Arte 1

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A negative

An empty space defined by its surround is known as _____shape.


Because it is three-dimensional, a form has these three spatial measurements: height, width, and ________.

Directional Line.

By orienting lines so that they attract attention to a specific area of a work of art the artist is using?

Insert personal opinion here.

Compare and contrast the portraits of Isabelle d'Este and Adele BlochBauer. Describe the similarities and differences you see in the portrayal o the women. How did Titian and Klimt communicate the wealth and social standing of their subjects? How true to life do you think these portraits are?

Insert opinion here.

Compare and contrast the visual differences between the modern photograph of the Ducal Palace with Canaletto's drawing. What did the artist change?


Forms such as pyramids, which tend to be precise and regular, are known as ________ forms.


Forms that tend to be irregular, and similar to naturally occurring objects, are known as ________ forms.

Johannes Vermeer

Girl with a Pearl Earring was painted by this Dutch Artist?

Insert opinion here.

Graphic artists, like the manga group CLAMP, know that by arranging lines in diagonals it is possible to indicate movement and energy. Suggest two images from popular culture that use diagonals to convey a sense of movement and energy. For each image, give reasons why the artist might have wanted to create an energetic composition.

Looted by the Nazis.

Gustav Klimt's portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer was famous partly because it was?

Austrian businessmen

Gustav Klimt's portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer was typical of his portraits of the wives and sisters of ?


If vertical lines communicate strength, horizontals calm, and diagonals action, then a vacation resort might want to choose a logo consisting of _______lines in order to show peaceful repose.

Insert here.

In Al Grivetti's Big Ten logo, which shape dominates, the positive or the negative?


In Goya's The Third of May, 1808, the artist used a variety of actual and implied lines to attract attention to specific points within the composition. Lines that draw the viewer's attention in this way are known as ______lines.

Of their shape, subtle colors, and irregular surface.

In Japan, ceramic tea bowls were appreciate because?


In Japan, ceramic tea bowls were appreciated not just for their color, shape, and pleasing irregular surface, but as part of the experience of sipping tea. T/F?

Emphasize that the Greeks were helpless.

In The Massacre at Chios, Delacroix chose to portray the Greeks as partly clothed in order to?


In Vesperbild (or Pietà) from fourteenth-century Germany (1.32), the artist ________ the organic forms of the bodies of Mary and Jesus in order to express pain and suffering.


In a 1941 drawing the British artist Barbara Hepworth used line to plan a?

A figure-round reversal.

In a two dimensional work, when the figure becomes the background and the background becomes the figure, we perceive?

Detailed Explanation inserted here.

In ancient Peru, people placed a high value on objects made of wool. In Japan, ceramic tea bowls are a greatly esteemed form of art. What form of art do you consider to be the highest? Explain your answer. Do you prefer this art form for personal reasons, or do you think you are influenced by the opinions held by your culture or society? What has your answer got to do with such concepts as beauty, value and craftsmanship?


In her painting Music-Pink and Blue 2", Georgia O'Keeffe emphasized the blue _____space in order to attract the viewer's attention into a deep interior.

Emphasize her wealth and good taste.

In her portrait by Titian, Isabella d'Este wears a turban, embroidered clothes, and a white ermine stole to?


In his Obey campaign poster Shepard Fairey used a striking contrast between positive and ______shapes to attract the attention of the public.


In his drawing of the Ducal Palace in Venice, Canaletto used line to accentuate the patterned facade of the building so that the viewer has a better sense of?

Insert here.

In his work Woodstock Road, Woodstock, New York, 1924 George Bellows used both regular and irregular line. What might the advantages be for an artist who combines both of these types of lines in their work?


In james Allen's etching The Connectors, an image of' workers erecting the Empire State Building, the artist created a feeling of great height by using _____line to lead the viewer's eye diagonally downward.


In the illustration from the manga Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, the artists used diagonal lines to crate a strong sense of?


It is still not fully understood how the ancient Egyptians created such huge feats of engineering. The ________ form of the pyramids contrasts with the surrounding organic landscape, and shows the Egyptians' power and control over the natural world around them.


Jeff Koons made his sculpture Rabbit himself. T/F?


Leonardo da Vinci was an artist who rigidly stuck to traditional methods and rules of art. T/F?


Louise Nevelson's work White Vertical Water is a realistic depiction of fish in a river.

Painted Wood

Louise Nevelson's work White Vertical Water is made of ?


Mel Bochner used______line in the work Vertigo because it is controlled and measured.


Miriam Schapiro's collage Baby Blocks combines two dfferent kinds of shape. _______is the term used to describe a shape that suggests the natural world, while the term geometric suggests mathematical regularity.


One definition of this element is "a mark that connects two points."

Of his experiences in World War 1.

Otto Dix frequently portrayed war scenes in his art because?

Controlled, geometric, cool-headed.

Pick the three words that would best describe a regular line.

Implied line

Some Jewish texts create images using this kind of line made up of small letters.

A Coffin

The Ancient Egyptian depiction of the journey of the Sun God Re was painted on?


The Dutch design team Sauerkids used _____lines of dots and dashes in its work to create exciting visual rhythms.

Lincoln is a symbol of American values and identity.

The Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. is valuable because?

Insert opinion here.

The Nazca Lines are engraved into the surface of the Earth, but the image can only be seen from above. Since this artwork was made before man had the ability to hover above the Earth, what reasons might the artist(s) have had for creating this work?

Undermine the military will of the German people.

The Nazis feared Dix's art because they thought it might?

It expresses beliefs in an afterlife

The ancient Egyptian artist who painted The Journey of the Sun God Re on a coffin chose his subject because?

1 3/4 inches

The ancient Egyptians created huge structures. The precision with which these buildings were constructed is evident in that the greatest difference in the length of the sides of the Great Pyramid of Khufu is ________.


The artist Canaletto, in his drawing of the Ducal Palace in Venice, created an impression of three dimensions by using line to show the division between ________?


The artist David Smith created sculptures of geometric forms. In his work Cubi XIX, Smith used the following geometric shapes:


The artist Egon Schiele drew his Portrait of the Artist's Wife, Standing with Hands On Hips using______line so that he could represent her figure with great economy while being descriptive.

Greek architecture symbolizes values important to Americans.

The building that houses the Lincoln Memorial was based on the form of an ancient Greek temple. Why?


The city of Los Angeles disapproved of Simon Rodia's Watts Towers. T/F?


The combination of jarring vertical and diagonal lines in Vincent van Gogh's The Bedroom creates an atmosphere of _______?


The controversial exhibition of contemporary British art held in Brooklyn Museum in 1999 was called?


The dark printed words on the page of a book are easily read because they are printed on a light ground. This is an example of the principle of?


The elements of art form the basic ______of art.


The french artist Andre Masson wished to explore the psychological source of creativity through his "automatic" ink drawings of _____lines.


The head of a woman from Benin shows the influence of European trade routes, as well as having local spiritual significance. T/F?


The line that defines the edge of a shape is called the?


The lines that create the image of the Nazca Spider "drawing" define the _____of a_______.

Insert here.

The medieval Banner of Las Navas de Tolosa exemplifies many of the themes of this chapter. Identify two of the elements or principles discussed in this chapter that the artist used in creating this tapestry. How have these artistic devices been employed, and what effect do they have on the viewer?

The artist's own blood.

The medium of Marc Quinn's Self is?

Horizontal line=Calm Diagonal Line=Action Vertical Line=Strength

The orientation of a line can communicate particular feelings. Match the type of line with the feeling it communicates:

Calm and Introspection.

The pose, facial expression, and landscape background of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa communicate to the viewer a mood of?

Figure-ground reversal.

The positive and negative shapes in M.C. Escher's print Sky and Water 1 balance each other and are an example of?


The principles of design are a kind of ________ that artists apply to the elements of art.


The rarity of an artwork, and its value, are often closely related? T/F?

Irregular Line

The scribbled appearance of Jean Dubuffet's Suite avec 7 Personnages characterizes it as a drawing that exhibits?

The body of a lion, the wings of an eagle, and the head of a woman.

The sculpture of the Great Sphinx stands as a symbolic guardian of the Pyramids at Giza. The ancient Greek definition of a sphinx was a mythological creature whose features were:


The self portrait of the Dutch artist Rembrandt stolen from the Swedish National Museum was one of many that the artist painted on copper. T/F?

An implied

The sphere that designed Saul Bass created for the AT&T logo is not defined by a continuous boundary. This type of shape, which can be suggested by dots or lines that do not connect, is termed ______shape.

Nuestro Pueblo

The work now known as the Watts Towers was in fact given a different title by its creator. That title was?

Three Dimensional

These four visual elements of art—form, volume, mass, and texture—are present in ________ works of art.

Insert opinion here.

Thinking of what you have learned about the communicative qualities of line, wh might Carolyn Davidson have made the choices she did when designing the Nike Logo/? Find two other logos and explain how they use communicative line to express the values of an organization.


This type of shape is composed of unpredictable, irregular lines.

The strength of the institutions of the Republic.

Thomas Jefferson chose a ROman temple as the model for his design of the Virginia State Capitol because it suggested?

Loose, wild, chaotic.

Three words that can describe irregular line are?


Totoam's portrait of Isabella d'Este does not portray Isabella as she really looked. T/F?

Because it was made from RARE IVORY.

Why do we presume that the head of a woman from Benin was made for someone wealthy?


William G. Wall's Fort Edward was published as a?


William G. Wall's The Hudson River Portfolio expressed his belief that Native Americans deserved equal rights? T/F?

Reconciliation after the Civil War.

Winslow Homer's Prisoners form the Front (1866) was intended to call for?


Winslow Homer's Prisoners from the Front was based on his personal experiences during and after the Civil War. T/F?


A contour line defines the outer edge or profile of an object, and can be used to suggest a volume in space. T/F?


A flat work of art has two dimensions:_______ and Width.

An actual line

A line that is a continuous mark is?


A shape made of perfectly straight lines would probably be classified as _________shape.

A positive

A shape on a flat picture surface that is defined by surrounding empty space is known as ______shape.


A two-dimensional object is called a shape, and a three-dimensional object is known as a ________.

Personal Opinion Inserted Here.

Eugene Delacroix's The Masscre at Chios and Otto Dix's Kriegeskruppel (War Cripples) both depict human suffering. Compare the two works, including the medium the artists worked in, the composition of the figures, and the degree of abstraction. How does each work affect the viewer? Do you feel that one work communicates with the viewer mode effectively than the other? Why?

Portray the Turks as fierce murderers.

Eugene Delacroix's painting The Massacre at Chios was intended to?

He designed it.

Even though Jeff Koons did not make the sculpture Rabbit with his own hands, it is considered his work because?

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