Chapter 1-7 Questions

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There are many environmental benefits to the rainforest's size and health, there are also economic opportunities associated with deforestation. Which of the following statements is true benefit?

Amazon rainforests absorb carbon dioxide

South America experienced some form of colonialism primarily by the Spanish and Portuguese. However, many other countries have laid claim to land on the continent and islands off the coast, these include all except


All of the following are impacts of China's investment in South America except

Chinese immigrants are becoming the majority of the national population

What was the biggest influence on early cartographers in medieval Europe?


Rural to urban migration is common but keeping a foothold in one's rural residence is known as

Circular migration

What best describes the major issues that face the European Union?

Regional differences in member countries GDP, Diversity of cultures, politics, and economies from the old core group of countries, and Coordination of activity between all member states

China with the largest land area is surrounded by thirteen other countries. The borders shifted during the 20th Century. Currently there are several border disputes

India-China: Arunachael Pradesh

How did we come to describe Asia as the "middle" and "far" east?

It was these regions' relative location to European cities

Europe's landscape has a broad range of physical features such as mountains, seas, plains, and rivers. All of these was shaped by glaciers except

Desert and sand dunes

Each country has a demarcated Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) which means they claim sole rights to the resources in the sea. Several island disputes remain in question despite the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. Which of the following are correct?

Dokdo/Takeshima (Between Japan and South Korea)

This region is very seismically active. All of the following examples are well known disasters in East Asia except

Kashmir earthquake (2005)

South Korea, Japan, and China experienced rapid urbanization. Which city has the largest metropolitan population in the world?


Changes that have helped women increase their efficacy and contribution to their family and community include all of the following except

Reproductive rights and technologies

The two main religions in Russia are

Russian Orthodox and Islam

Soviet Union (including Russia) has a long history of relocating people in order to populate this region for economic and political purposes. Some examples of forced relocation are

Russians, Ukranians, and Germans sent to Crimea, Kalmyks deported to Siberia, and German deportation to Central Asia

Where are there noted tensions in the new Russia and her neighbors?

Crimea, Chechenya, and Kuril Islands

The world's population has changed since 1900 from under 2 billion to currently

16 billion

As shown on the map in figure 5.7, how many new countries were once under the influence of the USSR (United Socialist Soviet Republic)?


Urban primacy is a term used to describe

Majority of country's population in one metropolitan area

Before 2014, if people who live in rural areas chose to move to large Chinese cities to find jobs without first gaining an internal passport, they could expect

Access to only temporary housing, Lower wages for their labor, and Limited access to education opportunities and health clinics

Urbanization was a focus during the reign of the USSR. Cities were intended to be industrialized, economic centers, and modern. One aspect of city planning meant to highlight

Affordable housing, Public spaces, and Ideological monuments

What was the major factor when determining how to standardize how the world measures time by the Prime Meridian?

Agreements made at the Rome conference for International Geographers in 1875 and International Meridian conference in Washington, D.C. in 1884

What are examples of cities that illustrate how the geography of location and place can influence character and urban profile?

Amsterdam is on the sea and a port in the Netherlands where the Dutch conducted trade with its colonies, Vienna, Paris, and London are primate cities and centers of culture, and Warsaw has been rebuilt after mass destruction in World War II and 50 years of communist rule

What is the name of the major mountain range that runs along the western half of South America?


The Hukou system in China was not simply to count people but to

Monitor rural to urban migration

Territorial disputes between independent countries over borders occurred frequently in the 20th century. Which of the following countries experienced conflicts over boundaries?

Argentina and Chile

The new Meiji Restoration pushed Japan into modernization and imperialism. The Japanese Empire grew and by 1942 it included most of

Australia and Korea

What are the primary products produced in colonial South America and exported?

Beef, sugar, rubber, minerals

One of the detriments of unchecked industrial development is pollution. Some of the most polluted cities in the world are in Asia. The following city has higher parts/million than Los Angeles and London combined


How does the World Bank classify countries?

By region and income

Europe has some of the world's oldest established cities and highlights classical architecture with a historic legacy of building and planning. There are four distinct urban types for which many European cities are categorized. Which of the following are not accurate descriptions?

Capital Cities: Places where investors sink their money

Europe was used to have major industrial regions were spread all over the continent. Now there is a decline due to automation, moving production overseas, dated equipment needing significant investment. This process is called


The Soviet Empire had a history of government transitions which included all but


The region of Russia and the neighboring countries constitute an enormous land mass that covers almost the length of half the world. Its climate, topography, and position on the seismic plates creates a very diverse geomorphology that includes all of the following except

Deserts: Gobi, Sahara, Mojave

We divide the world into broad categories that describe a country's economic status. Which terms are used to distinguish these groupings?

Developing and underdeveloped nations, Global north and global south, and First, second, and third world

In Europe there are several broad divisions used to describe differences. Which is the most accurate?

East-West illustrates the division of Europe based on historical sea or land based empires.

Geography means "the earth" (geo) and "to writw" (graphy). How does Short divide the large regions of the world?

Eleven regions by geographic proximity

The CAP is a significant portion of the EU budget which is controversial because the agricultural sector employs a small percentage of workers and contributes low GDP (Gross Domestic Product). However, recently there has been a move to redirect this policy to support

Environmental sustainability, support of small farmers, and lowering subsidies for large economic organizations

Historically, geographers wrote and made maps about what they saw and experienced in their travels from what kind of perspective?


South America is home to the Amazon Basin which has several distinctive features including

Evidence of human habitation for 13,000 years, A river basin the size of about half the area in the United States, and The world's largest ecological region of tropical rainforest

Environmental pressures from supporting the earth's people is evident by looking at a cities ecological footprint which measures the following except

How many malls are in the city limits

The term "Anthropocene" is intended to describe a geologic era has to do with the impact of


The advent of this third phase of globalization has had a big impact on many nations' cultural identity. In turn this has flared up tensions around the following except

Immigrants being viewed as economic and social threats.

Japan and South Korea maintain a large percentage of ethnic homogeneity due to

Immigration policies and enforcement

Where do the majority of people live today on the earth?

In cities

What was the name of the main empire of the South American region prior to 1492?


Neoliberalism is described as reducing import quotas, abolishing government spending on social welfare, and fiscal discipline to promote foreign trade. This practice has had the following impact since the 1980's

Increase in poverty and reduction of social welfare and Changes sought in political leadership

The Columbian Encounter is the term used to describe

Interaction between Old and New World after 1492

The demographics of a youth bulge and the aging of a population are important to follow because

Intergenerational connection programs are in high demand

How can the projection of the latitude/longitude grid on a map change the perception of what we interpret about the world?

It can emphasize the centrality or periphery of a country

Russian imperial expansion occurred after

Kiev was defeated by the Mongols.

The Aral Sea has been described as a


Cities around the world are often at the heart of climate change issues such as:

Mass devastation after natural disasters (earthquakes, flooding, tsunamis), Lack of green space and thus temperatures higher in areas with few trees, and Rising sea levels due to warming of atmosphere

Whats does the term "ongoing flow" mean in regard to regional geography?

Migration, Trade, and Internet Connectivity

Non-state actors refer to

Militant organizations that operate outside of a government

One of the most common situations in various sub-regions and states is the distribution of ethnic people experiencing tribal-ethnic separation. Approximately how many people are affected by this?


The primary sector industries in the USSR were

Mining, Agriculture, and Gas and oil extraction

Characteristic of Europe are smaller landholding for agricultural production. Which of the following best describes the environmental changes in agriculture?

Modern agricultural practices are incorporating organic and sustainable practices.

Spatial connection between places has been made shorter because

None of the above

According to the text, what is the most polluted city in Russia?


The Amazon rainforest is being cut down to make room for what crop in particular?

Palm oil

Why is it hard to get a realistic understanding of which countries are rich and which are poor?

Poor people live in rich countries and rich people live in poor countries

The Schengen Agreement was written to regulate

Population movement between countries

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was created to encourage the following

Production of affordable food

The agricultural product most commonly grown in East Asia is


These factors have contributed to a decline in overall political violence

Scrutiny of state violence by other governments, Decline in civil wars around the world, and Absence of large-scale world conflicts

Which sea(s) holds the most oil and natural gas reserves in this region?

South China Sea

Japan, South Korea, and China were all primarily rural countries until after 1950. The following statistics correctly reflect the population changes

South Korea is 90% urban

Religions that dominate in East Asian countries differ in each country. What is the correct correlation?

South Korea: Christianity and Confucianism

Population growth is East Asia can be best placed in the Demographic Transition scale as

Stage 5

Right now the United States is considered the major world power however, other regions are changing this dynamic of a new world order because of

The economic rise of the European Union and China, and the military power and aggressive foreign policy of Russia

Russia has a landmass that borders the Arctic Ocean. The temperatures in this region are impacted by climate change and as a result

The northwest passage has become navigable for ships, The ice pack is shrinking, and Permafrost is thawing and releasing methane which is raising CO2 levels

Issues not often associated with rapid urban growth are

The number of movies theaters to meet demand

The Demographic Transition Model represents

The progressive changes in birth and death rates and the resulting natural increase rate of the population of a country

There are four significant ecological zones that make up this region. They include the Tundra, taiga, steppe, and forest. Each one has subzone represented in figure 6.2. Which of the following statements is true?

The tundra is very cold and too harsh for trees.

The population in most European countries is in decline due to

There are less children being born.

The main reason for expansion was for economic reasons (to search for furs and mineral resources). Other motivations had to do with

They were in a rivalry with Europe and the Ottoman Empire

The Opium Wars were a conflict between China and Britain. The chief cause of these wars (1839-42 & 1856-60) were over the control of trade of this substance. All but the following were consequences of these conflicts

Tiananmen Square protests

Why do we call one region of the world "Russia and its neighbors"?

To reflect that these countries were once part of the United Socialist Soviet Republic

The Russian territory has a history along the "Silk Road" trade route. Which of the following were a result?

Transmission of culture

What countries have applied to be in the EU and still have not been accepted?

Turkey, Baltic states: Albania, Serbia, Bosnia

The three countries that share the Fergana Valley are

Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan

The three countries that share the Fergana Valley are Group of answer choices

Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan

Who are the primary residents in the Fergana Valley region of Central Asia?

Uzbeks, Kyrgyz, and Tajiks

What are the primary crops grown in the Fergana Valley?

Vegetables and fruit, Wheat and cotton, and Rice and Silk

Which risks of climate change threaten North America?

Water resources, Wildfires, and Heavier storms

Growing inequality is also an economic trend because

Wealth is concentrated at the top of a socioeconomic hierarchy

China has had a large influence in East Asia. At one point it controlled one third of the world's wealth. Historical influence of China extends to many countries. The most significant contributions include

Written Language and Confucianism and Centralized hierarchical control

China has had a large influence in East Asia. At one point it controlled one third of the world's wealth. Historical influence of China extends to many countries. The most significant contributions include Group of answer choices

Written Language and Confucianism and Centralized hierarchical control

The places in China where farming has been practiced for over 30,000 years are its riverine system. Each river has some unique qualities such as

Yellow (Huang He) has a heavy sediment load, thus its name, Yangtze (Chang Jiang) is longest and an important east-west transport system, and Pearl (Zhu Jiang) meets up with other rivers to form a delta.

While there are still many people living in conditions of war, disease, hunger, poverty; the number of undernourished people continues to

stay the same

All of the following are common distortions in contemporary maps except

the colors of each country

When was the European Union established and which were the original countries were involved?

1957. France, Italy, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, West Germany

After World War II, eastern Europe became what was known as the eastern bloc and was politically aligned with the Soviet Union. In what year did the Iron Curtain come down?


The world-wide average life expectancy in 2015 was

87 years

There are many environmental benefits to the rainforest's size and health, there are also economic opportunities associated with deforestation. Which of the following statements is true?

Amazon rainforests absorb carbon dioxide.

The dominant religion throughout South America is


The past 30 years on the planet has seen a variety of overall improvements to the well-being of its large and growing population. Below are ways this progress has been measured

Child mortality, political violence, and absolute poverty are declining

El Nino and La Nina describe _________ in the Pacific Ocean.

Conditions of systemic temperature variation

Which is a major flaw of using national economic data to divide up the world?

Data is inaccurate due to collection methods, Non-wage activities are not easily represented in national data, and Data can use different dimensions of measure to influence interpretation

When describing a country, such as the USA, what makes it difficult to define a specific set of characteristics?

Diversity of people

South American countries have experienced frequent military coups in the last century. Other types of conflicts to seize/earn power are part of this regions' history include

Insurgencies, Social Movements, and Democracy

Why do we call South America "Latin America"?

It is a holdover from European conquest of this continent

What do we know about Gangnido?

It is a map created by Korean cartographers, The map depicts China and Korea as the center of the world, and It was drawn with information from Islamic geographers

Why did one prominent cartographer note, "Not only is it easy to lie with maps, it's essential"?

It is a way to illustrate the bias of a particular world view

What is/are the central feature(s) of the T-O map?

It is an object of faith

Which of the following countries are on the edge of the Eurasian Plate and have a greater incidence and history in disruptive earthquakes?


What is the main pull factor for people to relocate from rural to urban areas?


While many aspects of globalization are seen as creating worldwide networks, economic partnerships, and cultural diffusion, there are issues with its progress too, such as

Jobs are leaving the U.S. as manufacturing moves overseas where labor is cheaper, but neither job development nor training in the U.S. is keeping pace, The wealthy are getting wealthier and more powerful, and The increase in trade across countries is not delivering significantly higher working-class wages

What are the issues in using a country's average earnings to determine classification on a world scale?

Men and women do not earn equal wages for equal work, The informal and illegal economies of the people in a country cannot be measured accurately, and Incomes can vary greatly within regions

Cities provide opportunities for people to find work and increase their earning potential; however, cities can also highlight economic disparities in rich and poor. What might you expect to find in a large South American city?

Middle income housing, Crime and gang activities, and Gated communities and slum housing

What is the one conduit of natural resources that powers Russia with strong economic return, political leverage, and commercial value?

Natural gas & oil

Which categories below represent an ethnic reaffirmation of the contribution of their people?

Negritude and Indigenismo

Immigrants to Europe are willing to do lower paid jobs, yet there is a growing "anti-immigrant" sentiment in many parts of this region. Most arguments have to do with

No answers are correct

Russia is considered a multiethnic country because

There are over 180 officially recognized ethnic groups

The decline in poverty, as an economic trend, has meant the following except

There are still concentrations of global poverty in regions in Asia and Africa.

Asylum seekers and migrants from the Middle East and Africa searching for better job opportunities come to Europe because

They can get there by boat and foot

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