BA 350 SDSU Sannwald Exam 2

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Which of the following statements about performance measurement with a developmental orientation is true

Performance appraisals with a developmental orientation provide information for future performance improvement.

Which of the following is NOT part of the performance measurement process?

Rewarding the employee according to his or her performance

____ is the extent to which a decision maker is willing to gamble when making a decision.

Risk propensity

The positive benefits of a team-based environment include all of the following except

all of these are benefits: enhanced performance, employee benefits, organizational enhancements, reduced costs

The rational decision-making approach assumes decision makers

all of these: have complete info, objective, systematic in their approach, work in an organization that encourages logical choices

Which type of noise occurs when there is more than one way to interpret the sender's message?


What is the likely impact of perquisites on the employees who receive them?

an elevated sense of status in an organization

According to Vroom, a manager who presents the program to group members individually, obtains their suggestions, and then makes the decision is using a _________ style of subordinate participation.

consult (individually)

A team ____________ is a written agreement among team members establishing ground rules about the team's processes, roles, and responsibilities.


In which stage is the group considered to be mature?

control and organization

Which of the following is the final stage of group development?

control and organization

The last step in the rational decision-making process is

control: measure and adjust

Which of the following represents the step of the rational decision-making approach in which the outcomes of the decision are compared to the desired goal?

control: measure and adjust

Being able to see similarities between situations, phenomena, or events is a creative ability called ____ thinking.


Organizations may benefit from allowing employee participation in all of the following areas except

corporate investment decisions

Satisficing refers to making a(n) _________ rather than _________ decision.

correct, incorrect

Which of the following does NOT tend to be one of the toughest managerial decisions?

creating work schedules

A homogeneous group tends to be LESS productive than a heterogeneous group in situations where

creativity is required.

Nonprogrammed decisions require managers to use ____________ rather than ___________.

creativity, decision rules

To help prevent groupthink, leaders should assign the role of "_____________" to each group member to allow each member to freely voice objections and doubts.

critical evaluator

A team that is comprised of members from different departments or functional areas is a(n)

cross functional team

In much of the world, the thumb up sign means "O.K." But in Nigeria, Afghanistan, Iran, and parts of Italy and Greece it is an obscene insult and carries the same meaning as the middle finger in the U.S. This is an example of which type of communication barrier?


One important method for enhancing creativity is to make it a part of the organization's ____.


Vroom's decision tree approach to leadership focuses on which aspect of leader behavior?

e. Subordinate participation in decision making

All of the following are used in the nominal group technique of decision-making EXCEPT

each proposed idea must be wholly original.

_______________ is the richest communication medium because it has the capacity for immediate feedback, carries multiple cues, and uses natural language.

face to face

According to Vroom, a manager who presents the problem to the group at a meeting, defines the problem and its boundaries, and then facilitates group member discussion as members make the decision is using a _________ style of subordinate participation


The degree to which the job activities give a person information about the effectiveness of performance is called


___________ is the portion of communication that enables a receiver to indicate receipt and understanding of a message


Which of the following occurs when less than the full amount of information is received due to withholding, ignoring, or distorting information?


Ending the workday shortly after lunch on Friday because an individual reported to work early is most likely an example of


Which of the following is an alternative work arrangement in which an employee is given more control over the times worked on a typical workday?


Which of the following is NOT one of the four fundamental principles of integrative negotiation?

focus on positions, not interests

Which conflict resolution behavior reflects the fact that by focusing on the outcome, the root cause of the conflict is more likely to be addressed?

focusing on interests rather than positions

_________ communications are official, organization-sanctioned communications.


_________ ties refer to relationships with coworkers, bosses, and others we know because of the roles we hold.


Which of the following communication media has the lowest richness?

formal written correspondence

The goal of the Michigan leadership studies was to determine the pattern of leadership behaviors that results in effective ____.

group performance

In a highly collectivist culture such as Japan, performance appraisals almost always need to be focused more on

group performance and feedback

The further a conflict escalates, the ___________ it is to reverse.


Managers who are cautious and try to adhere to the rational decision-making model

have a lower risk propensity than other managers.

participation occurs when employees

have a voice in decisions about their own work

Vroom's current formulation includes two different decision trees. One tree is to be used when the manager is primarily interested in making a timely decision. The other tree is to be used when the manager is interested in

helping subordinates develop their decision skills

____ is the ability to affect the perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, motivation, and/or behaviors of others.


. _________ communication is anything that is not official, such as gossip or another employee's question about how to do something


Relationships based on friendship and choice are called _________ ties.


A(n) _______ is a person who engages in leadership activities but whose right to do so has not been formally recognized.

informal leader

. ________ conflict occurs when people are uninformed, misinformed, interpret things differently, or disagree about what's relevant.


Which of the following occurs when the amount of information available exceeds our ability to process it?

information overload

. The internet allows people to access only the information they want, a broadcast technique called

information pull

Giving people information that they did not ask for is a broadcast technique called

information push

The start-up phase of team implementation includes which of the following?

informational / "awareness" training

While driving home from a hard day at work, Susan finally realizes the solution to the problem she had been having with a certain customer. Susan just reached which stage of the creative process?


All of the following are true of large groups except

large groups do not set many rules or regulations

Unlike LPC theory, path-goal theory assumes that

leaders can change their behavior

As a property, _________ is the set of characteristics attributed to those who are perceived to use noncoercisve influence successfully.


Employees who telecommute have ______________ than those who do not.

less social interaction with coworkers

Which type of noise refers to the total failure of the medium being used for communication, such as a dropped phone call or disconnected internet connection?

loss of transmission

In a _________ culture, if an employee asks a manager for a raise and the answer is no, the manager might explicitly say no.

low context

In a _________ culture, people rely on the words themselves to carry meaning.

low context

The accommodating strategy entails a _________ concern for your interests and a _________ concern for the interests of the other party.

low, high

The avoiding strategy entails a _________ concern for your interests and a _________ concern for the interests of the other party.

low, high

Effective project teams tend to have _______ levels of relationship conflict that ______ toward the end of the project

low, increases

Which of the following is not an example of cost reductions arising from team environments?

lower commitment

The textbook makes several distinctions between management and leadership. These distinctions include all of the following EXCEPT

management is more important in regards to creating and directing change.

What term refers to the process in which two or more parties make offers, counteroffers, and concessions in order to reach an agreement?


Ivan is trying to understand the concern of an angry customer, but several employees keep interrupting the conversion. These interruptions are an example of


____ is any disturbance in the communication process that interferes with or distorts communication.


Which of the following is a structured variation of a small-group discussion to reach consensus?

nominal group technique

Decisions that recur infrequently and have no decision rules are ____ decisions.


Physical movements and body language are forms of

nonverbal communication

A manager who relies solely on force and formal authority to direct the behavior of subordinates is ________

not exhibiting leadership at all

What is the term for someone who investigates complaints and mediates fair settlements between aggrieved parties?


Organizations typically conduct performance appraisals

once a year

Which of the following is NOT a strategy for dealing with the challenges of multicultural teams?

one on one conferencing

In _________, the sender communicates a message without expecting or getting any feedback from the receiver.

one way communication

Goal specificity has been shown to be consistently related to ____


A communication medium that allows the speaker to express emotions and social cues is said to have a high

personal focus

Which conflict resolution behavior entails attempting to put yourself in the other person's position and understand that person's point of view?

perspective taking

When choosing team members, which of the following abilities would you NOT specifically look for?


Which of the following ties a worker's earnings to the number of units produced?

piecework program

Unlike the Ohio State studies, the University of Michigan studies on leadership

placed the defined dimensions of leadership behavior on opposite ends of a single continuum.

Jim is using the rational decision-making process to decide a course of action for the marketing department. While selecting a preferred alternative, a fellow worker asks, "What if something unexpected happens during the implementation of the alternative we have selected?" This type of question is an example of ____.

planning for contingencies.

Which type of task interdependence occurs when employees work independently and their output is combined into group output?

pooled interdependence

When ______________ arises, a decision maker questions the decision made and searches for information to bolster it.

post decision dissonance

The creative process normally begins with a period of ____.


In ________, the decision maker examines alternatives only until a solution that meets minimal requirements is found


Which of the following occurs when we interpret what we see based on our interests, expectations, experience, and attitudes rather than on how things really are?

selective perception

. During the ____ phase of team implementation, managers have withdrawn from the daily operations and are counseling teams.

self managing teams

Which type of noise occurs when the sender and the receiver have different opinions on the meaning of the same word?


____ is a reward system commonly found in team environments.

skill based pay

Which conflict resolution behavior entails playing down the differences between the two sides while emphasizing common interests?


________ happens when people are motivated to look good to others and want to maintain a positive self-image

social facilitation

The set of relationships among people connected through friendship, family, work, or other ties is called a(n)

social network

A group of managers cannot agree on what the next month's sales goals ought to be. The group is experiencing

task conflict

____ are usually temporary and are established to solve a particular problem.

task groups

____ is the degree to which a job requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work

task identity

During the ____ phase of team implementation, a team's internal focus can become detrimental to other teams and to the organization as a whole.

tightly formed teams

Nonprogrammed decisions are most common at what level of the organization?


The move towards a team-based format is often initiated and communicated to the entire organization by

top management

Once a receiver provides feedback to a sender, the sender and receiver have engaged in

two way communcation

The basic premise of the early trait approach to leadership was that

unique leadership traits could be identified, and used to select leaders.

Tasks that are complex, nonroutine, and ambiguous are considered to be


Nonprogrammed decisions are usually made by

upper management

Zane, a new employee, wants to rise quickly through the ranks and decides to ask his supervisor, Mary, for professional development advice. This is an example of which type of communication?


_________ communication occurs when lower-level employees communicate to those at higher levels the organization.


Group composition is

usually described in terms of the homogeneity or heterogeneity of group members.

________ conflict occurs due to perceived or actual incompatibilities in beliefs about what is right or wrong.


Some employees feel that an organization should be focused on profits while others believe it should focus on doing the maximum good for the maximum number of people. What type of conflict is occurring here

values conflict

fourth step of creative process


By definition, __________ conflict occurs across different hierarchical levels in the organization.


Often, people are unaware that they are in conflict until they recognize that they are __________ about something.

very emotional

Which of the following communication media has the highest richness?


A team that never actually meets together in the same room is called a

virtual team

Two of the most important issues regarding how to conduct a performance appraisal are

who does the appraisal and the frequency of the appraisal.

_________ refers to arguing vigorously for your own opinions and refusing to change your position regardless of what you will have to sacrifice.

winning at all costs

Which of the following is NOT a guideline for effective writing?

write to impress as well as express

According to research, the common attributes of creative individuals include which of the following?

Being raised in an environment that nurtured creativity

Why are flexible reward systems becoming an increasingly popular form of compensation systems?

Employees value flexible reward systems and may develop strong loyalty and attachment to an employer who provides them.

Which of the following statements about feedback is FALSE?

Feedback can be written or oral, but not nonverbal.

The LPC theory of leadership was developed by

Fred fiedler

Which of the following is NOT a suggestion for running effective meetings?

Do not overprepare; look up information on the fly to keep the meeting fresh.

Which of the following statements about nonprogrammed decisions is FALSE?

The decisions are rarely a responsibility of top management.

Which of the following statements best reflects the costs of teams to organizations

The difficulty of changing to a team-based organization

Creative thinking is enhanced by which of the following?

all of these: attraction to complexity, high levels of energy, intelligence, openness

Researchers at Ohio State investigating the issue of stability of leader behaviors over time found that

an individual's leadership pattern did not change much in similar situations.

What term refers to the tendency of people to make more extreme decisions in a group than when alone?

group polarization

Which of the following is NOT a category of prescriptions for preventing groupthink?

group prescriptions

A group member who discusses group deliberations with an expert outsider and reports her findings to the group is most likely trying to prevent


What mode of thinking occurs when people are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group and members' strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action?


By definition, __________ conflict occurs between groups at the same organizational level.


Which type of negotiation is a win-win in which the agreement involves no loss to either party?

integrative negotiation

The concept of ____ is essential to the definition of groups presented in your text.


A communication medium's _________ reflects the speed at which it lets the receiver provide feedback.


A motorcycle riding club that meets outside of the organization an example of which type of group?

interest group

William is a member of a small group of employees from different work areas. They meet once each week to discuss and recommend solutions to workplace problems. This group is most likely a(n)

problem solving team

________ conflict is a disagreement about how to accomplish something.


The management department plans to grow based on several agreed upon goals, but department members can't seem to agree on how goals will actually be achieved. The management department is experiencing

process conflict

A team is characterized by all of the following except

profit motive

Which of the following distributes a portion of the company's profits to all employees at a predetermined rate?

profit sharing program

Conflicts of interest can occur over ________ issues, which include time, money, and physical resources.


According to path-goal theory, a leader who is friendly and shows concern for subordinates' status and needs is exhibiting ____ leadership.


Which of the following statements about programmed decisions is FALSE?

judgment and creativity are the basis of solution

76. A communication medium that allows the speaker to convey a broad set of concepts and ideas is said to have a high

language variety

Which of the following occurs when a message is not decoded by the receiver in the way the sender intended?


In which stage of group development do members develop norms of behavior?

motivation and productivity

In a dysfunctional conflict,

no one is satisfied with the outcome

According to the path-goal theory of leadership, the two types of situational factors that influence how leaders should behave are

personal characteristics of the subordinates and environmental characteristics.

. Teams differ from groups in that teams

place more emphasis on concerted action than groups do

When a third party is involved in a conflict and has the power to issue a binding settlement, the process is called


Which of the following is the chief disadvantage of arbitration?

at least one party is likely to be unhappy with the outcome

Which conflict resolution strategy requires both sides to sacrifice something in order to end the conflict?


The research of Edwin Locke assumes that behavior is a result of

conscious goals and intentions

Which theory serves as the basis for job enrichment?

None: equity theory, need theory, expectancy theory, maslow's hierarchy of needs

Which of the following is not one of the purposes of norms?

Norms regulate group members' thoughts and feelings.

Susan did not vote for a candidate because she thought none of them would be a job-centered leader. Based on this information, to what view of leadership does Susan most relate?

the behavioral approach

The cost of teams includes which of the following factors?

the difficulty of changing to a team-based organization.

27. The definition of leadership includes all of the following EXCEPT

the effective use of force and/or coercion

Vertical job loading differs from job enlargement in that

the employee has more control over the job

Job enlargement involves the process of horizontal job loading, meaning that

the employee is assigned more tasks to perform.

Which one of the following statements has been cited as a weakness of the job characteristics theory?

the role of individual differences frequently has not been supported by scientific research

The primary job of ____ is to create new products, processes, or businesses.

venture teams

Upward communication usually provides feedback to


Which of the following is NOT a recommended conflict resolution behavior?

meeting seperately with the people in the conflict

The compromising strategy entails a _________ concern for your interests and a _________ concern for the interests of the other party.

moderate, moderate

According to goal-setting theory, actual performance is determined by the interaction of

organizational support, goal directed effort, and individual abilities

The critical psychological states of the job characteristics theory include all of the following EXCEPT

recognition for work outcomes.

Which of the following arises due to interpersonal issues?

relationship conflict

Empowerment will enhance organizational effectiveness under all the following conditions except

renewed concentration of authority in the hands of top managers

. New Wakefield Hospital has only one portable X-ray machine. The emergency room staff claim to have the greatest need for the machine, but the surgeons in the operating room demand ready access to the machine. The conflict between these two groups is a result of

resource constraints

Acts of vengeance fall under which category of ineffective conflict resolution behaviors?


A communication medium's _________ reflects the extent to which the medium can carry nonverbal cues, provide rapid feedback, convey personality traits, and support the use of natural language.


. The ____ is the individual, group, or organization interested in communicating a message to another party.


All of the following are examples of oral communication in organizations EXCEPT

sending a memo to colleagues

Which of the following is one of the four fundamental principles for integrative negotiation?

separate the people from the problem

When groupthink occurs, silence is viewed as agreement. This most directly contributes to the

shared illusion of unanimity

All of the following are examples of body language EXCEPT


Communication is defined as

social process that involves information exchange

In the ____ phase of team implementation, enthusiasm runs high and the anticipation of employees is quite positive.

start up

54. Alfredo was one of many employees who received a generous Christmas bonus, which carried ____ value for Alfredo.


When a few employees are given a small reward to show that they are appreciated, the reward carries ____ value.


Videoconferencing, instant messaging, electric meetings, and even conference calls are considered __________ technology.


Which of the following is not an example of an organizational enhancement arising from team environments?

taller organizational hierarchy

_______ conflict is a disagreement about what the goals should be.


In LPC theory, what factor is presumed to have the second biggest effect on the favorableness of a situation?

task structure

In LPC theory, which factor reflects the extent to which a task is routine, simple, easily understood, and unambiguous?

task structure

All of the following are features of group discussion that contribute to group polarization EXCEPT

task uncertainty can be impacted by the decision

The two essential issues that must not be overlooked when implementing teams are

team performance and top management

What is the best reason to create teams in an organization?

teams make sense for the organization

The Delphi technique is designed for use by groups

that do not meet face to face

Goal specificity is defined as

the clarity and precision of a goal

For effective communication to take place, both parties must

attach the same meaning to the symbols used in the message.

_________ is a movement such as a gesture or expression that conveys information to others.

body language

Which of the following is the primary problem associated with the specialization of jobs?


____ refers to the inability of human beings to process an unlimited amount of information, causing most decisions to be made in a partially irrational manner.

bounded rationality

Which of the following is more closely associated with leadership than with management?

building trust

One of the most popular methods for evaluating individual performance involves

graphic rating scales

The definition of groups presented in your text omits any requirement of

group goals

Pam, a human resources manager, thinks that the company's slow network is hurting productivity. She reaches out Vladimir, a digital technology manager, to discuss the problem. Which type of communication is this an example of?


_________ communication occurs when someone in an organization communicates with others at the same organizational level.


Which of the following statements about brainstorming is FALSE?

ideas are recorded in secret

According to the rational decision-making approach, what is the second step of the decision-making process?

identify the problem

third step in the creative process


The audience at an Oprah Winfrey talk show is an example of a(n) ____ group.

interest group

____ are informal and organized around a particular activity.

interest groups

An innate belief about something without conscious consideration is called


Which of the following is the chief advantage of arbitration?

it always ends with a settlement

Two people are needed to fill a position for a company that remains open for business from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., five days a week. Which of the following alternative work arrangements might best suit this position?

job sharing

The first widespread model of how individual work should be designed was

job specialization

Generating feelings of __________ helps to de-escalate conflict.

empathy and sympathy

One conclusion of the University of Michigan studies was that a leader who attempts to build effective work groups with high performance goals is exhibiting

employee centered leader behavior

Which of the following is one of the four basic factors that affect group performance?


__________ involves a 3rd party in a negotiation to overcome a stalemate between the parties.

alternative dispute resolution

Early studies of leadership focused on the traits, or personal characteristics, of leaders. Later research shifted to examine actual ____.

leader behavior

during the ____ phase of team implementation, teams usually long for a system that resembles the old organizational structure

leader centered teams

In LPC theory, which factor reflects the extent to which subordinates trust, respect, and have confidence in their leader, and vice versa?

leader member relationships

77. In LPC theory, what factor is presumed to have the third biggest effect on the favorableness of a situation?

leader position power

According to path-goal theory, a _________ leader consults with subordinates about issues and takes their suggestions into account before making a decision.


Which of the following is NOT an important leadership skill in a virtual project team or distance management situation?

Leading with directness and focusing on abstract results.

In the LPC theory, the degree of task or relationship motivation is measured by the

Least Preferred Coworker scale.

Position power is considered to be low when

the leader must get job assignments approved by someone else.

According to the continuum of leadership behavior proposed by Tannenbaum and Schmidt, subordinate characteristics include all of the following EXCEPT

the problem itself

The feedback phase of the communication process is initiated when

the receiever responds to the message

Group norms result from a combination of all of the following, except

the size of the group

Susan is the senior manager at her company. Susan made the choice to go to teams because she went to a seminar on teams, but she'll be on a two-year foreign assignment when teams are actually implemented. Which of the following is likely to occur?

the teams are likely to fail

According to prospect theory, people are more motivated by

the threat of losing something than by the prospect of gaining something.

Which of the following is NOT a part of initiating-structure behavior, as identified in the Ohio State leadership studies?

there is mutual trust and respect between the leader and subordinate

Which of the following statements about ethical dilemmas is FALSE?

they may center on risk propensity

Which of the following is NOT a guideline for effective email use?

Avoid subject lines that render the rest of the email unnecessary.

Which acronym serves as a reminder that when you negotiate, you shouldn't accept an offer that is worse than what you'd get if didn't negotiate at all?

BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Argument)

According to the rational decision-making approach, what is the first step of the decision-making process?

State the situational goal

One conclusion of the Ohio State studies was that a leader who focuses on subordinates' feelings and ideas is exhibiting

consideration behavior

________ conflict balances the interests of both parties to maximize mutual gains and the attainment of mutual goals.


How many people in a group

2 or more

Which of the following is a true statement regarding the stages of group development?

A group that fully evolves through the four stages of development usually is productive.

Which of the following methods can be used to enhance individual performance at work?

All of these: job design, employee participation, goal setting, and performance management

According to the rational decision-making approach, what is the fifth step of the decision-making process?

Evaluate alternatives

Goal-setting theory has been tested in a variety of settings. Which of the following statements is not true regarding the findings of these studies?

Goals set for organizations as a whole are typically more effective than goals set for individual employees

Which of the following includes conditions conducive to groupthink?

Group cohesiveness, leader's promotion of personal preferences, insulation from expert opinions

____ cohesive groups will not necessarily be more productive in an organizational sense than groups with ____ cohesiveness

Highly, low

Which of the following is NOT true of conflict?

It always entails at least some destruction.

Which of the following reasons explains why 360-degree feedback is very beneficial to managers?

It gives managers a much wider range of feedback than traditional performance appraisals do.

All of the following statements are true about MBO EXCEPT

It is the same as the 360-degree feedback system

According to your text, what was the failure of the behavioral approach to studying leadership?

It tended to specify a set of leader behaviors that would lead to effectiveness in all situations.

. In LPC theory, what factor is presumed to have the biggest effect on the favorableness of a situation?

Leader-member relations

Which of the following is true about 360-degree feedback?

Managers are likely to hear some personal comments on sensitive topics.

Which statement best describes the current state of leadership research?

Many questions remain unanswered.

Allowing an employee to spend part of their time working off-site, usually at home is called ____.

None: compressed workweek, flextime, job sharing, offshoring

Which of the following is NOT a receiver-based barrier to communication?

The receiver records the message for further review.

What is the primary use of performance appraisal information?

To provide job performance feedback

If a customer voices a complaint about food taste and temperature, certain restaurants always offer a complimentary meal. This represents

a decision rule

A decision maker's actions should be guided by

a goal

All of the following are symptoms of groupthink EXCEPT

a lack of idea promotion from the group leader

one basis for making programmed decisions is

a set of decision rules

Norms are

a standard against which the appropriateness of a behavior is judged

Which of the following statements about the social process of communication is FALSE?

a. It requires face-to-face interaction.

A communication medium that allows the speaker to convey physical presence, voice inflection, nonverbal cues, and pictures is said to have a high

ability to transmit multiple cues

Which conflict resolution strategy entails giving the other party what it wants?


According to path-goal theory, a _________ leader sets challenging goals, expects subordinates to perform at their highest level, and shows strong confidence that subordinates will put forth effort and accomplish the goals.

acheivment oriented

Which of the following is more closely associated with management than with leadership?

acquiring resources

A new product development team is an example of which type of group?


What emotions are most likely to fuel relationship conflict?

anger and frustration

The degree to which the job allows an individual substantial freedom and independence is called


What a conflict management style is appropriate when more information is needed or when addressing the conflict has the potential to create more problems?


Which conflict resolution strategy entails ignoring the conflict or denying that it exists


Which of the following is NOT one of the four key areas of skill development suggested by professionals in conflict resolution training?


According to Vroom, a manager who presents the problem to group members at a meeting, gets their suggestions, and then makes the decision is using a _________ style of subordinate participation.

consult (group)

The Ohio State studies and the Leadership Grid are associated with the ____ approach to leadership


Self-efficacy, as it relates to goals, is the extent to which an individual

believes he or she can accomplish goals even if he or she failed to do so in the past

Leadership is

both a process and a property

medium used to send information


Contingency plans are a part of what phase of the decision-making process?

choosing an alternative

Decision making is

choosing one alternative from among several options

According to the path-goal theory, leaders can affect subordinates' performance by

clarifying what behaviors will lead to desired rewards.

What is (are) the new role(s) of managers in teams?

coaches and facilitators

A(n) _______ is an informal alliance of individuals or groups formed to achieve a common goal.


Which conflict resolution strategy reflects a desire to give both parties what they want?


A group of department managers who meet periodically to establish corporate policy is an example of which type of group?


which of the following is a formal group?


The group members express their views more openly in the ____ stage of group development?

communications and decision making

In exchange for employee contributions, an organization provides rewards such as pay and insurance benefits. These kinds of rewards are combined to create

compensation packages

The choice of which behaviors to reward is a function of the

compensation system

What conflict management style is often used to set a precedent?


Which conflict resolution strategy entails pursuing one's interests without any regard for the other party's?


Employees checking their cell phones and whispering to each other during a meeting are causing which type of communication noise?


When a construction worker decides to work additional hours on a typical workday so that he can have a three-day weekend, he is likely taking advantage of a ____ program.

compressed workweek

When a third party builds a positive relationship between two parties, improves their communication, and facilitates their discussion, the process is called


According to Vroom, a manager who makes the decision alone and then announces or "sells" it to the group is using a ____ style of subordinate participation.


Shortly after implementation, team performance often ____ before returning to previous levels.


process by which the receiever of the message interprets it


According to Vroom, a _________ style requires the least input from the manager.


According to Vroom, a manager who allows the group to define for itself the exact nature and parameters of the problem and then develop a solution is using a _________ style of subordinate participation.


The goal of the behavioral approach to the study of leadership was to

determine what behaviors were associated with effective leadership.

Which of the following statements applies more to leadership than to management?

developing a vision of the future

Gustav, a low-level employee, thinks his manager is treating him unfairly. Unsure what to do, he reaches out to Gladys, a manager in another department, for advice. Which type of communication is this an example of?


________ communication occurs when employees communicate across departments and levels.


According to path-goal theory, a _________ leader lets subordinates know what is expected of them and gives them specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks.


According to path-goal theory, employees with an external locus of control should prefer a _________ leader.


Paul, a new hire in the traffic department of an advertising agency, has little confidence in his ability and believes he only got the job because his uncle is the owner of the firm. According to the path-goal theory of leadership, what type of leadership style is Paul most likely to prefer?


Which type of negotiation occurs when any gain to one party is offset by an equivalent loss to the other?

distributive negotiation

Being able to see differences between situations, phenomena, or events is a creative ability called ____ thinking


The risk of groupthink may be curbed by increasing the ____________ of senior management.


Which conflict resolution behavior entails writing down areas of agreement and disagreement to ensure common understanding and clear communication?


Communication that is _________ typically consists of messages about how to do a job, performance goals, the firm's policies, and how the company is performing.


Mary thinks her new employee, Zane, is doing a great job, and she decides to tell him so. This is an example of which type of communication?


_________ communication occurs when higher-level employees communicate to those at lower levels the organization


________ conflict is destructive conflict focused on emotions and differences between the two parties.


Which technology began as an informal communication channel but has since evolved into a primary and formal means of business correspondence for many organizations?


Which of the following statements about variable work schedules is true?

employees grow resentful and powerless

All of the following are benefits of telecommuting EXCEPT

employees miss the interaction of the workplace

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) recently upheld a decision regarding pay secrecy that states that

employers cannot enforce a rule that forbids employees from discussing their salaries

Alternative work arrangements are intended to

enhance employee motivation and performance.

The organization's compensation structure should be which of the following?


Jim purchases stock in a public company and refuses to sell it even after repeated drops in the original price he paid for the stock. Jim has decided to purchase more of the stock in anticipation of making a profit, and has decided to keep the stock in the face of increasing losses. Jim is suffering from

escalation of commitment

What term refers to the act of persisting with a failing course of action?

escalation of commitment

A person's beliefs about what constitutes right and wrong behavior are called


According to the rational decision-making approach, what is the third step of the decision-making process?

evaluate alternatives

The decision-making conditions of certainty, uncertainty, and risk are relevant while the decision maker is

evaluating alternatives

Which of the following is true about intuition?

evolves over time

Path-goal theory has its roots in the ____ theory of motivation.


In the job characteristics theory, which of the following is not a factor presumed to cause the emergence of psychological states?

experienced responsibility

Which of the following is NOT one of the worst conflict resolution behaviors?

expressing emotions

Which of the following is a type of informal group?


Which of the following is not a stage of group development?

friendship and social interaction

____ are informal and relatively permanent.

friendship groups

According to the rational decision-making approach, what is the fourth step of the decision-making process?

generate alternatives

84. Research has shown that managers who have good conflict resolution skills __________ than managers who don't.

get more promotions

Flextime is a work schedule arrangement that

gives employees more personal control over the hours they work each day

All of the following are forms of nonverbal communication EXCEPT

giving a speech

____ is defined as the extent to which a person is interested in reaching a goal

goal commitment

Expansions on goal-setting theory argue that goal-directed effort is a function of four goal attributes: goal acceptance, goal commitment, goal specificity and

goal difficulty

In a _________ culture, if an employee asks a manager for a raise and the answer is no, the manager might say, "That could be difficult."

high context

In a _________ culture, people rely on nonverbal or situational cues to convey meaning.

high context

All of the following statements about the key outcomes expected to result from the psychological states detailed in the job characteristics theory are true EXCEPT

high profits for stockholders

The collaborating strategy entails a _________ concern for your interests and a _________ concern for the interests of the other party.

high, high

Videoconferencing is ________ in feedback availability and ________ in language variety.

high, high

When cohesiveness is ____ and norms are ____ compatible with organizational goals, productivity is the highest.

high, highly

The competing strategy entails a _________ concern for your interests and a _________ concern for the interests of the other party.

high, low

Telecommuting involves all of the following EXCEPT

higher pay for working under special conditions

Plans in which employees can earn additional compensation in return for certain types of performance are called

incentive systems

Second Step of Creative Process


One conclusion of the Ohio State studies was that a leader who clearly defines the leader-subordinate roles so that subordinates know what is expected of them is exhibiting

intitalting strucure behavior

According to the rational decision-making approach, evaluate the alternatives

involves accessing all possible alternatives

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Vroom's decision tree approach?

it assumes a high level of participation in decision making is best for all situations.

All of the following statements regarding flextime are true EXCEPT

it is desirable for people who want to work part time

Which of the following is NOT true of negotiation?

it is fairly consistent across cultures

The problems encountered when implementing job rotation in the workplace include all of the following EXCEPT

it is ineffective for training purposes

All of the following are true regarding social loafing except

it is often a problem in very small groups

The behavioral approach to decision-making is characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

it uses logic

Which of the following is NOT true of constructive conflict?

it works best when people focus on their emotions

Which type of noise occurs when overly technical language prevents the receiver from understanding the message?


One conclusion of the University of Michigan studies was that a leader who focuses on work procedures and performance is exhibiting

job centered leader behavior

which of the following is an example of a job design technique

job enlargement

Which of the following best describes the current view of job enrichment?

job enrichment has recently fallen into disfavor among managers

The courts and Equal Employment Opportunity guidelines have mandated that performance measurements be based on

job related criteria

One of the earliest alternatives to job specialization used by managers was

job rotation

When a third party facilitates a discussion using persuasion and logic, suggests alternatives, establishes each side's priorities, and suggests a nonbinding settlement, the process is called


A group is homogeneous if

members are similar in one or several ways that are critical to the work of the group.

In the study of groupthink, what term refers to self-appointed members who shield the group from conflicting information?

mind guards

What term refers to work completed by traveling employees who use technology to communicate with the office as necessary from places such as client offices, airports, cars, and hotels?

mobile work

____ communication takes place informally, during task activities, and throughout meetings.


The benefits of job sharing include all of the following EXCEPT

organizations are concerned about their worker safety

Which of the following is NOT a guideline for giving effective presentations?

pace back and forth while making eye contact with the audience

According to path-goal theory, employees with an internal locus of control should prefer a _________ leader.


Which of the following best describes a reward system that involves employees in its design and administration?

participative pay systems

All of the following statements are true about the traditional work schedule, EXCEPT

people can take off work when they need to

It is possible for the same decision to be ____________ for an experienced manager but ___________ for a more junior manager.

programmed, nonprogrammed

All of the following are true about employee benefits EXCEPT

providing employee benefits is easier for firms in the United States than for firms in other countries

The Delphi technique uses which of the following to gather opinions from experts?


Which conflict resolution behavior entails contacting the other party, making the first move, and trying to make amends?

reaching out

When a conflict begins to escalate, one of the best ways to prevent further escalation is to

react equivalently to the other party and not overact.

The information needed to make a programmed decision is ________ available, and the problem is ___________ structured.

readily, highly

________ conflict occurs due to personality differences.


What information condition lies between certainty and uncertainty in making decisions?


if a Human Resources manager can estimate the probability that a certain percentage of employees will take advantage of a proposed benefit plan, the manager is operating under a condition of


why do younger workers seem to benefit from team environments

teams give them the freedom to grow and manage themselves

why does working in teams result in enhanced performance?

teams pool indiv. efforts in new ways and strive for continuous improvement

Thanks to electronic communication, people don't need to be in a central office to talk with their coworkers and do their jobs. What is the general term for work conducted outside a central office?


A major difference between the behavioral approach and the LPC theory of leadership is that

the LPC theory contends a leader's effectiveness depends on the situation.

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