AT 105 Exam 2

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Marshals and Young Women

Period/style--- Classical Period Date---448-432BCE What is it made out of?---stone. it was apart of a freeze The significance of the history of art?--- the women's robes were looser the normal and flowier


Period/style---Roman art Date---70-80 CE What is it made out of?---The Colosseum was built mostly of concrete and made extensive use of arches The significance of the history of art?--- the sad was used to soak up the blood

Aulus Metellus

Period/style?--- Roman Art Date?---80BCE What is it made out of?---bronze The significance of the history of art?---He was like a senator. His hem is writing of his name, and his parent's names as well. itItas important to show someway which class you were born into.

santa Sabina

Period/style?---Byzantine Date?---422-32 What is it made out of?--- The significance of the history of art?---one of the orignial Basilica plans left.

equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius

Period/style?---Roman art Date?---176CE What is it made out of?---bronze The significance of the history of art?---one of the only one its size left that has not been melted down. The way the rider and the horse are one.


Style in which artists concern themselves with describing the exterior likeness of an object or person, usually by rendering its visible details in a finely executed, meticulous manner.

what are the three forms in the backbone of what jewish and Christians were making interms of visual imagery?

Tombs, worship spaces , and sculptures.

Influence of Greek and Etruscan cultures on Roman art

able to reinterpret into own unique style

Etruscans who were responsible for teaching the Romans the ----- and for spreading----- throughout the Italian peninsula.

alphabet , literacy

rounded arch

an arch formed in a continuous curve; characteristic of Roman architecture



Greek temple sites

one or more outdoor altar, and a natural element- Sacred tree, rock, spring..etc...


religious images used by eastern Christians

2-D things

shading, and for shorted.


the stack between the roof


when the entablature is decorated

Contrpposto pose

where they stand with opposing alterations of tense and relaxed limbs around the central axis.


women the women was always clothed

the difference in the goals of early Christian art from roman art

1. need to clarify tell the beliefs of Christianity 2.symbolic 3. narrative imagery 4.iconic imagery

When was the classical period?

480-323 BCE


A Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine.


A recess, usually semicircular, in the wall of a Roman basilica or at the east end of a church.

who is the artist of the dying gaul


who is the artist of Achilles and Ajax playing a game


Byzantine Style

New style that sought to express essential religious meaning not external appearance Geometric simplification of forms Flat, linear detail Expressionistic abstraction of figures Standardized conventions to convey individuals and events Reverse perspective Richly decorative


Opposing or even destroying images, especially those set up for religious veneration in the belief that such images represent idol worship.

Humans can impose ____ and ____ on their ______

Order, Rational, Enviroment

Anavysos Kouros

Period/style--- Archaic Date---530BCE artist---unknown What is it made out of?--- Marble, Naxian The significance of the history of art?---. The rigid stance, with the left leg forward and arms at the side, was taken from Egyptian was used as a grave marker

Diptych panel

Period/style--- Byzantine Date---6th Century artist--Archangel Michael What is it made out of---Ivory The significance of the history of art?---It is very big for an ivory panel. Diptych means a work of art made out of 2 panels. the angle is very big compared to the staircase his clothes is very classical. The way his feet are and how he's not really on the ground shows that he is of divine nature is seen in Byzantine and medieval art.

Doryphoros (that means) spear-bearer

Period/style--- classical period Date---450-40BCE artists---- Polykleitos What is it made out of?---this is a Roman copy of a Greek bronze sculpture. The significance of the history of art?--- the thing that made this perfect was that is was mathematically aligned the different parts of the body

Temple of Hera 1

Period/style---Archaic period Date---550-540 BCE arist----IDK?? What is it made out of?--- Stone? The significance of the history of art?--- has all the elements that are in a Doric temple. ( the temple columns have no feet) has a great sense of weight

Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels icons

Period/style---Byzantine Date---6th century artist-- What is it made out of?---painted The significance of the history of art?---religious images used by eastern Christians

Vladimir Virgin

Period/style---Byzantine Date---late 11th-12th centuries artist What is it made out of?---mosaic The significance of the history of art?--- a medieval Byzantine icon of the Virgin and Child. In 1169 Andrei Bogolyubsky sacked Kyiv, and, after plundering the city, stole much religious artwork, including a Byzantine "Mother of God" icon which was transferred to Vladimir (for references see Yury Dolgorukiy and Andrey Bogolyubskiy).

Emperor Justinian, Bishop Maximianus, and Attendants

Period/style---Byzantine artist--- Date---ca.547 What is it made out of?---mosaic The significance of the history of art?---One of the most famous figures of authority during the Byzantine empire, is this mosaic, as well as the mosaics that accompany it. Justinian seen here is shown with the bishop Maximianus along with attendants carrying various religious or other items. The attendants seen on the far left are carrying a shield with the symbol Chi Rho, while the attendants on the far right are carrying the Gospels encased in a golden jeweled book cover, symbolizing the coming of the Word. A censer containing the burning incense to purify the altar before the mass is also being carried. Justinian himself is carrying the bowl with the bread of the Eucharist, which pays homage to Jesus appears in an adjacent apse mosaic. The entire mosaic is a big propaganda piece, which glorifies the power of Justinian, and of the church. The mosaic itself catches light when hit by it, producing a magnificent glow, because of the materials used to put it together.

the portrait of a husband and wife

Period/style---Roman art Date---mid 1st century What is it made out of?---Fresco style The significance of the history of art?--- This ancient piece of portraiture is one of the first of its kind to be found, of rather unimportant people. This artwork was commissioned by the people represented here, something uncommon for rather normal Roman citizens, as this was kind of portrait was usually only found in king's palaces or very important figures such as gods. The husband and wife wished to present themselves to guests in their home as thoughtful and well-read, almost like scholars. The portrait was individualized for their likeness, but the poses they hold are standard in portraits of the time. Why This Artwork? This Artwork was another example of getting a glimpse into the cultural and social structure in ancient Roman times.

Nike Adjusting Her Sandal

Period/style---classical period Date---410 What is it made out of---marble The significance of the history of art--- a symbol of victory. in this time a lot of times figures were made to see relaxed unlike this artwork she is very exposed her boobs and leg is both exposed

Porch of the Maidens, Erechtheion

Period/style---classical period Date---421-406BCE What is it made out of---stone or marble The significance of the history of art?--- The women are in the contropostal pose you can see their knees pressing through the drapery. the shift in their hips a sense of movement but also a sense of stability.

column of Trajan

Period/style---roman art Date---113-116 CE artist---?? What is it made out of?---marble The significance of the history of art?---the panels go in a spiral. it covers two main wars.


Period/style---roman artwork Date---118-128 CE Artist--- What is it made out of?--- marble The significance of the history of art?---it was a temple to the gods, then made into a church, and now a turouis location. there columns were one pease of stone not cut up like other columns.

constantine the great

Period/style?--- Date?---325-26 CE What is it made out of?---marble The significance of the history of art?---The Emperor Constantine, called Constantine the Great, was significant for several reasons. These include his political transformation of the Roman Empire, his support for Christianity, and his founding of Constantinople (modern day Istanbul). Constantine's status as an agent of change also extended into the realms of art and architecture. The Triumphal Arch of Constantine in Rome is not only a superb example of the ideological and stylistic changes Constantine's reign brought to art, but also demonstrates the emperor's careful adherence to traditional forms of Roman Imperial art and architecture.

Funerary vase.

Period/style?--- Geometric period Date?---750-700BCE arist What is it made out of?---Terracotta The significance of the history of art?--- these were grave makers the person who dies was probably a war hero and on the vase told the wars he fought in.

Harvesting of Grapes

Period/style?--- early Christians Date?---350 What is it made out of?---painted The significance of the history of art?---the grapes maybe were representing christ blood. depending on the viewer this artwork has different contacts

San Vitale

Period/style?---Byzantine Date---c.547 artist--there are many of them The significance of the history of art?---it is a church central plan church

Christ Pantocrator

Period/style?---Byzantine Date?--- artist--- What is it made out of---Mosaic The significance of the history of art?---e word Pantocrator is of Greek origin meaning "ruler of all". Christ Pantocrator is an icon of Christ represented full or half-length and full-faced. He holds the book of the Gospels in his left hand and blesses with his right hand. The mosic portrays Christ as the Righteous Judge and the Lover of Mankind, both at the same time. The Gospel is the book by which we are judged, and the blessing proclaims God's loving kindness toward us, showing us that he is giving us his forgiveness.

Crucifixion, Church of the Dormition

Period/style?---Byzantine Date?---1090-1100 What is it made out of?---mosaic The significance of the history of art?----blend of painterly Hellenistic style and later abstract and formalistic Byzantine style -figures have regained the classical organic structure -Skull at bottom represents Golgotha "the place of the skulls" -timeless presence is beheld in unbroken silence -Christ is depicted naturalistically, with a tilted head, sagging body and blood spurts from wounds, rather than as a triumphant, bearded youth oblivious to pain and defiant of the laws of gravity -the Virgin and John attend him and act as intercessors for the viewer below and Christ, who appears as the Last Judge of all humans

Hagia Sophia

Period/style?---Byzantine Date?---532-537 What is it made out of?---Hagia Sophia is the former Greek Orthodox Christian patriarchal cathedral, later an Ottoman imperial mosque and now a museum in Istanbul, Turkey. The significance of the history of art?---

Christ between two angles st. Vitale

Period/style?---Byzantine Date?---547 What is it made out of?---mosaic The significance of the history of art?---Famous for its distinctive style, the golden mosaic is surely an innovative Christian artwork in the Byzantium period. Although it still has the sources of Late Antiquity arts, it manifests richness and uniqueness that impress every viewer.

The Old Testament Trinity

Period/style?---Byzantine artist--Andrey Rublyov Date---1410-1425 What is it made out of---Tempera The significance of the history of art?---The Trinity depicts the three angels who visited Abraham at the Oak of Mamre (Genesis 18:1-8), but the painting is full of symbolism and is interpreted as an icon of the Holy Trinity. At the time of Rublev, the Holy Trinity was the embodiment of spiritual unity, peace, harmony, mutual love, and humility. The icon was commissioned to honor Saint Sergius of Radonezh of the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, near Moscow, now in the town of Sergiyev Posad.

Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus

Period/style?---Early Christian, Date?---359 What is it made out of?---marble The significance of the history of art?---Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus

Tomb of the Triclinium

Period/style?---Etruscan Artist---unknown Date?---480-470BCEMonterozzi necropolis of Tarquinia, Italy What is it made out of?---Chamber tombs are subterranean rock-cut chambers accessed by an approach way (dromos) in any case The significance of the history of art?---The a convivial theme of the Tomb of the Triclinium might seem surprising in a funereal context, but it is important to note that the Etruscan funeral rites were not somber but festive, with the aim of sharing a final meal with the deceased as the latter transitioned to the afterlife.

Sarcophagus with reclining couple

Period/style?---Etruscan artist----unknown Date---520BCE What is it made out of?---clay The significance of the history of art?---very Lifelike they embrace laying next to one another. The way their arms are outstretched they move into our space.

Athena Attacking the Giants

Period/style?---Hellenistic Date?---175-150BCE What is it made out of?---marble The significance of the history of art?---

Nike of Samothrace

Period/style?---Hellenistic Date?---180BCE What is it made out of?--- Parian marble The significance of the history of art?---IT is full of action and motion and emotion. The way the wind is wiping her clothing. The way her clothing does this reminds us of the way the clothing was on the Parthenon frieze accept she is in motion and they are not.

Dying Gaul

Period/style?---Hellenistic artist-Epigonos Date---220BCE What is it made out of?---origanly bronze in Pergamon but the Romans copyed it into marble The significance of the history of art?--- he as at deep humanity, he is in pain. it shows the weakness of the body. this is a memorial in Rome of there victory. You can tell that it is a Gaul by the long hair, muststash, and the ring that he wears.

Cubiculum (bedroom) from the Villa of P. Fannius Synistor at Boscoreale

Period/style?---Roman art Date?---50-30BCE artist--- What is it made out of?---Fresco painting The significance of the history of art?---its a cityscapeThe surviving paintings are extremely fine examples of the late Second Style, the most renowned style in Roman wall painting. Throughout the frescoes from the villa at Boscoreale there are visual ambiguities to tease the eye, including architectural details painted to resemble real ones, such as rusticated masonry, pillars, and columns that cast shadows into the viewer's space, and more conventional trompe l'oeil devices, such as three-dimensional meanders. Objects of daily life were depicted in such a way as to seem real, with metal and glass vases on shelves and tables appearing to project out from the wall. Cumulatively, these trompe l'oeil devices reveal the Republican owner's evident pleasure in impressing guests at his comfortable summer retreat.

Portrait Head of an Elder

Period/style?---Roman art Date?---80BCE What is it made out of?---marble The significance of the history of art?---It showed old age so he would look wiser and also so it would look like he knew more.

Ara Pacis Augustae

Period/style?---Roman art Date?---early 1st century What is it made out of?---marble The significance of the history of art?---The solemn figures, all properly clad for a rite of the state religion, proceed in the direction of the altar itself, ready to participate in the ritual. The figures all advance toward the west. The occasion depicted would seem to be a celebration of the peace (Pax) that Augustus had restored to the Roman empire.

garden scene from the villa of Livia

Period/style?---Roman art Date?---late 1st century BCE Artist---Unknown What is it made out of?---painted The significance of the history of art?---2nd Style of Roman wall painting. the artist used atmospheric perspective to add light

Temple of Portunus

Period/style?---Roman art Date?---late 2nd century What is it made out of?--- (tufo is a type of stone consisting of consolidated volcanic ash, and travertine is a form of limestone). The significance of the history of art?---Its dedication to the God Portunus

The Scraper

Period/style?---classical period Date---350-325 BCE artist--- Lysippos What is it made out of---originally made out of bronze but that was destroyed so this one is made out of marble. he significance of the history of art?--- this scupltures has an elongated body and reduces the size of the head which was new at this time. the way the arm is razed this pose breaks away from the frontal pose that was popular in the classical period. he is washing himself.

Battle of Issus

Period/style?---classical period Date?---1st century BCE What is it made out of?---Its a mosaic The significance of the history of art?--- they were losing against the Greeks. the king of Persia was telling to retreat and the chariot was turning around. You can see people being trampled under the horse.

The Erechtheion The Acropolis, Athens, Greece

Period/style?---classical period Date?---421-406 BCE What is it made out of?--- stone The significance of the history of art?---an ancient Greek temple on the north side of the Acropolis of Athens in Greece which was dedicated to both Athena and

East Pediment of the Parthenon(title) Birth of Athena

Period/style?---classical period Date?---447-432 BCE arists---Ictinus and Callicrates What is it made out of?---stone apart of a pediment on the parthenon The significance of the history of art?---Zeus was probably shown seated, while Athena was striding away from him fully grown and armed. They include these three goddesses, who were seated to the right of center. From left to right, their posture varies in order to accommodate the slope of the pediment that originally framed them.

Laocoon and his sons

Period/style?---classical period Date?---16th center What is it made out of?---marble The significance of the history of art?--- A Greek goddess sent snakes to attack this guy and his sons before they warned people about the trojan horse and how it was a trick. One of the ways we can identify Laocoön and his sons as belonging to the Hellenistic period is by its stylistic similarity to the Altar of Zeus at Pergamon.

Mausoleum of Galla Placidia

Period/style?---early Christian Date?--- What is it made out of?---brick The significance of the history of art?---The Mausoleum of Galla Placidia is a Roman building in Ravenna, Italy. It was listed with seven other structures in Ravenna in the World Heritage List in 1996. The UNESCO experts describe it as "the earliest and best preserved of all mosaic monuments, and at the same time one of the most artistically perfect". Wikipedia

Christian house church at Dura-Europos

Period/style?---early Christian Date?---240-256 ca What is it made out of?--- The significance of the history of art?---Place to worship

Old St. Peter's Basilica

Period/style?---early Christian Date?---320-27 What is it made out of?--- The significance of the history of art?---

Good Shepherd from Mausoleum of Galla Placidia

Period/style?---early Christian Date?---425 What is it made out of?---mosaic The significance of the history of art?---

the catacomb of saints peter and Marcellinus

Period/style?---early Christian Date?---4th century What is it made out of?---painted The significance of the history of art?---narrative and Iconic imagery it is divided into circle sections

the good shepherd structure

Period/style?---early Christian Date?---ca425 What is it made out of?---marble?? The significance of the history of art?---It is portable

The four Tetrachs

Period/style?---late Roman art Date?---300 CE artist-- What is it made out of?--- •Current transcript segment: purple porpyhry. The significance of the history of art?---they Show that they ddon'tbelong example they are a different color. This is a sculpture from the last phase of polytheistic Roman culture. You ccan'ttell precisely who the person is there faces and clothing are precisely the same unlike other structures of that time.

Arch of Constantine

Period/style?---late Roman art(late empire) Date?---312-315 CE What is it made out of?---marble The significance of the history of art?---

Portrait of Caracalla

Period/style?---roman art Date?---early 3rd century CE artist-- What is it made out of?---marble The significance of the history of art?---he was made to look old to lookwrikled showed anxieness and fear. of the person feel, in some ways, like we've gone back to that veristic tradition because I see those wrinkles in the forehead and the brow pressed together. But here, instead of a sense of wisdom, there is almost a sense of fear and anxiety. Caracalla's portrait shows us that images really do reflect the times in which they are made. And while we see some of the same sculptural techniques, the message that is communicated is very different. And Caracalla is in power in time. Current transcript segment: 6:06of great political and economic instability and his anxious face seems to reflect that reality.

Basilica of Maxentius and Constantine

Period/style?---roman art Date?---306-13 CE What is it made out of?---concreate and marble The significance of the history of art?---the power of this artwork and the power of the empire.

who is the artist of the Spear Bearer?


who is the artist of Aphrodite of Knidos


The well-known ------ tomb from the city of Cerveteri shows how this new wealth transformed the modest hut to an extravagant house for the dead.


roman incredibly influential on the ____ culture


what period did people start recording the artist of artwork?

The Archaic period

The sculptor Polykleitos wrote a treatise called __________ that specified a set of rules for constructing what he considered to be the ideal human figure.

The Canon

What is the difference with the Greek statures and Etruscans?

The Greeks worked with stone and the Etruscans worked with clay


The division of Herod the Great's kingdom among his four sons.

Impact of Constantine edict of Mailan on Christian art

They became bigger and more ornate and they became more complex.

With Idealism what did people strive for?

They strived for what they thought was perfect

Two major emperors:

Trajan, 98-117 CE Hadrian, 117-138 CE

orant figure

a figure with its hands raised in prayer

What feature(s) do Greek kouroi and standing figures in Egyptian art have in common?

a rigid, upright stance

While not directly representing these central Christian images, the theme of death and resurrection was represented through _____, many of which were derived from the Old Testament that echoed the themes.

a series of images

canon of proportions

a set of ideal mathematical ratios in art based on measurements of the human body created by Polykleitos

archaic simile

a smile to show that they are alive and wellbeing

The first clear evidence of human activity in North America are What?

a spear heads


a spiral scroll characteristic of Ionic capitals and also used in Corinthian and composite capitals.


a square space between triglyphs in a Doric frieze.


a tablet in a Doric frieze with three vertical grooves. Triglyphs alternate with metopes.

The transformation of Christianity is dramatically evident in a comparison between the ______ of the _______ Church and that of the_______ and ___________church.

architecture, pre-Constantinian church, Constantinian, post-Constantinian

Achilles and Ajax playing a game

artist---Exekias Period/style?---Archaic period Date?---540BCE What is it made out of?---Ceramic, Black Figure and Red Figure (Bilingual) The significance of the history of art?---One side has a scene depicted in the Red Figure style, and the other side shows the same scene in the Black Figure style.

The first Christian churches took their form from the ancient Roman buildings called _____.


What is the reason why churches back then were only decorated on the outside?

because it represented that the plan outside was a worldly place and the beautiful inside was a Godly place.

In Roman civic and imperial basilicas, the apse had what?

been the seat of authority.

What are the three vase painting techniques used by Greek artists?

black-figure, red-figure, and white-ground

One of the major differences between Christianity and the public cults was the What?

central role faith plays in Christianity and the importance of orthodox beliefs.

central plan characteristics

circular floor-plan Vertical axis central dome ring like ambulatory generally used for tombs, baptistries, martry's, churches and private chapels, they become the favorite floor plan for Byzantine churches.

Greek kouroi figures were commissioned as ___________.

commemorative objects

Characteristic of Greek art in the High Classical period is the tendency to __________ irregularities found in nature.


groin vault

formed at the point at which 2 barrel vaults intersect at right angles

How can you tell Christian and Jewish catacombs apart

from what is painted on the walls.

What specific aspect of Christian practice helped determine the architectural design of early churches?

gathering together in congregational worship

intuitive perspective

giving the impression of recession of objects in space by approximating the appearance of things as smaller or larger, not accurate system/proportions to show this


god of the sun, healing, and art


god of wisdom and war.

Roman religion adopted Greek___, ___ and ____

gods, myths, and practices


had diverse functions but essentially they served as formal public meeting places.

Nudity showed ____ and ___

heroism and valor

These spear tips were used to do what?

hunt large game.

The desire of Greek artists to _________existing artistic trends resulted in dramatic stylistic changes over the course of a few centuries.

improve upon

Since Christianity was a mystery religion that demanded initiation to participate in religious practices, Christian architecture put greater emphasis on the what?


Accept for a period of iconoclasm in the eighth century, Byzantine icons were accepted as __________________.

intermediaries between worshippers and the holy figures they depicted

Examples of Christian sculpture before the fourth century include all of the following EXCEPT ____________.

large-scale figures


looks very real

The common subject of salvation echoes the major emphasis in the?.

mystery religions on personal salvation

Among the early Etruscans, the worship of the Gods and Goddesses did not take place in or around monumental temples as it did in early Greece or in the Ancient Near East, but rather, in ____


what are the different parts of temples

pediment, entablature, collems, and the frieze

During the _____ period, there was not much that distinguished the Christian churches from typical domestic architecture.


The mythic battle scenes that decorated the Parthenon's 92 metopes symbolically represented the triumph of _________over unbridled animal passions.


What pictorial element indicates an otherworldly setting in the mosaics decorating the apse in the Church of St.Vitale?

setting the figures against a gold background

The Etruscans were.?.?.?.?

several independent city states

Late Classical Greek art

shifts focus to the individual and real appearances


supreme god

Early Christians often employed stories from _______________ as prefigurations of important events in the Christian Bible.

the Hebrew Bible


the central area of a church

Where would worshippers focus their attention during religious services in central plan churches like Hagia Sophia?

the dome

the liturgy placed emphasis on what?

the dramatic entrances and the stages of the rituals.

Christian art, was initially influenced by what?

the illusionary quality of classical art

Ionic order

the most decorative used in smaller buildings

Corinthian order

the most fancy

Doric Order

the most simple and serious used on buildings of high importance's.


the open space in the middle of the temple

churches in early Christian times

the outside of churches were plane the inside of the churches were decorated


the round central opening of a dome

Contrapposto pose

the shift of the weight of the body to one leg (weight leg) which results in the shoulders and hips to be at opposite angles, and creating an S curve through the spine.

barrel vault

the simplest form of vault consisting of an unbroken series of arches; it forms a tunnel like shape


the triangular front part

Empires honored what ?

their ancestors.

Rome continued to use the public religious experience to do what?

to define the identity of its citizens

Santa Costanza

was a tomb but now it is a church 350 Period/style?--- Date?--- What is it made out of?--- The significance of the history of art?---


when temples had colloems all in a row

Red figure wear

when the background is painted black not the people

How did Jewish and Early Christians art developed from Roman articstict traditions.

1. Borrowed imagery given new meaning 2. Understand the iconography of the church

What are the two important moments played a critical role in the development of early Christianity?

1. The decision of the Apostle Paul to spread Christianity beyond the Jewish communities of Palestine into the Greco-Roman world. 2. When the Emperor Constantine accepted Christianity and became its patron at the beginning of the fourth century

Characteristics of Central-plan

1.Circular, cruciform, or polygonal in floor-plan 2.vertical axis - draw you from the center up through the dome 3. central dome is focal point 4.ring-like ambulatory encircles the central domed cylinder 5.generally used for tombs, baptisteries, martyr's churches, and private chapels 6.From Roman tomb architecture 7.becomes the favored plan for Byzantine churches

Archaic Period ca. 600-480 BCE

1.Refinement of black-figure vase painting and invention of red-figure painting 2.Creation of the Greek temple plan 3.Development of life-sized statuary Increased interest in the human form

Geometric Period ca.900-700 BCE

1.Use of geometric pattern as decorative motif Linear patterns, spirals, diamonds, cross-hatching 2.Reduction of human form to a combination of geometric shapes 3.Introduction of subject matter that will occur throughout Greek art


350 Diodention abdicated the throne 313 edict of Milan gives religious tolerance to all Christianity is legal 324 Defeats Augustus moves the capital to Byzantium

Archaic period

600-480 BCE

Man and centaur

750 BCE Geometric period/ style made out of--- bronze the significance of the history of art---- They are fighting, but the man is winning you can see that because the man is taller then the centaur showing more power and strength, and the man has a spear with him.

Black figure wear

A orange clay background with dark black people


A row of windows in the upper part of a wall.

what was the roman republic run by?

A senate

Which sculpture is NOT an example of a figure standing in contrapposto?

Anavysos Kouros


Art consisting of a design made of small pieces of colored stone or glass

Classical characteristics

Balanced and symmetrical Intellectual and rational, not emotional Smooth surfaces reflecting clear, even light A sense of composure and restraint Figures remote and in their own space Sculptors strive to convey a sense of frozen motion contrapposto: pose were figure stands with opposing alternations of tension and relaxation around a central axis

Two types of Buildings

Basilica plan and central pane

Early____ art have different goals from Roman art


The doctrines, or main teachings, of Christianity were determined in a series of councils in the early_____ period


Orant figures are associated with which religious group?

Christians Jews Pagans all of them

the 3 temple order

Doric, Ionic, and corinthain

Hellenistic Characteristics

Dramatic, expressive and emotional Dramatic poses, swirling draperies Deep carving creates dark shadows high contrast of light and dark Energetic diagonals Theatrical and complex interaction of space Invasion into viewers space New subject matter Mortals, the individual instead of the ideal human form

hellenistic period characteristics

Drams, Dramatic poses, deep carved areas that put light and dark contrasts, energetic diagonals.

Classical Characteristics

Driven by the values of: Humanism, Idealism, and Rationalism, balanced and symmetrical

Period of brilliant administrators

Emperors highly educated and well traveled Selected their successors thereby ensuring the empire was left to the most capable Empire flourished and art patronage increased Built important public works as well as impressive private villas

---- influence on ancient Roman culture was profound.


.---- cared very much about equipping their dead with everything necessary for the afterlife


_______were the first "superpower" of the Western Mediterranean?


Late Classical

Figures show more expression Anxiety, dreaminess, wistful, introspective Subject matter turns to minor deities in lighthearted or mundane moments Humanization of the gods A change in the canon of proportions Taller more slender figures with smaller heads

What is the period the man and centaur was made in?

Geometric 900_600BCE

Expressionism, or the artist's attempt to evoke a specific emotion from the viewer, is characteristic of which period of Greek Art?


The cultural values that underline Greek art

Humanism, Idealism, and Rationalism

What is the driving force behind the change that characterizes Greek art?


Who designed and rebuild the parthenon?

Iktinos and Kallikrates

Emphasis on spirituality not physicality

Images meant to aid in worship Icons Convey the spiritual realm, not the real world3

triumphal arch

In Roman architecture, a freestanding arch commemorating an important event, such as a military victory or the opening of a new road.

Some scholars think that the Greek's defeat of the Persians in 480 BCE had what effect on Greek art?

It accelerated artistic developments that led to the Classical style

what is different about the temple of Hera?

It has a row of colloms down the middle of it

What is the significance of the contrast between the plain exterior of the Oratory of Galla Placidia and its highly decorated interior?

It symbolizes the transition from the real world into a supernatural realm.

Aphrodite of Knidos

Late Classical Period/style--- Date--- 4th century BC artist-- Praxiteles What is it made out of?---Marble The significance of the history of art?--- It is one of the first life-sized representations of the nude female form in Greek history, displaying an alternative idea to male heroic nudity.


Logic and reason underline all aspects of life valued reasons over emotion

What are the characteristics of the Basilica plan?

Longitudinal axis Central nave Clerestory windows Chancel arch Apse at the end of the nave Flat wooden roof

who is the artist of The Scraper

Lysippos 350-325 BCE

What is perfect in Idealism art?

Male, youth, athletic, rational, non-emotive, naturalistic.


Man is the measure of all things, Man becomes the subject of art.

In the tomb of the Triclinium the darker people were_____ and the lighter people were ____

Men, Women

the Etruscans were good at what?

Metal work

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