Ch. 7: American Revolution, 1776-1783

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Describe John Paul Jones' victory at sea

John Paul Jones won the most famous sea battle, he was a famous naval officer, he won many victories against the British, but the most important battle was called, Serapies.


(idea that developed as a result of the Revolutionary War) 1) instead of a king, the people should rule 2) the government should obtain its authority from the citizens & be responsible to them

Briefly describe George Rogers Clark's victories in the West

A soldier from Virginia, George Roger Clark, had became leader of the militia, he helped weaken the British influence in the north west territory. Clark's victories gave the Americans a hold of region between the Great Lakes and the Ohio river( (this was a very large area of land).

As commander of the Continental Army, what difficulties did George Washington face in building an army?

Americans were disorganized, inexperienced rebels.

Who was Baron von Steuben & how did he help the Americans?

Baron von Steuben was a German who helped the Americans and taught them fighting skills, soldiers learned how to fight using bonets.

Why did the French assist the Americans during the Revolution?

Franklin was famous for doing electric experiments in France, they agreed to help us. The French assisted us because they didn't like Britain after the French and Indian war, France had lost colonies to the British, they wanted to take revenge at Britain.

Briefly describe the battle of Brandywine

Howe did not invade Pennsylvania. In September 1777, he defeated but did not capture Washington attacked Howe at Germantown. Washington lost the battle, however, and retreated.

Briefly describe the Battle of Trenton

Late on December 25, 1776, Washington's troops rowed across icy Delaware to surprise the Hessians, some of whom were sleeping after their Christmas celebration. The Americans captured or killed more than 900 Hessians and gained needed supplies.

What was the British strategy for winning the war?

The British were pursuing a Strategy- an overall plan of action- to seize the Hudson River Valley.If successful, they would cut off New England from the other states.

Who was the Marquis de Lafayette & how did he help the Americans?

The Marquis de Lafayette was a 19 year old French nobleman who volunteered to serve the Americans in Washington's army, he also persuaded the French King to send army men to America. He fought in many battles, and used his own money to buy warm clothing for the troops.

What important role did Benjamin Franklin play in the success of the American Revolution?

The United States was looking for allies, so they sent Benjamin Franklin to try and persuade France to help us.

Briefly describe the Battles of Saratoga. What is significant about the outcome of the battles?

The battle of Saratoga marked the ending of the Saratoga campaign, the Americans had a victory over the American Revolutionary war. British General John Burgoyne let the British to try and get supplies and horses for their army, they headed towards Albany, New York. The Americans had created a wall to keep Burgoyne's army out of Albany. Benedict Arnold led an attack on the British and many were killed. Burgoyne's army retreated back to their army camp in Saratoga, the continental army surrounded the camp and burgoyne surrendered. Two things were significant; 1, Benedict Arnold did not feel he was rewarded for his heroic actions and turned against the american army, and he was labeled as a traitor, 2, European Nations began to think that Americans might win their war of Independence, Several European nations decided to help America.

Briefly describe the winter at Valley Forge.

The soldiers that were stationed at Valley Forge faced very cold weather, they were not prepared for the cold weather, so they started losing battles against the British for their lack of supplies. Marquis de Lafayette and private citizens gave them some supplies.Many soldiers could have deserted but many of them really loved General Washington, so they have stuck by him.

Who wrote The American Crisis and for what reason? What is the famous quote from it?

Thomas Paine published the first in a series of pamphlets called The American Crisis. "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and women."

Who forced the British to retreat from Boston and on what date?

Washington had forced the British to retreat from Boston in March 1776


a country that agrees to help another country achieve a common goal; France became America's ally during the Revolutionary war, first secretly giving them $$ & supplies, & later officially becoming their ally.


a privately owned ship that a wartime gov't give permission to attack an enemy's merchant ships; they were motivated to help because of their patriotism & also a desire for profit (they kept the cargo of ships they attacked & sold it for profit)


mercenaries, or professional soldiers, from a German state hired to fight for Britain

guerilla warfare

style of fighting where small bands of fighters weaken the enemy w/surprise raids & hit-and-run attacks; this type of fighting was used more in the South than the North

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