Chapter 13 Protestant Reformation

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What did Zwingli believe about the Eucharist?

Communion is only symbolic

Only Christian kingdom that opposed Charles V


anglican founder

Henry VIII

Papal tax collection

People's money in taxes was going to build structures in Rome that they would never see

Goals of the Council of Trent

Reforming the church, securing reconciliation with the Protestants

Pope Leo X

Started a special sale of indulgences to fund the building of St. Peter's in Rome. John Tetzel sold indulgences for money

anabaptist bible role

bible read by individual and helps towards salvation, ministers help explain scripture

Pilgrimage of Grace attested to

popular opposition in northern England to Henry VIII's reformation

founders of calvinism

zwingli, calvin

France support the Protestant princes of Germany in order to

Prevent Charles V from increasing his power

anabaptist protest

Reformation more concerned with moral regeneration church community than with individual

Protestants beliefs

Salvation through faith alone, saved by God not a priest, authority in bible alone, scripture basis for baptism and Eucharist (communion) church is spiritual priesthood of all believers, Rome is no more spiritual than home

Pluralism/absinteism of clergy

Same person held more than one post and did not live where the post was held. Would send a lower level priest to do their job. Clergy not doing their job upset people

What did anticlericalism focus on primarily in the early 16th century?

The immorality of priests who were drunkards and neglected rule of celibacy

Fate of most people brought before the Inquisition and accused of witchcraft

They were sent home with a warning and ordered to do penance

Protestant view of marriage

This was a sacrament that was God's remedy for the unavoidable sin of lust, provided a site for the pious rearing of the next generation of God fearing Christians, offered husbands and wives companionship and consolation. A proper marriage reflected both spiritual equality of men and women and proper social hierarchy of husbandly authority and wifely obedience. Marriage was a contract in which each partner promised the other support, companionship, sharing of mutual goods

Treaty that ended Hundred Years' War

Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis

What new religious order for women emerged in the 16th century?

Ursuline Order

Martin Luther personal life

Was a lawyer then was Augustinian friar, got doctorate in theology. Was a tortured soul - didn't think it made sense one could behave badly and still be forgiven. He was nervous he would be banished to Hell

How were members of the clergy immoral?

Would go to prostitutes, had mistresses, gamble, drunks

Luther's ideas about Roman exploitation of Germany a. appealed to the national sentiment of German princes b. were met with dismay by the ruling elite c. led to administrative reform in the empire d. found an audience only among the peasantry.

a. appealed to the national sentiment of german princes

bible role anglican

bible read by individual and helps towards salvation, content of bible determined by church hierarchy, book of common prayer

Lutheranism bible role

bible read by individual and helps towards salvation, ministers help explain scripture

calvinism bible role

bible read by individualism and helps towards salvation, ministers help explain scripture.

John Calvin rejected the idea of free will because he believed it would

detract from the sovereignty of God

salvation anabaptist


salvation calvinism

faith - justification is God's endorsement of your morals. Good works are a precondition of justification, predestination - God determines your salvation

lutheranism salvation

faith alone. because of faith you do good work

salvation anglicans

faith although some believe faith and good works

church governance calcinism

minstiers, most governed church by ministers and group of elders called presbyterianism, married priests, ministers provided moral guidance, rejected most sacraments except baptism which minister could oversee

church governance anglicanism

monarch is supreme not pope, kept hierarchy of bishops, priests, laity, married priests, only clergy may administer sacraments

anabaptist founders

no official founder but inspired by Zwingli and Erasmus

Luther viewed celibacy as

opposed to human nature and God's commandments

anglican protest

political protest instead of religiou

church governance lutheranism

priests can marry, rejected hierarchy but kept bishops, ministers and clergy of all believers, ministers oversee sacraments

reasons for German peasant revolt

radical reformer call for social and religious change resonated with these people, economic condition generally worse, crop failures aggravated the situation, nobles made things worse by seizing village common lands, by imposing new rents and requiring additional services

calvinism protest

reformation concerned more with moral regeneration than with indivudal

church governance anabaptists

rejected most forms of church government in favor of congregational democracy with ministers chosen by community, married priests, ministers provide moral guidance, rejected most sacraments except baptism which minister could oversee

Luther believed that the church consisted of

A spiritual priesthood of all Christian believers

Protestant view on divorce

Allowed divorce if both parties in jeopardy or if surrounding community in jeopardy

What aided Martin Luther as his call for reform emerged? A. Luther did not need political support and, therefore, was able to develop his ideas without political interference. B. Luther understood the power of the new printing press and authorized the publication of his works. C. Luther led a unified reform movement that was able to coordinate its actions in several different territories and kingdoms, D. Luther's status as a nobleman brought him respect and legitimacy that he could use to defend his ideas

B. Luther understood the power of the new printing press and authorized the publication of his wokrs

Protestant reformation effect on women through new marriage emphasis

Because protestants shut down nunneries, the only occupation for upperclass Protestant women was to get married


Bread and wine coexists w the blood and body of Christ and does not lose earthly properties. Luther believed this


Bread and wine literally becomes body and blood of Christ. Luther did not believe this

What was the churches reaction to the 95 thesis?

Church condemned Luther and told Jim to recant or be excommunicated

How were members of the clergy ignorant?

Clergy did not understand latin

Changes in views of clergy in 95 thesis

Clergy does not need to be celibate

Major criticisms of church

Clergy ignorance, immorality, plualism/absintism, papal tax collection, veneration of saints and sacraments was incorrect, indulgences, church property, secular and religious leaders at odds

Colloquy of Marbury

Did not come to agreement, particularly on Eucharist

Ninety Five Thesis

Got printed in German and Latin - spread to others. Said if church did not reform, secular leaders would. It departed from Christian Humanists

Edict of Nantes

Granted French Huguenots right to worship in 150 towns

Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis ended conflict known as the

Hundred Years War

Lutheranism Protest

Indulgence sales

Lutheran and Calvinist attitudes towards secular rulers

Lutheran taught respect for authority while Calvinists encouraged opposition to political authorities who were considered ungodly

What was the name given to the Catholic and Huguenot moderates in France?


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