Ch. 3-6 Sociology Study Guide

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Why is a triad more stable than a dyad?

If the relationship between two members becomes strained, the third can act as a mediator

Which of the following best describes the role that socialization plays in early childhood?

It leads to actions considered human

Which is an example of a voluntary association?

Knights of Columbus

_______ theory focuses on how reputations can either set us on a path to deviance or divert us away from it.


Margaret has always been shy and withdrawn. She has never had steady work, has trouble paying the rent, and at 35 has never had a serious relationship. She begins taking sleeping pills to help her forget her worries at night. The pills lead to harder drugs until she can no longer get through a day without using. How would a strain theorist describe this type of deviance?

Margaret is participating in a retreatist lifestyle

What is corporate crime?

A special form of white-collar crime committed by executives in order to benefit their companies

Which of the following is an example of the way a division of labor functions in a bureaucracy?

An author asks a bookseller whether she can do a reading at the store, and the bookseller transfers the call to the events director

According to control theory, which of the following individuals is the most likely to engage in deviance?

Blake, a shy boy with few friends who has lived with his older sister since his parents divorced

Why might blindness sometimes be classified as a master status?

Blindness can become the trait that others respond to more than any other.

How is Piaget's sensorimotor stage similar to Freud's concept of the id?

Both are focused on sensory input

How does Asch's line of study compare to Janis's study of groupthink?

Both found that members of a group tend to conform, even when doing so goes against their individual beliefs

Which of the following statements best explains the relationship between bureaucracy and alienation?

Bureaucracy can foster feelings of alienation as one becomes part of a big system

_________ regard power and social inequality as the main characteristics of society.

Conflict Theorists

A driver is pulled over after speeding down a fairly deserted street in the middle of the night. He then fails a field sobriety test. Hoping to avoid arrest, he asks the arresting officer, "No one else is on the road, so what does it matter?" What technique of neutralization is the driver exhibiting?

Denial of injury

Which one of the following terms refers to a group of two people?


Why are both macrosociology and microsociology necessary to gain a complete sociological picture?

Each focuses on different aspects of the human experience, so they are both necessary for a full understanding of social life.

Which of the following can be attributed more to biology than to socialization?

Facial expressions that express certain emotions, such as fear and happiness

An example of a social institution in an industrial society


What is the first significant factor in gender socialization?


Which statement about the transition to adulthood is correct?

Fewer men completed the transition to adulthood by the age of 30 in 2000 than in 1960.

In which of Piaget's stages would a person be able to explain the concept of empathy?

Formal operational

Which of the following is an example of a positive sanction?

Getting a promotion for completing a large project

Clean Up Clarksville is an organization that was formed to lobby for stricter local littering laws. The laws the group wanted put into effect were all approved five years ago, but the group still exists and now focuses on lobbying for stricter graffiti penalties. This is an example of

Goal displacement

Which of the following individuals is considered to be the founder of ethnomethodology?

Harold Garfinkel

Which of the following statements best explains the relationship between bureaucracies and a division of labor?

Having each worker assigned to a specific task is a component of bureaucracy

Based on Table 6.3, which of the following statements is true?

You are more likely to go to prison if you are African American than if you are Latino

A sociologist should use __________ to analyze the broad features of society.

a macrosociological approach

Bill has a squarish, muscular build. At one time, these characteristics would have led sociobiologists to categorize him as __________

a street criminal

According to strain theory, whether a person engages in deviant behavior depends mostly upon his or her

ability to achieve cultural goals through acceptable means

Because social statuses are an essential part of the social structure, ___________.

all human groups have them

Although the gender messages in anime have yet to be fully explored by sociologists, the characterization of __________ young girls and __________ young boys raises some issues about what children are learning from this Japanese cartoon form.

big-eyed; fighting

College students over age 35 are an example of a


Jamie, Deena, Eyanna, and Lei work in the same office and find themselves assigned to a project together. After the project is completed, they begin eating lunch together every day. This group of women could be called a


Solomon Asch's well-known sociological research, in which a group of "stooges" collaborated to give wrong answers, examined which of the following topics?

conformity with peers

Emile Durkheim's basic insight was that deviance

contributes to the social order

A leader who asks for everyone's input is a(n) __________ leader


A bureaucracy is a __________ with a hierarchy of authority, a clear division of labor, and an emphasis on impersonality of position.

formal organization

A child who steals a snack is letting his behavior be determined by the


According to Freud, which forces are constantly in conflict?

id and superego

In Richard Wright's Native Son, Bigger Thomas and several of his friends—also young, underprivileged African-American males in 1940s Chicago—concoct a plot to rob a local grocer. This incident is an example of a(n)

illegitimate opportunity structure

A woman wearing a new dress and high heels who laughs at all of her date's jokes is practicing

impression management

Sociologists do not consider people slaves to socialization, rather they argue that

individuals are actively involved in the construction of the self

Sigmund Freud believed that development of the personality is initially driven by


What would functionalists say about deviance?

it is necessary to provide us with how we don't want to act

During World War II, European Jews had to wear yellow stars on their clothing. The star is an example of a(n)

negative status symbol

Which one of the following is an example of a primary group?

neighbors at a neighborhood picnic

Thoughts and actions are considered deviant

only in relation to particular norms

The "iron law of oligarchy" describes how

organizations come to be dominated by a self-perpetuating elite

Jamal and Francine go see a movie together. Jamal is disappointed with it and sees it as a "chick flick" with two-dimensional characters. Francine enjoys it and finds it funny that many of the characters remind her of her friends in real life. Jamal and Francine can watch the same movie and have completely different understandings of the characters and action, because

people build reality based on their interactions and experiences in society

According to Edward Hall, if you were having a conversation with a lab partner outside science class, the "distance zone" you would share is __________ distance.


According to Mead, as people __________, they learn to take the roles of others.


When testing Kohlberg's theory, researchers found that most societies do not have the __________ stage of universal meaning.


A sociologist administers an intelligence test to a seven-year-old child. The child has been locked away in isolation for his entire life with virtually no human contact and was only recently rescued. The child will most likely score

practically zero on the test

The groups we use as standards to evaluate ourselves are

reference groups

Functionalists would probably conclude that the mass media in a democratic nation

represent the varied interests of the many groups that make up that nation

From the symbolic interactionist point of view, people's attitudes about deviance and conformity are

shaped by the groups that influence them

Based on income, education, and occupational prestige.

social class

Ms. Jones and Mr. Frederick both go to Dr. Grant with complaints of headaches and joint pain. Dr. Grant suggests that Ms. Jones should go home and rest but sends Mr. Frederick for further testing until it is discovered that Mr. Frederick has Lyme disease. This scenario is an example of __________ based on gender.

social inequality

Religion, school, and peer groups are all examples of

socialization agents

Goldberg and Lewis discovered that the actions of mothers caused

sons to feel independent

The positions on a soccer team, such as the goalie, forward, defender, and midfielder, are examples of

statuses with roles attached

According to __________, people who encounter barriers to social goals exhibit four types of deviant behavior: innovation, ritualism, retreatism, and rebellion.

strain theory

What is another name for an instrumental group leader?

task-oriented leader

A role is

the behavior expected of someone who holds a particular status

Social structure sets the context for

the kind of people we become

Ethnomethodology is the study of

the way people understand their lives

In a complex society like the United States, our roles are

usually sufficiently separated, but conflict can occur

Most of today's 225,000 Old Order Amish live in which of the following three states?

Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana

The Method (or Method acting) did not make a major impact on Hollywood until the 1950s because

People in the concrete operational stage can understand concepts only in terms of specific examples, while those in the formal operational stage are capable of abstract thinking

According to conflict theorists, which group is most at risk of being labeled deviant in U.S. society?

Poor people who threaten the livelihood of the rich

A prison's rate of __________ is the percentage of its former prisoners who are rearrested


Which of the four deviant paths rejects cultural goals but accepts the institutionalized means of achieving them?


__________ refers to any formal or informal means used by society to enforce norms.

Social Control

What do the sworn virgins of Albania help to explain about sex and gender?

Society must create a relationship between sex and gender roles

Yardly University and Smithington College have a strong rivalry that spans decades. When their football teams meet to play each other, thousands of fans from both schools come to cheer on their team. Which of the following is true of the group dynamics among the fans?

The Yardly fans see themselves as an in-group and the Smithington fans as an out-group

Which of the following best describes Erving Goffman's "impression management"?

The efforts of a person to control the impressions that other people have of him or her

What has made it easier than ever before for governments to monitor our behavior?

The microchip

Which of the following examples from the post-tornado photographs in the text examines the situation on a macrosociological level?

The picture of cable TV being restored

Why is it difficult to determine the exact onset of adulthood?

The social experiences that constitute childhood vary across cultures

How do bosses in corporations feed into self-fulfilling stereotypes?

They provide better information to people who have characteristics similar to theirs

Ali is sent to prison for car-jacking and released two years later. Statistically speaking, is Ali likely to return to prison?

Yes, because the recidivism rate for car thieves is extremely high

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