Biology Unit 6- Evolution

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What is coevolution?

2(or more) organisms cahnge in response to each other

What does directional natural selection look like on a graph?

All the way to either side

Bumblebess go to flowers to pick up chemicals that allow them to create attractice scents to put off for female bees. Flowers have way pollen to stick to the bees head in order to spread their pollen. Both traits have evolved together forming a mutalistic relationship.

Coevolution because the bee's change with the flowers.

What are the 7 patterens of evolution?

Coevolution, convergent, divergent, puncutaed equilibrium, speciation, and gradualism

Butterflies, bats, and birds have wings that allow them to fly. Butterfly wings, however, do not have bones like bats and birds do. What pattern of evolution is this and why?

Convergent evolution becuase eve though they all have wings they are structurally different.

Dogs and wolves share a common ancestor. They share similar traits and genetic makeup. Varying temperament in wolves eventually become so drastic resulting in extremely aggressive wolves and doclie wolves that were domesticared, leading to the formation of dogs. What pattern of evolution is this and why?

Divergent because they are from the same ancestor, but now they are different species.

The dodo bird was spotting in 1598. They had no predators until saloirs statring hunting them and a new invasice species were introduced, THe last sighting of a dodo was in 1662. What pattern of evolution is this and why?

Extinction because they once existeded, bu they now don't exsist.

Fossil evidence suggest whales evolved form land mammals. It was a slow process over thousands of years that resilted from continual reduction of the ancestral mammal's forelimbs over time, until they were reduced to fins. What pattern of evolution is this and why?

Gradualism because the wahles took 1000s of years to chnage.

What does stabalizing selection look like on a graph?

In the middle

What does disruptive selection look like on a graph?

Lines on both sides

What is overproduction?

More offspring than environment can support and most successful will survive

What is varaition?

Organisms have different traits(ex. blue fish and red fish)

Mollucks live in a stable ecosytem in the ocean, but A rapid drop in sea level cause the formation of a lake, which isloates a group of mollusks. This quick change cause rapid evolutionary chaneg. Due to the new samm population, genetic drift occys, and the moolusks with larger shells rapidly become the most common trait. What pattern of evolution is this and why?

Punctuated equilibrium because it was a fast chnage, but then they adapted and became stable.

4000 years ago there were isolated fish in a lake. Since then 5 new species have formed, distinguished by their different traits and mating rituals, and they are considered unique species. What pattern of evolution is this and why?

Speciation becuase they all came from the same ancestor, but theyre all different species.

What are Darwins 4 conclusions?

Varation, overproduction, adaptation, des. with mod.

Some worms are nocturnal and some are diurnal. Most birds eat during the day, so they only eat diunrla worms. Each worms reproduces about 500 offspring but 100 live. What are the four principles of natural selection and how do they apply?

Varation: diurnal vs nocturnal Overproduction: 500 born but 100 live Adaptation: nocturnal is best suited(more fit) Decsent with Modification: over time the allele for being nocturnal should increase in frequncey

What is divergent evolution?

aka adaptive radiation, multiple different species arise from a common ancestor, new environments made them evolve differently, and leads to homologous structures; similar structures, different use

Who came up with the naming system?

binomail nomenclature by: carolus linnaeus

What is punctuated equilibrium?

bursts of change followed by periods of stability

What is speciation?

forming of a new species by evolution from a pre-existing species and they can no longer reproduce together

What two names are giver to a species in the binomial nomeclature system?

genus species(homo sapien)

What is the difference between analogous and homologous structures?

homologous: same structure, different use analogous: different structures, same use

What is adaptation?

indviduals inherit charecteristcs that are most fit/suitable to their environment

What is the sequence of the hierarchy of the classification system in biology?

kingdom phylum class order family genus species

What is descen with modification?

over time, fittest traits will be seen more

How does genetic varation increase?

random varation, genetic recomnination during meiosis(crossing over), and migration(gene flow)

How does fossil evidence support evolution?

reveal a history of the types of organisms that have lived on earth and ages of fossils

What is gradualism?

slow changes over a long period of time

What happens to favroable traits and genes?

they show up more over time

What is an adaptation?

traits that are fittest for the envirnoment

What are the principles of natural selection?

variation, overproduction, adaptation, descent with modification

What is convergent evolution?

when unrelated species evolve smiliar charecterists over because they live in similar envirnoments and leads to analogous structures; differenet structure same use

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