BIO1114 Final Exam part 2

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Which of the following is an important invasive species?

Zebra mussel

Rh incompatibility is due to an immune reaction in a pregnant woman to which of the following?

a foreign antigen on red blood cells

An ion is an atom that has

a net negative or positive charge, with the number of electrons different from the number of protons

the three major components in a nucleotide are

a nitrogenous base, a five-carbon sugar, and a phosphate group

In order for a cell to become cancerous, oncogenes must be ________, or tumor suppressors must be ________.

activated; inactivated

In a molecule of DNA, hydrogen bonds hold together the two strands, such as hydrogen bonds that form when

adenine pairs with thymine.

The four nitrogen bases found in RNA are

adenine, cytosine, guanine, and uracil.

Mitochondria are proposed to have arisen after host cells engulfed __________ in endosymbiosis.

aerobic bacteria

Antigens attached to harmless substances found in food, dust mites, pollen, fur, and some oils in plants that elicit an immune attack are called


Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert atmospheric N2 into


The primary building block (monomer) of proteins is

an amino acid.

In meiosis, homologous chromosomes separate during

anaphase I.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are produced by the

anterior pituitary gland.

In the human endocrine system, the hormone prolactin is produced by the __________ and targets the __________.

anterior pituitary; mammary glands

Which of the following is part of the adaptive, rather than the innate, immune response?

antibody production

A Y-shaped protein that proliferates in response to a specific antigen and recognizes these antigens is a(n)


A three-base sequence, found on the bottom loop of tRNA, that is complementary to a sequence of three bases in mRNA is a(n)


The hormone that promotes conservation of water in the human endocrine system is

antidiuretic hormone (ADH).

Alternate forms of the same gene

are alleles.

Linked genes

are found on the same chromosome.

Peptide hormones

are typically water-soluble and bind to receptors that extend from the plasma membrane of the target cell.

In an ionic bond

atoms, having gained or lost electrons, attract one another with opposite charges.

Which of the following is caused by a vitamin B1 (thiamine) deficiency?


In the biology lab, you observe animal cells under a microscope. In one slide you see the nucleus with two nucleolus areas of compact chromatin. The value in packaging DNA in tighter forms of chromatin is for

both DNA mobility and protection and regulation in mitosis and transcription.

a male expresses

both dominant and recessive alleles on his X chromosome.

Observing a patient in the hospital, you notice that the patient requests extra food at most meals, but has a low BMI and housekeeping frequently finds vomit on towels in the patient's room. You would diagnose


In eukaryotic cells, how can a single gene encode for more than one protein?

by removing different combinations of introns

The human parathyroid gland regulates which of the following in blood?


The 5' and 3' designations used in reference to DNA and RNA sequences are assigned to the

carbon atoms of deoxyribose and ribose

Lipid-soluble steroid hormones are synthesized from


In a process called __________, an army of plasma cells and memory cells are produced from stimulated B cells.

clonal selection

In the biology lab, you observed that your lab partner's blood type is AB. The placement of the A and B molecules on each cell is controlled by proteins, coded by different versions of the same gene. Having both is an example of

codominant inheritance.

A type of symbiosis in which one member of the relationship benefits with no effect on the other is


Prednisone would be most similar to which of the following?


Among enzymes required for DNA replication, ligases are needed to form ______ bonds between nucleotides to join DNA segments.


Within a single molecule of water, as shown, ____ bonds are formed between oxygen and hydrogen.


Which of the following may occur in meiosis but not in mitosis?


Recombinant chromatids have a mix of paternal and maternal alleles due to

crossing-over between the linked genes

In __________, bacteria return nitrogen to the atmosphere by converting nitrates to N2.


If a sperm cell combines with an egg cell, then the result is a

diploid cell.

By ignoring a checkpoint in the cell cycle, a cancer cell may

divide before its DNA is completely replicated.

Mendel observed that some genetic traits seemed to mask others in the pea plants. The masking trait is referred to as the

dominant trait.

The three main regions of the human small intestine proceeding in sequence from the stomach to the large intestine are

duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.

Inheritance of autosomal dominant disorders require ___ to pass on the allele, while inheritance of autosomal recessive disorders require ___ to pass on the allele for it to be expressed in the offspring.

either the mother or the father; both the mother and the father

A visiting scientist is introduced to you, and has a current project studying initiation, elongation, and termination. As a result, you know she is studying

either transcription or translation.

The function of bile is to

emulsify fats.

A phagocyte is a cell that

engulfs other cells and debris.

The "background" species extinction rate

estimates how quickly species disappeared before human intervention.

Which hormones are primary endocrine products of the ovaries?

estrogen and progesterone

In a process called __________, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilize algae in the water, resulting in algal blooms.


In the water cycle, animals return water to the environment by

evaporation and urination.

The role of the enzyme telomerase is to

extend telomeres, which enables cells to continuously divide.

Crossing-over is more likely to separate genes on a chromatid if they are

far apart.

Which hormone deficiency would lead to a female that is not ovulating?

follicle-stimulating hormone

In addition to eutrophication in lakes, which process is being caused by excess nutrients in rivers?

formation of the seasonal dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico

White blood cells are produced

from bone marrow stem cells

Which of the following is(are) not part of the human endocrine system?


Sister chromatids are

genetically identical and attached to each other at the centromere.

Which of the following hormones helps the body during long-term stress?


A person who lives in an area where food is severely deficient in iodine may have a __________, which presents with a swollen thyroid gland.


A person suffering from acromegaly produces too much __________ as a(n) __________.

growth hormone; adult

The primary cause of biodiversity loss is

habitat destruction.

If any of the traits that Mendel worked with had been due to linked genes, his dihybrid crosses would have

had different results

Greenhouse gases, such as CO2 block __________ and can contribute to climate change.

heat escape from Earth.

During DNA replication, the enzyme that unwinds and separates the DNA double-helical molecule is


Chromosomes that look alike and carry the same sequence of genes for the same traits, such as these shown from two parents, are

homologous chromosomes.

Sugars like glucose (C6H12O6) dissolve well in water because sugars form ____ bonds with water.


in DNA, the "rungs" between the two strands of DNA are formed from the

hydrogen bonds between nitrogen base pairs.

Which of the following would result in elevated heart rate?


All of the glands in the vertebrate endocrine system are regulated by the

hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

A Barr body is a(n

inactive X chromosome.

Which of the following would elevate melatonin secretion?

increase darkness exposure time

If you were working on a comatose patient suffering from extreme hypoglycemia, you would try to find the cause by asking a friend of the patient if they knew of a history of either

insufficient carbohydrate intake or too much insulin production.

The correct sequence for the phases of the cell cycle, starting with a newly divided cell, is

interphase - mitosis - cytokinesis

In eukaryotic cells, the cell cycle is divided into two main phases in which the cell spends most of its time and metabolic energy. These two phases are

interphase and mitosis.

To be considered __________, an introduced species must begin breeding in its new location and spread widely from its point of introduction


The process by which homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material

is crossing-over.

If you radioactively labeled antidiuretic hormone (ADH), where would you expect to find the radioactivity after the hormone had been allowed to circulate?


The adrenal glands are found at the top of the


The main site of water and mineral absorption in the human digestive system is the

large intestine.

Which of Mendel's laws states that two alleles separate during the formation of gametes?

law of segregation

During DNA replication, the lagging strand is synthesized by forming Okazaki fragments. The enzyme that joins Okazaki fragments together is


B cells and T cells are


Which of the following exhibit phagocytic activity?

macrophages and neutrophils

The hormone oxytocin is produced by the hypothalamus and stored by the posterior pituitary gland, which also releases it into the bloodstream. Oxytocin binds to receptors in the

mammary glands and uterus.

At the end of the Cretaceous period, a mass extinction occurred and coincided with the impact of a large asteroid that hit Earth near the Yucatán peninsula; this impact likely produced __________, which created uninhabitable conditions.

massive volumes of debris that blocked out sunlight

Immunological memory results from the production of

memory B cells and memory cytotoxic T cells.

In clonal selection, activated T helper cells divide and differentiate into __________ cells and into __________ cells that help activate cytotoxic T cells and B cells.

memory; effector

The eukaryotic cell will complete the ______ portion of the cell cycle to ______.

mitosis; divide the replicated chromosomes before the cell splits into two daughter cells

A type of symbiosis in which both species benefit is


The total of all the resources, both biotic and abiotic, a species exploits for its survival, growth, and reproduction is its


Nitrogen-fixing bacteria, in the roots of soybeans, help provide a source of nitrogen to the plants. In exchange, the bacteria obtain food from the plants. The bacteria are converting

nitrogen gas (N2) to ammonium (NH4).

An amino acid contains a structural "backbone" chain of

nitrogens and carbons.

The primary building block (monomer) of nucleic acids is


A single strand of DNA consists of covalently bonded building blocks called


A group of prokaryotic genes that are controlled together is a(n)


Commercial fisheries are increasingly focusing on catching smaller fish like anchovies because of __________ large predatory fishes.

overexploitation of

Water has unique properties which include its strength as a solvent; its three environmental stages of solid, liquid, and gas; and its temperature regulation. These properties are due to polar covalent bonds between oxygen and hydrogen. The polar covalent bonds are a result of

oxygen being more electronegative and therefore attracting more electrons than hydrogen.

Which of the following hormones is released by the posterior pituitary gland?


Which of the following can be a target of an autoimmune disease but is not considered to be part of the immune system?


The endocrine gland that controls homeostasis in terms of blood glucose levels is the


You are shown an example of two organisms in a relationship, in which one lives on the other. The organism living on the other benefits from nutritional resources, while the organism being lived upon is harmed. This is an example of


The endocrine gland that produces hormones that help regulate blood calcium is the

parathyroid gland.

If you didn't consume enough niacin (vitamin B3), you would have diarrhea since you would have what disease?


In the human digestive system, __________ is the rhythmic smooth muscle contractions that aid in moving food along the system.


Chloroplasts are proposed to have arisen after host cells engulfed __________ in endosymbiosis, allowing the engulfed cell to remain, with specialized function.

photosynthetic bacteria

The endocrine gland that produces melatonin is the

pineal gland.

In humoral immunity, cells that are produced by activated B cells and function by secreting antibodies are called

plasma cells.

Any chemical, physical, or biological change in the environment that harms living organisms is called


In biology lab, your class counts the number of people with different colors of hair and eyes. Your instructor says that these traits are variable and difficult to trace in each family. The reason is that these two traits depend on more than one gene, and are called


Meiosis is a process used for

production of gametes.

An embryo fish in its egg cannot survive outside the egg because it has underdeveloped tissues and organs needed for survival. The embryo has a large number of cells undergoing mitosis for the purpose of

production of new cells that can differentiate and specialize for different functions.

Apoptosis is the process of

programmed cell death.

in meiosis, homologous chromosomes align next to one another during

prophase I.

The mass number is defined as the total number of __________ of an atom.

protons and neutrons

The atomic number of an element is the number of

protons in the nucleus

You have an opportunity in biology lab to observe the prepared, stained karyotypes of a stallion, a mare, and their foal offspring horses. Banding patterns of some of the autosomes from the foal match those of the stallion, while others from the foal match those of the mare. This variability is produced in meiosis due to

random orientation of chromosome pairs

In examining water samples preserved in glass jars over the last century, you notice a steadily declining pH. What is the most likely general explanation?

rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels leading to gradual acidification

Which of the following is caused by a vitamin C deficiency?


The showy feathers of a male peacock versus the plain feathers of a female peacock is an example of

sexual dimorphism

Antlers on a male deer and the lack of antlers on a female deer are examples of

sexual dimorphism.

In a covalent bond, atoms

share electrons

After replication, in eukaryotic cells, the identical copies of the chromosome are each called a

sister chromatid.

The normal pH of rainfall is

slightly acidic, pH 5.6

If a chromosome in one of your bone cells becomes mutated, you will not pass this mutation on to your children because

somatic cells cannot undergo meiosis.

Which of the following is the large lymphoid organ in the abdomen that produces and stores large amounts of white blood cells?


The step of translation in which release factors bind to a stop codon is


In humans, germ cells are located in the

testes and ovaries.

It is thought that eukaryotes probably originated about __________ years ago.

1.5 billion

Given this information from one element in the periodic table of elements, the number of neutrons plus protons is

14, which is approximately the same as the atomic weight

Which of the following RNA strands is complementary to the DNA sequence 5'-ATCGATCG-3'?


It is thought that the first cells probably arose about __________ years ago.

3.85 billion

Mendel's monohybrid cross of Tt parents resulted in a tall-to-short ratio of


Morbid obesity is defined as having a BMI (body mass index) of at least


Since the 1950s, __________ of the ocean's large predatory fishes have disappeared.


What is an example of adaptive cell-mediated immunity?

A cytotoxic T cell destroying a virus-infected cell.

Hanlon, Naud, and their colleagues analyzed DNA among mating males and fertilized eggs of Sepia apama cuttlefish, after mating had been observed. Examine their results in this figure. Which conclusion is supported by these results?

A male guarding a female 20 to 40 minutes from subsequent mating attempts of other males is the most successful behavior.

What would be the first codon translated in the mRNA sequence 5'-GGAAUGAAACAGGAACCC-3'?


Mitochondria are proposed to have evolved before chloroplasts based on which observation?

All eukaryotes have mitochondria, but not all eukaryotes have chloroplasts.

A behavior that can increase reproductive success of an individual male in a species is

All of the answer choices are correct.

A nutrient is a substance that an organism uses for

All of the answer choices are correct.

Carbon returns to the atmosphere

All of the answer choices are correct.


All of the answer choices are correct.

Evidence supporting the idea that mitochondria and chloroplasts in present-day cells originated as independent organisms includes

All of the answer choices are correct.

Identify the correct comparison between the human X and Y chromosomes.

All of the answer choices are correct.


All of the answer choices are correct.

Lipid-soluble hormones

All of the answer choices are correct.

Meiosis is a process that produces

All of the answer choices are correct.

Nondisjunction may cause

All of the answer choices are correct.

RNA differs from DNA in that

All of the answer choices are correct.

The mass extinction of the Permian period

All of the answer choices are correct.

Genotype refers to

the combination of alleles in an individual.

Which of the following is an advantage of birds traveling in flocks

An individual bird's chance of being eaten by a predator is diminished.

Photosynthesis probably originated during the __________ eon, and most likely used __________ as an electron donor.

Archean; hydrogen sulfide

What is the relationship between CO2 and global temperature, according to the data on the graph below?

As CO2 increases sharply global temperature increases sharply

the central dogma refers to

the flow of genetic information in cells, from a gene sequence in DNA to a specific protein.

An increase in the surface temperature of Earth, caused by heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere, is known as

the greenhouse effect.

How is tropical deforestation linked to climate change?

Burning the forests releases carbon dioxide, and transpiration by trees is diminished.

You collect and measure samples of ice and surrounding liquid water from a stream in the winter. You find that you collected the same number of water molecules in each form. The volume of the ice samples are larger than the liquid water samples. This is a result of

the hydrogen bonds between the water molecules being in a fixed position that increases the volume and decreases the density of the ice.

Physical and chemical barriers that form the first line of innate defense include A. tear fluid from the eye. B. the acidity of the stomach. C. All of the above D. mucus and cilia of the respiratory tract. E. an unpunctured skin.

C. all of the above

Why would a cancer cell need to induce angiogenesis?

Cancer cells depend on a large blood supply.

Some scientists predict that as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels increase, the pH of the oceans will drop, thus threatening coral and organisms within shells. What is the best explanation for this hypothesis?

Carbon dioxide combines with water to form an acid.

Primitive reptiles first appeared during the __________ period.


Of the following statements, which does not correlate a type of RNA with its function?

Complementary RNA reorders the amino acids in a protein to ensure their correct sequence.

In eukaryotic cells, if you compared the DNA sequence of a gene with the sequence of the processed mRNA that was transcribed from the gene you would find

the mRNA is shorter because it does not contain introns.

phenotype refers to

the observable expression of the genes in an individual.

In the lac operon, the protein that binds to the operator to prevent transcription is

the repressor.

At a given locus, homologous chromosomes have

the same genes but can have different alleles.

Mutations are usually rare, because

DNA polymerase quickly corrects mismatched nucleotide base pairs

Why does a replication fork have a leading and lagging strand?

DNA synthesis always goes from 5' to 3'.

The first amphibians appeared during the __________ period.


How does fever help fight infection as part of the innate defense? A. Fever reduces the iron level in the blood, thereby retarding the growth of some bacteria. B. Fever kills some bacteria. C. Fever inactivates (kills) some viruses. D. Fever speeds up the rate of phagocytosis. E. All of the above

E. All of the above

Why does sexual reproduction produce more genetic variability in a population than asexual reproduction?

In addition to the variation that meiosis creates, fertilization mixes parental genetics.

Insulin is a peptide hormone. Which of the following would occur in a muscle cell exposed to insulin?

Intracellular second messenger molecule levels would increase.

Which scientist is given credit for proposing the endosymbiont theory?

Lynn Margulis

The nucleotides called pyrimidines include

thymine and cytosine.

Jawless fishes were the first vertebrates to leave fossil evidence during the __________ period.


Placental mammals appeared during the __________ period.


A diploid cell only has two copies of most genes, but can make hundreds of copies of a protein from those genes per second because

transcription can repeat and make multiple mRNA copies of genes, and multiple ribosomes can translate the same mRNA.

Which proteins initiate transcription in eukaryotes by recognizing sequences within the promoter region of a gene and attracts RNA polymerase?

transcription factors

The process used by cells to convert the mRNA "message" into a sequence of amino acids is


The amniote egg, in which an embryo could develop completely on dry land, arose during the __________ period.


The first energy shell of an atom has one orbital. Therefore, it can contain a maximum of ________ electron(s).


Diploid (2n) means having

two complete sets of homologous chromosomes.

In meiosis I, cytokinesis usually occurs after telophase I and produces

two haploid cells.

If a patient has high blood sugar characterized with insulin resistance, they are diagnosed with

type 2 diabetes.

Some scientists predict that as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels increase, plant growth will also increase. What is the best explanation for this hypothesis?

Plants consume carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis.

Every year the common flu vaccine is designed to protect against three different strains of the influenza virus. How is your body able to raise antibodies against so many new forms of the flu virus?

Recombination of the gene used to make antibodies leads to variability.

In what phase of the eukaryotic cell cycle are the chromosomes replicated?

S phase of interphase

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