor?

Act of uniformity 1559

Book of Common Prayer for every parish

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Habsburg throne

Bosnian-Serb terrorist Gavrilo Princip a member of the Black Hand the assassinator, Serbians rejoiced, Serbian government knew about plot but did nothing

Johannes Kepler 1571-1630

Brahe's assistant, made the most of his data. used mathematics to find planetary orbits elliptical, discovered three laws of planetary motion

Fashoda Incident 1898

Britain and France ran into each other, France backed down


Britain only real free trader, tariff barriers set up 1870s-1890s, social insurance and welfare set up to protect workers, anti-liberal

Egypt nationalized Suez Canal 1956

Britain, France (and Israel) took canal but had to give it back due to US/Soviet pressures

International response to Spanish Civil War

Britain, France and US stayed out of it, Germany and Italy supported nationalists, Soviet Union supported communists, thousands of leftists fought in Spain, equipment and tactics tested: Guernica bombed

Treaty of Locarno 1925

Britain, France, Belgium and Germany promised to never go to war again. Britain and Italy guaranteed borders in Western Europe

The Industrial Revolution summarized

Britain, France, Belgium, parts of German Confederation, Czech, Vienna, and Northern Italy industrialized, the rest emphasized agricultural products and raw materials, industrialization meant massive social changes as well as increased national power

The "Grand Alliance" of WWII that defeated the Nazis first and then defeated Japan was made up of

Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States

The Diplomatic Revolution 1756

Britain/Hannover and Prussia sign pact, Austria and France get friendly: Austrian princess (Marie Antoinette) sent to Versailles

Munich crisis appeasement September 1938

British PM Neville Chamberlain secured "peace in our time" at Munich Conference, Czechs and Soviets not consulted, war to prevent German national self-determination seems dumb

Strategic warfare WWI

British blockade all trade to Germany, after sinking of Lusitania May 1915 Germany didn't use unrestricted submarine warfare until February 1917 to starve Britain, Zeppelins bombed London

France's cardinals

Cardinal Richelieu: Louis XIII (three musketeers), Cardinal Mazarin: French phase of the 30 years' war

Henry VIII's first wife

Catherine of Aragon, wanted to divorce her to marry Anne Boleyn, pope said no. had one child, Mary

The two groups Bismarck picked on were

Catholics and socialists

Religious reform in Great Britain 1829-1830

Catholics can vote (Ireland), non-Anglicans could hold public office

Austro-Piedmont War 1859

Cavour tricked Austria into declaring war by mobilizing army, Piedmont only got Lombardy because French jumped out of war

Jameson Raid 1896

Cecil Rhodes attempted to overthrow the Boer government to gain access to riches

The Great Depression in the Weimar Republic

Center and SPD coalition dissolved over how to react, President Hindenburg appointed chancellors to rule by emergency decree 1930, end to reparations didn't help with decreased credit, trade, etc, rapidly increasing unemployment

July Ordinances 1830

Chamber of Deputies couldn't meet, censorship of the press, restricted suffrage to old elites

Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia

Charles Albert attempted.to grab Venetia and Lombardy when they were newly freed from Austria, Radetzky defeated Italians July 1848, Charles Albert abdicated in favor of his son Victor Emmanuel II

English Civil War

Charles I fails to arrest opposition leaders in Parliament (1641), fled to recruit loyal army. House of Commons raised its own army. cavaliers/royalists v roundheads/parliamentarians

Diet of Speyer 1529

Charles V threatens Lutherans

April of 1848 in Great Britain

Chartist demonstration but intimidated by deputized constables, no revolution

The negative consequences of human impact on the environment so often criticized by the environmental movement and Green political parties were proven by the devastating

Chernobyl nuclear accident

The most advanced economy (and the place with the largest cities) in the world before 1450 was that of

China's Ming Dynasty

Who were "the Boxers"?

Chinese nationalists

Composers from the Romantic Period

Chopin and Beethoven

Catholic Church after WWII

Christian Democratic movements (Leo XIII), Second Vatican Council, still socially conservative (women's issues), John Paul II fought for Eastern European freedom

What type of political party used Keynesian economics, high taxes, social welfare, anti-Communism and a healthy does of government involvement in the economy to run most European countries after WWII?

Christian Democratic parties

Early feminists

Christine de Pizan, Olympe de Gouges, Mary Wollstonecraft, Flora Tristan, Charles Fourier, John S. Mill, Harriet Taylor

Soviet international relations

Communist International (comintern) created 1919, joined League of Nations 1934, supported leftists during Spanish Civil War, Nazi-Soviet Mutual Non-Aggression Pact

The meeting that ended the Napoleonic Wars and remade the map of Europe was called the

Congress of Vienna

Henry's reformed church

Cranmer and Cromwell too protestant, adopted sola fide and scriptura, 1543: Bible restricted to wealthy and clergy, basically Catholicism with Henry as "pope"

Thomas Cranmer and Thomas Cromwell

Cranmer: Archbishop of Canterbury (religious), Cromwell: Chancellor of England (political). helped bring about the English Reformation

Mexico 1810-1825

Creoles defeated Indians and mestizos, declared Mexico independent from Spain

The Commonwealth Puritan Republic 1649-1660

Cromwell conquered Irish and Scots, won first Anglo-Dutch war. Cromwell dies, his son takes over

Anne of Cleaves

Cromwell found for Henry to marry, gets beheaded over it

The one Eastern European nation to be economically successful and remain a democracy in the interwar period was


Danish Phase 1624-1629

Danish King Christian IV raised raised an army to fight Holy Roman Empire for land, support Lutherans

What was the order of the three wars of German Unification?

Danish War, Austro-Prussian War, Franco-Prussian War

First Vatican Council 1869-1870

Doctrine of Papal Infallibility, when the Pope speaks about matters of religion and faith, he can't be wrong

Brunswick Manifesto July 1792

Duke of Brunswick (leader of Prussian army) threatened Parisiens

Present and future of the EU

EU cerated a huge tariff free market, powerful currency and less division between European nations, plans for European army, same social welfare and immigration policies, a constitution, real power

What were some differences between Eastern and Western European marriage and family culture?

Eastern Europeans married earlier than Western Europeans, Western Europeans typically lived as nuclear families while Eastern Europeans had multi-generational households, more Western Europeans never married than Eastern Europeans

The Spanish Armada 1588

Elizabeth I rallied English, England saved mostly due to weather and partly from their fire ships

Sir Francis Drake

Elizabeth I's pirate, attacked Spanish port of Cadiz in 1587

Royal Succession of 1603

Elizabeth had no heir, James VI of Scotland became king, beginning of Stuart line

Peace of Utrecht 1713

England gains Gibraltar, N. America, slave-trade, Austria gains Spanish Netherlands and Lombardy, France got a Bourbon in Spain on condition that crowns could never be united

The international trade-based causes of the British Industrial Revolution were

English woolen exports, the Atlantic economy and a mercantilist colonial empire

Fascist Italy reversed an earlier defeat by conquering this nation in 1936


Artists from the Romantic Period

Eugène Delacroix, Caspar David Friedrich and J.M.W. Turner

Cold War summary

Europe divided into two hostile camps, war meant possible end to humankind, very different post-war Europe, control from two superpowers, European countries not leading the world

The euro

European Central Bank created in 1998 in Frankfurt, encouraged reducing inflation and budget deficits, common currency circulation 2002

Treaty of Rome 1957

European Economic Community (common market), area with common external tariff, free movement of labor and capital, cooperation and standardization, national agricultural interests protected, BeNeLux, France, Italy, FRG founding members, Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark joined 1973, Greece joined 1981, Spain, Portugal joined 1986

European Union's three branches

European Parliament (Brussels and Parliament): representation according to population importance, Council of Ministers,,European Court of Justice, not all that powerful

How WWII killed empires

European countries couldn't afford empires, Nazis discredited racism, confidence shaken (White Man's Burden?), war for democracy while countries enslaved, nationalist movements based on European ideas

Denis Diederot's "Supplement to Bougainville's Voyage" views this group of people as violent and greedy


Eastern products

Europeans wanted cheaper and more plentiful sources of spices, cotton, silk, etc. trade with east caused shortage of precious metals

Counter-revolution in Habsburg Empire

Ferdinand forced to abdicate, Franz Joseph I new emperor

Britain's representative at the Congress of Vienna

Foreign Secretary Castleraugh

The rest of Asia

France got Indochina, Thailand (Siam) served as buffer, Russia took Manchuria, US took the Philippines (1898), Dutch held Indonesia

Who was eventually offered the "crown from the gutter" of a German national state?

Frederick William IV of Prussia

Huguenots is a term used to describe

French Calvinists

John Calvin

French lawyer who fled to Geneva, led and organized reform

May 1792

French legislature declared war on Prussia and Austria since they felt threatened

Jean-Paul Sartre 1905-1980

French philosopher, founder of existentialism

French phase 1635-1648

French worried about being surrounded by Habsburgs, helped Portuguese and Catalonian rebels in 1640, unsuccessful Spanish invasion of France. peace talks dragged on from 1644-1648

After the June Days

Gen. Cavaignac dictator as Assembly set up a republic and elections for president, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte elected

Spanish Civil War 1936-1939

General Francisco Franco led Rightist coalition: nationalists, falangists, religious Catholics, invaded Spain with troops from Morocco: Nazi planes, republicans v nationalists, horrible atrocities, nationalists won, dictatorship under Franco until the 1970s

The two "Italian" states most involved in trade and the ones that made a lasting impact on Spanish and Portuguese explorations through finance and know-how were

Genoa and Venice

Treaty of Versailles diplomats

George Clemenceau (France), David George (Britain), Woodrow Wilson (US), Orlando (Italy), Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia excluded


George Stephenson's "rocket" 1830, private companies build more railroad lines, many people employed on railroad tracks, dramatic and fast increase in number of railroads

Josef Stalin

Georgian without European experience, ruthless Machiavellian, accused Trotsky of "leftist deviation" and had him expelled, exiled and assassinated

Armistice November 11 1918

German Kaiser forced into exile, Gen. Luedendorff orders civilians to sue for peace, New German Republic asked for peace under the terms of Wilson's Fourteen Points


German generals impressed by Hitler, French and British outraged that Hitler outmaneuvered them, British signed treaties with Poland, Romania and Greece

German feminists

German law forbade women from politics, citizens didn't have much political power, separate spheres, left/right split, got the vote after World War 1

Friedrich Nietzsche 1844-1900

German philosopher, "God is dead", will power most important instinct, superman would create new ethical values/morals to dominate the masses, Christianity for the weak to keep the strong from dominating them

Atrocities and war crimes WWII

Germans battled partisans and executed lots of civilians, lots of local collaboration with Germans, Soviet vengeance in Germany, 10-12 million Germans fled/forced from Eastern Europe by 1946, 2 million died

Hitler invaded Poland

Germans defeated Poles using lightning tactics: air armor to smash opposition, took about two weeks, France and Britain declared war but did nothing, the Soviet Union invaded Poland and took a third as well as the Baltic States, Polish leadership class destroyed by Soviets and Germans

Stirring up nationalities and trouble

Germans encouraged Irish Easter Rebellion 1916 and sent Lenin to Russia, British encouraged Slavs v Austria-Hungary, Zionists and Arabs v Turks


Germans in eastern Europe fled before Soviet army: revenge, preferred to surrender to/occupation by US and British troops, Soviets battled for Berlin, Hitler committed suicide April 30, unconditional surrender followed May 5

Blitzkrieg April-June 1940

Germans invaded Denmark and Norway, BeNeLux countries, smashed through French and British armies with tanks and planes, Italy invaded France June 1940: stopped at border, French surrendered to Germany June 1940, 300000 British and French troops evacuated at Dunkirk

Operation Barbarossa June 1941

Germans invaded Soviet Union, blitzkrieg with 3 million soldiers, surprise, purges, Stalin's depression all worked in their favor, reached Gates of Moscow, 2.5 million Russia casualties, unprepared Germans met General Winter and scorched earth policy

Due to a naval blockade, this country saw 750000 civilians starve to death


The government intervention in all aspects of life to keep up with "Total War" went furthest in which country?


Zimmerman Telegram 1917

Germany to Mexico: instructions to German foreign minister to offer Mexico the territory they lost in Mexican-American war if they supported Germany

Neo-Gothic architecture

Gothic revival, English Parliament building (1830s) an example

War of Spanish Succession 1701-1713

Great Britain/Netherlands/Austria/Prussia v France/Spain, international war (Canada, India)

Which royal family name is synonymous with the militant defense of Catholicism in the 16th and 17th centuries?


Habsburgs v Magyars

Habsburg repudiated Hungarian Constitution, Kossuth declared independence, Nicholas I of Russia sent troops August 1849 to help quell Hungary

St Bartholomew's Day Massacre 1572

Henry of Navarre to be wed to Charles IX's sister, Huguenots in Paris massacred, rest of France goes after Huguenots too (~20000 Huguenots killed). Henry of Navarre escapes capture and death


Hitler pulled Germany out of the League of Nations


Hitler supported Nazi Putsch against Austria, Mussolini threatens war and Hitler backs down

Indochina after WWII

Ho Chi Minh's nationalists/communists demanded independence after WWII which led to Vietnam war

The Peace of Westphalia 1648

Holy Roman Empire decentralized, agreements from peace of Augsburg also applied to Calvinism

Which ethnic group proved to be most difficult for the Habsburg to subdue 1848-1849?


Magyar chauvinism

Hungarians proposed magyarizing all of Hungary, Croats and Serbs invaded Hungary in September 1848

This country experienced a short lived communist dictatorship before becoming a right wing dictatorship


Which part of the Habsburg Empire was taken from Turkish control, sometimes rebelled against the Habsburgs, and had more autonomy than the rest of the empire?


Benito Mussolini 1883-1945

Il Duce, gave speeches and played the virile leader, proclaimed fascism to be modern, denounced liberalism, capitalism, socialism, national unity and state management of the economy

The Asian state which was controlled by a European state for the longest period of time and had the greatest internal change because of European control was


Where did the "Great Rebellion" occur?


Indian path to independence

Indian National Congress with Gandhi and Nehru and Muslim League with Jinan for autonomy and independence, boycotts began 1920, India supported Britain in World Wars, British left in 1947

The one place in Europe that experienced an overall decline in population between 1800 and 1900 was


The Irish Question

Irish abused economically, religiously and politically, 1870 Irish Land Act, wanted Home Rule promised 1914, achieved 1922, Southern Ireland became independent 1949

John Cabot

Italian explorer who said west in 1497 for Henry II of England

This nation switched sides from the Triple Alliance to the Triple Entente for promises of land


Problems with the Treaty of Versailles

J.M. Keynes warned against economic provisions: reparations a bad idea for everyone, winner's peace, US refused to sign

Who were some of the opponents of New Imperialism?

JA Hobson, Lenin, Joseph Conrad

Madame de Staël 1766-1817

Jacques Necker (Louis XVI's finance minister)'s daughter who was raised on Emilean principles, salon hostess and feminist, critical of Napoleon, fan of German romanticism, introduced it to Britain and France

The Glorious Revolution

James II's daughter Mary and husband William II of Orange invited to invade England for throne, had to agree to be constitutional monarchs. conflict worse than civil war.

James I r. 1603-1625

James VI of Scotland, ascends after Elizabeth's death. wrote about Divine Right of Kings. "no bishop, no king"

Kruger Telegram 1896

Jameson Raid an embarrassment, Wilhelm II sent congratulatory telegram to the Boers and hinted that Germany was on their side

Which Asian nation also became an imperialist power during this time of New Imperialism?


United States

Japanese attacked US, Britain, France in Asia, Germans declared war on arsenal of democracy USA, US needed time to prepare industry, equipment, soldiers, concentrated on Europe first, Soviets wanted second front as soon as possible

Indonesia 1949

Japanese ousted Dutch in WWII, Indonesians fought for independence when Dutch returned, became democratic, Sukarno as dictator

One of the most influential child rearing experts of the Enlightenment period was

Jean Jaques Rousseau

Zionism was basically

Jewish nationalism

The greatest perceived threat to nationalism in the late nineteenth century was


Anti-Semitism in Austria-Hungary

Jews got full civil rights in 1867, migrated to Vienna, well represented in intellectual/artistic professions, increasing nationalism increased anti-Semitism


Jews got full civil rights in 1867, well represented in intellectual, artistic professions, Christian Socialism, Dr. Karl Lueger mayor


John Wesley (1703-1791) found Church of England too formulaic and uncaring, injected emotions and care for downtrodden in religion (Methodism), emotional religion and freedom

Moses Mendelsohn 1729-1786

Judaism just another path, cultural relativity: to each one his own

WWI-WWII Yugoslavia

Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, Slovenes established, Serbian king, invaded 1941, Nazis and Croats v Serbians, 500000 Serbians killed, Tito as communist/nationalist partisan leader then leader of independent Yugoslavia

Bismarck's anti-Catholic campaign of the 1870s which wrested control of schools from the Church was known as the


Britain after WWII

Labour promised welfare state (cradle to the grave), nationalization and comprehensive insurance, decolonization: India 1947

Hungarian Revolution March 1848

Lajos Kossuth proposed March Laws, Hungarian autonomy with Habsburg king

Who was the new king after the 1830 Revolution in France?

Louis Philippe

Which was the first and most destructive group of anti-industrialists in nineteenth century Britain?


Marburg Colloquy 1529

Luther and Zwingli meet and argue over the Eucharist (consubstantiation vs. symbolic). no united reform movement

95 Theses 1517

Luther attacks indulgences with 95 theses, meant for debate with other monks. get reprinted in German and spread

Hungary 1867

Magyars ruled, restricted suffrage, Magyarization increased nationalism of minorities

John Maynard Keynes' fears about Europe's post-war economy were actually somewhat similar to the ideas of


This is often cited as something against native European culture

McDonald's restaurant

What followed Britain's relinquishing sovereignty over India in 1947?

Muslim-Hindu ethnic conflict with a million deaths and ten million refugees

What is one group that Europeans seem to have a problem with today?


The Lateran Agreement of 1929 that ended the so-called "Roman Question" was an important agreement between

Mussolini's regime and the Catholic Church

Who helped Kosovo resist being taken over by foreign invaders?


this organization was once referred to as "Keeping the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down"


100 Days

Napoleon escapes prison on Elba, recruited the soldiers Louis XVIII sent to intercept him (adds them to 1000 men from Elba), Louis XVIII flees, Napoleon defeated at Waterloo 1815, exiled to St Helena, Louis XVIII put back on throne

Disadvantages to industrialization on the Continent

Napoleonic wars created chaos, disrupted trade, caused inflation, anxiety bad for investment, Britain far ahead of the others, able to flood market with inexpensive British goods, needed coal, capital, know-how, laborers

The Night of Renunciation August of 1789

National Constituent Assembly gave in to peasants, liberal nobles and clerics renounced feudal dues, rights and privileges. no more feudalism

Causes of the First World War

National Darwinism, domestic political struggles, arms race, imperialism, jingoism, alliances, Sick Men of Europe v nationalism, mobilization timetables

Soviet Union domestic front WWII

Nazi liberation (from Stalin) turned to oppression, massive destruction and loss of life, Great Patriotic War with Stalin as the great hero, already totalitarian dictatorship with planned economy, Soviets conquered Eastern Europe

Nuremberg Trials

Nazi top leaders, doctors, judges, etc tried, victor's justice, a few sentenced to death, some to imprisonment, many sentences commuted in the 1950s. crimes included conspiracy for crimes against peace, planning/waging war of aggression, war crimes, crimes against humanities

The two areas with the most violent nationalist separatist movements were

Northern Spain and Northern Italy

A fondness for the lifestyle and culture of the vanished East Bloc is known as


The Convention August 1792

Paris commune (sans-culottes/petit bourgeoisie) forced new assembly, elected by universal manhood suffrage, convention declared France a republic. Louis XVI tried to treason and executed in January 1793, Marie Antoinette tried and beheaded in October 1793

Bill of Rights 1689

Parliament had to be called at least once every three years, king had to let Parliament help rule. no army, taxation without Parliament say so, no interfering with Parliament. civil rights guaranteed: no cruel, unusual punishment, trials by jury, right to bear arms (except Catholics)

Council of Trent 1545-1563

Paul III called council, Protestants to get together to discuss church reform. protestants refused after Catholic Church refused to debate sola scriptura

What did Lollard and Hussite beliefs cause?

Peasant's Revolt 1381, Hussite wars 1419-1439

The post-February Revolution government of Alexander Kerensky had a kind of rival government that it had to deal with called the

Petrograd Soviet

What was the beginning of the Italian unification?

Piedmont-Sardinia allied with France and defeated Austria in war and gained Lombardy

The one Warsaw Pact country that didn't collectivize their agriculture and also had to have a good understanding with the Catholic Church was


This country was divided by many different ethnic groups and succumbed to a dictatorship under Marshal Pilsudski


Which state or states have been most successful overcoming the planned economy and establishing democracy?

Poland and Hungary

Polish Revolution 1830

Poland wanted to be free of Russia, Congress of Poland disappeared, constitution was repealed, became a part of Russian Empire

Partitions of Poland 1772, 1793, 1795

Poland's governmental weakness makes this possible, Russia, Austria, Prussia all wanted land, reasons are just excuses

New states created by Treaty

Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Finland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Albania, Yugoslavia all based on self-determination, still many dissatisfied minorities

Treaty of Tordesillas 1494

Pope Alexander VI divided new and undiscovered world between Portugal (east and Brazil) and Spain (west and Philippines)

Lateran Accord February 1929

Pope got the Vatican, payed for loss of Papal States, Catholic Church became state church, fascists got legitimacy

What caused explorations and colonizations?

Portuguese invention of caravel (advancements in ships and navigations), new monarchies searching for revenue and land (2 and 5), Renaissance active-action mindset, new route to Asia for eastern products

Ferdinand Magellan 1480-1521

Portuguese, sailed around South America in 1519, died in Philippines in local civil war, only one ship and 18 men circumnavigated the world

Chaos led to Nazi government

President Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor January 1933, wanted to saddle him with responsibility, Hitler misjudged

Count Camillo di Cavour

Prime Minister of Piedmont-Sardinia, used realpolitik

The preeminent upholder of conservatism at this point in time was

Prince Metternich

Seven Years' War 1756-1763

Prussia/Britain v Austria/France/Russia, fighting also happening in N. America (Britain, France), India. results: Frederick held Silesia (slim odds), Britain and France lost a lot of money, leads to revolutions, Britain took Quebec

Otto von Bismarck 1815-1898

Prussian chancellor under William I, invented realpolitik

What were some bills Britain passed to make it more democratic and a better place for the masses?

Reform Bill of 1832, the People's Charter, the Ten Hours Act

Thermodorian Reaction July 1794

Robespierre executed his friends, war was being won, National Convention worried Robespierre would come for them next, Robespierre executed and arrested, new government formed. Revolution too radical/too much terror, Robespierre and sans-culottes too powerful

Nicolae Ceausecu

Romanian dictator from 1965-1989, refused to step down

Atlantic Charter August 1941

Roosevelt and Churchill met (along with military years) on secure ships off Newfoundland to discuss Wilsonian Peace, after war: no territorial gains, self-determination, freer trade, free seas, disarmament

Yalta Conference February 1945

Roosevelt pushed for a United Nations, Soviets demanded $10 billion in reparations or half of whatever was eventually set, Stalin agreed to free elections and self-determination in Eastern Europe, Germany would be disarmed, de-Nazified and divided into zones of occupation

Who was a proponent of New Imperialism?

Rudyard Kipling

Bismarck's alliance system which hinged on isolating France ended when William II allowed Germany's alliance with this nation to end


Napoleon's Grand Army was basically destroyed during his invasion of


Which European nation was consistently the least industrialized per-capita?


Which group of socialists, known as Bolsheviks, was most radical in Europe at this time?


The two states that experienced the greatest and least increase in population were

Russia (greatest) and France (least)

Yeltsin's reign 1992-2000

Russian Parliament v Yeltsin 1993: argued about Yeltsin's power, Yeltsin fired on White House, war in Chechnya as Islamic state tried to break away (oil): Chechen terrorism as a result, oligarchs profited from dismantling communism: sort of like return to Imperial Russia

Great Patriotic War

Russians gave all to defeat invaders, Germans helped Stalin through atrocities, racial beliefs and Lebensraum plan, 20 million (10% of population) lost, Stalingrad and Kursk major battles, enduring fear of invasion, belief in Stalin as the great hero

Nazi consolidation of power summer 1934

SA Brownshirt leadership (and others) murdered during Nigh of the Long Knives, President Hindenburg died, Hitler became "Führer"

Nazi police state

SA disbanded, SS went from elite bodyguard to state within the state, SS army units and concentration camps, Gestapo above the law

Sparticist Revolt January 1919

SPD split between socialists and communists, the communists rose up in Berlin under Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, SPD led government asked army and Freikorps to crush revolt, Luxemburg and Liebknecht arrested and murdered

What were some fundamental supporting beliefs of the Enlightenment?

Scientific methods could and should be used to examine and understand all aspects of life, scientific methods are capable of discovering the laws of human society, it is possible to create better societies and people

Calvinism spreads to

Scotland (John Knox around 1550), France (Huguenots about 10% of population, 50% of nobles), Netherlands (rich merchants), Bohemia and Hungary (nobles), some German principalities (Palatine) and England (non-conformists/Puritans)

Two Balkan Wars 1912-1913

Serbia won but Austria didn't let them get the spoils they deserved: irredentism

Ethnic cleansing of Croats and Bosniaks

Serbian army and Bosnian Serbs seized Croatian and Bosniak land, Serbs began ethnic cleansing of Catholic Croatians and Muslim Bosniaks, not quite genocide but close

What issue sparked the First World War?

Serbian nationalism

What was the main ethnic group in the former Yugoslavia that was guilty of aggressive land seizures and ethnic cleansing?



Serbs knocked out of the war as Germans rescued Austro-Hungarians, Italy joined the Allies for promises of land, Romania and Greece also joined Allies, Bulgaria joined Central Powers, Gallipoli: Britain v Turkey to knock Turkey out of war, didn't work

End of Czechoslovakia 1939

Slovakia wanted a break-up, other nations made demands on Czechs for territory, Germans invade Bohemia and Moravia to "protect" Slovakia

The Boxers Rebellion 1899-1901

Society of Harmonious Fists fought back v foreigners and Christians, "death to the foreign devils", Boxers crushed by international force of almost 20000

Fall of communism in Poland

Solidarity Trade Union created, John Paul II elected, fear of Brezhnev Doctrine kept Solidarity from acting, Polish government declared martial law and got rid of it, worsening economy and Gorbachev's example encouraged Solidarity and government to negotiate, (delegalized) Solidarity took majority in elections and communists gave up

Socialist Realism 1930s-1960s

Soviet art, shows Cult of Personality, life of proletariat, farmers, workers

Results of Caribbean colonization 17-18th century

Spain, England, France, Netherlands colonized islands, imported slaves, grew sugar. highly competitive

Italian troubles as Mussolini vied for power

Squadristi against communists, socialists, Catholics, trade unionists, government was breaking down and had no solution to rising unemployment and severe inflation, gang fighting in the streets

Cult of Personality

Stalin started a Lenin cult: Leningrad, remains in Kremlin mausoleum, quotes, started his own cult: titles like "Brilliant Genius of Humanity", rewriting history, changing photos, Stalingrad, focus of poetry, paintings, film, books, deified

Disagreements during WWII

Stalin wanted reparations, forced labor and friendly Eastern European governments, shoot 50-100 thousand German officers, Roosevelt and Churchill wanted democracy, self-determination and capitalism in Eastern Europe

The Great Purge

Stalin's real and imaginary opponents eliminated, early Bolsheviks and army officers purged, show trials with confessions filmed, used as propaganda, bourgeois workers and Trotskyites purged, millions tried, killed, millions exiled imprisoned, weakened Russia

Peter's military

Streltsy replaced by professional army with foreign experts, modern military. fought Sweden in the Great Northern War (Baltic coastline), fought Ottomans

Which German leader negotiated an end to the Ruhr occupation, ended runaway inflation, joined the League of Nations and signed agreements indicating Germany wanted peace?



Suez Canal built 1869, Britain bought Egypt's shares in 1875, westernizing khedive, Mahdist War in Sudan 1881-1898

What is an example of what is not a Protestant belief?

The bread and wine actually turns into the body and blood of Jesus during services

This Bolshevik was key to the seizure of power from the provisional government in November 1917


Immigration to Europe after WWII

Turks and Southern Europeans to West Germany, colonials to Britain, North Africains (Maghreb) to France, Indonesians to the Netherlands, needed for miracle economies, not needed after 1970s economic slowdowns

UN/NATO intervention in Yugoslavian Civil War

UN sent ineffective peacekeepers in 1992, atrocities were common, including rape, 1995 NATO airstrikes brought Serbs to negotiate

Fighting in Italy 1942-1945

US and Britain invaded North Africa, Sicily and Italy, Mussolini overthrown: Italy surrendered 9/1943, Germans continue fight in Italy, Mussolini and made head of North Italian Socialist Republic

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) 1949

US and Western Europe, defensive alliance

Dayton Accords 1995

US led peace talks in Dayton, OH, Muslim Bosnians and Croats got 51% of Bosnia and Serbs got 49%, 60000 NATO/UN/EU peacekeepers enter Bosnia

The textbook profiles the life of this woman whose attitude went from pro-war before WWI to pro-pacifism before WWII after the deaths of all the young men she cared about during the First Great War

Vera Brittain

Writers from the Romantic Period

Victor Hugo, the Brothers Grimm, Sir Walter Scott

Fall of communism in East Germany

West Germany attracted East Germans, Gorbachev suggested reforms, wall accidentally opened


Western Front: Verdun: Germany v Britain (Germany tried attrition warfare), Battle of the Somme: Germany v France, Eastern Front: Brusilor Offensive: Russia v Austria-Hungary then Germany, Jutland: one large naval battle of the war, ended in a draw


Western Front: modified Schlieffen plan, First Battle of the Marne led to trench race, Eastern Front: Tannenberg and Masurian Lakes German victories, crushing Russian defeats, Luedendorf and Hindenberg brought out of retirement

Peter the Great r. 1689-1725

Westernized Russia. Great Embassy 1697-1698 (diplomatic trip around Western Europe), westernization of social ideals and practices, demanded noble education, simplified alphabet

German Empire

Wilhelm I became German Emperor in January 1871 at Versailles, Second Reich had a nationalist, autocratic state with incomplete democracy, Bismarck ruled diplomacy 1871-1890

Poets from the Romantic Period

William Blake, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge

William of Orange 1533-1584

William the Silent, stadholder of Holland, consolidates opposition against Spain

Battle of Britain 1940

Winston Churchill became PM May 1940, inspired Britain, did not make peace with Germans, Nazi air campaign before invasion, British able to defeat Germans in the air

Two British nationals fought in print over the French Revolution, one in favor of it and one opposed to it. They were

Wollstonecraft and Burke

The unraveling of the Soviet Union

Yeltsin eclipsed Gorbachev in popularity and in power as Russian president, Gorbachev resigned, one by one the 15 Soviet Republics declared independence from the Soviet Union, nationalism, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine formed Commonwealth of Independent States which didn't last

Western European developments post 1960s

Youth Revolution, protest, economic slowdown and welfare state, terrorism

The Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes was better known as


One of the first propaganda movies was

a British film about the First World War Battle of the Somme

All three totalitarian states were similar in that they had

a belief in a charismatic leader

Goulash Communism

a bit more liberal, more consumer oriented

Karl Marx 1818-1883

a bourgeois Prussian from Rhineland, fled to Britain, founder of Marxism


a catch-all term for excessive emotion such as fear or panic

The Soviet's Gosplan was responsible for

a centrally planned economy


a church document to shorten time in purgatory. people began to believe indulgences could overrule confession and penance

During the first half of the nineteenth century prostitution was

a common but relatively temporary way for working class women to make money

Ernest Renan's view on National Identity was that it was

a complete illusion based on romantic notions

The Great Depression began with

a crash in the American stock market

The decline of Spanish power in the seventeenth century was due to

a decrease in trade between Spain and its colonies, Spain's colonial silver mines produced less than before, religious culture meant that they expelled valuable religious minorities and had too many clerical and too few middle class subjects

The Russian move away from a planned economy and one-party rule ended up looking like imperial Russia with

a few rich, lots of poor and an autocrat heading the government

The causes of the French Revolution included ideas from the Enlightenment coupled with a revenue crisis for the government as well as

a generally bad economy that left many French people hungry and angry

The Genevan Consistory was

a group of laymen and pastors who investigated deviations from proper doctrine and conduct

René Descartes

a math genius who created the X-Y graph, believed that all matter was made up of identical corpuscles, was a proponent of deductive reasoning which he started with the notion "I think therefore I am", also made a distinction between mind and matter

Martin Luther (1483-1546)

a monk and professor, overzealous. very concerned with his damnation (prayer, masses, confession, good works), came to realize faith alone saved you

Enclosure was revolutionary because it meant

a more market-oriented type of farming and it created a landless rural proletariat (working class)

The social order of the seventeenth century was defined by the "Great Chain of Being" which meant that everyone fit into

a mostly static social hierarchy

In his writing, Bartolome de Las Casas expresses

a point of view that demonstrates sympathy for the natives

What was the Pilgrimage of Grace?

a pro-Catholic, pro-monastery revolt against the English Reformation

Germany's Schliefen Plan was

a rapid advance through Belgium to reach Paris before Russia fully invaded Germany

What was a salon?

a regular meeting held in a private dining room where talented men and women exchanged witty ideas about literature, science and philosophy

Huguenots nobles had

a religious excuse for political resistance against the French King

The Thirty Years' War 1618-1648

a religious, political and diplomatic struggle. last struggle about religion

Immediately after the execution of King Charles I, the monarchy was replaced by

a republican military dictatorship

What were some revolts that occurred in revolutionary era France?

a revolt of the nobles in the assembly of notables and the Parlement of Paris as they called for a meeting of the Estates General, a revolt of the bourgeoisie as they demanded that all three estates meet in a National Assembly, a revolt of the peasants as the Great Fear ended feudalism in the countryside

Who was Garibaldi?

a revolutionary who liberated the kingdom of the Two Sicilies and got it to join Sardinia

Luther's ideas were mostly spread by

a series of pamphlets through the relatively newly invented printing press


a shift from old communal to modern individual agriculture, divide and till common land, consolidate and fence rural land, use agricultural revolution techniques, huge disruption of rural society


a state posses a monopoly over the instruments of justice and the use of force within clearly defined boundaries. no ecclesiastical courts or private armies

Britain's fairly successful response to the Great Depression was

a switch from international trade to concentration on the home market

What was neocolonialism?

a system designed to perpetuate Western economic domination and undermine the promise of political independence of non-European states

Which best typifies the "June Days" in Paris in 1848?

a violent clash of classes

Eugenics is best described as

a way to try selective breeding to improve the general characteristics of a national population

What was Joseph II's most radical albeit short-lived reform?

abolishing serfdom

Louis XIV's finance minister Colbert created mercantilism which can be defined by

abolition of internal tariff while raising tariffs on foreign goods, support of existing industries with encouragement in the creation of new industries, expansion of colonies and increasing the number of colonists for the benefit of the mother country

Horrors of Thirty Years' War

about 1/3 of population HRE dead, millions died from disease and malnutrition

Pragmatic Sanction

act passed by Charles VI: treat Maria Theressa as if she were a man/emperor both in and out of the empire. results: Frederick II took and held Silesia, Maria Theresa held on to everything else, Britain and France lost a lot of money

According to the textbook, the end of the witchcraft craze occurred because of

advancements in rational thinking and science reduced belief in witches

Francis Bacon 1561-1626

advocated experimentation and observation, "New Atlantis" 1627, science improves quality of life

Charles "Turnip" Townshend

advocated for using turnips for animal fodder, since turnips (as well as clover) improve soil

Classical liberalism

advocates political, religious and economic liberty, opposite of conservatism. laissez faire

Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum 1891

affirmed private property but criticized capitalism's poverty and insecurity, socialism evil but often right, supported the creation of Christian Socialist parties


after 1861 British officials and soldiers ruled with native help, co-op with local elites, lots of racism in the system, 1876: Disraeli made Queen Victoria "Empress of India"

The Decembrist Revolt 1825 (Russia)

after Alexander I's death, it was uncertain which of his sons would take the throne. officers in the Russian army staged a revolt for "Constantine and a Constitution" but Constantine relinquished his claim in favor of Nicholas. revolt put down quickly, Nicholas I new tsar

Mussolini became dictator of Italy

after the socialist Matteoti was killed and many deputies resigned in protest

the Fronde 1648-1653

against Mazarin, not Louis XIV. other classes withdrew support from nobles after they learned that nobles were fighting for feudal rule

The Physiocrats

against mercantilism, for free trade, productive wealth

What was Luther's reaction to the peasants' revolt?

agreed at first, but when they acted he was strongly against them

What were some new industrial era weapons used in the First World War?

airplanes, tanks, flamethrowers, poison gas

Pacification of Ghent 1579

all Dutch provinces unite against Spain, agree on regional religious supremacy

Code Napoléon

all citizens equal before law, abolition of serfdom and feudalism, choice of profession guaranteed, religious toleration, property rights protected, unions and strikes illegal, women's rights curtailed

Luther's beliefs

all directly attacked the catholic church's positions. sola fide, sola scriptura, sola grazia. church is a priesthood of all believers (everybody equal in God's eyes). vernacular preaching

Five European-Chinese wars 1842-1895

all had unfair trade agreements come out of them, each European power got sphere of influence/treaty ports

"The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen" August 1789

all men born free and equal, basic rights: liberty, property, security, resistance to oppression, government exists to protect rights, sovereignty in the people and their representatives, all positions open to talent and merit, freedom of religion and the press, due process under the law, accused innocent until proven guilty, taxation based on ability to pay. Louis XVI approves nothing

Blundering into war

all of Europe outraged, Germans "blank check" supported Austrians to beat up Serbs, Austrians went from victim to bully, Russians mobilized for Serbia, Germans invade France with "Schlieffen Plan", invasion of Belgium brought Britain into war

Treaty of Nonsuch 1585

alliance between Dutch and English

The New Economic Plan (NEP) which began in 1921

allowed peasants to sell surpluses in free markets

Council of Troubles

also called the Council of Blood. formed by Alva, inquisition of sorts, led to many arrests, executions and land confiscations and a 10% tax on the Dutch to pay for Alva's troops

The Dutch Revolt

also known as the 80 Years War. religious and political struggle

Austro-Prussian War 1866

also known as the Seven Weeks' War, Bismarck provoked Austria into attacking, Austrians and Saxons v Prussia over Schleswig-Holstein, Bismarck's realpolitik led to easy pease: needed Austrian neutrality over German unification

What happened to Turkey after WWI?

although invaded by Greece and Britain, it eventually repelled the invaders and created more modern, secular state

What was the religious situation in Eastern Europe during the Reformation?

although some parts of the population became Lutheran or Calvinist, Catholicism made a significant comeback in Eastern Europe

Nazi economic policy

amazing recovery from Great Depression, massive public works projects and military spending, unemployment spending, 1936 Four Year Plan to prepare for war, capitalism assisted by state, war (plunder and taxation) necessary to maintain army

Francis Bacon

an advocate for empiricism which is acquiring evidence through observation and experimentation rather than deductive reason and speculation

How were competing colonial claims settled between Portugal and Spain?

an agreement, the Treaty of Tordesillas, was brokered by the pope


an artistic movement that glorified nature, emotion, imagination, the unknown/mysterious/grotesque, the Middle Ages, spontaneity, exotic locations, freedom, Volksgeist. against the Enlightenment, neo-classicism, industrialization

What was the Continental System?

an economic blockade of Britain

Robert Blakewell

animal eugenics

Darwinian Racism and Jews

anti-Semitism based on blood and race, converts no longer okay


anti-art movement, attacked rational civilized standards because they had failed, Marcel Duchamps

Horrified by the losses from WWI, Britain (and a reluctant France) gave Hitler everything he wanted including the Czech Sudetenland in a policy called


Popular Front New Deal 1936

armaments and aviation nationalized, 40 hour work week, paid vacations, collective bargaining, Bank of France put under government control, huge jump in union membership, agriculture price fixing and government purchase of wheat, right wing livid

The Restoration 1660

army invited Charles II to return to the throne, cavalier Parliament restored (Anglican), restored Anglican church

Napoleon's conquest

army very enthusiastic: French fighting for "liberté, égalité, fraternité, client states (forced allies): Spain, Batavian Republic (Netherlands), Confederation of the Rhine, Grand Duchy of Warsaw, Kingdom of Italy, Swiss Republic, all get Napoleonic Code (religious toleration)


as Russians advanced westward US and Britain invaded France on D-Day, liberated France and pushed Germans back to border, battle of the Bulge 12/1944: unsuccessful german counter attack, Rhine bridged, end of the war near

Henry III is

assassinated by a enraged monk in 1589 after killing the Duke de Guise

Terrorism after WWII

assassinations, bombings, kidnappings, hijackings, etc, nationalist: Spain (ETA Basque Separatists), Britain (IRA Irish Republican Army), communist: West Germany (RAF Red Army Faction), Italy (Red Brigades), recently Radical Islamic terrorism and Right Wing terrorism

helpful bunk

astrology, numerology, alchemy

What was the great change in nationalism between the earlier part of the nineteenth century and later part of the nineteenth century?

at first it was liberal and progressive it it became an us versus them belief

RIP Soviet Union 1917-1991

attempted Marxist/Communist state, in reality socialist dictatorship, Russia became a modern superpower, people wanted more freedom/comfort, freedom included nationalist aspirations, Soviet Union/Russian Empire disintegrated

Women Question in Western Europe after WWII

baby boom occurred after WII (welfare), baby bust with later consumerism and the pill (1961), women more than mothers (under 2.1 births), access to welfare state, education, white collar work, still not quite equal, discrimination and double burden, Beauvoir's "The Second Sex" 1949


bad economy led to bread riots, anxiety over troop movements, on edge, organized themselves into a militia

The Rothschilds

banking family, got crazy rich from giving out loans, costs of war

Louis XIV and religious conformation

banned Jansenism in 1660 (off-shoot of Catholicism), 1680s harassment campaign v Huguenots, revoked Edict of Nantes (tolerant Catholicism/Huguenots some freedom) in 1685

Viennese Revolution March 1848

barricades in the streets, inspired by Magyars

1848 Revolution in France

barricades went up in worker areas, bourgeois National Guard refused to clear the streets, riots, Louis Philippe fled to England

Second Industrial Revolution 1870-

based on steel, chemicals, electricity and oil

Fascist economy in Italy

battle for wheat, public works projects, swamp reclamation, hydroelectric power, trying to autarky, economy divided into 22 corporations (sort of like 20th century guilds), strikes, lockouts, labor unrest banned, doesn't achieve industrialization need for WW2

Fascists take power in Italy

battle others in streets, marched on Rome 10/22, king gave Mussolini dictatorial power for 1 year, assassination of socialist MP led to non-fascists abandoning parliament in 1924, backfired since fascists took power, opponents arrested, freedoms abolished, rule by decree, unions disbanded

Henry IV (r. 1589-1610)

became Catholic after becoming King, "Paris is worth a mass". fanatics on both sides horrified, but France ready for peace. very popular, reign set foundation for increasing French power. assassinated in 1610 by a Catholic fanatic

Serbian Revolution 1804-1835

became independent through conflict with Ottoman Empire

Henry of Navarre

becomes Henry IV King of France

Jean-Jaques Rousseau

believed in the general will, sort of a socialist, believed education was important: "Emile" 1762, three stages of being

a politique

believed peace more important than religion

France after WWI

best army in Europe, Northeastern France damaged: needed reparations, left/right split continues to exist, new alliances: Czechoslovakia, Romania, Yugoslavia, Poland, given Lebanon-Syria as a mandate

Triangular trade

between China, India and Britain. Britain manufacture to India, bullion, Indian textiles and opium to China, Chinese silk and tea to Britain

Results of Council of Trent

bishops responsible for ending corruption, more emphasis on preaching and teaching believers, seminaries to educate priests, holy orders flourish


black shirted thugs who used violence, arson, murder against enemies

Reichstag arson February 1933

blamed on communists, Hitler and his government demand emergency powers

Air war crimes WWII

blitzkrieg included attacks on civilians, the Blitz over Britain destroyed a million homes, 43 thousand killed, Anglo-American bombing starting in 1943 destroyed 1/3 of German buildings, Germans continued with V1 and V2 weapons

The most common treatment by physicians during the eighteenth century was

blood letting and purging

Russian Civil war 1917-1921

bolsheviks, soviets (reds) v landlords, army officers, churchmen, bourgeoisie (whites), Allies fear communism and supply whites, millions died, reds controlled center, whites on peripheries

Papal Index of Prohibited Books 1556-1966

books are dangerous and need to be controlled by both Catholics and Protestants, Catholic censorship more complete. heretical books burned and people punished

The Congress of Vienna created

border states around France to be used as buffers

Other innovations

bourgeois consumption goods (toys, dishes, buttons, candlesticks), furniture and rugs, household goods (pots, pans, utensils, glassware), tools (home and garden), soap, beer, wine, liquor, foodstuffs, powered machine tools

Russian Provisional Government March-November 1917

bourgeois republic with freedoms including abolition of capital punishment, continued war, armed deserters seized noble lands


bourgeoisie at play, nature outside hustle and bustle or modern city, not photography, Second Industrial Revolution

The "just price" of bread was often enforced by

bread riots

A reason for the increase in population is that the year 1722 marked the last

bubonic plague outbreak

The aim of the Soviet Union's First Five Year Plan was to

build up heavy industry

The Berlin Wall

built in 1961 to prevent East Germans from going to West Berlin/West Germany, claimed to be "Anti-Fascist Protection Wall"


bulk commodities traded internationally: rice, sugar, tea, other consumer goods, reasons for official companies for oceanic trade: risk and capitalism

Robe nobels v sword nobles

bureaucratic v served in war, robe nobles looks down on

Women divided

by class, goals, religious belief, politics

Unlike every other European state, the Ottoman Empire was divided mostly

by religion

Philip III of Spain

called 12 year truce in 1609 between Netherlands and Spain

Leninism absolutely rejected peaceful evolution towards socialism, promoted the belief that peasants could replace proletarians in a Marxist revolution, and

called for a class of professional revolutionaries to guide the revolution

JJ Thomson

came up with electron theory, plum pudding model

The efficiency of Frederick the Great's bureaucracy was influenced by


Transportation revolution

canals revolutionary for local trade, sailing ships important for international trade, steam engines on a ship (transportation time and shipping costs decrease), iron rails, more iron needed, national markets easy accessible, fuel access made larger factories possible, decreases time needed for travel and cost of transportation

First Five Year Plan 1929-1932

capitalist nations faced the Great Depression, Stalin wanted modern economy, rapid industrialization at rural expense, 300-600% increase in industrial output, Second Five Year Plan 1933-1937

The French Revolution causes and effects

causes: enlightenment, debt, poor economy, effect: death of an old regime

Mobilizing morale WWI

censorship and loss of civil rights: sedition laws, people upset by losses, long working hours, shortages, propaganda, atrocities fabricated and exaggerated, disconnect between battle and home fronts, churches support war effort

The Bach System

centralization and Germanization promoted, no separate rights for Hungary of others

Communism in the Soviet Union

centrally planned economy: Gosplan, squeezed peasants for capital: Trotsky's idea, collectivization of land and livestock, mechanization of farm: free tractors

Geopolitical motives for New Imperialism

certain areas valuable for political/strategic reasons, areas adjacent to key areas also taken, navies increasingly important, coaling stations and ports

Scientific revolution and the educated elite

change from scholasticism to scientific method, religious to mechanistic view of universe

Chartist movement

chartists wanted universal manhood suffrage, secret ballot, parliamentary salaries, no property qualification for office, equal electoral districts, annual elections. increasingly popular, fear of social revolution, national chartist petitions rejected by the House of Commons

George Orwell argued that instead of raging against their poverty, the poor of Britain took solace in

cheap clothes and cheap entertainment

Which group was locked out of factory work due to the Factory Acts (1802-1833)?


Civil Constitution of the Clergy July 1790

church becomes part of the state, clergy divided between state and refractory clergy, Pope Pius Vi condemned it, biggest mistake of Revolution: forcing people to choose between Revolution and faith

Enlightened criticism of religion

churches hinder reason, religion responsible for intolerance, war, torture, suffering

Under the French Third Republic, schools' religion classes were replaced with

civics classes

Institutes of sharing

civil forum for exchange of knowledge, tried to separate science from conflicts, religion, advocated science as good for state and economy

In the nineteenth century David Friedrich Strauss wrote a book titled "The Life of Christ" that

claimed Jesus was a myth

Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905

clashing imperialism, war to rally the people, loss led to 1905 Revolution in Russia

Communist revolution will occur because of

class conscious proletariat will overthrow the bourgeoisie and existing regime

This increased greatly due to the Industrial Revolution


Submission of the clergy 1532

clergy agrees to let Henry divorce Catherine and marry Anne

The Church

clergy their social class, strict hierarchy, only supranational organization, center of people's lives

Importance of coal

coal used for heating and cooking as early as Middle Ages, Britain deforested early, coal mined, deeper coal mines meant flooding

British politics after WWI

coalition governments, Labour party replacing liberals, female suffrage granted 1918, all party coalition "the National Government" formed to deal with the Great Depression in 1931, communist and fascist parties not popular

What are some terms related to the production of iron?

coke, puddling, rolling mills

Yugoslavian Civil War 1991-1999

collapse of communism pushed Yugoslavia into chaos, new constitution allowed succession, Milosevic used Yugoslav army to block Croatia and Slovenia from leaving, Slovenes won independence, Croats didn't, Germany recognized Slovenia as independent

According to your textbook, the Dutch form of decentralized republican government was due in large part to

commercial prosperity

What were some pre-modern agricultural practices?

communal plowing, sowing and harvesting in open fields, leaving some part of the fields fallow so that nutrients would return to the soil

Charivari were

communal public shaming rituals

Bavarian Soviet Republic April 1919

communists took over Bavaria for a few weeks, army and Freikorps destroyed communists, mosty more funny than scare, Bavaria not ripe for Bolshevism

The new kind of nineteenth century marriage, based on emotion rather than convenience or social and economic reasons is referred to by historians as

companionate marriage

Habsburg Empire 1848

comprised of 12 ethnic groups

Jews in Russia

confined to the Pale of Settlement, many were petit bourgeois living in villages, distinctive dress and language

Dissolution of the monasteries 1530s

confiscated monastic land, sold and gave to loyal followers. lots of wealth accumulated, people not very happy

The purpose of Louis XIV's wars seems to have been

conquering economically successful territories while also creating natural borders

Alexander II's military reforms

conscription for 6 years active duty and 15 years reserve duty, military improving

Post-1905 political system in Russia

conservative constitutional monarchy, worker councils (Soviets) formed, trade unions increased in size and power

Problems with Louis Philippe

constitutional monarchy corrupt, ineffective and unconcerned, refused to extend suffrage, outlawed political meetings

France reconstructed

constitutional monarchy, government and society enlightened

Constitution of 1791

constitutional monarchy, king has delaying veto (no real power), legislative assembly made law and controlled army, active (electors) and passive citizens, power based on (lots of) property not birth: bourgeoisie benefit

What were some things accomplished by George Haussmann's renovation of Paris?

construction of straight, long boulevards that afforded beautiful views and made it difficult to build barricades, construction of aqueducts that brought clean fresh water from long distances to ensure the Parisian water supply was safer and drinkable, an expansion of sewage systems to whisk away urine and feces as well as other fluid waste products, the creation of parks and open spaces to provide areas for socializing or play as well as improving air quality with trees and plants

The Truman Doctrine tried to do this to Communism

contain it


contained a strong sense of "us" versus "them"


contained laissez faire economics

Utopian Socialism

contained the idea of both "phalanxes" and that "property is theft"

Marxist Socialism

contained the struggle between the bourgeoisie and proletariat, the idea of both class consciousness and that "a specter is haunting Europe"

Truman Doctrine 1947

containment of communism official US policy, allowed US to grant aid to Greece and Turkey to halt communism

Popular belief

continued in the village despite all of the advancements with the educated elite

What was Catherine the Great's greatest accomplishment?

continuing a cultural westernization of Russia

Sepoy Revolt 1857-1858

control of India taken from East India Company

The cause of the American Revolution seems to have been Britain trying to increase

control over colonial administration

The Catholic Church fought back against the tide of the nineteenth century modernity with promoting this economic system

corporatism, various classes cooperating under Christian principles

Cold War worldwide

couldn't fight with nukes, lots of conflict over decolonization, Chinese Civil War, Korean War, Vietnam War, Middle East, Africa, Central America

Louis XIV's administration

councils of state (bourgeois), never called Estates General

Women's revolution post-WWII

counter-culture led to action in the 1970s, political involvement led to divorce, child care and job protections, abortion, more female politicians and business leaders, more equal pay for equal work


countries still culturally and economically tied to former masters, suppliers of raw materials, indebted to industrial nations

William Harvey 1578-1657

court physician to the Stewarts, modern theory of blood flow (vivisection of animals)

Cavour's plan

created a state to attract others, improved infrastructure and agriculture, liberal trade measures, harnessed liberalism and nationalism, anti-revolutionary

Maastricht Treaty 1992

created an area without frontiers in which the free movement of goods and persons, services and capital is ensured, merger of European community, 380 million European consumers, the euro

Agricultural Revolution effects

created capital that could be invested in factories, mobile population to move to cities for work, more successful in Western Europe than in Eastern Europe (serfdom slows it down)

Poor Law 1834

created poor houses

The Augsleich 1867

created the dual monarchy of Austria-Hungary, Magyars got March Laws (1848), Czechs left out, Austro-Slavism still popular, restricted suffrage, Germans in power in parliament until 1907

Johann Herder

created the idea of Volksgeist

Herbert Spencer 1820-1903

creator of Social Darwinism, survival of the fittest human, class and race based

Women and the poor during WWI

critical to the war effort, took "men's" jobs, pay increased some under war pressure not equal, created independence, many previously oppositional feminists became nationalists, post-war suffrage in Germany, Austria, Britain and US, full employment, new wealth for the poorest, war inflation hurt some, overall people getting healthier

Radicals in Russia

critics became hardened terrorists in reaction to unfulfilled reforms/repression, people like Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876) nihilists and anarchists, lots of assassination attempts, deaths, executions, exile

Radicals in Russia

critics became hardened terrorists in reaction to unfulfilled reforms/repression, people like Mikhail Bakunin (1814-1876) nihilists and anarchists, lots of attempts, deaths, executions, exile

Was Italy totalitarian?

culture prevents totalitarianism, some terror, economy running during Great Depression, communism and liberalism in check, Italy seems like a well oiled machine, really just a paper tiger, WWII destroys fascist Italy

Tycho Brahe 1546-1601

danish astronomer, recorded positions of heavenly bodies through observation

Mary Shelley 1797-1851

daughter of Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin, "Frankenstein" (1818)

Khrushchev's reign 1953-1964

de-Stalinization 1956, criticism of personality cult, reduction of Gulag system, crushing of Hungary 1956, Sputnik 1957: artificial satellite in orbit, Yuri Gangarin 1961: first man in orbit, Cuban Missile Crisis 10/1962-11/1962


de-centralizaiotn of economic decision making, partial invisible hand, didn't work well: little individual initiative

What was the conciliar movement?

debate about who had ultimate power, pope or council of cardinals

Roman Republic

declared under Giuseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi, radicals flocked to Rome

What caused the end of the Italian Renaissance?

decrease in trade, wealth spent on wars, spice price declined, Catholic Church had less influence

Christianity after WWII

decreasing belief and church attendance which could be caused by horrors of war, right-wing stain, comforts of welfare state, science and technology, permissive society, communism

France after 1871

decreasing relative power, big political divide, wanted to regain power and prestige, wanted Alsace back and wanted to increase foreign empire

What were fundamental government duties according to the famous Scottish economist Adam Smith?

defense against foreign invasion, maintenance of civil order with courts and police, promotion of public works that no private investor would create

New weaponry in WWI

defensive weapons: machine guns, long range artillery, barbed wire and mines, offensive weapons: airplanes (Zeppelins), tanks, poison gas, flame-throwers, submarines

Frankfurt Parliament (1848)

delegates sent to Frankfurt to create a national/liberal Germany against will of the princes, question of whether to have a small or big Germany, "Declaration of Rights of German People"

Czechoslovakian revolt 1968

democracy destroyed in 1948 by coup, in 1968 Alexander Dubcek tried "socialism with a human face", USSR and Warsaw Pact invaded

March 1917 Revolution

demonstrating women not put down by Cossacks or army troops who were ordered by tsar but refused, troops loyalty questionable, tsar forced to abdicate

Peterloo Massacre 1819

demonstration at St. Peter's fields outside of Manchester for universal manhood suffrage, repeal of Corn Laws, annual parliamentary elections. 11 killed, 400 wounded when soldiers charged into crowd

The Hour of Yeltsin

demonstrators out in the streets, Yeltsin organized resistance, army wouldn't shoot demonstrators, generals asked Gorbachev for forgiveness, Yeltsin forced Gorbachev to ban Communist Party

This, more than anything else, epitomized consumer culture between 1900 and the end of World War II

department stores


descendants of Germanic warriors, administrators for kings, warriors of their lands (knights), "taxed" their laborers

What were some motives for explorations in the fifteenth century?

desire for luxuries (especially spices), the Ottoman Empire making trade with the East more difficult, the need for more precious metals such as gold and silver

Why did people revolt in Eastern Europe between 1945 and 1982ish?

desire for more freedom and better standard of living, nationalism

The collectivization of agriculture that occurred in the Soviet Union

destroyed the Kulaks as a social class

Bolsheviks lost popularity because of

devastation of civil war, famine, epidemics, war, terror, Kronstadt sailors and Petrograd workers rebelled in 1921, rebels shot

Albert Einstein 1879-1955

developed the relativity theory: time and space a combined continuum, measurement of time and space relative to observer

Werner Heisenberg 1901-1976

developed the uncertainty principle: behavior of subatomic particles uncertain

Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots

devout Catholic with claim to English throne. horrible queen, chased out of Scotland in 1568, accused of assassination plot against Elizabeth I, executed in 1587

Queen Mary (Bloody Mary) (1516-1558)

devout Catholic, reinstituted Catholicism in England. married Philip II of Spain. killed heretics, very unpopular. died without heir from tumor

Andreas Vesalius 1514-1564

did dissection, "The Fabric of the Human Body" ("Fabrica") 1543, detailed drawings of anatomy, quickly replaced Galen's book

Charles II "El Hechizado"

died without heir, related to both Habsburgs and Bourbons, his "will" rejected because they wouldn't have a Bourbon on the throne

Holy Roman Empire

dies in 1806. Napoleon reorganized into Confederation of the Rhine, headed by Napoleon's brother Jerome, far fewer German states (16 instead of roughly 300), falls apart in 1813 due to Napoleon's defeats

The ability of seventeenth century European rulers to have absolute control over their nations was hampered by

difficulties in communication and transportation, between the capital and the rest of the realm, local power structures protecting their traditional rights

WWI in Russia

difficulty mobilizing everything, relied on numbers rather than technology, agriculture production fell (shortages), working women burned by long hours, food shortages, dying men, millions of men lost on the battlefield, poor leadership, equipment, morale

Marie Curie (1867-1934)

discovered radiation and radium

Ernest Rutherford

discovered the nucleus, subatomic theory

Henri Becquerel

discovered uranium

Wilhelm Roentgen (1845-1923)

discovered x-rays

Luddites 1811-1818

disgruntled workers common who sabotaged machines since they were being put out of work and the mills were destroying a way of life. 1812: destroying a machine punishable by hanging, insurrection of the poor against the rich (1000 mills destroyed, a few owners killed), a number of Luddites hanged

French feminists

divided between left and right wings with different goals, socialists generally wanted suffrage, Catholic feminists wanted better conditions, suffrage granted after World War 2

1884 Berlin Conference

dividing up Africa, nations had to have "effective occupation" to produce "economic development"

Family work

division of labor over time with single women and children overseen by men instead of families working together, Victorian Era 1840-1900 domesticity

Peter's religious actions/policies

doesn't really care about religious conformity. patriarch replaced by Holy Synod of 10 bishops overseen by a civilian prosecutor

Henry III (r. 1574-1589)

doesn't want to align with Guise family or Huguenots

While some young men became apprentices, young women most commonly became

domestic servants

What was the second largest occupation after farming around 1850 in Britain?

domestic service

Old world to new world (Colombian Exchange)

domesticated animals, sugar, coffee beans, Christianity, lots of diseases (especially smallpox)

Russian differences

dominated by Mongols 1251-1480, Byzantine connection: Caesar (tsar, czar), Orthodox faith, location meant no Renaissance, New World exploration, Reformation, Wars of Religion

René Descartes 1596-1650

doubted everything, "I think therefore I am". created dualism, material world could be explained scientifically, spiritual world could not. math genius ("Discourse on Method" 1637), Cartesian coordinate system (x,y,z graph)

One fairly easy way to bringing large tracts of previously unarmed land into agricultural production was to

drain swampy areas

Which were some reasons responsible for the increased survival of people after 1700?

draining of swamps which meant fewer flies and mosquitoes, inoculation against smallpox, improvement in water supply and sewage systems

The People's Charter 1838

drawn up by disenfranchised middle class and radicals

New Course diplomacy

dropped Russia, supported Austria-Hungary, thought French-Russian-British alliance impossible

Declines in witch hunts

due to skepticism. someone everyone liked accused, scientific revolution, enlightenment, insurance becomes a thing. elite convinced superstitious peasants

Geographic and social reasons for the Industrial Revolution

early deforestation (rich in coal), no invasions or disruptive warfare, close to water for transportation, no aristocratic shame in trade

Napoleon III and how he helped Cavour

easy to use because he was for nationalism in "his" ancestral home, wanted a week Italy under Pope, looking for a win to boost his prestige, signed an alliance with Piedmont v Austria

Marshall Plan 1947-1951

economic aid ($12 billion) to rebuild Europe, promoted trade, capitalism and market for US goods

What were some reasons for post-war expanded roles for women?

economic booms which created a strong demand for labor, the shift away from heavy industries to service industries, women having equal opportunities in the postwar education revolution


economic policy: collect as much precious metal as possible. export, don't import

Perestroika means

economic restructuring

Process of the fall of communism in Eastern Europe

economy declined (international debts), people wanted better standard of living and more freedom (including nationalism), Gorbachev encouraged/allowed reforms, communist leaders tried to share power, removed through popular will of the people

Since John Locke believed the mind of a tabula rasa (blank slate), progress could be achieved through


Catherine the Great of Russia

education: advocated education, justice: restricted torture, society: restricted serf punishments, Westernization, allied with nobles, religion: some religious toleration (Jews put in Pale of Settlement), political rule: divided Russia into 50 administrative provinces, autocrat, centralized/strong, legislative commission to question everything (no change), charter of nobility: nobles don't have to work

Frederick the Great of Prussia

education: professors discuss new ideas, nobles/bureaucrats required to go to university, edict requiring primary education, justice: noncorrupt judges, torture abolished, decrease in crimes punishable by executions, religion: religious freedom, political rule: rewrote/edited/simplified law, meritocracy in bureaucracy, economy: developed agriculture/industry, taxes, land banks, promoted potatoes

Joseph of Austria

education: promoted school, elementary education, 25% of kids in school, justice: equal punishment for equal crimes no matter their class, society: abolished serfdom, liberty of the presidency, Jewish nobles, equal tax, religion: religious toleration (for the most part), granted Jews equal rights, clashed with Pope, suppressed monasteries, political rules: centralized state, modern, bureaucracy, secret police, trained bureaucrats, economy: equal taxation, East Indies company (fails), serfs pay taxes with money

Calvin's beliefs about authority

elect should rule the damned, state should be christianized but should have no authority over religion, church should regulate behavior along with state's help, Elders and the Consistory should morally evaluate the convicted (basically, Geneva no fun)

House of Orange

elected to unite the provinces of the Netherlands (Stadholder of all), power wanes/waxes with threats

Reform out of control in Soviet Union

elections brought non-Communists into government 1989, 1991 Marxism-Leninism (planned economy) dropped as official economic policy

Eastern Europe 1945-1953

elections fraudulent, one party dictatorship (repression of all others), Five Year Plans mimicking Soviet economy, industrialization, collectivization, dissatisfaction with Stalinism

What was the post 1890 revolution in public transportation that made the expansion of cities possible?

electric streetcars

Political and economic reasons for the Industrial Revolution

enclosure (created unemployed workforce and capital), stable constitutional monarchy government (1688), Bank of England (1694), huge navy fleet, merchant marine, colonists with raw materials and markets, increasing capital from overseas trade, wool manufacture and domestic system, dissenters (non-anglican protestants)


enlightened/rational religion, God is a divine watchmaker, seen through nature

Commerce and production

entrepreneurs, putting out system

Napoleon's famous Napoleonic Code was based on

equality of men before the law and protection of private property

Post-WWII Tito's rule

ethnic tensions under control, Yugoslavia rejected Soviet domination: nonalignment

Realism in art and literature attempted to portray life

exactly as it was

What was the result of Luther's stand against indulgences?

excommunicated for burning Papal Bull (1520), "Here I stand" speech at Diet of Worms (1521) refusing to take back words, Charles V wanted him dead, Duke of Saxony kidnaps Luther, hides him in his castle, Luther translates Bible into German

The desire for this was a cause for enclosure

experimentation with crop rotation

What are some parts of the revolution in Natural Philosophy?

experimentation, advanced mathematics, observation

Class conflict

exploiters v exploited creates new situation, pattern seen throughout history (lords v serfs led to bourgeoisie, aristocrats v bourgeoisie led to proletariat, bourgeoisie v proletariat will lead to no more classes

Baroque art

expressed strong emotion, shows psychological states of mind

Vincent van Gogh 1853-1890

expressionist. "Portrait of Père Tanguy" 1887-1888, "Sunflowers" 1888, "Starry Night" 1889, "Brothel" 1888, "Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear" !889

Paul Gauguin 1848-1903

expressionist. "Tahitian Landscape" 1891, "Tahitian Women on the Beach" 1891, "Nevermore" 1897, "Barbarian Tales" 1902

Edvard Munch 1863-1944

expressionist. "The Scream" 1893, "Melancholy" 1894, "By the Deathbed (Fever)" 1893

Andrei Sakharov

face of Soviet hydrogen bomb, put in mental hospital because he turned against the Soviet Union (Brezhnev's reign)

Benjamin Disraeli

face of Tories (conservatives), pro-empire, 1867 Reform Bill (lower middle class can vote), conservative on Irish Question

William Gladstone

face of Whigs (liberals), 1884 Reform Bill (75% of all men can vote), Foster's Education Act 1870, split liberals on the Irish Question

Government control WWI

farm rationing because farm man and beast power gone, rationing in Germany (Jan. 1915) and Britain (1917), hoarding and black-markets, 1916-1917 Turnip Winter in Germany, 700000 Germans starved during the war

Farmers, peasants serfs

farmers: free, own land. peasants: mostly free, corvée: days per year peasants must work on local infrastructure, serfs: like slaves, robot, barshchina: number of days serfs must work for lord

Robert Boyle 1621-1691

father of chemistry, "The Sceptical Chymist" 1661,invented the air pump and discovered Boyle's law, thought matter was made up of tiny particles


favoring tradition and legitimacy, slow/organic change best, faith over reason, tradition over free inquiry, collective values over individualism, divine law over secular law, against Enlightenment ideals

Napoleon's legacy

fear of revolution during Age of Metternich, legitimacy: birth kings, not merit emperors, revolutionary example for all of Europe, liberalism (liberty, freedom), nationalism (nation, unity, strength)

Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic 1923

fell behind on reparations payments, Ruhr region invaded by French and Belgians, German government paid workers to strike and printed money to pay them, ruined the middle class, ended in 1924 by Dawes Plan

Tokugawa Japan 1600-1867

feudalism, isolationism, forced to open doors in 1853 by US Admiral Perry

Aristocratic resurgence

fight monarchs for change, didn't want nobles of the robe, make more difficult to become noble, reserve certain positions for nobles only, extend authority of deliberative nobles (parliament), improve financial position through reintroduction of feudal dues/tax exemption (want peasants who work land to pay them)

John Paul II

first Polish Pope, fought for Eastern European freedom, one of the reasons communism failed

Bank of Amsterdam

first modern-style bank. very secure, revolution because they accepted all kinds of coins

Belgium (after 1830)

first on Continent to industrialize, spared most of the horrors of the Napoleonic wars (annexed in 1794), lots of coal and iron ore, later many contacts with Britain

Newcomen Engine 1702

first steam engine pumpted water out of coal mines, large and inefficient

Treaty of Nanking

first unfair trade agreement, Britain got trade, right to sell opium and extraterritoriality

Spices were used for

food and drink flavorings, religious oils and incense and medicines

What are some areas that have changed in Europe due to multiculturalism?

food, music, film

What were some of the large expenses of bourgeois families?

food, servants, travel

Transmission of the Enlightenment

for educated elite, spread through book/pamphlets/journals, coffeehouses, salons, freemason lodges


forced to open doors in 1853 by US Admiral Perry, almost accepted as an equal: imperialism, Sino-Japanese War 1894-1895, Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905, annexed Korea in 1910

Frederick IV of the Palatinate

formed Protestant Union 1608

Northern German Confederacy 1867

formed after Austro-Prussian War

The Weimar Republic 1919-1933

formed after WWI, SPD and Center Party had majority in Reichstag, reforms included democratic republic and female suffrage, old elites remained

European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) 1951

formed by BeNeLux, France, Italy and FRG

Tsar Alexander I (Russia)

formed the Holy Alliance

Maginot Line 1930-1940

fortifications to protect Franco-German border, cheaper than large offensive army

Industrialization on the Continent (1830-1873?)

fought British with tariffs, government built railroads, banks and government together played a larger role in raising capital

King Henry II of France

fought Habsburgs in Italian wars, married Catherine de' Medici, anti-Calvinist. accidentally killed while jousting celebrating the end of Italian wars/marriage alliance

Ignatius of Loyola

founder of the Jesuits

Jeremy Bentham 1748-1832

founder of utilitarianism, in favor of: individual freedom, economic freedom, legal gender equality (divorce), abolition of slavery and death penalty

Marxism is against

freedom, religion, property, morality, nation, government

March 1933 Enabling Act

freedoms appealed, opponents jailed, concentration camps

Christopher Columbus 1446-1506

from Genoa, believed in western trade route to Asia, Queen Isabella first to support his trip after he tried many kingdoms in 1492, brought back natives, gold, "fake" spices, made three trips to New World

Bourgeois divisions

gentry: wealthy non-noble land owners (upper middle class), middle: merchants, traders, government officials, guild owners (middle middle class), petite bourgeois: artisans, shopkeepers, grocers, bread makers (lower middle class)

Austria, Spain, Italy and Russia had some industrial progress in certain areas

geography: few raw materials in difficult areas, transportation and communication difficulties, social structures hindered sometimes (landlords/serfs, small middle class, dominant class), commercial policies: tariffs hindered trade, protected weak industries, inferior goods, many counties split between industrial and non-industrial parts, didn't work because need agricultural revolution spark and without strong agriculture there was no market for industrial goods, wanted industrialization but couldn't get it done, railroads linked weird places (military, government use), bourgeois and working classes strengthened


giving jobs to relatives or friends

Britain's Home Front WWII

government involved in people's lives like WWI, survived with US help (Lend Lease Act) until US joined war, submarine threat overcome with technology and convoys, Britain "invaded" by Yanks

Brezhnev's reign 1966-1982

government rigidity, stagnation and repression all led to more dissatisfaction and quiet protest, dissidents repressed, Samizdal: manuscripts instead of printing press critique, détente: decrease in Cold War tension, Salt I 1972

The Opium War 1839-1848

government worried about social costs of opium, enforce laws and destroy it, British went to war to gain open trade and force China to take the drugs

Jews after the Enlightenment and French Revolution

gradually gained civil rights in the west, toleration became law, many Jews assimilated into mainstream in Western Europe, old prejudices remained

Boer War 1899-1902

guerrilla war ended with concentration camps, unpopular in Europe (whites v whites) but eventually British won, concession to Afrikaners: racist policies continue

Two groups who moved to or around the European continent after 1945 included postcolonial migration from former colonies and

guest workers

This type of business organization controlled who could produce and sell, restricted access to raw materials, promoted a standard of quality, and fixed prices


The United Provinces of the Netherlands

had a golden age: economic boom. religious toleration. republican government. conflicts: English Navigation Acts (cuts Dutch trade), three Anglo-Dutch wars (1652-1672), three wars with Louis XIV (1667-1697), Wars of Spanish Succession (1701-1713), avoided defeat with allies and wealth. lost power over time. too small?

Although Britain was more liberal or free than most European states, the American colonies

had greater political, social, and economic equality

Advantages to industrialization on the Continent

had putting out system, merchant capitalists, skilled urban artisans, could borrow or steal British inventions, had strong governments (could get things done without interference)

Germany was reunited through

happy nationalism, economic incentives from the West to East, West German loans to the Soviet Union

What was Ivan the Terrible's unusual policy toward towns?

he bound townspeople to their towns and jobs

What was the general changing opinion about Napoleon's rule over time?

he started out as an enlightened liberator but turned into a conquering tyrant

Andreas Vesalius

he studied anatomy through dissection of corpses and his "On the Structure of the Human Body" with its detailed drawings made him the expert on the subject instead of the ancient Greek Galen

What was Luther's attitude toward the Peasants' War 1524-1525?

he was sympathetic towards their plight but turned against them when they rebelled

Catherine de' Medici

helped sons rule after Henry II's death, could be describe as Machiavellian

Spanish and Portuguese administration

hierarchical, similar to feudalism. viceroys, audencia, corregidores, the King's Fifth, encomiendas, missionaries

Wet nursing was

hiring a woman to breastfeed an infant for the mother who did not wish to breastfeed her own infant

What was the main issue that toppled King James II in 1688?

his Catholicism and his support of Catholics


his support for experimentation extended to the use of chemicals and drugs to help patients who he thought had chemical, rather than humoral, imbalances causing their sickness


holding multiple religious offices


holy man/monk, people not sure why he's hanging out with royal family, seems to be able to help hemophiliac heir

Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

holy order, "soldiers for Christ", swayed many to return to Catholicism. very influential, good missionaries

The textbook emphasizes that separate spheres were most visible in the middle class


Stresemann's friendly policy towards Britain and France 1923

hoping for American loans, revision of Treaty and Eastern borders

India 1947

horrible violence, civil war, migration, partitioned into Hindu and Muslim states: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh

Soviet welfare state after WWII

housing, health care, high education, public transportation, culture, entertainment all almost free, poverty eliminated, increasing prosperity in the 1960s meant lives better than ever, shoddy goods, little choice and long lines led to dissatisfaction, religion and dissent discouraged, no travel

Urban misery

housing, water, sewers, food supplies and lighting inadequate, no urban planning, dirty slums with disease and crime, cholera, industrial pollution (water and air)

Invasion of Russia 1812

huge army (about 700 thousand), many not French, scorched earth policy, troops not used to cold, Russians destroy everything, even Moscow, fewer than 100 thousand troops return home

Count Leo Tolstoy's "War and Peace" (1864-69) a tale of aristocratic families during Napoleon's invasion of Russia is realism in the sense that it saw

human love, trust and everyday family ties as life's enduring values

French-Algerian War 1954-1961

hundreds of thousands killed, atrocities committed on both sides, De Gaulle let Algeria go, Europeans (pied noirs) and Muslim soldiers (harkis) fled to France at the end of the war

A somewhat unusual but scripturally defensible behavior of Calvinists was

iconoclasm, which refers to the smashing of religious imagery in stained glass, art and statues

Multi-cultural societies in Western Europe after WWII

immigrants often work worst jobs or are first to be unemployed, non-Christians and people of color, difficulty in assimilation: language, religion, race, cultural division among subsequent generations, xenophobia in political parties too

Cecil Rhodes

imperialist and Anglo-Saxon cheerleader, founded DeBeers Diamond Co, dreamed of a Cape to Cairo railroad

Marxist influence

important from 1870s on, Marxist political parties formed, Second International 1889-1919: international organization of all the Marxist parties

Pierre August Renoir 1841-1919

impressionist. "The Luncheon of the Boating Party" 1881, "A Girl with a Watering Can" 1876, "Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette" 1870

Claude Monet 1840-1924

impressionist. "Wheat Stacks" 1890, "Water Lilies (the Clouds)" 1901, "Riverwalk at Argenteuil" 1872

Who was Galileo Galilei?

improved the telescope and observed the moon with it, discovered and named the four moons of Jupiter, controlled experiments (rolling balls on a plane) to come up with a law of inertia

Watt's steam engine 1760s

improvements made to use in textiles and transportation, used on railroads, steamships

Absolutists states decreased starvation by

improving transportation through canal and road building that for emergency food shipments to famine stricken places

Resurrection of an old regime?

in 1804 Napoleon self-proclaimed emperor, divorced Josephine and married Marie Louis Habsburg: wanted an heir, resurrected noble titles but not privilege, puts family in control of states

The death drive

in contrast to the pleasure principle, also a drive for death and self-destruction

Metternich's Karlsbad Decrees 1819

in response to assassination of reactionary playwright Kotzebue by Burschenschafter Karl Sand. the decrees meant secret police and censorship, constitutional governments limited, anti-constitutional governments supported, Burschenschaften dissolved

Nazi propaganda

included art, theater, music, film, radio, books, the press, reinforce Nazi ideology and war support

Although few religious reforms occurred as a result of Henry VIII's Reformation, this was the most important result of the move towards a national church

increased bureaucratization and increased power of the state

Weimar political situation during the Great Depression

increasing number of Nazi seats in the Reichstag, unemployment swelled political armies, Brown Shirts (SA) v communists (RFB), fear of Left-Right civil power

Modern Western Europe summary

incredible recovery, new start in domestic (social welfare) and international relations (unifications) overcoming the past, better lives for most, but protest and terrorism continues, economic issues to be resolved in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain

Legacy of imperialism

independence without democracy, lots of ethnic strife and dictatorship, poverty and natural disasters

Economy affects society

industrialization and urbanization increasing, universal education: literate population with public opinion, white collar workers, new work for women, change towards loosening of franchise

The voyage of Magellan's flotilla was most important for

informing Europeans about the true size of the Earth

The Enlightenment

inspired by scientific revolution, philosophers skeptic, goal was to come up with rational reform

The protestant revival during this time whether it be Pietism or Methodism changed by

interjecting enthusiastic emotion in to the sects

What are some words to describe the Romantic movement?

intuition, spontaneity, supernatural

Calvinists Scots revolt

invade England. Charles I needed army, revenue. 1640: Parliament called, demanded reforms in exchange for money

Mussolini's blunder

invaded Greece without warning Germans then started to lose, Germans recused them by invading Greece and Yugoslavia, Italian invasion of Egypt crushed, Germans rescued them in North African too

Garibaldi's Thousand

invaded Sicily, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies collapsed since troops had little loyalty to king, intercepted by Cavour outside of Rome

Sir Isaac Newton 1642-1727

invented calculus, "Principia Mathematica" 1687, three laws of motion, universe can be explained as a machine

Dave Ricardo 1772-1823

iron law of wages: pay should be just above starvation wages

Freudian psychology

irrationality of the mind supports irrationality of society, rational decisions and civility can be forgotten in inexplicable ways, deeper, unknown forces at work

Italy's problems

irredentism, Pope v Italy until 1929, Northern and Southern very different, lots of corruption, weakest great power

What did the Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) do?

it renounced war as an instrument of international policy and forced its signatories to settle international disputes peacefully

According to the textbook, the Reformation helped cause the Witch Craze by

its emphasis on God's omnipotence and increasing religious concern in general

Schuman Plan 1950

joined France and Federal Republic of Germany in pooling coal and steel markets

Bismarck's diplomatic genius

keep France isolated, 1873 Three Emperors League: Germany, Austria, Russia, 1878 Dual Alliance: Germany, Austria, 1882 Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria, Italy

The Roman Inquisition 1542

kept "Italy" solidly Catholic, no power outside of Italian city-states

Revolt of the Women October 5th 1789

king needed to see the suffering of the people so he'd give them bread, women bring spears and canons to Versailles, some break into Versailles to kill queen. royal family forced to Paris, end of royal authority?

Franz Joseph r. 1848-1916

king of Hungary and Emperor of Austria, conservative, very 18th century, pro-Church, pro-Vatican, pro-aristocrat

Finance problems

king was poor: his debt, no national bank to borrow money from, pay debt, tax exemptions: can't get money to pay debt, taxation related to representation: nobles aren't taxed, aren't represented, finance ministers try 2 and 1, doesn't work, call Estates General: or else no more loans

Oddly, Khrushchev and Nixon argued/debated over the respective merits of Soviet and American



knowledge goes through three stages: theological, metaphysical, positive, less certain of mechanical laws, suggests you could apply observational knowledge to society to improve it

Slave labor in Germany

labor shortage caused by women being in second sphere, 12 million in total: 25% of work force in 1944, worked in industry, farming, repairing war damage, concentration camp inmates, POWs and Eastern Europeans (Lebensraum), little to no pay and poor living conditions, hierarchy of workers, pay, living conditions, etc

Coordination of society in Nazi Germany

labor unions became National Labor Front, non-Nazi political parties outlawed, state governments replaces by Gaul (Nazi regions), all organizations Nazified, boys enrolled in Hitler Youth, girls enrolled in Organization of German Girls

Emancipation Edict March 1861

land divided 50-50 between boyars and peasants, no more feudalism, 52 million serfs freed, community (mir) had to pay for land

Russia summary

large and powerful state that played a huge role in European history, will continue to play a large role based on size and population, seems to be a little different: more authoritarian, future??

Mining, printing, ship-building and military stuff all required

large capital inlays before any profit could be made

The introduction of railroads radically changed people's notion of time and it also made

larger factories possible because they could the sell their products all over Britain

1915-1916 Armenian Genocide

last group of Christians in increasingly nationalistic Ottoman Empire, WWI exacerbates Turkish fear and leads to genocide, shootings, starvation, drowning, burning, 500000-1.5 million deaths: no idea of how many

Africa after WWII

late 1950s and 1960sEuropeans gave independence to Africans, some African states became a battleground between Soviet Union and US during Cold War with Africans the ones suffering

Napoleon's administration

law and departments (83) with prefects, tax collection efficient and equal, censorship, secret police

The Glorious Revolution (1688) resulted in all of the following political reforms

law was to be made by Parliament, Parliament had to be called every three years, there was to be no standing army during peacetime

Heinrich Himmler 1900-1945

leader of the SS

France after WWII

led Common Market at the beginning of European economic unity, Napoleon complex under de Gaulle (NATO and nukes), reluctant to give up colonies (Vietnam and Algerian wars), large Muslim population, "revolution" May 1968

Brezhnev Doctrine

legalized intervention by USSR to protect communism

Napoleon III 1852-1873

legislature didn't have any power, harassed and exiled opponents, strict censorship, popular dictator, realpolitiker

Where did the Enlightened public sphere exist?

lending libraries, salons, coffee houses, newspapers

What direction is the European economy heading?

less manufacturing, more service work

Adam Smith supported the idea of

letting the economy run more freely since laws and regulations prevent commerce from reaching its potential

Hungarian Revolt 1956

liberal communist Nagy attempted liberalization but also democratization and withdrawal from Warsaw Pact, Russians sent in tanks followed by brutal repression, led to Goulash communism

What best describes the Nazi policy on women?

liberation from women's liberation

There was a revolutionary call in the eighteenth century for

liberty and equality

Existentialism 1950s-

life is meaningless and absurd, no reason, progress, God: just existence, man condemned to be free, man acts, chooses, exists and creates meaning

Ten Hours Act 1847

limited workday to 10 hours in factories

Factory Acts 1833

limits on the workday for children, mandatory education for 9-13 year olds

English Reformation

little change from Catholicism, patriotically English, hierarchy, makes monarchy more powerful. leaves true reformers (Puritans) dissatisfied

Great Depression in the Weimar Republic

loans from US dry up due to wall street skyrocket then crash, German unemployment soared to 30%, communist and Nazi votes increased, dangerous situation for shaky Weimar Republic

Zemstvos (1864)

locally elected three tier assemblies which dealt with roads, schools, welfare issues, still no national parliament or voting

Females and science

locked out of monasteries and universities, gained knowledge and worked through men, increased scientific knowledge led to more prejudice against women

After Henry II's death

lots of intrigue, Catholics (Guise family) and Calvinists try to influence young princes

The Terror

lots of victims: mostly nobles and refractory priests, but also peasants (but not by guillotine), guillotine an enlightened device, lots of people killed by revolutionary army, civil war in the Vendée, never led to a "republic of virtue", Robespierre (b. 1754-d. 1794) as dictator

What is a similarity between the present and the past in Europe?

love for children

Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON) 1949

made Eastern European economies depend on Soviet Union

Gorbachev's style

made peace overtures to West, reduced nuclear arsenals, people outside the Soviet Union loved him (Gorbi), pulled troops out of Afghanistan, wouldn't use Brezhnev doctrine

Freud on the mind

made up of the id, ego and superego

Oath of Supremacy 1534

makes Henry head of the English church

During the second half of the nineteenth century working class mimicry of the bourgeoisie led to

marriage after a young working class woman became pregnant

What effect did the Protestant Reformation have on the women's question?

marriage was emphasized, divorce was allowed, convents and brothels closed

Francis II (r. 1559-1560)

married to Mary Queen of Scots, died from illness

The idea of separate spheres meant

married women with children were the least likely to work outside the home

Vienna revolted

mass insurrection October 1848 as Viennese workers and students felt gains slipping away, Windisgrätz crushed revolution in five days with over 4000 dead

What were some parts of the Responsive National State, 1871-1914?

mass political parties based on various interest groups, universal manhood suffrage for the lower houses of parliaments, free education, some welfare and public health benefits

The scientific method

math, observation, experimentation. mechanistic view of universe

Dr. Karl Lueger

mayor of Vienna through anti-Semitic populism, supported by petit-bourgeoisie, helped modernize the city

Like industrialization, science

means national power

Franziska Tiburtius was one of the first female

medical doctors

Congress of Vienna (1814-1815)

meeting of the great powers of Europe (victors of Napoleonic Wars) to discuss the aftermath. dealt with legitimacy, balance of power, peace and how the winners should treat France. perfect example of conservatism

Critics of Russia 1860s and 1870s

members of intelligentsia criticized Russian government and society, Narodnik movement: peasants the soul of Russia, tried to educate and radicalize peasants, mostly repressed or ignored

What was Jean-Baptiste Colbert's economic policy?


The Russian economy

mercantilist policies, taxes on everything, western experts to run mines/manufacturing

Ulrich Zwingli (1484-1531)

mercenary chaplain, Zurich priest. reform began in Zurich. believed in three sola, anti-papal authority, end to clerical celibacy, simplification of worship and no idols

Who were the two participants in the putting out system?

merchant capitalist and rural worker

Napoleon's increasing unpopularity and eventual downfall were caused by

messing up foreign policy and bungling nationalism

Pan-Slavic Congress June 1848

met in Prague, wanted ethnic equality in Habsburg Empire, Habsburgs protected them from Prussians and Russians

Naples Revoltion 1820

middle-class liberals and Italians wanted an Italy, Metternich convinced Alexander I to intervene, Russian troops squashed revolution

Spanish Revolution 1820

middle-class liberals, constitutionalists and revolutionaries part of revolt, government collapsed, king took oath to the Spanish Constitution of 1812, settled when France invaded, restoring the Church and king

Most children in the eighteenth century were delivered with the help of


Prussia was known for its unusually large


Lutheran League of Schmalkald 1531

military alliance against Charles V

Nationalism within in the European states was strengthened by

military conscription, improved communication and transportation networks, free compulsory education

Which workplace was considered especially dangerous to the morals of women?


Although the Tanzimat reform era starting in 1839 liberalized and modernized the Ottoman Empire it also coincided with the greater state debt and increased

minority nationalism

Tuileries Palace invaded August 1792

mob stormed palace, kill all the Swiss guards guarding the royal family

September Massacres 1792

mobs decided the traitors in France should die before they dealt with the Prussians and Austrians, broke into prisons and killed nobles

The German Weimar Republic seems to have been led by

moderate Social Democrats

What was Elizabeth I's religious belief and policy?

moderately informed because she didn't want to make a window into men's souls

Mass Culture as described by the textbook included

modern appliances such as the telephone, washing machine and refrigerator, personal care products such as shampoo, perfume and make-up, automobiles and leisure travel, print media

Soviet Union: the good

modern industrial economy, free education, hygiene and efficiency promoted, affordable housing, free medical care, guaranteed employment with pensions, communist leisure opportunities, birth control, divorce, abortion, day care, workers and peasants promoted


modern politics, no principles, friends/enemies, war/peace: all depend on expediency and goals, use "isms" to reach goals

Pre-Spanish Civil War

monarchy overthrown 1931, democratic republic with left-right split, 1936 elections won by Leftist Popular Front coalition: republicans, socialists, anarchists, communists

According to the text, in what way was the "labor aristocracy" most similar to the bourgeoisie?

morally, they had the same Victorian hatred of drunkenness and promiscuity

Consumption increase

more disposable income, producers try to meet and create demand, textiles, basic household goods (pots, pans, rugs), new always better than old (more buying), will lead to and be advanced by industrial revolution

Labor unions WWI

more powerful and influential than ever, helped governments make decisions mostly loyal, collective bargaining established, war weariness set in in 1916, labor strikes and work stoppages as social peace between unions/socialist parties broke down

German opinion of Treaty of Versailles

most of Reichstag supported republic, Treaty undermined support of republic, war debt and reparations a problem, everyone wanted to revise Treaty

1st Estate: clergy (285)

mostly wanted bishops, end to toleration, complete control of education

Jane Seymour

mother of Edward

Neoliberalism was a kind of

move away from the social welfare state in favor of lower taxes and economic freedom


much like Mussolini's Squadristi, ultra-conservative veterans who were defending against Bolshevism, violence was their way of life

What was the biggest change for workers moving from the putting out system of cottage industry to work in the factory?

much more strictly regulated time in the factory

Peninsula War v Spain 1807

nasty guerrilla conflict, thousands of troops tied down, French godless invaders, eventually defeated

Nationalistic motives for New Imperialism

national prestige and National Darwinism, it's a competition, influence masses with colonial issues

New Monarchy #6

national, permanent and standing army

It seems like this "ism" weakened and finally killed the Soviet Union


What was the "Mood of 1914"?

nationalism, militarism, diplomatic posturing

Continuing problems with the EU

nationalism: refusal to give up power to Eurocrats, Brexit, Turkey (part of Europe?): Muslim country, lower standard of living, lack of democracy, spendthrift countries: spending too much, borrowing costs too high, needed richer countries to bail them out, migration: wars, persecution, economic problems create millions of wanna be Europeans

Greek Civil War 1944-1949

nationalists v communists, Britain broke so they couldn't help

Effects of conquest and colonization

natives decimated though disease and labor (probably of 80%), Catholic church converted natives but also protected them, encomiendas

Importance of iron

needed for machinery and rails, smelting limited by charcoal, coke replaced charcoal, steam engines made smelting easier in blast furnaces, demand for iron increases

Reasons for the women's revolution post-WWII

needed in economies during war, post-war and information age, lives less about motherhood with decreasing birthrate and the pill, desired psychological satisfaction

The Seven Years' War radically changed the balance of power towards the British and away from the French, but due to the war both France and Britain

needed to find revenue to pay their war debt

Western European reconstruction after WWII

needed to rebuild war damage, Marshall Plan, Christian Democratic style parties, economic miracles, rapid increase in standard of living and consumerism

Bohemian phase 1618-1624

new Bohemian king Ferdinand II closed some Protestant churches, Bohemian nobles resist (1618)

St. Petersburg

new capital 1703, noblemen forced to build houses, government offices relocated, symbol of new Russia

The Directory 1795-1799

new constitution, bicameral legislature, only rich and soldiers could vote, two councils and a five man directory (only elite), Napoleon protected Directory from royalists twice: Whiff of Grapeshot and Fructidor Coup

Reunification of Germany

new elections, one currency 7/1/90, WWII allies convinced to allow a Germany, reunification 10/3/90, Soviets bought off with FRG money

Oliver Cromwell

new model army key to victory of civil war

Larger businesses

new power sources and larger industries more expensive, corporations created, needed bureaucracies to run corporation

What changes occurred because of the Council of Trent?

no changes in Catholic doctrine, just reform

Concordat with the papacy 1801

no church property returned, clergy still a part of state, catholicism not national church, devout catholics could be loyal citizens

Continental System 1806

no continental power allowed to trade with Britain, Portugal refused and was invaded, blockade angered countries, British smuggled and found new markets: Central, South Americas, Russia refused and was invaded (1812)


no experimentation: speculation on how things would act, all matter made up of four earthly element: earth, fire, water, air, "quintessence" in heavens

The Balkans today

no more Yugoslavia, all six original republics independent, plus Kosovo, UN peacekeepers, war criminals sought and tried, still lots of minorities, irredentism

Pre-Renaissance art

no perspective, artists anonymous, only religion and rulers. shows religious, feudal society

Three social classes

nobles, bourgeois, everybody else

What was the movement of newly freed states that sought to steer away from either being a Soviet or American ally?


Institutions that represent the shared interests of national governments like the WTO, IMF and the World Bank are referred to as

nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)


not "liberated" by Soviet Union, partisan leader and communist Tito, nationalist/communist movement, broke with Stalin and Comminform 1948, ethnic and religious divisions squashed, fairly successful existence between East and West: allowed people to leave

The Soviet Union

not Marxism realized: new exploiters, Russian power in new totalitarian state, complete social power shift, frightens capitalists

Holy Roman Empire

not a new monarchy. Imperial Diet kept Habsburgs from exercising powers of emperor (no real influence over nobles)

National debt

not just king's debt anymore, entire government responsible, no repudiation of debt, new land tax not enough, confiscated and sold church land, Pope Pius VI outraged

3rd Estate: bourgeoisie (621)

not representative: no peasants, working class (aren't paid to be on Estates General), constitutional monarchy but no noble oligarchy, end feudalism, start meritocracy. called itself the National Assembly

What fundamental Catholic doctrine changed as a result of the Council of Trent?

nothing changed in doctrine

What were some careers that made the jump to becoming a more middle-class and professional occupation during the latter half of the nineteenth century?

nurses, teachers, dentists

Stalin takes power

obsessed with control, purged 1/3 of Communist Party in 1933, Kirov assassination started the Great Purge 1934

Confession of Augsburg 1530

official Lutheran doctrine created

Diego Velasquez 1599-1660

official court painter of the Spanish Habsburgs. "Philip IV in Armor" 1628, "Las Meninas" 1656-1657

Communist Bloc summary

officially Marxist, unofficially socialist dictatorship, cradle to the grave welfare states, no (bourgeois) freedom, unable to match capitalist economies, worthy adversaires for the West

Anne Boleyn

one child, Elizabeth. executed to reconcile Henry with Charles V

Wilson's Fourteen Points

open diplomacy, armament reduction, national self-determination for Italians, Balkan peoples, Austro-Hungarian ethnic groups, Poles, freedom of the seas, League of Nations, end to economic barriers, fair colonial readjustments

Hungarian Communists tried to make themselves more popular by allowing free elections and

opening the Iron Curtain between Austria and Hungary

King James II

openly Catholic, ascends throne after Charles II's death


openness or publicity of problems, allowed educated elite a voice in reform, criticism increased

What "British" product sold to the Chinese was the driving force behind opening China to foreign trade and western style diplomacy?


Germany threatened France

over Morocco in 1904 and 1911

The most remarkable change in the eighteenth century consumption patterns was the addition of the potato and the addition of

overseas products like sugar, chocolate, coffee and tea

Assignats December 1789

paper money backed by value of church land, government debt problem solved, lose value

The Bastille July 14th 1789

parisien crowd marched and stormed the fortress Bastille, a symbol of royal oppression, disturbances supporting National Assembly spread, Paris royal officials fled. Louis XVI ordered royal troops back to barracks, recognized National Guard and new Paris government, new power of citizenry

Kingdom of Italy 1861 and beyond

parliament suffrage limited, Venetia added in 1866 (Austria defeated by Prussia), Rome added in 1870 (French troops left Rome to fight Prussia), Cavour died in 1861

All three Enlightened Despots participated in

partitioning Poland

Treaty of Brest-Litovsk March 1918

peace, very humiliating for Russians, lost Ukraine, Baltic States, Finland, Lenin unconcerned

Resistance to collectivization

peasants slaughtered animals rather than pool them, reduced production: no incentive, Kulaks, 5 million peasants died in famines, rural life completely overturned

France increasingly unpopular

people don't like paying taxes to French, don't like French conscription, Continental System 1806: bring the "shopkeepers" to their knees, nationalism created through hatred of French and French example of success

Holocaust genocide

people euthanized and sterilized in late 1930s, Polish leadership class liquidated by Nazis and Soviets: Katyn massacre, Jews crowded into ghettos: mortality, hundreds of thousands shot by special units in Eastern Europe 1939-1942 (Babi Yar), lots of collaboration from local populations in finding, denouncing and rounding up Jews, majority of Soviet POWs died during war

Freud on sexuality

people pleasure seeking creatures from birth, three developmental stages, Oedipal complex

Summary of the fall of communism in Eastern Europe

people wanted freedom and better economic situation, refusal of Soviet Union to intervene doomed dictatorships, most regimes went peacefully, freedom with continued problems (both economic and political), Eastern block countries eventually joined EU and NATO

Soviet Union: the bad

per capita produced less than anyone else, housing primitive and in short supply, conditions often worse than British industrialization, new elites/exploiters, propaganda influenced masses, no freedom, terror, nationalism attacked


places importance on the existence and wellbeing of a nation made up of a people with a common history, language, ethnicity and values. often evolved from conflict/hatred and pride

Wannsee Conference 1942

planned "final solution to the Jewish problem", ghettos emptied into death camps by train, prisoners chosen for death by Zyklon B gas or work, technology and totalitarianism made sale of genocide possible: trains, gas, bureaucracy, 6+ million victims

Hitler's war

planned WWII from the 1920s, step by step towards goals, opportunities and situations changed pace, all part of Lebensraum plans

Georges Haussmann

planned the reconstruction of Paris under Napoleon III


platonic thought: our reality only a part of the true reality, must reveal true world somehow


plebiscite in the Saar returned it to Germany, repudiated treaty of Versailles disarmament clauses

Nazis and the family

policies to promote children , loans to families, KdF (strength through joy) provided low cost opportunities for entertainment

Nicolas Copernicus 1473-1543

polish clergyman, discovers planetary chaos through math while creating church calendar, proposed heliocentric universe. "On the Revolutions of Heavenly Sphere" 1543


political strength: macho strongman decides for all, economic security and fairness, generally conservative, psychologically fulfilling, extreme nationalism, militaristic, lots of propaganda

The French Wars of Religion 1562-1589

political, religious and diplomatic struggle, directly related to New Monarchy and Reformation

The Edict of Nantes, which allowed liberty of conscience and liberty of public worship to Huguenots, is an example of the thinking of


After the fall of the Berlin Wall in Yugoslavia

poor economy, old ethnic and religious hatreds emerged, use of nationalism to stay in power: Serbia's Slobodan Milosevic

Italian domestic front WWII

poor showing in war led to Mussolini overthrown, surrendered September 1943, Germans continued fighting in Italy, Mussolini (puppet) captured and killed April 1945

Although an authoritarian ruler, plebiscites and elections also show Napoleon III to be


The Consulate 1799-1804

popular dictatorship 1802 plebiscite, Napoleon as First Consul, Abbé Sieyès ("What is the Third Estate?") wanted to use Napoleon, power based on army and bureaucracy and victories, legislature powerless, church a problem

Pro-war propaganda during WWI was most famously expressed in


The potato famine 1845-1846

potato blight destroyed crop, one million Irish died, another million emigrated

New world to old world (Columbian Exchange)

potato, corn, cocoa, tomato, tobacco

To keep sales increasing, Josiah Wedgwood was always designing new


What was the general trend of the Thermidorian Reaction?

power moved back into the hands of the propertied bourgeosie

The first steam engines were used to

power water pumps in coal mines

The Industrial Revolution (1750-1830?) changes

power: human/animal to water/steam, fuel: food to water and coal, workplace: home/shop to factory, population: rural to urban shift

Since Calvin believed in the absolute sovereignty and omnipotence of God, he added this belief to his brand of Protestant doctrine


Boris Yeltsin

president of the Russian Republic 6/1991, Gorbachev's critic and rival for power

What is the greatest change in immigration flow from the 19th century to the 20th and 21st centuries?

previously Europeans emigrated from Europe and non-Europeans didn't replace them

Peter Stolypin

prime minister of Russia from 1906-1911, repressed rebellion and hanged revolutionaries, ended payments for land that peasants owed in 1906 (would've been done in 1910 anyways), increased education by 50%, assassinated in 1911

Reformed lands meant

princes got control over church and revenue, church property confiscated, clerics under secular law

Napoleon III's economic policies

private banking system, industrialization, public works projects, railroad expansion, free trade with Great Britain in 1860, 1864: unions and strikes allowed

The sans-culottes were

pro-revolutionary lower class and lower middle class townspeople

Rembrandt 1606-1669

probably most famous of Dutch baroque artists. "The Night Watch" 1642, "Sampling Officials of the Drapers' Guild" 1662, "The Anatomy Lecture of Dr. Nicolaes Tulip" 1632, "Jacob Blessing the Sons of Joseph" (1656)

Mines Act 1842

prohibited women and children under 10 from working underground

Marxist women advocated the freeing of women through

proletarian revolution

Alexander III r. 1881-1894

promoted industrialization and urbanization, France and Russia became buddies under him

The textbook notes that in both England and France in the first half of the nineteenth century married women had few legal rights to


Edmund Burke 1729-1797

proponent of conservatism, "Reflections on the Revolution in France" (1790), promoted natural elite, community held together with tradition, rejected equality, popular sovereignty/representation

According to the textbook, the Enlightenment discouraged these two fundamental parts of European culture based ideas of virtue and morality

prostitution and homosexual relations

Decolonization summary

proves Europe no longer dominant, colonization ideologically and financially unsustainable, neocolonialism with loans and trade agreements, emigration to Europe changes society

The post WWII western welfare state included

public health insurance, housing subsidies, public transportation

Bartholomé de Las Casas

publicized horrors of colonizers

Henry Cort's puddling and rolling system

puddling and stirring process removed slag and produced purer iron, rolling mill created bars and rails directly from molten iron


purchase of a church office (bribe cardinals to be pope_)

Coup in Soviet Union 1991

putsch to overthrow reforms: army generals, high ranking politicians, Gorbachev held as prisoner in Crimea, army troops moved into major cities, babushkas tried to shame them, people fraternized with soldiers

Elizabeth I (1533-1603)

r. 1558-1603, moderate Protestant, had Protestant doctrine with Catholic ritual


race between German and American troops, Luedendorff Offensive, German army quit, November 1918 sailor and worker revolts forced abdication of Kaiser, German Republic declared by SPD, Erich Luedendorff forced democratic leaders to sue for peace

Hitler's New Order over Nazi conquered Europe was based on two principles

racial imperialism and plunder

Twisted Darwinism and the Nazis

racial science, forced sterilization started in 1934, "lives not worth living" ended starting in October 1939, plan for Lebensraum in Eastern Europe

World War II created new technologies, including

radar, atomic bomb, long rage rockets, computers

What were the two conflicting sides in the French 1848 Revolution?

radical socialists v moderate republicans

The most popular media used by both democratic leaders and dictators in the 1930s to spread their message was


Vasco de Gama 1460-1524

reached India in 1498 by going around tip of Africa, Portuguese involved in local warfare, set up fortified trading posts throughout the east

The Six Acts 1819

reactionary policies to suppress change, higher tax on newspaper, searching for arms allowed, outlaw of seditious literature, restricted public meetings, speedy trials for public agitators, no training of armed groups

The reading revolution was a change to

reading silently, individually and the information in the texts could be questioned

Six Articles 1539

reaffirmed belief in clerical celibacy, confession, mass

Soviet Union after WWII

rebuilding (COMECON): reparations and slave labor, Soviet post-war (Stalinist) economy boomed with heavy industry, consumer items neglected, large population booms

West Germany

reconciliation with Europe, economic miracle, rearmed in 1955, Ostpolitik 1907s: Eastern politics, normal relations between East and West Germany

The Industrious Revolution mentioned in the textbook include

reduced leisure time, increased pace of work, women and children working for wages rather than producing goods for household consumption

Dawes (1924) and Young (1929) Plans

reduced reparations payments, Young Plan set repayment at 58 years, Americans loaned money to Germans to pay Allies to pay back US

The Common Market established in 1957 between West Germany, France, Italy and the BeNeLux countries wanted

reduced tariffs and free movement of capital and labor

20th century art

reflects what the individual artists wanted to portray in any way they wanted to paint it, objective knowledge to subjective vision, what is art anyways?

Margret de Parma

regent of Netherlands. refused to compromise with nobles, Calvinists freak out, iconoclasts sack 400 Catholic churches

German Confederation

regions very different (Junker manors v small independent farmers), problem in disunity (trade barriers), coal and iron deposits in Ruhr Valley, Silesia, the Saarland, Prussia still not one unified territory, Zollverein (1834): tariff union, Prussia and many other states

Steam engines

reliable and unlimited source of machine power that could be used all year round, could be used anywhere and in many different areas including transportation, coal needed

Most of the elementary schools in the late 17th and 18th century were


Peter Paul Rubens 1577-1640

religious and mythological, painted for the Stewarts. "Daniel in the Lion's Den" 1615, "Elevation of the Cross" 1610-1611, "Birth of Louis XIII" 1621-1625, "Apotheosis of Henry IV" 1621-1625

Peasants' War 1524-1525

religious grievances among social grievance, took Luther's words to heart and followed his example of disobedience. wanted to kill landlords. 70000-100000 peasants killed.

Britain's colonial settlements differed from those of the Portuguese, Spain and French in that

religious minorities escaping persecution played a large role in the development of settlements instead of Catholic missionaries helping settle the colonies, there was more self-government by colonial elites rather than a more direct control by royal officials, the availability of English women and English cultural attitudes discouraged unions between the Englishmen and native women

Eastern Front 1942

renewed advances towards industrial towns and oil fields, 6th Army cut off in Stalingrad: told to stay and fight, supplies impossible to get, increasing Russian troops and equipment overwhelmed German army and pushed them back. Japan attacked US, French and Britain colonies


reoccupied the Rhineland: violated Versailles and Locarno Treaties, French didn't get British support to keep Germans from occupying Germany, Rome-Berlin Axis signed

Act of Supremacy 1559

repealed Mary's anti-protestant laws, Elizabeth "supreme governor" of spiritual and temporal affairs

Frederick William III (Prussia)

represented Prussia at the Congress of Vienna

Kosovo 1998-1999

republic within Serbia-Montenegro declared independence, population 90% Muslim Albanians, 10% Orthodox Serbs, Milosevic ordered new ethnic cleansing campaign to drive out Kosovar Albanians, NATO bombed Belgrade and military targets for 37 days until ethnic cleansing stopped

Noble privileges

reserved offices in the bureaucracy, taxes not always levied: caused problems since they are wealthiest, judicial privileges: nobles not tortured, execution less painful (beheaded), land: own land, didn't work it, land usually not taxed

Napoleon's Concordat with the papacy

restored Catholicism to France but under the control of the state

Peace of Augsburg 1555

result of Charles V's loss to Lutheran princes. "he who rules, his religion", only applies to Lutherans and Catholics

Unlike the French Wars of Religion, the Wars in the Netherlands

resulted in the creation of a new independent state

General Radetzky

retook Lombardy from Sardinia and retook Venetia in July 1848

The effort to update Marx's doctrines to the realities of the time was called


Protest in the late 1960s

revolted against materialism, imperialism, conservatism, fear of dead end life ("metro, boulot, dodo"), sought freedom through sex, drugs and rock and roll

Algeria after WWII

revolted in 1954, 1 million French and 9 million Algerians lived there, French had all the land and power

Weimar summary

revolution not that revolutionary, Treaty of Versailles and economic problems doomed it, left and right radicals tried to topple it, polarization occurred as situation worsened


revolutionary calendar, campaign to close and sell churches 1793, Cult of Reason replaced Christianity for some, replaced Cult of Reason with deistic Cult of Supreme Being June 1794, France too Catholic for either to flourish

Nazi ideology

revolutionary romanticism, Darwinian, anti-semitism and anti-communism, Führer cult, women in the second sphere, Christianity tolerated but Nazism better

The geographical causes of the British Industrial Revolution were

rich natural resources such as coal and iron ore deposits and proximity to navigable water

Kapp Putsch March 1920

right wing coup of army officers and journalist (Kapp) trying to topple government, army refused to fire upon Freikorps, only failed because workers went on strike, Dr Kapp fled to Sweden

Beer Hall Putsch November 1923

right wing nationalist anti-semites (Nazis) attempted to take over Munich government, police fired into marching Nazis and arrested leaders, Hitler sentenced to prison

Old conflict

rising bourgeoisie v aristocratic resurgence, how Estates General meets and votes controversial: originally three Estates met separate and vote, one vote per Estate in end

Carnival was often accompanied by

rituals in which the established social order was turned upside down

Flight to Varennes June 1791

royal family tried to flee to Austrian Netherlands dressed as bourgeois, wanted to invade France with Austrian army

Totalitarianism came from the experience of

rule by governments during WWI

The Palatinate

ruler of Palatinate an elector of the emperor, Calvinist region

The Divine Right of Kings was limited by

rulers having to obey God's law and rule for the good of the people

The Peasants' Great Fear

rumors of bandits (to reenforce feudalism), peasants burn records and some mansions, wanted an end to feudalism


runs both large and small machines, easily transported, first electric power plant in Britain in 1881, electric lights and public transportation followed

Women and the Enlightenment

salons mostly hosted by women, Marquise de Pompadour: mistress of Louis XV, convinced him to let "The Encyclopedia" through the censors, Emilie du Chatelet: Voltaire's girlfriend, had to explain Newton's principles, math to him, traditional roles upheld, more education (especially religious)

Hitler made demands on Poland

same story as with Sudetenland, Germans suffering in Poland, demanded Polish corridor, doubted Allies will help the Poles but willing to risk it

Importance of weird science

scientist dabblers gone, God left out, serious advances, will eventually lead to nuclear weapons, nuclear power, advances in medicine

Gian Lorenzo Bernini 1598-1680

sculptor and architect, building and urban planning changed Rome. "The Ecstasy of St. Teresa" 1647-1652, "Equestrian Statue of Louis XIV" 1669-1670, "The Throne of St. Peter" 1657-1666

Economic motives for New Imperialism

search for natural resources, capitalism chased higher returns (Hobson), overproduction led to market search (Lenin), search for sheltered markets? only India profitable

German economy 1890-1914

second Industrial Revolution, second largest economy and railroad network in the world, disrupted economic balance of power

Women in the 18th century

second sphere: manage household, shop, do lots of unpaid work, earning dowry important since marriage important, subservient to men

Communism dismantled step by step

secret police eliminated, price controls abolished, state planning scrapped, private property and free market encouraged, severe unemployment and discontent followed

WWI aftermath reality

secret treaties and agreements, Allies owed the US a lot of money, France wanted to weaken Germany, both winner ethnic groups and loser ethnic groups

Philip II's overreaction (1576)

sent Duke of Alva with 10000 troops to calm rebellion

Friedrich Engels 1820-1895

sent to Manchester by family to manage a factory, sympathized with the proletariat, wrote "The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844" 1845, founder of Marxism

The Philosophe Montesquieu supported the idea of

separation of powers between the monarch and various legal estates

English exploration and colonization

series of explorers couldn't find a Northwest Passage, colonists started to arrive in 1580s (Roanoke) but no permanent colonies until 1607 (Jamestown), products: timber, tobacco, cod, aggressively co-existed with natives, self-governed, religious minorities allowed

French exploration and colonization

settlers started arriving around Montreal in 1608, product: furs, coexisted with natives, french governed by military governors and intendants (bureaucrats)

Results of exploration and colonization

shift to importance of Atlantic economy, Colombian exchange altered new and old worlds, shifts in power in Europe

Nazi-Soviet Mutual Non-Agression Pact August 1939

shocked the world, secret clauses to divide Poland and Eastern Europe

Nazi Art 1933-1945

showcasing Führer Cult, ideal lifestyle, naked bodies, Aryan peoples

World War 1 summary

showed planned economy, propaganda, totalitarianism worked, involved entire nation in the conflict, initial patriotic unity, old socio-political conflicts return, made brutality and death commonplace

National Insurance Act of 1911

sickness unemployment and old age insurance

A "product" from the New World that most dramatically effected Spain's historical fortune was

silver from incredibly productive silver mines in Potosí

Nicholas II r. 1894-1917

similar to Louis XVI in the way that he wanted to be liked, horrible working conditions for the poor

Contact with the New World led to the intellectual changes of

skepticism and cultural relativism

Leonardo da Vinci 1493-1551

sketched human body structures

Summary of nationalism and its effects

slow to develop in many countries, suppressed by central government, once government weakens, it allows nationalism to surface, can result in especially nasty, very personal conflicts


slow, steady industrial growth, large internal market, population growth slower (choosing to have fewer children), French Revolution very disruptive, peasants got more land during French Revolution, many pre-industrial shops, specialized in quality products, workers kind of militant, entrepreneurs still looked down on, government played a role in building railroads

Small landholders v large landholders

small holders don't benefit from inflation or market expansion (they consume most of their produce), large holders benefit from inflation and expanding markets and want to increase their profit

Disruption of British rural society

small holders had to sell their plots (Acts of Enclosure) since they couldn't exist without common land, work in domestic system/putting out system, peasants eventually move to cities (1810s-1830s), landowners thought more about profit than locals

Italian Revolutions 1820-1831

small revolutions squashed by Metternich's troops

What disease was mitigated thanks to the start of inoculations (learned from the Ottoman Empire) was


Émile Zola's "Germinal" (1885) a tale of anarchists and coal-miners sympathized with this political belief


The art movement that idealized workers and was really the only kind of art permitted in the Eastern Bloc was

socialist realism

Calvinists believed in

sola scriptura, every man his own priest, simple worship, no icons/idols, predestination

Defeatism and desertion in WWI

soldier's defeatism increasing everywhere, desertions especially bad in Russia in 1917, French mutinies during Nivelle Offensive 1917, Germans quit during Luedendorff Offensive 1918, German sailors mutinied November 1918


some Jews sympathized with Zionism, First International Zionist Congress 1897, other argued Judaism a religion not a nationality, liberals hopeful for equality in every way

Witch hunts occurred when

something bad happened and someone got blamed. accusation, inquisition, torture, denunciation.

James VI of Scotland, James I of England

son of Mary Queen of Scots, protestant

The Kingdom of Portugal initially explored

south along the western coast of Africa until they rounded the Cape of Good Hope and found a route to India

Soviets and bolsheviks

soviets wanted socialism and peace, bolsheviks wanted revolution and socialism, allied together

The most important technological innovations which were a part of the British Industrial Revolution dealt with advances in

spinning and weaving thread

Textile innovations

spinning jennies and flying shuttle

French domestic front WWII

split into occupied and Vichy France, Vichy government collaborated with the Nazis, Anti-Semitism (Nuremberg Laws) followed mass deportations, all of France had to work for German war effort, resistance movement increased after D-Day, collaborators persecuted and humiliated

What were popular free time activities of the lower classes around 1900?

sports, especially racing and soccer, music halls, social drinking

Pope Pius IX r. 1846-1878

started out liberal, ended conservative. minister Count Rossi assassinated by a radical democrat and mob forced a radical replacement

Besides pro- and anti-slavery opinions at the Constitutional Convention of 1787, there were also contentious arguments over

states power versus federal government power

Technology that enabled New Imperialism

steam engine, metal hull, telegraph, breech loaders and machine guns, quinine

Britain after WWI

still a great power but slipping, labor unrest: General Strike 1926, syndicalism, kept all pre-war colonies, protectorates (mandates) over Middle East, considered home rule for India, Balfour Declaration 1917: Zionism

While child rearing continued to increase parental affection and emotional attachment and decrease corporal punishment, parents also

strictly controlled children and put pressure on them to develop correct values

Pope Pius IX's "Syllabus of Errors" 1864

strikes at nationalism, science, isms, civil rights, etc, wanted people to return to faith

Putin's reign 2000-

strongman ex-KGB officer, renewed war in Chechnya, increasing government control and centralization, combating oligarchs, crime, corruption, resurgent Russia based on natural resources, decline in social welfare, education system, life expectancy, resurgent Russia nationalism to regain empire?

Strategic wars

submarines v shipping: technology and convoys defeated them, "The Blitz" german air terror campaign v Britain, allied strategic bombing attempts to destroy German industry and morale

German domestic front WWII

success increased Nazi support, conquered and exploited Europe, Hitler careful to keep home front happy, rationing and total war production 1942, German women in second sphere, Goebbels propaganda, totalitarianism, July 1944 attempted one assassination of Hitler, fear of Soviets kept army fighting and civilians fleeing when they could

In Britain, women who wanted the vote were called


Edict of Restitution 1629

suggested by Jesuits, states everyone required to be Catholic, worries German princes, English, Poles, Dutch, French and Denmark

Obstacles to exploration

superstitions, ship crews and mutiny, health concerns

English conflict with the Spanish

supported Dutch, piracy from 1570s, Pope wanted Queen of Heretics dead (placed a bounty on her head) 1570s

Unlike France, the British government

supported both religious and nonreligious schools

Paracelsus 1493-1541

swiss alchemist, physician, surgeon. added to Galen's humors sulfur, mercury, salt, "The Great surgery Book" 1536, "On the Great Miners' Sickness and Other Diseases of Miners" 1549

Mussolini's path to power

switched from socialism to nationalism, Squadristi, created chaos then promised law and order, wanted to make Italian populace feel as though government had no control and force them to look to the Squadristi and Mussolini

Republican culture

symbols of the revolution everywhere, tricolor flag, "La Marseillaise" as revolution anthem, theater and arts created to support revolution, revolutionary festivals and liberty trees, "citoyen" instead of "monsieur"/"madame", new names for children, compulsory education for children, wigs and breeches out, togas in

The Great Purge of 1934-1938 in the Soviet Union

systematically killed or imprisoned most all of Stalin's opponents

Italy after WWII

tainted monarchy voted away 1946, strong communist and socialist movements with lots of coalitions, economic miracle, social welfare net (too much), terrorism, corruption, Left-Right spectrum

Duke of Parma 1545-1592

takes of Spanish army after Alva fired, respected traditional rights and property, methodical successful advance up the Netherlands (gets about 10 provinces back)

What was a main source of the spread of the industrialization on the continent?

talented and ambitious British workers sneaking to the continent and sharing what they knew

WWII summary

technology advanced quickly, 20+ million military deaths, 20+ million civilian deaths, Europe devastated, right wing dictatorships and racism discredited, German irredentism and balance of power problems solved, two superpowers: USA and Soviet Union

The Republic (France 1848)

ten man executive appointed, bold economic/social program, National Workshops, 10 hour work day, abolition of slavery and capital punishment

What was the industry the employed the most people until the 19th century?


Louis Philippe (Duc d'Orléans)

the "Bourgeoisie King", increased suffrage to about 1/13th of male population, laws had to be passed through Chamber of Deputies, government for the propertied

The domestic economic causes of the British Industrial Revolution were

the Agricultural Revolution with abundant food and relatively high wages

The most popular reading material between 1600 and 1800 was

the Bible and religious chapbooks

Tehran Conference 1943

the Big Three met, Britain and US agreed to Western Front in 1944, Soviets to attack Japan after German defeat

The violent private militia Mussolini used to attack his rivals was called

the Black Shirts

This outlawed liberal political organizations, censored the press, watched universities, and created committees of spies and informers

the Carlsbad Decrees

What was the effect of the Cold War on decolonization?

the Cold War gave the non-Western people new allies n their struggle against former colonial masters

The division in France between the political Left and the political Right is most evidenced by

the Dreyfus Affair

What was the primary cause of Britain's taking control over Egypt?

the Egyptians borrowed money from Britain and could not pay them back

What was the ideological reason for decolonization from the European point of view?

the Europeans lost their self-confidence and self-righteousness, in other words they lost their White Man's Burden

The "Popular Front" coalition of left-wing Communists, Socialists and Radicals in France shows a fear of

the Fascistic right-wing at home and abroad

The Gallican Liberties/Concorda de Bologne meant that

the French King could appoint his own bishops (NM 4)

What happened in the Middle East right after WWI?

the French and British governed most Arab under the "Mandate System"

This brought Austria, Prussia and Russia together to repress revolutionary movements and stifle desires for national independence across Europe

the Holy Alliance

The most important and busy body of water for international trade before 1492 was

the Indian Ocean

What was the turning point in global inequality starting around 1750?

the Industrial Revolution

Group uniquely powerless and abused

the Irish

Which was the largest group of emigrants moving to England and Scotland for industrial work in the first half of the nineteenth century?

the Irish

The part of Prussian society made a close alliance with the Hohenzollern rulers and helped rule Prussia was known as

the Junkers

This created the European Union in 1991

the Maastrict Treaty

The purpose of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund remind one a bit of

the Marshall Plan

Russia was questionably a European state because it was dominated for over two hundred years by

the Mongol Khans

These two nations led the rest in new agricultural techniques

the Netherlands and Britain

Although many were persecuted and prosecuted for collaboration with the Nazis and Denazification was official Allied policy, this refers to a legal prosecution of the Nazi heads of state

the Nuremberg Trials

The united socialist movement between 1889 and the start of the Great War in 1914 was called

the Second International

The most influential and important new holy order formed during the sixteenth century was

the Society of Jesus or Jesuits

What was the main difference in the way the United States opened trade with Japan compared to the way Britain opened trade with China?

the US threatened war with Japan while the British actually went to war with China

Abdülhamid II halted the reform era with the support of religious conservatives in 1876 but his efforts at conservatism were overturned by this group in 1908

the Young Turks

An encomienda is

the ability granted by Spanish king to have native peasants work for you

What was the most important change in Russia between the end of the Crimean War and the Revolution of 1905?

the abolition of serfdom


the act of destroying religious images and idols (very common with Calvinists)

Burgfrieden and Union Sacrée

the beginning of the war created national unity, cheering crowds everywhere, Kaiser Wilhelm "saw no political parties, just Germans", even socialists rally around the nation

Economic determinism

the belief that economic relationships between classes created social relationships, law and government, spiritual and philosophical beliefs and all else

Misogyny directed at women was caused by

the beliefs that women were weaker and prone to give into the Devil, that women tended to use scolding and cursing instead of violence to get what they wanted and that women had more sexual desire than men and could only be satisfied by a demonic lover

What were some parts of the consumer revolution?

the birth of a new society in which people derived their self-identity from consuming practices, marketing campaigns designed to promote spending by consumers, the spread of fashion which blurred social distinction based on social class

Gustave Flaubert's "Madame Bovary" (1857) a tale of adultery, betrayal and suicide criticized this social class

the bourgeoisie

What was an unsuccessful part of Robespierre's reign that ended mid-1794?

the campaign of de-Christianization

A possible legal change around this time which might have increased the number of witchcraft prosecutions was

the change from accusatorial to inquisitional legal procedures

The scientific urge to classify nature actually increased

the class-action of people based on the concept of "race"

The 1970s economic downturn was caused by the increasing cost of energy and

the collapse of the international money system

One way in which continental industrialization differed from British industrialization was

the continental governments were far more involved in the economy than in Britain

The driving force behind the seventeenth century centralized state building was

the cost of warfare

The unprecedented innovation that Louis XIV introduced and then was copied by all aspiring absolute rulers was

the creation of a huge palace that became the center of royal power

Pre-Scientific-Revolution ideas about Natural Philosophy included

the earth is at the center of everything surrounded by ten crystalline spheres, there are four earthy substances (fire, water, earth, air) and a fifth heavenly substance (quintessence), a uniform force moves an object at a constant speed and an object will stop as soon as that force is removed

What played a role in causing the attempted invasion of England by the Spanish Armada?

the execution of a potential Catholic queen (Mary of Scots), the military support of England for the Dutch, support of the venture by the pope (including the promise of funds)

The one enormous difference between Eastern Europe and Western Europe that effected so much of their contrasting historical development was

the existence of serfdom in Eastern Europe

The first step toward the eventual freeing of Poland from Soviet control was the election of a Pole as a pope and

the formation of a trade union

The Philosophe Rousseau supported the idea of

the general will and popular sovereignty

Because totalitarian states needed bureaucracies and large numbers of ordinary people to support them, there has been a criticism of the moral compromise which defined everyday life in totalitarian societies known as

the gray zone

Marxism was most greatly moderated by the existence of

the growth and power of labor unions

Predestination is

the idea that God is all powerful and chose the damned and elect at the beginning of time

Besides a much faster kind of war, in great contrast to WWI, the Second World War also differed greatly in

the importance of aircraft as a strategic weapon

What is the greatest problem with the declining European population?

the inability of young people to support the large number of old people

The Haskalah was an enlightened movement for

the integration of Jews into European society

The Colombian Exchange most radically effected the lives of American Natives through

the introduction of new animals and new diseases

The Great Depression was exacerbated at the beginning of the financial crisis by

the lack of spending by governments

The Ottoman Empire differed from the rest of Europe because

the land was the personal property of the sultan and government officials his slaves

The Thirty Years' War was

the last war really fought for religious reasons

Who did Hitler have the SS eliminate the night of June 30, 1934?

the leaders of the Nazi storm troopers (the SA)

The Nazi Party really only gained large numbers of votes because of

the miseries of the Great Depression

In an absolutist state

the monarch embodies the nation, Divine Right of Kings both gave monarchs "God's approval" and limited monarchs by God's law and tradition

What was a connection between slavery and the Industrial Revolution?

the need for manufactured goods to exchange for slave-produced colonial raw materials stimulated demand for British industrial goods

What aided the era of exploration and discovery?

the new ship type known as the caravel, Ptolemy's "Geographica", the magnetic compass and astrolabe

Colombian Exchange

the old world-new world exchange of plants, animals, foods, diseases, ideas

The most unpopular part of the beginning phases of the Revolution was

the passage of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy

Which of the following "People's Consumer Goods" was most popular and most widely purchased?

the people's radio (Volksempfänger)

According to your textbook, the English Civil War pitted the power of the king against

the power of the Parliament

Because of the nature of the seventeenth century economy, the greatest concern of the European populace was

the price and availability of bread

Who was Cavour?

the prime minister of Sardinia who achieved Italian unification by war and popular plebiscites

This social class was the main focus of realist artists and writers

the proletariat

What important right that the proletariat never had before was given by Napoleon III to the working class?

the right to form unions and to strike

Although Adelheid Popp became a socialist she admitted earlier enthusiasm for

the royal family, patriotism, religion

The Japanese Meiji Restoration restored

the rule by the emperor rather than the shogun

What was the primary way a territory became Protestant?

the rulers of a territory switched and began a kind of top down reformation by re-educating their clergy and sponsoring Luther's ideas

What was Sir Edwin Chadwick's intellectual contribution to the problems of urban life?

the sanitary idea

David Hume 1711-1776

the skeptic, nothing can be known for certain

The Battle of Omdurman is infamous for

the slaughter of large numbers of non-Europeans by Europeans using machine guns

The intellectual causes of the British Industrial Revolution were

the strength of the Scientific Revolution (Newton) and Enlightenment (Locke)

The most obvious difference between Western Europe and Eastern Europe was

the superior array of consumer goods in the West

Conciliarists rejected

the supreme authority of the pope

What are three ideas from the Copernican hypothesis furthered by the book "On the Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres" (1543)?

the universe was unthinkably large, earth wasn't the center of everything, the stars were not moving in crystalline spheres but were at rest

What were some advantages of the continental countries trying to catch up to the British?

they could borrow already developed methods invented in Britain, they already had a good number of merchant capitalists, a rich tradition of putting-out enterprise and a class of skilled urban artisans

Conflict in the French Wars of Religion

three armies fighting in France, Catholic league allied with Spain which Henry III viewed as treason. Henry III has Duke de Guise assassinated

Atrocities against Bosnians

three year siege of Sarajevo 1992-1996, Srebrenica 1995: 7000 Muslim males killed in UN safe haven

Table of Ranks 1722

to control nobility. rank no longer based on lineage, meritocracy

United Nations

to ensure peace and security, permanent members of the Security Council had veto: Soviets, US, Britain, France and China, all countries represented in General Assembly, Cold War fought in Security Council

Sergei Witte's contribution to Russian history was

to increase railroads, strengthen Russian finances and increase industrialization

The War Guilt Clause (Article 231) in the Treaty of Versailles was used

to justify large reparations payments from the wholly responsible German aggressors

What was the purpose of the Combination Acts?

to outlaw unions and strikes

New Economic Policy (NEP) 1921-1927

to overcome unrest among peasantry, forced requisitioning ended, peasants could sell surplus, industry, factories, railroads (the commanding heights) remained nationalized, foreign investment and rural wealth fueled industry, socialism with capitalism, successful: in 1927 back to prewar production of coal, grain, oil

Edict of Nantes 1598

tolerant Catholicism. Huguenots had the right to worship, assembly, education and fortified cities. not ideal, but a truce

Toleration Act 1689

tolerated Protestant dissenters, still only Anglicans in government and universities, restrictions on Catholics, no Catholic monarchs allowed


took sola scriptura very literally, excluded themselves from society, both Protestants and Catholics persecuted them (eventually became Amish and Mennonites)

Worker organizations

trade unions and socialist parties formed in order to deal with power of corporations, banks and capitalism

What was Columbus' initial goal in sailing west?

trade with Asia


transportation revolution and mills led to increase in urban growth, population increased in general, only 20% urban in Britain and France

Jews in 18th century Europe

treated as resident aliens (separate religiously, legally, physically), anti-Semitism based on religion, converts okay, no freedom of profession, movement, residence, periodic pogroms, Enlightenment suggests toleration

Peace after WWII?

treaties signed and reparations paid by Axis countries, no final peace treaty with Germany, Finland and Austria neutral, other countries divided between capitalist and communist worlds


treats nature as a cylinder, sphere or cone, a robotic image of man reflects the loss of personality after a century of industrialism, Picasso

Treaty of Dover 1670

treaty between England and France, England/France v Dutch. Louis XIV will secretly give money to Charles II to promote toleration of Catholics

The war on the Western Front was characterized by

trench warfare

Defensive war

trenches, barbed wire, land mines, No Man's Land, frontal attacks

Galileo's troubles

tried by "Italian" Inquisition because his views went against those of the church, others weren't persecuted because they didn't write in the vernacular and also they didn't live where the Inquisition was

Treating hysteria

tried hypnosis, "Studies in Hysteria" 1895, switched to talk therapy, Freud found problems caused by earlier experiences (PTSD?)

National Union of Women's Suffragette Societies (NUWSS)

tried to prove worthiness fro vote by respectability and responsibility, led by Millicent Fawcett (1847-1929)

Russian royal family

tsar out of touch and increasingly unpopular, tsarina a German spy? Rasputin

Committee of Public Safety April 1793

twelve man body controlled by Robespierre, swift trials and executions with guillotine

Germany in the late 1940s

two Germanys: East and West, West German Mark created, Soviets blockaded Berlin, war avoided with Berlin Airlift

Address to German Nobility 1520

two authorities: temporal and spiritual, obey both. convinced many northern German princes, Scandinavians and many towns to convert to Lutheranism

Max Weber 1864-1920

two fundamental ideas: Protestant work ethic led to capitalism, bureaucracy a modern rational-legal organization (state and economy)

Haitian Revolution 1791-1804

under Toussaint Louverture, African slaves revolted against French masters, 1802: Louverture stops revolution, France ends slavery, 1804: Louverture's lieutenant Dessalines declares Haiti an independent country

By undoing his marriage, Henry VIII was also

undoing an alliance between England and Spain

Social welfare state in Western Europe after WWII (social question)

unemployment insurance, paid vacation, pay, health insurance, housing and children subsidies, paid for by high taxes: lessens gap between classes (progressive tax system), education free, more wealthy/Northern states: more intervention

Bismarck's German constitution provided this democratic element in its political system

universal manhood suffrage for the lower house of the Reichstag

Politics in Austria

universal manhood suffrage in 1907, Christian Socialist party popular, parliament too divided to govern

Election of 1848 (France)

universal manhood suffrage voted for Constituent Assembly, not actually radical but fairly moderate, five man executive eventually established

Levée en masse 1793

universal mobilization of country, drafted all 18-25 year olds, recruited 800000 in six months, patriotic war effort: everyone involved, started to win the war

Paris May 1968

university students protested for smaller class sizes and less conservatism, working class went on strike for more money and opportunities, de Gaulle fled to Germany, called for new elections, army called to quell rioting in the streets

Lord Byron (1788-1824)

unpopular for his skepticism and mocking, unconventional lifestyle, "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage" (1812), member of Carbonari, died fighting for Greek independence

What eventually brought the United States into the war?

unrestricted German submarine warfare

1830 Revolution in France

upper bourgeois upset because of July Ordinances, Parisian lower middle class and working classes throw up barricades, about 1800 people killed, Charles X flees to Britain

William Wordsworth 1770-1850

urbanization and age make you corrupt, closer to the supernatural and natural worlds

Who was Johannes Kepler?

used data from the Rudolphine Tables and advanced mathematics to come up with three laws of planetary motion, pioneer in the field of optics and explained the role of refraction in the eye, also dabbled in mysticism and astrology

Prince Klemens von Metternich (Austria)

used diplomacy and Habsburg power to promote conservatism, middle classes stirred up lower classes with nationalism and liberalism


used in combustion engine, first automobile 1887, France was pioneer of automobiles, great oil companies created

Anton von Leeuwenhoek 1632-1723

used microscope to discover blood corpuscles, sperm, bacteria, connection between bacteria and disease remained unknown


used to control the nobles, separated power from grandeur

William Harvey

used vivisection on live animals to discover the circulatory system

The Holocaust was not only about murdering "undesirables" it was also about

using the forced labor of the victims of the Holocaust before they died

What did John Wycliffe and Jan Hus believe?

vernacular teaching and reading of Bible, sola scriptura

Second Vatican Council 1959-1965

vernacular: less Latin, more access to Bible, more preaching, laity: including more regular people, ecumenical: stopped saying all Protestants were damned, international: diverse clergy

Edward VI's (r. 1547-1553) reformed church

very Protestant (raised by Cranmer), banned saints, relics, church decoration

General Maxim September 1793

wage minimums and price controls

Sans-culottes goals

wage minimums and price controls, power to the people, war against the counter-revolutionaries

Wilhelm II r. 1888-1918

wanted Germany's "Place in the Sun", fired Bismarck and started his "New Course", wanted colonies, naval race with Britain, aggressive stance towards France (Morocco), lost allies (Russia). worried about Austro-Hungarian weakness, worried about socialist threat

Portugal and Spain

wanted a direct route to Asia ("Italians" had a monopoly on spice trade), had a crusading mentality and crusaders (reconquistas)

Charles X (Count d'Artois)

wanted a return to autocracy and old regime, reactionary policies

Gorbachev's plan

wanted more consumer goods, better economy in order to compete, tried perestroika and glasnost

Estates General May 1598

wanted public opinion, cahiers de tolerances/lists of grievances (many enlightened ideas), 3 Estates

Why Britain gave India up

wanted to maintain links and democracy, development programs cost money, British don't want to pay for colonies, violent indolence movement hastened withdrawal

Italy conquered Ethiopia 1935-1936

wanted to unify African colonies, Ethiopian troops massacred, League of Nations outraged but ineffective

Louis XVI r. 1774-1793

wants to be loved by the people, wife: Marie Antoinette (Austrian, lavish)

WWII effects

war affected every state whether occupied or not, war against civilians unprecedented, occupied states experienced totalitarianism and genocide, once again propaganda, mobilization, rationing all parts of civilian life, Hour Zero

Home front WWI

war called for unprecedented mobilization of entire country and economy, government intervention in economy prevented shortages/bottlenecks, bureaucracies set production quotas, controlled wages, prices, materials, distribution (War Raw Materials Board, Ministry of Munitions, etc), nationalization of transportation and energy sectors

Western Front 1917

war weariness, Nivelles Offensive resulted in 40k French troops mutinying, Passchendale: Britain v Germany, Battle of the Somme part 2? Caporetto: Germany and Austria-Hungary v Italians

Eastern Front 1917

war weariness, Russia poorly led, equipped, fighting for what? Russians quitting, two revolutions, done participating 1918, lost huge territory in Treaty of Brest-Litovsk March 1918, Germany shifts troops to Western Front

Napoleon's wars

wars of coalition: five of them, defeated Austria, Prussia and Russia, Britain unconquerable, tiger v shark: land v sea, Battle of Trafalgar

Slavery before 1450

was found in Africa, Asia and Europe with all different kinds of people

Why Italy for fascism?

wasn't rewarded for WWI sacrifices, weak support for shifting government, post-war depression and unemployment, leftist strikes and land seizures, very poor industrialization, weak economy


weak government (liberum veto, many regional diets), large noble class, heterogeneous population (Poles, Germans, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Jewish minority), no defensible borders, very flat. sandwiched between Prussia, Russia and Austria


wealthier/disobedient peasants, Stalin ordered their liquidation, killed and deported by government and poor peasants between 1929-1932

South American Revolutions 1820s

wealthy creoles broke away from crown, established republics, Bolivia (1813-1830): Simon Bolivar defeated Spanish forces, established "Gran Columbia"

Both Catholics and Puritans

were not pleased with Elizabeth I's religious reforms

All of Peter the Great's many reforms can be summed up as


Eastern Question

what to do about the Ottoman Empire/Turks, etc, great powers vied for sick man's newly freed territory as nationalism grew, sparked WWI

The Roman Question

what to do about the Pope. Pope angry about Italian unification, good Catholics couldn't be good Italians

Split of the Marxists

when communist revolution doesn't happen, Marxists split into Reform and Orthodox Marxists

What was the result of European women accompanying European men to their colonies?

when women were present the colonies took on the language, religion and ways of life of Europeans

Whereas formerly property owners and self-employed individuals like professionals formed the bulk of the middle class, after 1945 they were

white collar professionals who worked for big business and big government


white people think racially, races like different "species" of humans, fittest are the "most civilized" and powerful, justification for New Imperialism and anti-Semitism, eugenics became popular in the 20th century

Warsaw Pact 1955

with Eastern Europe, kept members in Pact

How did Louis Napoleon Bonaparte seize power from the National Assembly?

with a coup d'état supported by the army

Europe's trade with non-European (African/Asian) areas dramatically changed

with the expansion of the Ottoman Empire

Simone de Beauvoir's "The Second Sex" 1949

women "the (inferior) other", free but trapped in role, existentialism: action

Female suffrage in Britain

women over 30 received the vote in 1918

Misogyny at the time

women were weaker and more lustful, independent women were dangerous and needed help. cunning women and midwives dealt with death

Chapelier Law June 1791

worker associations (unions) banned

Soviet Satellite States 1945-1982ish

workers and farmers advanced in society, women given "equal" rights, industrial development promoted, no freedoms (speech, belief, travel), lower standard of living than West, don't want to be apart of Soviet sphere, wanted freedom and better standard of living

Black African slavery during this time period is most closely associated with using slaves as

workers in the labor-intensive sugar planting and processing industry


workers lose means of production and work for wagers, discipline: new harsh rules for mills, infractions punished with fines/dismissal/corporal punishment, time regulated like never before, long work days and weeks

Bloody June Days 1848

workers resist closing of National Workshops with barricades, government declared martial law and called in Gen. Cavaignac and army, lasted three days

October Revolution (November 7th 1917)

workers, soldiers and sailors under Leon Trotsky seized power, little resistance

World markets

world unified economically like never before, increasing world trade and transport, international insurance, stock exchanges, gold standard for money

Summary of European Union

world's most powerful trading block, a third of global trade, a third of the world's money reserves, 5% of the world's population, future?

Olympe de Gouges was famous for

writing the widely rejected "Declaration of the Rights of Woman"

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

wrote about life in the Gulags (Brezhnev's reign)


wrote many works, emphasized education as a way to achieve moral and intellectual improvement, poked fun at the problems with the Church and society

Traditional agriculture

yielded uncertain food supply, three field system: spring crop, fall crop, fallow, common land shared, animals forage on common lang, everyone works together, long strips of private land because it was annoying to turn plow

The textbook notes that this group played a key role in, and was a target demographic, in the post-war consumer revolution

young people

What were some causes of the illegitimacy explosion?

young people moving to urban areas where they had more social contracts and less social control, young people increasingly being able to choose their partners themselves rather than following the interests of their families, an increase in pre-marital sexual activity

Baldassare Castiglione (1478-1529)

"The Book of the Courtier", manners/how to get ahead in courtly society

Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375)

"The Decameron", normal people doing normal things (tales by people fleeing the Plague)

Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)

"The Prince", how to stay in power with amoral political calculations

Individual moral man

believed in the power of individuals to find a personal relationship with God, had no need for the church (pre-Reformation mindset)

Medieval mindset

believed place in society ordained by God, often stayed where they were born, very superstitious

Universities and science

between 1386 and 1505, 13 new universities created. the power of individuals used to figure out how the world works

The Papal States

controlled by the Pope, European capital, economic base the papacy, huge patron of the arts

Thomas More

counselor to Henry VIII, believed evils of this world were due to private property and ignorance, "Utopia" 1516

"Utopia" 1516

describes an ideal community in the New World, criticizes social hierarchy, wealth, religious intolerance and other social failures

Effects of the printing press

ideas able to be spread rapidly (reformations, texts, science, maps, laws, propaganda, bureaucracy, group consciousness)

The flagellants are an example of people reacting to the plague

in frenzied religious fervor

Girolamo Savonarola (1452-1498)

in power in Florence 1494-98, tried to bring people back to Middle Age-type living, bonfire of the vanities

Towns and trade

markets, new political (counsels) and social (bourgeois) organization

Henry VIII

married Catherine (daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella) and then created the Church of England to divorce her. reconquered Ireland, dealt with Parliament by scaring them. confiscated monastic property for revenue

Winning battles and territory during the Hundred Years' War increased


Francis I (r. 1515-1547)

nobles tax exempt, estates general not often called or consulted

Northern Renaissance

rebirth of towns/trade, classical Christian texts, natural art forms, individual moral man

The existence of virtu (admirable quality of individuals who are capable of shaping the world around them)

shows us that there was an intellectual Renaissance taking place

Lay piety and mysticism foreshadowed later Protestant movements because

they diminished the importance of clergy in religious belief and practice

The 1378-1417 Great Schism meant that

different national groups supported competing popes

Late Medieval peasant revolts seemed to have been mostly caused by

economic issues like increasing taxes or a stagnant standard of living


"Birth of Venus" 1480s, "Primavera"


"David" 1430, first stranding nude since classical times, "Gattamelata" 1450 (based on a statue of Marcus Aurelius), one of the first lifelike horseman statues since classical times


"David" 1504, symbolized strength of Florentine republic and de' Medici family (who paid for it), painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel (1508-12)


"Duomo" 1418, first cupola since classical times, marked glory for Florence

Rediscovery of classical texts

"Italy" full of Roman ruins and texts, Constantinople's fall (1453) brought Greek texts. Learned civic consciousness, how to rule, how to show talent

Leonardo da Vinci

"Last Supper" 1498 (started to fall apart as soon as it was finished), painted on plaster, "Mona Lisa" 1503

Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574)

"Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors and Architects", famous artists (he includes himself)

Pico della Mirandola (1463-1494)

"Oration on the Dignity of Man", man can be whatever he wants, his ability to reason made him special


"School of Athens" 1510-11, collection of important people from Ancient Greece, uses da Vinci, Michelangelo, others as models

Two influential classical thinkers

Cicero and Plato

Unification of Spain (around 1510)

Ferdinand and Isabella's marriage (1479), conquest of Grenada (1492), children

Five powerful Italian city states

Florence, Milan, Venice, the Papal States, the Kingdom of Naples

Joan of Arc

French peasant girl who helped inspire and lead the French to victory in the Hundred Years' War. She heard voices from Saints telling her what to do. She was captured in 1430 and burned at the stake.

Charles V

Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain

What groups were blamed for causing the Black Plague?

Jews and lepers

Important families of the Italian Renaissance

Medici, Sforza, Borgia

Isabelle d'Este (1474-1539)

Renaissance woman, husband was ruler of Mantua, she ruled as regent while he was away at war, patron of artists

Alexander VI

Spaniard, Borgia family (rumor is he was grandfather and father of a child and made the child a cardinal at the age of three). Very corrupt, tons of rumors

The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453)

a series of campaigns over throne of France (a feudal war), new weapons (such as longbows) had a big impact

The Black Death (1347-)

a deadly plague that killed about 1/3 of Europe


a social system that developed after Germanic barbarians took over Rome, which split people into three distinct estates: clergy, nobles and peasants/serfs

The manorial economy

almost everything produced and consumed locally, luxury goods (salt, spices, silk) came from outside the manor

Italian Wars (1494-1559)

balance of power lasted until 1494 when Milan and the French invaded the rest, Charles V's troops sacked Rome in 1527


birthplace of the Renaissance

Changes (because of five characteristics)

bourgeoisie had increased importance as advisors and lawyers, new forms of revenue sought (exploration, towns/trade), printing press assisted with administration (distributing laws), monarchs want religious control (reformation), more territory=more power

Clement VII

butts heads with Henry VIII

Late Medieval urban conflicts seemed to have been mostly caused by

changing conditions of work dealing with guild structures and membership

Critics of the clergy focused on

clerical immorality, pluralism and ignorance

Spain's territorial expansion

conquered New World in the 1500s

The clergy

considered most important (the Church was a big part of everyone's lives), help get people into heaven

Five characteristics of new monarchies

control the nobility and parliaments, collect taxes/get revenue, establish law and administration (bureaucracy), gain control over the church, expand control over territory

de' Medici Family

controlled Florence, wealth based in textiles and banking, huge patron of the arts

Both the cartoon-like pamphlet and the Lucas Cranach painting remind us that

even illiterate people could learn from artistic representations of theology and the religious debates of the time

Artistic images of the Dance of Death show

everyone, regardless of social rank, died as a result of the plague

According to Luther's theology, what one thing is more than any other was responsible for salvation?

faith in Jesus

Crécy, Poitiers, Agincourt

famous battles England won in the Hundred Years' War, victories greatly due to the longbowmen

New education

for businessmen and leaders, less theology. Had to deal with money, law, power, citizenship

What was Girolamo Savonarola's attitude toward the new Renaissance lifestyle?

he despised the sinning he saw going on everywhere

Hundred Years' War aftermath (England)

helped form Parliament, forced King to sign a document saying all taxation had to go through Parliament, sense of nationalism

What was the general economic result of the plague?

inflation (increasing prices)

Humanism is different than earlier courses of study in that

it advocated pursuing knowledge for the public good in addition to private and religious purposes

Julius II

known as the Warrior Pope

Leo X

liked luxury, butts heads with Luther

Hundred Years' War aftermath (France)

linguistic, geographical, legal, economic and political differences remained strong in France (viewed themselves as regions), but still a sense of nationalism developed

What types of (new) technology were used during the Hundred Years' War?

longbows, cannon, crossbows


markets (trade, crafts) made towns, new kind of social and political organization (like Rome), economic and social hierarchy dependent on your trade, bourgeois class created

Northern art

more religious (sin), common people/places/things (naturalism)


owed fees but generally owned their land


owed lord work (basically unfree peasants)

Renaissance art

perspective, more realistic, artists famous, religion, rulers, mythology, humans, nature. reemergence of busts, horsemen, nudes, mythology. shows humanist, urban, religious society

Christine de Pisan (1363-1434)

poet and author. "The Treasure of the City of Ladies", praised women and gave advice on how to handle husbands

What does the textbook author propose as the main cause of the Hundred Years' War?

political reasons as rulers sought to increase the size of their realms and powers

The Little Ice Age

rainy and cold, which led to poor crops and starvation. People susceptible to illness

French revenue policies

salt, land and consumable taxes, sold offices of bureaucracy, borrowed money from nobles


scholarship of Latin and Greek texts to promote a sense of civics and individuality (included rhetoric, Roman law, poetry, history, politics, moral philosophy, manners)

Both John Wyclif and Jan Huss supported important Church reforms that the later Protestant movements would adopt, such as

scripture alone as the standard of Christian belief and practice, Christians reading the Bible for themselves in their own language, general opposition to papal power and wealth

More and Erasmus

seemed to criticize their eras in order to improve them

Sex in the late Medieval city

seems to have been well regulated with prostitution allowed and homosexuality illegal

What role did Joan of Arc play in the war?

she increased french morale, which helped the French armies start to win the war

A renaissance man/woman

should be able to do anything nonchalantly

Before the plague, Europe was already weakened by

the Great Famine

The competition of the five powers of Renaissance Italy resulted in

the concept of balance of power

What is not an effect of the war?

the increase in the power of a national representative assembly in France

An increasing amount of literature in the vernacular is both a cause and effect of

the increasing literacy of laypeople

The Renaissance

the rebirth of towns and trade, classical texts (Roman and Greek), classical art forms, individual man

The spark of Martin Luther's protest was

the selling of indulgences

Great Schism of 1054

the separation of the Catholic Church into the eastern Orthodox Church (Byzantine Empire, rich nice half) and western Catholic Church (poorer half)

Aside from the break from Roman tradition, what was the problem with moving the papacy to Avignon from 1309-1376?

the successive popes there ignored their spiritual duties in favor of pursuing wealth and power

Which "rebirth" led to the rest?

towns and trade

Spanish Inquisition (1479)

used to root out fake Christians, Jew (1492) and Muslims (1502) expelled from Spain. means of control and gaining revenue

Francesco Petrarch (1304-1374)

wrote "Letters to the Ancient Dead", "Africa", "Lives of Illustrious Men", love sonnets to a woman he met at church. Wrote about personal things, human condition

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Critical development geographies references

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