AP Human Geography Unit 4

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In what sense are building materials of folk housing unique?

building materials are influenced by the resources available in the environment; most popular is wood and brick

In what countries/regions is television rare?

central and southern Africa

What environmental conditions are not ensuring similar art forms in this case?

climate, landforms, vegetation

What things are included in folk and popular material culture?

clothing, food, shelter

What are characteristics of the distribution of folk culture?

combination of local physical and cultural factors influence distinctive distributions

Why do people adapt their food preferences?

conditions in the environment

What are some food taboos of Hindus in India?

cow because they pull plows and are needed for agricultural work

What are the 2 ways in which popular customs have an adverse effect on the natural environment?

depletion of scarce natural resources and pollution of the landscape

In what ways is Amish culture distinct from the popular culture in the US?

don't use mechanical or electrical power; still use horse and buggy and hand tools for farming. Located in isolated rural areas with distinct clothing, farming, and religious practices

How is the playing of golf and golf courses an example of a popular custom that is not generally in harmony with the local environment?

due to their large size, they are an imposition on the environment by "remaking" the environment

List the elements of the origin and characteristics of folk music.

folk songs usually composed anonymously and passed orally, sometimes modified from generation to generation tells story about daily activities- farming, life events-birth, death, marriage, and environmental events- storms and earthquakes

Folk culture is more likely to vary from _______ to _______ at a given time, where popular culture is more likely to vary from _______ to _______ at a given place.

place, place; time, time

What are some food taboos of Muslims in Arabian Peninsula?

pork because pigs compete with humans for food and water without offering any benefits

What are characteristics of the origin of popular culture?

product of developed countries, origin often traceable to specific person of corporation in a particular place

Despite their anonymous folk origins, what characteristics of organized spectator sports today characterize them as popular culture?

professional players, ability to watch in person or on TV and people who follow the sports worldwide

How does popular material culture diffuse?

rapidly, access determined by having sufficient income to embrace it

In contrast to folk customs, popular customs diffuse _______ across the Earth's surface to location with a wide variety of ________ _________. This diffusion depends, however, upon a group of people having a sufficiently high level of _________ __________ in order to obtain the _________ _________ associated with the popular custom.

rapidly, physical conditions, economic development, material possessions

What cultural institutions is shaping these differences in cultural diversity?


Why may people desire or avoid certain foods?

result of perceived beneficial or harmful natural traits

How does folk material culture diffuse?

slowly through process of migration

What are characteristics of the diffusion of folk culture?

smaller scale and slower transmissions from one location to make another primarily through relocation diffusion

What is a uniform landscape?

spatial expression of a popular custom in one location is similar to another

Describe popular clothing preferences.

style of clothing generally reflects occupation and income rather than particular environment

Describe folk clothing preferences.

style of clothing worn in response to distinctive agrcultural practices and climatic conditions

What are characteristics of the diffusion of popular culture?

tends to be transmitted by way of hierarchical diffusion

Currently, where is the Internet most widely available?

North America, Europe, Australia

In what countries/regions is television universal?

North America, Europe, China, eastern and southern South America, Australia

What are the housing styles in New England?

Saltbox, Two Chimney, Cape Cod, Front Gable and Wing

What is the dominant housing style in the Middle Atlantic?

"I"-house- 2 stories in height, 1 room deep, 2 rooms wide (resembled letter "I")

What decades was the minimal traditional housing style dominant and give facts about that style?

1940's-1950's, one story, small and modest, for young families and vets returning from WW2

What decades was the ranch house housing style dominant and give facts about that style?

1950's-1960's, one story, long and parallel to street, took up large lots, encouraged sprawl of urban areas

What decades was the contemporary housing style dominant and give facts about that style?

1950's-1970's, architect designed with flat, low pitched roofs

What decades was the split-level housing style dominant and give facts about that style?

1950's-1970's, bottom level- garage and family room, middle level- kitchen, formal living and dining rooms, top level- bedrooms

What decades was the shed housing style dominant and give facts about that style?

1960's, high pitched roofs gave house geometric qualities

How and where has folk clothing styles worldwide been threatened by popular culture?

African and Asian businessmen have adopted the suit of Western culture as a symbol of authority and leadership

What are popular food culture differences within the US?

Americans may choose beverages or snacks based on what is produced, grown, or imported locally, cultural backgrounds affect the amount and types of alcohol and snack foods consumed

What are example of food preferences in Asia and Europe?

Asia: rice- milder, moister regions, wheat- drier regions, adapted ways of cooking soybeans to make them edible without extensive cooking due to scarce fuel; Europe: Italy- preference for quick-frying foods resulted from fuel shortages, Northern Europe- abundant wood supply encouraged slow stewing and roasting of foods

What are the world's 2 largest newspaper organizations and hat countries are they associated with?

Associated Press, Reuters- Great Britain and US

In many parts of the world, what is the only reliable and unbiased source of news information?

BBC World Service

Where did Amish culture originate, and ho did it diffuse to the US?

Bern, Switzerland, Alsace, northeastern France, and Palatinate region of southwestern Germany; diffused to US in 1700's and 1800's because of cheap land in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, and Iowa

How is cultural diversity in the Himalayas displayed in local art?

Buddhists, Hindus, and Animists depict religion in their art where that is forbidden for Muslims. Buddhists and Hindus reflect a harsh environment where Muslims portray the beautiful landscape.

What are popular food culture differences among countries?

Cola preferences can be influenced by politics and religion

Why do developing nations view television as a new source of cultural imperialism?

LDC's consider TV as a threat by MDC's to their independence because the media presents American beliefs that force out LDC's social customs

What are the Neo-eclectic styles of the 1960's and 1970's?

Mansard, Neo-Tudor, Neo-French, Neo-Colonial

In what countries/regions is television common?

Middle East southern and southeast Asia, western South America, northern Africa

In what regions will the Internet most likely to grow?

Middle East, South America, southern Asia, southeast Asia

What are some of the hearths of today's hip hop music in the US?

Oakland, Atlanta, Queens, Brooklyn, Harlem

What regions, then, does that leave as still relatively untouched by the Internet, in the foreseeable future?

Sub-Saharan Africa

What 3 countries dominate worldwide television markets and what regions does each dominate?

United States- Latin America, United Kingdom- Africa, Japan- south and east Asia

How is each of these food preferences expressed regionally, according to culture?

alcohol- low consumption in SE and Utah due to religion; certain alcohol consumed more where it is made; snack foods- southerners prefer pork rinds due to the abundance of hogs, northerners prefer chips due to abundance of potatoes

Consumption of large quantities of what 2 food products are characteristic of popular culture?

alcoholic beverages and snack foods

What are some food taboos of Hebrews in eastern Mediterranean?

animals without cloven feet because concerns for environment

What are characteristics of the origin of folk culture?

anonymous hearths, anonymous sources, unknown dates, unidentified originators

How does clothing style (shoes) indicate the influence of the environment on folk culture?

arctic regions- snowshoes may be required for the ability to walk and fur-lined boots to keep warm; wet regions- wooden shoes keep farmers from getting their feet wet

How was soccer transformed from a folk custom into popular culture?

became an organized, formal sport in Britain in 1800's with standardized rules, professional players, and paying spectators. They spread through Europe in late 1800's

What are 3 facts about clothing styles associated with popular culture?

income influences clothing, original fashions are reproduced inexpensively for chain stores, diffusion of TV exposed people in MDC's to other clothing forms

_______ are an important symbol of the ________ of Western ____________ _________.

jeans, diffusion, popular culture

What are some popular sports and the countries where they are most popular?

martial arts- China, baseball- US and Japan, lacrosse- NE US and SE Canada, cricket- Britain and former colonies, ice hockey- Canada, northern Europe, and Russia

Give 2 reasons for which television is an especially significant element of culture?

most popular leisure activity in MDC's, most important tool by which knowledge of popular culture is diffused

In Western countries where popular culture predominates, clothing styles generally reflect __________ rather than particular __________.

occupations, environments

List the elements of the origin and characteristics of popular music.

originated in 1900's in NYC's Tin Pan Alley and eventually diffused globally during WW2 radio to American soldiers, hip hop also began in NYC and diffused globally through online broadcasts and music sales on the web

What is happening to the Amish in the US today?

they are interregionally migrating from Pennsylvania to Kentucky in search of cheaper land due to metro areas and tourists in Pennsylvania

How and why is this concept utilized by fast-food restaurants?

through franchises and it generates produce recognition (people recognize a fast-food chain wherever they are)

What is the main housing style in the Lower Chesapeake?

tidewater- 1 story, 1 room deep, steep rood, chimneys at both ends. In wet areas, houses were raised on piers or brick foundation.

What are characteristics of the distribution of popular culture?

widely distributed across many countries with little regard for physical factors

How have women in many parts of the world been helped by the spread of popular culture? How have they been hurt?

women are becoming less subservient, however, in LDC's prostitution has increased to serve men from MDC's on "sex tours"

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