C-EP 110 Final Study Guide

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Pick the statement that a traditional behaviorist would make.

I can explain human behavior by looking at its reinforcers (or reinforcement)

Which research employed naturalistic observation?

I relate the amount of sugar children eat at breakfast to their aggression by going to a playground and counting the frequency of hitting on selected days.

Phyllis's son, who is worried about his 72-year-old mom, suggests that she attend activities at the local senior center. Phyllis resists this idea, saying that she is too old to meet new people. How might a cognitive behaviorist interpret Phyllis's reluctance?

Phyllis may have low efficacy feelings with regard to making new friends.

(1) Exploring children's different ideas about the world; (2) getting a general strategy for teaching; (3) figuring out how memory operates. Pick which theorist/perspective provides the best answers in order:

Piaget; Vygotsky; information processing

According to Bowlby, having a primary attachment figure is vital:

at every age.

Five-month-old Tara is more easily soothed by and smiles and looks more at Mom. Still, when Aunt Sally comes for a visit, Tara has no problem giving her a cuddle. Tara is in the:

attachment-in-the-making phase.

Insert the correct language term in order that refers to: (1) the b sound in boy; (2) the definition of boy; (3) the units of meaning conveyed by the word boy:

phoneme; semantics; morpheme

Which study can tell you if young people who eat a lot of sugar have health problems later on?

I test the blood glucose levels of 20 year olds and then retest them again at age 30, 45, and 65.

Why does Kohlberg believe we must be in formal operations in order to reason post-conventionally?

We must be able to use abstract ethical principles in thinking about the world.

Pick the correct order for language acquisition.

cooing, babbling, holophrases, telegraphic speech

Give each child the correct "diagnosis" or label in order: "Judy is extremely anxious and depressed." "Jane acts disruptively and regularly gets into fights."

internalizing tendencies; externalizing tendencies

Pick the correct sequence of motor milestones.

lift head, pivot upper body, sit

Piaget studied cognitive development by:

observing and questioning children.

Which are the features of (1) vascular dementia and (2) Alzheimer's disease?

(1) small strokes; (2) senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles

Link statements 1, 2, and 3 to the correct behavioral term. 1. "Sometimes when I study, I get A's and sometimes I don't. So I keep plugging along." 2. "Even though I failed this test, I know I'm a terrific student. So I keep studying because I have faith in myself." 3. "I watched my brother studying—that's how I learned to study hard."

1 = variable reinforcement schedule; 2 = high self-efficacy; 3 = modeling

You hide an interesting object in a certain place several times, and your 10-month-old niece finds it. But, when she watches you hide it in a second place, she looks in the first location. This is called the ________ and it's ________.

A-not-B error; normal at this age

Dale wants a cupcake, so he shoves Tom aside. Tom reacts by bopping Dale over the head. First, label the type of aggression each child is showing and then identify which boy will be MOST angry.

Dale is showing instrumental aggression; Tom's is reactive aggression. Tom will be most infuriated.

Who is practicing physician assisted suicide?

Dr. Jones gives a terminally ill person who says, "I want to die" a prescription for a fatal medication.

Pick the MAIN message of the section on early childhood poverty.

Early childhood poverty can have a serious negative impact on development, unless caregivers are upbeat, sensitive, and loving.

Which is the cross-sectional study?

I survey people about their sugar intake and give my scale to adults of different ages.

Which of these infants is MOST likely to have learned to self-soothe?

Michelle, 10 months old, whose parents don't immediately respond to nighttime crying

Why can young children run and jump well before they can follow the rules of games?

The motor cortex develops before the frontal lobes.

Pick the core change that happens in formal operations.

We can reason abstractly about ideas and hypothetical possibilities.

What is the text's main message with regard to "pregnant dads"?

We need to focus more on the dad's experience, as pregnancy is a critical life event for men, too.

With regard to studying for this test, pick the examples of using rehearsal, selective attention, and inhibition in order.

You repeat the chapter definitions to yourself; you focus only on the material you need to know; you decide to keep studying even though you want to go to that party.

You are worried that your 10-year-old nephew might be set up for an unusually difficult adolescence. All are worrisome signs EXCEPT:

Your nephew only has a few friends.

Name the theorist who would give each piece of advice: "Don't respond when your one year old cries out from the crib," "Be as responsive as possible during the first year of life."

a behaviorist; Bowlby

Undernutrition—or not having enough food: -compromises children's physical development. -compromises children's social relationships. -all of these. -compromises the ability to play.

all of these.

Which child is MOST at risk for having mental health problems and getting into trouble during (and after) puberty?

an early-maturing girl

Shyness is:

an inborn tendency that can be evident throughout a person's life.

(1) Thinks daddy made the moon; (2) believes his stuffed bear is alive; (3) thinks his sister turned into a boy when she got a haircut yesterday. Identify each type of preoperational thought in sequence:

artificialism; animism; no identity constancy

"A child's personality shapes parenting." "Children model their peer group in preference to what they learn at home." "Having firm rules and being loving produce a successful child." Pick the perspectives on parenting being expressed, in order.

behavioral genetics; Harris's peer group theory; Baumrind's styles framework

The bottom-line message is that feeling fulfilled in old age depends on:

being generative and interested in life.

All are forces that can promote teenage body dissatisfaction EXCEPT

being poor.

When Erikson said that midlife adults have to resolve the conflict of generativity vs. stagnation, he meant that people need to:

believe they are enriching the lives of others or feel purposeless.

Mary Ann and Catie are playing house. Catie, the Mommy, is calling the doctor because Mary Ann, the baby, is sick. First, name the type of play the girls are engaging in and then identify these children's probable ages:

collaborative pretend play; about age 5

Dr. Terminal is describing the age pattern of developed-world deaths. What phrase should he use?

concentrated at the upper end of the lifespan (in old age)

Which Big Five traits MAY help keep us cognitively sharp as we age?

conscientiousness and openness to experience

Pick the relevant triangular theory of love terms for the following types of marriage: (1) Have it all—great sex, best friends, and are firmly committed; (2) best friends, happily married, but no longer sexual; (3) stay together out of habit, but have no emotional connection.

consummate relationship; companionate relationship; commitment alone (empty marriage)

If you are in your twenties, your middle-aged mother should outperform you on measures of ________ intelligence, while you should do better than your mother on tests of ________ intelligence.

crystallized; fluid

Which research question MUST be tested by a correlational study?

determining if parents who frequently hit their children have more aggressive children

Which is the correct order of events during labor?

dilation and effacement; birth; expulsion of placenta

Linda and Annie are swimming towards a raft, when Linda roughly pushes Annie's head underwater, to get there first. As soon as Annie can speak after coming up for air, she says, "Go find yourself another best friend!" Linda is showing ________ aggression. Annie is showing ________ aggression.

direct and instrumental; reactive and relational

Newborn reflexes:

disappear as the cortex matures.

"Don't transfer this person to the hospital if she becomes seriously ill". This order is typically filled out by the ________ and is found in ________.

doctor and family members; nursing homes

A single gene disorder that shows up when a baby has one copy of an abnormal gene is called:


Pick the correct example of each kind of advance directive in order: "filled out by a mentally competent person"; "filled out by family members and physicians when the person is mentally impaired."

durable power of attorney; DNR order

Unusually rapid weight gain ________ is a good predictor of later obesity.

during infancy, and around ages 5 and 6

The main consequence of people dying in hospitals has been to make:

dying unfamiliar and hidden.

Choose the correct sequence of events during the germinal stage.

fertilization, blastocyst, implantation

All make college more of a "flow experience" EXCEPT:

focusing just on your studies to get the best possible grades.

Ramon, age 30, went along with his parents' decision that he should become a doctor, even though he really doesn't like being around sick people. Josh, age 28, has no interest in anything and feels totally blocked. According to the identity statuses framework, Ramon is in ________, while Josh is in ________.

foreclosure; diffusion

You are a nurse who works with teens with eating issues. Based on the text, pick your main challenge.

increasing efficacy feelings

All are classic psychological symptoms associated with teenage eating disorders EXCEPT:

intense, openly expressed anger.

"I love to read my textbook just for the sake of reading it." "I'm reading my textbook so I can get a good grade on this test." Pick out the kinds of motivation involved in order.

intrinsic; extrinsic

Neuroscientists find that when older adults memorize even easy material, they activate:

larger regions of the brain.

Pick the phrase that BEST describes the social clock norms in the U.S. today.

less rigid than in the past

During the embryonic stage, the:

major body organs are formed.

If Monica's baby was exposed to a teratogen during the embryonic period, the major problem might be ________; while if she drank heavily throughout her pregnancy, the problem is apt to be ________.

malformation of a major body structure; a developmental disorder

One-year-old Danny is fascinated with flushing the toilet and throwing different objects down the bowl. Flushing to see the water go down is called a(n) ________. The fact that Danny is expecting to see things reappear again after they are out of sight shows he understands the basics of ________. In general, the habit of repeatedly flushing is called a(n) ________.

means-end behavior; object permanence; circular reaction

Child #1 is failing in school, and has a very low IQ. Child #2 is failing in school and has an average or above average IQ. Pick the label for each of these children.

mentally retarded; specific learning disability

Carla is having trouble deciding on a career because she has so many interests; Carol is going to be a nurse because her family told her that was best; Cora doesn't have any interests and is frightened by the whole idea of being adult. Pick each emerging adult's identity status category, in order.

moratorium; foreclosure; diffusion

Generalizing from the text, if the United States slips further into recession and jobless rates rise for young adults, we can expect:

more cohabitation; far fewer people getting married.

Pick the most dramatic change in U.S. child care during the late twentieth century.

more large day-care centers

Which phrase BEST describes the transition to adulthood among U.S. young people?

moving backward and forward towards full adulthood

Link the correct term to each definition: (1) fatty covering around neurons that speeds brain impulses, (2) making connections between neurons.

myelin sheath; synaptogenesis

Choose the correct sequence of events in prenatal brain development.

neural tube forms; brain cells migrate upward; cells lengthen and form branches

Pick the correct progression/sequence over time (that is, over the years).

normal aging; chronic disease; ADL impairments

Joe has been moved from the cancer unit to another section of the hospital. Although he is still getting some chemotherapy to slow the progression of his fatal illness, specially trained health-care providers focus mainly on trying to make him comfortable and promote a dignified death. Joe is in a(n) ________ unit of the hospital.

palliative care

Pick the correct sequence of puberty in boys.

penis development, growth spurt, voice changes

To keep their teens from getting into trouble, the BEST policy is for parents is to ________.

plan exciting family activities

If Hernando is a very active child, who has trouble obeying, he is apt to be subjected to which kind of childrearing strategy?

power assertion

"He only cares if he gets punished or rewarded." "He has a personal code of ethics that transcends what society says." "His morality is focused on what the culture says is legal or right." Pick each Kohlberg level of moral reasoning, in order.

preconventional; postconventional; conventional

A baby sees a new image on a screen and looks up to see what's going on. The name for this process is ________.

preferential looking

Joe tells you, "I want to be free to play the field. Commitment isn't for me." Josephine says, "When I'm in a relationship I expect my partner to be available 24/7 ONLY to me." Pick Joe and Josephine's respective attachment styles.

preoccupied/ambivalent; avoidant/dismissive

Baby Mamie has recently noticed her toes and delights regularly putting them in her mouth. According to Piaget, this behavior is a(n) ________ and Mamie is probably ________:

primary circular reaction; a few months old

As you age you are likely to experience all of these vision changes EXCEPT:

problems seeing well at distances.

Based on the text, stepdads feel MOST uncomfortable when they need to ________.

provide discipline

When the first-grade boys wrestle and hit each other as they are in line for lunch, they are engaging in:

rough-and-tumble play.

Link the correct attachment style to the following descriptions: (1) thrilled when reunited with a caregiver, (2) confused, erratic response when reunited with a caregiver, and (3) doesn't care when reunited with a caregiver.

secure; disorganized; avoidant

(1) When overwhelmed with work, prioritize, devoting special time to your MOST important activities. (2) When making decisions, be open to different perspectives and ideas. (3) Have your MAIN priority be making a difference in the world. Which terms apply to each piece of advice?

selective optimization with compensation; postformal thought; generativity

(1) Putting objects in order by their size; (2) understanding that if you just change the shape of a substance you still have the same amount; (3) realizing that candy is the name for both Skittles and gummy bears. Name these three concrete operational skills in order:

seriation; conservation of mass; class inclusion

Sara is teaching her 2-year-old to sit at the table and say "please." The name for this training is


Annie is 20; her grandmother is 70. All things being equal, grandma should outperform Annie at:

solving relationship-oriented problems.

Erikson's MAJOR contribution to the field of human development was:

spelling out the principle that we develop throughout the lifespan.

Pick the relevant Murstein stimulus-value-role theory phases, in order. Joey looks across the room and feels Jane might be right for him. Joey and Jane are figuring out their wedding plans. Joey and Jane are dating and trying to find out if they share values and ideas.

stimulus phase; role phase; value phase

What force is MOST important in predicting how well children adjust to divorce?

the quality of the custodial parent's child-rearing

According to Erikson's theory, in preschool our challenge is to ________, while in elementary school, our challenge is to ________.

try new things, or test our skills; control ourselves and work hard for what we want

Which aging change begins in the thirties or earlier in MOST people?

vision impairments

Tara continually gets C's and D's in math while and Tom always gets A's. In looking at these scores, an evolutionary theorist might be interested in:

whether math abilities are biologically built into being male.

Based on the text, pick the GREATEST barrier to fathers' full involvement with their children.

work pressures—feeling that being a good breadwinner is their most important role

Diana just married John who is divorced and has joint custody of his kids. Given the research on stepparenting, Diana may be MOST apt to:

worry about "boundary issues," meaning how much to step in as a full mom.

Pick the pathway to producing a highly aggressive "antisocial" fourth grader:

yelling, screaming at, and spanking a difficult toddler and then the child gets rejected by his classmates in elementary school

Mike is a 70-year-old farmer. He has sold his livestock, but still works part time. Although he needs help now with loading and unloading bales from his truck, he enjoys delivering his hay to local farms. The gerontological term for Mike's life stage is:



function as templates for producing our body's proteins.

At age 4, Sam can knock down some the pins at the bowling alley, while 4-year-old Josh only gets gutter balls. Given the information in the text, this individual difference is MAINLY due to:

genetics; Sam is on a faster motor skill development timetable.

Match each prenatal stage to the appropriate description: first 2 weeks after fertilization; all major body organs form; final stage last roughly 7 months.

germinal; embryonic; fetal

Your cousin is about to enter puberty. Statistically speaking, pick the typical sequence of changes

growth spurt begins, breasts and pubic hair begin developing, menarche

Pick the phrase that BEST fits our U.S. justice system's approach to teens who commit crimes.

harsh and punitive

What preventable later-life condition are we LEAST likely to take steps to prevent?

hearing loss

Tara continually gets C's and D's in math while and Tom always gets A's. A behavioral geneticist would be interested in:

how genetic these differences in math abilities are.

Pick the correct hormonal sequence that sets off puberty.

hypothalamic hormones, pituitary hormones, estrogens and testosterone

A boy thinks that everyone is constantly watching him and commenting on his behavior. A girl takes incredible risks because she thinks, I could never die. Pick the terms for these facets of adolescent egocentrism, in order.

imaginary audience; personal fable

Parent/teen conflict tends to reach its peak:

in the middle of puberty when hormonal changes are at their height.

The young-old are ________ and the old-old are ________.

in their sixties and seventies; over 80

Rates of prosocial behavior:

increase as children get older.

Technologies such as smart phones and email have:

increased the amount of work we do.

According to Vygotsky, fantasy play has all of the following purposes EXCEPT:

It helps young children be more creative.

Which 20-year-old is suffering from role confusion?

Jennifer, who is debating whether to be a psychologist or nurse

Pick the example of a bidirectional relationship.

Jorge is temperamentally grumpy and unpleasant, so people naturally avoid him.

Fred is a mentally competent 70-year-old who wants to relieve his children of the responsibility for deciding what measures should be used to save him if he becomes mentally incapacitated and not able to communicate his wishes. He signs a document stating that if he is terminally ill and mentally incapacitated he does not want any heroic cure-oriented treatments. Fred has signed a:

Living Will

Which person is drawing on Piaget's theory in his/her teaching?

Mr. Smith, who makes sure that his second graders understand the concept of reversibility before introducing subtraction

Pick the most fundamental change in U.S. ideas about family life over the past 40 years.

No longer feeling like they have to be married to have children.

In addition to fostering a secure attachment, what other socialization strategy promotes healthy development?

Promote "goodness of fit" between the child's temperament and the environment.

________ is the term for all the internal and external changes involved in becoming physically an adult.


Name each parenting style: "The Smith's provide incredible love, but no discipline." "The Jones's are very strict, and don't allow deviations from the rules." "The Johnson's home is chaotic, with parents MIA in their children's lives."

Smith—permissive; Jones—authoritarian; Johnson—rejecting-neglecting

When G. Stanley Hall's described adolescence as a time of "storm and stress" he meant:

Teenagers are emotionally "different"—moody, sensitive, prone to take risks.

What is the MAIN contemporary trend in teenage sexual attitudes?

Teenagers today feel more comfortable deciding on their own sexual path.

Which child is MOST at risk of having problems adjusting to day care?

a very active child, who is sent to a large day-care center

"Everyone is watching me and judging me." In Elkind's framework, this is a classic example of ________, and this young person is roughly ________.

adolescent egocentrism; 12 or 13

Josh and Juanita have just undergone the transition to parenthood (that is, had their first child). Statistically speaking, you can predict that they will:

be less intimate and passionate with each other.

Fetal programming research explores the impact of:

disasters (and severe life stress) on the fetus' later development.

Which is the correct ranking for the memory systems in order from MOST fragile to MOST enduring?

episodic memory; semantic memory; procedural memory

Nancy, a graphic designer, describes her job this way: "Time flies. I get so absorbed in finding just the right logo to best convey what the customer wants that, before I know it, the day is over. I don't realize that I'm one of the few people left in the office until the janitor comes to empty my trash can." Nancy is:

experiencing flow.

Dr. Johnson is studying the effects of alcohol consumption on memory. He randomly assigns people to four groups. Three groups consume varying amounts of alcohol, and one group is given only soft drinks. This research design is called a(n):


Darlene, who has two young children, reports, "Some days I don't even know who I am. I certainly am not the calm, self-assured person that I used to be. At times I turn into a screaming shrew." Darlene is a(n):

fairly typical mom.

Using Bronfenbrenner's theory, pick the influence that most immediately affects a child.

family relationships

The main advantage of a boundaryless career is ________; while the main advantage of a traditional stable career is ________.

the freedom to tailor your work life to find interesting, flow-inducing jobs; job security

The main problem with a living will is:

the instructions may not be followed.

Which advice would a follower of attachment theory give a new mom?

"Give your baby a lot of love, so he will have loving relationships later in life."

Jeff is defining active euthanasia. What should he say?

"It's making an intervention to help a seriously ill patient die."

In summarizing the impact of socioeconomic status (that is, coming from a poor family) on college graduation, what can you say?

"SES makes a huge difference—even when people are highly academically talented."

Kübler-Ross's real, enduring contribution in approaching dying was:

alerting us to the need to pay attention to the emotions of terminally ill people.

Pick the MAIN reason why reaching concrete operations tends to produce "self-esteem" issues.

Children can realistically compare their abilities with those of their peers.

________ program(s) sexual feelings in girls and boys. ________ program(s) the changing female shape.

Testosterone; Estrogens

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