Chapter 2: Shoulder & Arm

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Origin: Subclavius

1st rib & cartilage

Origin: Pectoralis Minor

3rd,4th, & 5th ribs

Which muscle is the cause of winged scapula?

A weak serratus anterior. Pectoralis major & minor can also play a role (they pull the shoulder girdle anteriorly).

Action: All Deltoid Fibers

Abduct shoulder

What are the 3 segments of the deltoid?

Anterior Middle Posterior

Insertion: Serratus Anterior

Anterior surface of medial boarder of scapula

When do you use your trapezius?

Biker extending neck over the handlebars Holding phone between shoulder and ear Carrying backpack Pulling shoulders back in military manner

What 3 segments is the pectoral major divided into?

Clavicular, sternal, costal

What muscle is the armpit muscle?


Origin: Coracobrachialis

Coracoid process of scapula

Origin: Short Head Biceps Brachii

Corcacoid process of scapula

Insertion: Pectoralis Major

Crest of greater tubercle of hunerus

Insertion: Teres Major

Crest of lesser tubercle of humerus

Which muscles of this region are antagonistic to themself?

Deltoid Trapezius Pectoralis Major

Antagonist muscles for adduction of glenohumeral joint

Deltoid (all fibers) Supraspinatus

Synergistic muscles for abduction of glenohumeral joint

Deltoid (all fibers) Supraspinatus

Antagonistic muscles for lateral rotation of glenohumeral joint

Deltoid (anterior fibers) Latissimus Dorsi Teres Major Subscapularis Pectoralis Major (all fibers)

Synergistic muscles for medial rotation of glenohumeral joint

Deltoid (anterior fibers) Latissimus Dorsi Teres Major Subscapularis Pectoralis Major (all fibers)

Antagonistic muscles for extension of glenohumeral joint

Deltoid (anterior fibers) Pectoralis Major (upper fibers) Biceps Brachii Coracobrachialis

Synergistic muscles for flexion of glenohumeral joint

Deltoid (anterior fibers) Pectoralis Major (upper fibers) Biceps Brachii Coracobrachialis

Antagonist muscles for horizontal abduction of glenohumeral joint

Deltoid (anterior fibers) Pectoralis major (upper fibers)

Synergistic muscles for horizontal adduction of glenohumeral joint

Deltoid (anterior fibers) Pectoralis major (upper fibers)

Antagonist muscles for horizontal adduction of glenohumeral joint

Deltoid (posterior fibers)

Synergistic muscles for horizontal abduction of glenohumeral joint

Deltoid (posterior fibers)

Antagonistic muscles for medial rotation of glenohumeral joint

Deltoid (posterior fibers) Infraspinatus Teres Minor

Synergistic muscles for lateral rotation of glenohumeral joint

Deltoid (posterior fibers) Infraspinatus Teres Minor

Antagonistic muscles for flexion of glenohumeral joint

Deltoid (posterior fibers) Latissimus Dorsi Teres Major Pectoralis Major (lower fibers) Triceps Brachii (long head)

Synergistic muscles for extension of glenohumeral joint

Deltoid (posterior fibers) Latissimus Dorsi Teres Major Pectoralis Major (lower fibers) Triceps Brachii (long head)

Insertion: Deltoid

Deltoid Tberosity

Action: Posterior Deltoid Fibers

Extend shoulder Laterally Rotate shoulder Horizontally Abduct shoulder

Origin: Trapezius

External occipital protuberance, medial portion of superior nuchal line of the occiput, ligamentum nuchae & spinous processes of C-7 through T-12

Origin: Serratus Anterior

External surfaces of upper 8-9 ribs

True/ False: The deltoid is not an antagonist of itself?


True? False: The greater tubercle is located posterior and lateral to the acromion.

False. It is interior and lateral

True/ False: The deltoid tuberosity is found on the medial side of the mid-humeral shaft?

False. It is on the lateral side

True/ False: The infraglrnoid tuberacle is located at the superior aspect of the medial boarder of the scapula?

False. It is the superior aspect of the lateral boarder. This is where the long head of the triceps brachii attach.

True/False: The Teres Major and Minor rotate the arm in the same direction.

False. Major= Medially Minor= Laterally

Action: Anterior Deltoid Fibers

Flex shoulder Medial rotate shoulder Horizontaly Adduct shoulder

Insertion: Infrspinatus

Greater Tubercle of humerus

Insertion: Supraspinatus

Greater Tubercle of humerus

Insertion: Teres Minor

Greater Tubercle of humerus

What are the 3 landmarks on the posterior humerus (deep to the deltoid)?

Greater tubercle Lesser tubercle Intertubercular Groove

Origin: Teres Major

Inferior angle and lower 1/3 of lateral boarder of scapula

Original: Latissimus Dorsi

Inferior angle of scapula, spinous process of last 6 thoracic vertebrae, last 3-4 ribs, thoracolumbar aponeurosis & posterior illiac crest

Insertion: Subclavius

Inferior surface of middle 1/3 of clavicle

Origin: Long Head of Triceps Brachii

Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula

Origin: Infraspinatus

Infraspinous Fossa of scapula

Insertion: Latissimus Dorsi

Intertubercular groove of humerus

What does it mean when a muscle contracts (shortens)?

It is performing its action (synergistic action)

What does it mean when a muscle is lengthened?

It is performing its opposite action (antagonistic action)

Insertion: Trapezius

Lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion & spine of scapula

Origin: Deltoid

Lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion & spine of scapula

Which is the widest (broadest) muscle of the back?

Latissimus Dorsi

Antagonist muscles for abduction of glenohumeral joint

Latissimus Dorsi Teres Major Infraspinatus Teres Major Pectoralis Major (all fibers) Triceps Brachii (long head) Coracobrachialis

Synergistic muscles for adduction of glenohumeral joint

Latissimus Dorsi Teres Major Infraspinatus Teres Major Pectoralis Major (all fibers) Triceps Brachii (long head) Coracobrachialis

Which muscles are the handcuff muscles?

Latissimus Dorsi & Teres Major

Insertion: Subscapularis

Lesser Tubercle of humerus

Insertion: Rhomboid Major

Medial boarder of scapula between spine of the scapula & inferior angle

Insertion: Lavator Scapula

Medial boarder of scapula, between superior angle & superior portion of spine of scapula

Origin: Pectoralis Major

Medial half of clavicle, sternum & cartilage of 1st -6th ribs

Insertion: Pectoralis Minor

Medial surface of coracoid process of scapula

Insertion: Coracobrachialis

Medial surface of mid-humeral shaft

Insertion: Lateral Head of Triceps Brachii

Olecranon process of ulna

Insertion: Long Head of Triceps Brachii

Olecranon process of ulna

Insertion: Medial Head of Triceps Brachii

Olecranon process of ulna

Origin: Medial Head of Triceps Brachii

Posterior surface of distal 1/2 of humerus

Origin: Lateral Head of Triceps Brachii

Posterior surface of proximal 1/2 of humerus

Antagonistic muscles for upward rotaion of scapulothoracic joint joint

Rhomboid Major Rhomboid Minor Levator Scapula Pectoralis Minor

Synergistic muscles for downward rotation of scapulothoracic joint joint

Rhomboid Major Rhomboid Minor Levator Scapula Pectoralis Minor

Which muscles lie deep to the trapezius and superfical to the spinae muscles?

Rhomoid Major & Minor

Which muscle is deep to the subscapularis?

Serratus Anterior

Antagonistic muscles for adduction of scapulothoracic joint joint

Serratus Anterior (with the origin fixed) Pectoralis Minor

Synergistic muscles for abduction of scapulothoracic joint joint

Serratus Anterior (with the origin fixed) Pectoralis Minor

Origin: Rhomboid Major

Spinous Processes of T-2 through T-5

Origin: Rhomboid Minor

Spinous processes of C-7 & T-1

Origin: Subscapulais

Subscapular fossa of the scapula

Which is the only rotator cuff muscle that medial rotates?


Which is the only rotator cuff that attaches to the lesser tubercle?


Origin: Long Head Biceps Brachii

Supraglenoid tubercle of scapula

Which muscles make up the rotator cuff?

Suprapinatus Infrspinatus Teres Minor Subscapularis

Which 3 muscles attach at the greater tubercle?

Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Terres Minor

Which of the 3 rotator cuffs share the same attachment?

Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor (all share the greater tubercle of the humerus

Origin: Supraspinatus

Supraspinous Fossa of scapula

Which muscle is "lats little helper"?

Teres Major

The articulating surface for the lateral end of the clavicle?

The Acromion (the A/C joint)

The tendon of which muscle lies in the intertubercular groove ?

The Biceps Brachii

What is the primary muscle in forearm supination?

The Biceps Brachii

What is the beak-like projection of the scapula?

The Coracoid Process

Which joint of the clavicle is wedge-shaped and contains a small, impalpable disk?

The S/C joint. The A/C joint is thin and smooth

Which muscle is only found in 5% of people and its function is unknown?

The Sternalis

What crosses under the pectoralis minor and can create a potential for neurovascular compression?

The brachial plexus, axillary artery & vein

Which bone is the last to develop in the human fetus?

The clavicle. Often not till the late teens/ early twenties) It is also the first bone to start ossifying (hardening)

Which muscle's origin is the attachment site of the trapezius?

The deltoids

The rotator cuff muscles stabilize which joint?

The glenohumeral joint (the shoulder)

When a muscle has multiple muscle fibers (upper, middle, lower), what is something you can know about the functions of the muscle?

The muscle is antagonistic to itself

How is the supraspinatus muscle different than the other rotator cuff muscles.

The only rotator cuff muscle that's not involved in rotation

The medial end of the clavicle articulates with what bone?

The sternum (The S/C joint)

Origin: Lavator Scapula

Transverse processes of C-1 through C-4

Antagonistic muscles for abduction of scapulothoracic joint joint

Trapezius (middle fibers) Rhomboid Major Rhoboid Minor

Synergistic muscles for adduction of scapulothoracic joint joint

Trapezius (middle fibers) Rhomboid Major Rhoboid Minor

Antagonistic muscles for downward rotaion of scapulothoracic joint joint

Trapezius (upper and lower fibers) Serratus Anterior (with the origin fixed)

Synergistic muscles for upward rotation of scapulothoracic joint joint

Trapezius (upper and lower fibers) Serratus Anterior (with the origin fixed)

Antagonistic muscles for depression of scapulothoracic joint joint

Trapezius (upper fibers, unilaterally) Rhomboid Major Rhomboid Minor Levator Scapula (unilaterally)

Synergistic muscles for elevation of scapulothoracic joint joint

Trapezius (upper fibers, unilaterally) Rhomboid Major Rhomboid Minor Levator Scapula (unilaterally)

Antagonistic muscles for elevation of scapulothoracic joint joint

Trapizius (lower fiber) Serratus anterior (with the origin fixed) Pectoralis Minor

Synergistic muscles for depression of scapulothoracic joint joint

Trapizius (lower fiber) Serratus anterior (with the origin fixed) Pectoralis Minor

The only muscle on the back of the arm?

Triceps Brachii

True/ False: The lesser tubercle is the attachment site for the subccapularis


True/False: The latissimus dorsi can affect the trunk and spine.


Insertion: Long Head Biceps Brachii

Tuberosity of radius & aponeurosis of biceps brachii

Insertion: Short Head Biceps Brachii

Tuberosity of radius & aponeurosis of biceps brachii

What are the 3 muscle groups of the trapezius?

Upper (descending)fibers Middle Lower (ascending)fibers

Origin: Teres Minor

Upper 2/3 of lateral boarder of scapula

Insertion: Rhomboid Minor

Upper portion of medial boarder of scapula, across from spine of the scapula

When do you use your deltoids?

Virtually any movement of the shoulder Slipping arm into jacket Raking, shoveling Rowing

What is the term for a postural condition in which the medial boarder of the scapula falls away from the rib cage & visibly protrudes posteriorly?

Winged Scapula

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