Chapter 12: Sexual Orientation, Identity and Expressions:

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There are 2 speculations of what causes sexual orientation, what are they?

1. Biological factors 2. Psychological factors or learned behavior

What two political parties support gay same-sex marriage?

1. Democrat 2. independent voters

How do we know our society is more open to LGTQ community (2)?

1. Ellen DeGeneres decision to come out on her TV show 2. There are more LGBTQ movies than ever

Some legal benefits for married couples (6)

1. Income taxes 2. Adoption 3. Estate taxes 4. Employment benefits 5. Social Security survivorship benefits and pension 6. Disability decision making

What are two schools that are intended only for LGBTQ students. This gives youths the chance to attend a public school populated by students like themselves and an environment in which their differences are welcomed. This provided a much safer environment for these students.

1. Milwaukee high school called Alliance 2. Harvey Milk High School in New York City

What two cities do politicians have be sensitive to gay rights?

1. Washington D.C 2. San Francisco

The decision to come out involves several stages

1. acknowledging that they don't fit in the heterosexual model 2. accepting, overcome learned negative views about LGBTW 3. openly expressing one's sexual orientation

What health risk are elevated for lesbians over heterosexuals? (3)

1. breast cancer 2. untreated UTI 3. barriers to health care

What are positive interventions and support for the LGBT students (3):

1. gay-straight alliances in school 2. having supportive staff in school 3. having antibully policy in the school

What are the three categories of sexual orientation?

1. heterosexual 2. gay/lesbian 3. bisexual

When thinking about sexual orientation you should think about two things:

1. labels can be very fluid 2. Self-Identification

What are 4 major disparities that LGBT community experience?

1. poverty 2. employment 3. Violence 4. Suicide

What are some predictable developmental states that heterosexual orientation individuals seem to go through?

1. unexplored commitment 2. active exploration phase 3. diffusion 4. deepening and commitment 5. synthesis

On average when do adolescents self-identify as LGBTQ?

13.4 years

Lesbians, gay, bisexual , and transgender students are guaranteed equal protection under the ___________ Amendment.


A group planned "___________________________" asked gay-rights supporters to avoid going to work by "calling in gay" and volunteering for the gay-rights movement instead.

A Day Without a Gay

When was the period that LGBTQ people begin to be pitied in films?

AIDS epidemic

The __________ _____________ ______________ (_________) banned discrimination against gay, lesbian, and bisexual doctors nu adding the words sexual orientation to the nondiscrimination bylaws

American Medical Association (AMA)

Who has the lowest LGBTQ population in the United States?

Birmingham-Hoover, Alabama

A homosexual relationship was portrayed in a place that was probably unexpected- in a western film entitled ________________ ________________.

Brokeback Mountain

Who became the first mainline christian denomination to officially support same-sex marriages. It ruling body passed a resolution affirming "equal marriage rights for couples regardless of gender.

Church of Christ

Many experts and people with intersex conditions have recommended adopting the term _______________ _________ ______________ _____________.

Disorders of sex development (DSD)

The _______________ _______________ __________ in America left the matter open for individual minsters to decide.

Evangelical Lutheran Church

T/F: same sex paring have only been found in humans.

F (It has been found in 10% of species throughout the world- penguins, giraffes, lizards)

T/F: Gay men really want to be women and lesbians really desire to be men.

F (Most LGBTW people are perfectly happy with their sex; they just prefer relationship with someone of the same sex)

T/F: Sexual orientation is the same thing as sexual behavior.

F (Not the same)

T/F: Gays are effeminate and weak, and lesbians are masculine and physically strong.

F (Sexual orientation has noting to do with one's body type or style of movement, nor does body type dictate sexual orientation)

T/F: LGBTW people can easily recognized as being different from heterosexuals.

F (The vast majority look and act just as everyone else does and differ only in their sexual orientation)

T/F: Psychologist say that Heterosexuals raise their children differently then homosexuals.

F (They do not raise their children differently)

T/F: LGBTQ people have not been excluded from marriage.

F (They have often been excluded)

A person is considered gay when they just have sex with a person that is of the same sex

F (have to be attracted or in love with someone of the same sex)

T/F: asexuality does not exist in an animal world

F (it does)

T/F: We know what shapes sexual orientation

F (we do not know)

__________ __________ is an important factor when LGBTW people decide to come out.

Family support

________________: Men attracted to men. It has been used as a umbrella term to include all LGBTIQ people


_________-___________ -____________ can provide leadership and networking opportunities for youth. They focus on sexual identity and rights. Many are passing anti discrimination legislation protecting the youth based on sexual identity and expression.

Gay-straight alliances

What risk among men who have sexual activity with men?

HIV infection

_______________ is a topic that can cross btw a discussion of gender and a discussion of sexual orientation.


The _____________ _______________ of _____________ _______________: is devoted to systematic changed to end shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries for people born with an anatomy that has been arbitrarily decided is not standard for male or fame.

Intersex Society of North America (ISNA)

Who was the main guest on the show called living on the "down low"? He says that the term only applied to blacks.

J.L. King

Who said this "Defending and promoting the human rights of LGBTW persons is at the core of our commitment to advancing human rights globally"

John Kerry

Who devised the seven-point continuum of sexual orientation?


As a result, the _______________ community is at risk for depression, substance abuse, sducidal thoughts and behaviors, increase risk of preganancy.


Who might view bisexuals afraid to admit to their orientation- "cope out" or they are confused about their real sexual orientation.


Who has no built-in-support system?

LGBTQ communities

In 2005 MTV started a new gay cable TV channel called _____________. The prospect of a television channel entirely devoted to gay programs for gay people may strike some as unnecessary and others as a sign of immoral times, but media giant Viacom thought there was money in it.


_______________: Men who have sexual activity with men. These men enrage in same-sex behavior, but may not necessarily self-identify as gay or bisexual


gay-friendly online high school was established in ________________, __________________.

Maplewood Minnesota

______________ in the U.S is a legally binding contract, providing the couple with myriad tax and legal support benefits.


What raid led to a 2-day riot that forever changed the tolerance level of the gay community toward societal prejudice based on sexual orientation?

N.Y city police on Stonewall gay bar

What part of the United States is more likely to identify as LGBT? What part of the United States is not likely to identify as LGBT?

Northeast and West South

When gay men smell the female chemical, what happened?

Nothing happened

The _______________ ____________, the nation's largest scholarship granting organization for LGBTQ students of merit, wants to empower promising LGBTW student to achieve their full academic and leadership potential- despite the obstacles often before them- so they can make a significant impact on society.

Point Foundation

The __________________ ___________ voted to change its constitution and allow open gay people in same-gender relationships to be ordained as ministers, elders, and deacons. They voted to change the definition of marriage in the church's constitution to include same-sex marriage. The largest denomination, but is loosing people because of their decision.

Presbyterian Church

What political party does not support gay marriage


What is lower among lesbians than heterosexual women?

STI risk

Who has the largest LGBTQ population in the United States?

San Fransisco

Who has the highest gay-couple households living together in a city?


______________: believes that individuals have the right to live in accordance with their sexual orientation be they bisexual, heterosexual, gay, pr lesbian.


Who created the theory of pansexualism?

Sigmund Freud

Who postulated that everyone is born with the potential to be bisexual?

Sigmund Freud

What region of the U.S has the lowest regional score in the U.S for legal protection for the LGBTQ people? What region of the U.S has the best provided legal work protections for the LGBTQ people?

South Northeast and Pacific Regions

T/F: A person who can live publicly within his or her true sexual orientation generally has a better chance of living a happier life than one who remains secretive.


T/F: As of 2015, U.S granted freedom to marry for same-sex couples nationwide.


T/F: Homophobia is an international problem


T/F: May asexuals form deep emotional bonds that they define as "romantic"- resembling those commonly understood as coupledom, except for lack of sexual behavior.


T/F: Men do not respond to the smell of bodily chemicals the same way that straight men do.


T/F: young people are recognizing their sexual orientation earlier than in the past


When gay men smelled the male chemical, what happened?

Their hypothalamus lit up

The _____________________ _____________________ Church had been debating same-sex marriage for years, but it includes a growing relationship in Africa, where is little acceptance of gay relationship.

United Methodist Church

The ______________ _________ _____________ _____________ passed a resolution supporting equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation. The resolution, introduced by ___________ ___________, was the first-ever UN resolution of human rights of LGBT persons.

United Nations Human Rights Council South Africa

Belief about homosexuality: ____________________: this is the most conservative position. Based on Biblical writings, homosexual behavior is to be condemned under all circumstances. Paul says that homosexuality is a sin.


_______________________: heterosexuals might enter into a phase where they intentionally try out numerous sexual ideas and fantasies, and often engage in sexual activities with members of other sex.

active exploration

________________: One who does not experience sexual attraction. Some might experience attraction but feel no need to act out that attraction sexually.


The ___________ community exist as a subculture in reaction to the larger gay community. It rejects the idealized male beauty revered by mainstream gay men. More likely to be heavier, hairier and shorter than mainstream gay men. They also want their partner to be harrier and heavier. They are more likely to enact in diverse sexual behaviors and are comparatively more masculine. They have lower self-esteem.


___________: antipathy toward those who identify as bisexual.


________________: is enjoying and engaging in sexual activity with members of both sexes or recognizing the desire to do so.


_________________: Person who is romantically and/or sexually attracted to both men and women


Who is the largest population in the LGBT community?


____________ adolescents had lower levels of most protective factors then did heterosexual adolescents. This causes them to be higher prevalence of risky behavior.


who is considered invisible in the LGBT community?


Asexual individuals said they were ________ this way.


Belief about homosexuality: ____________________: This position recognized that adult sexual orientation is fixed and homosexuals cannot change. For them, God expects a celibate lifestyle, without loving partners with whom to share their lives.

celibacy is expected

Belief about homosexuality: _________________________: This viewpoint teaches that homosexuality is a product of a sinful world. Gays and Lesbians can be cured and converted to heterosexuality through prayer.

change is expected

Even if a LGBTQ person reaches the acceptance stage, he or she can still decide to remain in the ___________.


___________ ___________: accept and make LGBTQ orientation public.

come out

Think of homosexuality and heterosexuality as a __________________.


After some exploration along with maturation, heterosexuals enter into the stage of ___________________ and ________________, which is characterized by more intimacy and loving feelings in relationships.

deepening and commitment

Some heterosexual people experience __________________, which may involve sexual exploration, but with less intentionality and goal direction than active exploration.


____________ ____________ is a sexual gratification and not a relationship. The term applies only to blacks.

down low

In 2015, the U.S hired its first ever special __________- for LGBTQ rights. His job is to defend and promote the rights of LGBTW people. He or she will work to reduce violence and discrimination against LGBTW people around the world.


The hormonal theory says if the ______________ changes persist (sex-related genes are turned on and off in response to fluctuating levels of hormones in the womb) after the child is born and has children of its own, however, some of those offspring may be homosexual .

epigenetic change

Belief about homosexuality: ____________________: Equal status and equal rights are the goal. Homosexuals are quire capable of entering into a loving, committed same gender relationship that is the equal of an other-gender relationship. Morality of act is judged exactly the same way as in heterosexual relationships.


Some terms can be very ______________- meaning they have been changing over time and may continue to change


____________: Male or female homosexual.


More and more universities are signaling to prospective students that they have a __________-__________ campus.


These are common words to label __________ _________: straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and asexual.

gender identity

______________ _____________: One's internal sense of being male, female, or something else.

gender identity

________________: A person whose gender identity is neither man nor woman, is btw or beyond genders, or is some combination of genders.


Many researchers that believe in biological theories for sexual orientation think that a specific _____________ is linked to homosexuality, but it has not been identified. They also think that the genetic link is only part of the picture because sexual orientation is so complex.


For people who think sexual orientation is caused by biological theories, then they think it is because of _____________ _____________.

genetic studies

______________________: they think about human experiences only in heterosexual terms and ignore pr put down LGBTW behaviors.


____________________: An attitude that reinforces heterosexuality as the privileged and powerful norm


It is safe to assume that the sexual orientation of most people is __________________. (90%)


Most intersex conditions grow up to be _______________, but some have increased likelihood of being ___________, __________, or ____________ adults.

heterosexual gay lesbian bisexual

The average gay person comes out just before or just after graduation from _____________ ________.

high school

_______________: An irrational fear of homosexuality


The _________________ ___________ states that homosexuality is result of hormonal imbalances that occur before or after birth.

hormonal theory

When women smell the male chemicals, their _________________________ "lit up", but they had no reactions to the female chemicals.


The ___________________ _________________ of the development of sexuality- homosexuality is just one form- argues that physical, psychological, and learned factors are involved. They believe there are biological aspects for gay/lesbian behavior. They conclude that the prenatal influence on sexuality is important but that it plays out in social context. Therefore, sexuality is a function of the interaction of all of these factors.

integrated theories

The ______________ has played a key role in the stages of coming out. Many young men initially come out in a virtual gay community, with online observation and connection wit other gay or questioning people, well before making actual contact in the real world. It can also serve as an important tool for psychological adaptation for LGBTW youth, especially those who are geographically or psychologically isolated.


____________: People who are born with "sex chromosomes," external genitalia, or internal reproductive systems that are not considered "standard" for either male or female.


A variety of conditions that may lead to atypical development of physical sex characteristics and are collectively referred to as ____________ __________.

intersex conditions

______________: female homosexual


________________: Women attracted to women


Belief about homosexuality: ________________: This is the most liberal position. Homosexuality is seen to be equal to heterosexuality.


Oprah Winfrey devoted a show to a lifestyle called _______________ on the "____________ ___________". This is an expression to describe men who are married or have girlfriends, but are secretly sleeping with men.

living on the "down low"

Belief about homosexuality: ____________________: Homosexuality is a psychosexual disability that victims must try to overcome. If they are unable to change and unable to celibate, then the least horrendous option is a monogamous, long-term, same-gender relationship.

marginally acceptable

It has been found that gay men have greater number of ______________ ___________ than heterosexual men do.

older brothers

Gay and lesbian _______________ can help deal with the stressful experience due to sexual orientation.


_____________: One whose sexual orientation includes all kinds of sexual expression and sexual relationships that can exist in humans


________________: A person who is fluid in sexual orientation and/or gender or sex identity. They express that they are able to be attracted to various genders and sexual identities.


____________________ is often confused with bisexuality, but is more fluid and much broader from of sexual orientation in which the individual experiences sexual attraction towards members of all genders with sexes


_______________ _______________ of the cause of sexual orientation relate to parental and family characteristics.

psychoanalytical theories

_______________ ____________: the development of sexual orientation consider psychoanalytical factors and the influence of learned behavior. Many do not support these theories today.

psychological theories

Freud believe that someone will become heterosexual or homosexual from the circumstances that affect the child's ____________________ ____________________.

psychosexual development

____________: A political statement, as well as a sexual orientation, which advocates breaking binary thinking and seeing both sexual orientation and gender identity as potentially fluid


_____________: A simple label to explain a complex st of sexual behaviors and desires- For example, attracted to multiple genders


_____________: A term that means older LGBT people feel has been hatefully used against them and are reluctant to embrace


_____________: An umbrella term to refer to all LGBTIQ


_______________: the process of exploring and discovering one's own sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expressoin


"_________ _________" is efforts on the elimination of violent acts means that all the attention is being paid to individuals and their behavior, and none to the cultural systems that reproduce and sanction violence, intimidation, and harassment.

safe school

Where should be a child's primary place for learning, growing, and building a solid foundation for success in the world? Who is ignored in this environment?

school LGBTQ

____________ is purely physical, while _________ has to with a person's psychological orientation

sex gender

_________________ ________________: An enduring pattern of emotional, romantic, and/or sexual attraction to men, women, or both sexes. It ranges along a continuum from exclusive attraction to the other sex to exclusive attraction to the same sex.

sexual Orientation

_______________ _____________: is a term formally used to describe sexual orientation. Now that definition is outdated and is thought to be formed by a complicated network of social, cultural, biological, economic, and political factors.

sexual preference

_____________ _______________: homosexual behavior limited to circumstances in which members of the same gender are deprived of contact with other gender. This causes them to engage in sexual behavior with people of the same sex. The reason why they are deprived of contact could be because of prison or school.

situational homosexuality

The final stage of heterosexuality identity is ______________, in which the various elements of identity, group membership, and attitudes toward sexual minorities have achieved congruence and meaning in the person, though this may be a difficult status to achieve.


Intersex Society of North America says an intersex child should be assigned a gender after __________. Physicians on the other hand want to wait because construction of genitals are extremely difficult and not possible to _________.

tests undo

____________: people who experience a mismatch of the sex they were born with and the sex they identify as. Sometimes will go through medical treatment to match his/her sex identity


To Native Americans a cross-gender roles is now called a _________________________. They are gifted because they carry two spirits.

two-spirited person

_______________________: Early in life, they realize their heterosexual orientation but have not yet acted on it sexually.

unexplored commitment

LGBT identity is more common among _______________ populations.


sexual intimacy is a dimension that runs from __________ to extremely __________.

zero high

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