Chapter 23

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How did the NAACP manage to change the political landscape in the South between 1940 and 1952? a) Its voter registration drive increased the number of Southern black registered voters sevenfold. b) It had secured the nomination of the first African-American gubernatorial candidates in the Democratic Party since Reconstruction. c) It had secured the desegregation of public education at the city and county level in nine out of eleven southern states. d) The NAACP had successfully lobbied southern legislatures to pass antilynching laws. e) The NAACP had succeeded in its legal battle for the desegregation of public transportation in all southern states except Alabama.

a) Its voter registration drive increased the number of Southern black registered voters sevenfold.

Joe McCarthy announced that he had a list of 205 communists who worked for the: a) State Department. b) Department of the Interior. c) Federal Bureau of Investigation. d) AFL-CIO. e) Central Intelligence Agency.

a) State Department.

Who did the States' Rights Party nominate for president in 1948? a) Strom Thurmond. b) Henry Wallace. c) Joe McCarthy. d) George Wallace. e) Thomas Dewey.

a) Strom Thurmond.

How did the United States respond to Joseph Stalin's blockade around Berlin? a) Truman ordered that supplies be brought to Berlin via an airlift. b) Truman put American forces on high alert and threatened atomic war if Stalin did not lift the blockade. c) Truman ignored it. d) Truman asked the United Nations to place an embargo on all goods going to the Soviet Union. e) American forces forced their way through the road blockade with a caravan of armored tanks.

a) Truman ordered that supplies be brought to Berlin via an airlift.

In 1948, the Progressive Party: a) advocated expanded social welfare programs. b) supported segregation. c) supported Truman's civil rights proposals. d) agreed with Truman's Cold War policies. e) did not allow socialists or communists to join.

a) advocated expanded social welfare programs.

Operation Wetback: a) deported illegal aliens found in Mexican-American neighborhoods. b) campaigned to bring unionization to the South. c) removed suspected communist labor union leaders from their positions. d) was the CIA-led coup in Guatemala. e) campaigned to end prohibition.

a) deported illegal aliens found in Mexican-American neighborhoods.

The impact of the Cold War on American culture was: a) especially evident in the movies. b) limited in scope. c) discouraged in the public schools. d) widely criticized by the news media. e) felt mostly in the cities.

a) especially evident in the movies.

The Taft-Hartley Act: a) outlawed the closed shop. b) legalized sympathy strikes. c) strengthened the rights of organized labor. d) banned right-to-work laws. e) was supported by President Truman.

a) outlawed the closed shop.

The Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO): a) replaced NATO in Europe. b) was the Soviet counterpart to NATO. c) was part of a UN initiative. d) ended the Korean War. e) represented the global reach of Cold War divisions.

a) replaced NATO in Europe.

The "Iron Curtain": a) separated the free West from the communist East. b) divided East and West Germany. c) separated the United States from the Soviet Union. d) separated Japan from the rest of Asia. e) divided North and South Korea.

a) separated the free West from the communist East.

After World War II, the only nation that could rival the United States was: a) the Soviet Union. b) Germany. c) Japan. d) Great Britain. e) France.

a) the Soviet Union.

Which statement best describes what NSC-68 called for? a) Patience on the part of the United States in dealing with the Soviet Union. b) A permanent military buildup and a global application of containment. c) Limited strategic goals, confronting the Soviets only at key industrial areas. d) A sole reliance on nuclear weapons in order to spare conventional forces. e) Limited strategic goals, confronting the Chinese only at key industrial areas.

b) A permanent military buildup and a global application of containment.

Which statement about the Korean conflict is FALSE? a) The United Nations authorized the use of forces to repel the North Koreans. b) Chinese troops threatened to enter the conflict, but never did. c) General MacArthur argued for an invasion of China and for the use of nuclear weapons. d) Truman removed General MacArthur from his command when he publicly criticized Truman. e) The war ended in a cease-fire, not with a formal peace treaty.

b) Chinese troops threatened to enter the conflict, but never did.

All of the following statements are true of the Fair Deal EXCEPT: a) the Fair Deal included a provision to expand public housing. b) Congress passed Truman's Fair Deal to raise the standard of living for Americans. c) the Fair Deal included a provision to increase the minimum wage. d) the Fair Deal included a provision to create a national health insurance program. e) the Fair Deal included a provision to expand Social Security coverage.

b) Congress passed Truman's Fair Deal to raise the standard of living for Americans.

Which civil rights measure was enacted during Truman's administration? a) Federal law against lynching. b) Desegregation of the armed forces. c) Establishment of a permanent federal civil rights commission. d) Federal law against poll taxes. e) Protection for equal access to jobs and education.

b) Desegregation of the armed forces.

Which long-held U.S. territory was granted independence in 1946? a) Puerto Rico. b) Philippines. c) Wake Island.

b) Philippines.

Organized labor emerged as: a) a vocal critic of McCarthyism. b) a major supporter of the foreign policy of the Cold War. c) a radical wing of the Communist Party. d) a militant group willing to fight the Red Scare. e) the best informants for the FBI and HUAC.

b) a major supporter of the foreign policy of the Cold War.

Dennis v. United States: a) made it illegal to jail communists. b) allowed the deportation of suspected communists. c) forbade the Communist Party from existing in the United States. d) upheld the jailing of communists. e) allowed universities to fire professors who taught the theories of Marx.

b) allowed the deportation of suspected communists.

When World War II ended: a) the majority of veterans went to college. b) demobilization proceeded quickly. c) the divorce rate declined. d) women who worked in war industries retained their jobs. e) soldiers found the adjustment to civilian life easy.

b) demobilization proceeded quickly.

"Militant Liberty" was the code name for a national security agency that: a) patrolled the border in search of illegal aliens. b) encouraged Hollywood to produce anticommunist movies. c) required labor unions to purge suspected communist leaders. d) forced schools to fire teachers and professors suspected of teaching Marxist ideas. e) encouraged artists to paint work in a Norman Rockwell style.

b) encouraged Hollywood to produce anticommunist movies.

The Dixiecrats: a) opposed segregation in the South. b) opposed desegregation in the South. c) dominated the Democratic Party in 1948. d) were led by Hubert Humphrey. e) supported Harry Truman in 1948.

b) opposed desegregation in the South.

Operation Dixie was: a) a postwar strike wave. b) the postwar union campaign in the South. c) an effort to increase black suffrage. d) the congressional effort to outlaw lynching. e) mass return of African-Americans to the South after World War II.

b) the postwar union campaign in the South.

The 1948 presidential race: a) was a three-way race. b) was the last to occur before television forever changed campaigning. c) ended the movement of southern Democrats into the Republican Party. d) highlighted gender as a campaign issue for the Republican Party. e) had Strom Thurmond as a close second to Harry Truman.

b) was the last to occur before television forever changed campaigning.

Who did Whittaker Chambers accuse of being a Soviet spy during a HUAC hearing? a) Julius Rosenberg. b) Richard Nixon. c) Alger Hiss. d) David Greenglass. e) Robert Oppenheimer.

c) Alger Hiss

Which piece of American legislation stated that union leaders had to swear an oath that they were not communists? a) House Un-American Activities Committee Act. b) Truman Federal Employee Loyalty Act. c) Taft-Hartley Act. d) The McCarran-Walter Act. e) NSC-68.

c) Taft-Hartley Act.

Why did France and other Europeans understand NATO as a form of double containment? a) The organization would keep both the United States and the Soviet Union in check. b) NATO would prevent the expansion of the British empire as well as of American imperialism. c) The pact would guard them against Soviet aggression as well as against the resurgence of a powerful Germany. d) NATO would contain communism but also contain the costs of defense for European nations. e) NATO would counterbalance Soviet influence and that of the United Nations.

c) The pact would guard them against Soviet aggression as well as against the resurgence of a powerful Germany.

According to the policy of containment, as laid out by George Kennan, the: a) Soviets could have a free hand in international affairs. b) United States should invade the Soviet Union. c) United States was committed to preventing the spread of communism. d) United States was committed to preventing the spread of democracy. e) United States accepted the right of communism to exist anywhere.

c) United States was committed to preventing the spread of communism.

Jackie Robinson: a) was president of the NAACP. b) was banned from major league baseball. c) broke the color barrier in major league baseball. d) took his case all the way to the Supreme Court. e) experienced no difficulties as the first black player for the Brooklyn Dodgers.

c) broke the color barrier in major league baseball.

NSC-68: a) was directed at communist China. b) called for a massive reduction in U.S. military forces. c) called for a massive increase in U.S. military forces. d) was only suggested and never implemented.

c) called for a massive increase in U.S. military forces.

To wage the cultural Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency and Defense Department: a) promoted the work of artist Norman Rockwell. b) censored the work of modern artists. c) funded artistic publications, concerts, performances, and exhibits. d) sought to censor the work of painter Jackson Pollock. e) imposed artistic conformity.

c) funded artistic publications, concerts, performances, and exhibits.

The movements for colonial independence: a) highlighted the strengths of U.S. Cold War policy. b) highlighted the limitations of U.S. Cold War policy. c) generally had U.S. support. d) were all led by communists. e) declined during the Cold War.

c) generally had U.S. support.

Joseph McCarthy's downfall came as a result of: a) his speech in Wheeling, West Virginia. b) his claim of 205 communists working in the State Department. c) his hearings on the Defense Department. d) televised hearings involving the Army. e) the release of his fabricated war record.

c) his hearings on the Defense Department.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: a) was immediately ratified by Congress. b) was honored by both the United States and the Soviets. c) included freedom of speech and religion. d) was drafted by President Truman. e) did not address economic rights.

c) included freedom of speech and religion.

The impact of the Cold War on the civil rights movement: a) was quite limited at the time. b) was beneficial because the Urban League accepted communists into its ranks. c) included government action against black leaders. d) caused the NAACP to enlist the aid of the Soviets. e) brought wider support for civil rights from southern Democrats who wanted to fight communism.

c) included government action against black leaders.

The Marshall Plan: a) provided economic assistance to the Soviets. b) was a U.S.-Soviet program to rebuild Europe. c) offered economic assistance to noncommunist governments. d) was limited in scope and focused on West Germany. e) was largely unsuccessful for lack of support from Congress.

c) offered economic assistance to noncommunist governments.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: a) received a fair trial and sentence. b) were found innocent and soon released. c) were executed after a questionable trial. d) plotted to assassinate the president. e) were deported to the Soviet Union.

c) were executed after a questionable trial.

Japan's constitution, which Americans had written, provided for the first time in Japanese history: a) a written constitution. b) freedom of speech. c) women's suffrage. d) procedural due process. e) freedom of assembly.

c) women's suffrage.

All of the following are enactments of the policy of containment EXCEPT: a) The Truman Doctrine. b) The Marshall Plan. c) The Berlin Airlift. d) The Korean War. e) The Warsaw Pact.

d) The Korean War

What set a precedent for American assistance to anticommunist regimes throughout the world, no matter how undemocratic? a) The Marshall Plan. b) The Eisenhower Doctrine. c) The Atlantic Charter. d) The Truman Doctrine. e) NSC-68.

d) The Truman Doctrine.

What reason did the Hollywood Ten give for not cooperating with the HUAC hearings? a) They were all communists and did want to indict themselves. b) Ronald Reagan had threatened that they would lose their jobs if they cooperated. c) They were all busy making movies and did not have time to attend the hearings. d) They felt the hearings were a violation of the First Amendment. e) As Republicans, they were insulted that their loyalty was being questioned.

d) They felt the hearings were a violation of the First Amendment.

In 1948, Eleanor Roosevelt chaired a committee to draft the: a) GI Bill of Rights. b) Economic Bill of Rights. c) Declaration of the Rights of Man. d) Universal Declaration of Human Rights. e) Civil Rights Act.

d) Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

President Truman's Fair Deal included: a) aid to the Soviets. b) a plan to dismantle Social Security. c) a decrease in the minimum wage. d) a national health insurance plan. e) the continuation of rationing.

d) a national health insurance plan

The McCarran-Walter Act: a) removed immigration quotas based on nationality. b) made immigration law much more flexible for Asians and Latinos. c) recognized the need for political asylum for refugees from South Africa. d) authorized the deportation of communists, including naturalized citizens. e) was supported by President Truman.

d) authorized the deportation of communists, including naturalized citizens.

The Korean War: a) was a decisive victory for the United States. b) was a decisive victory for the North Koreans. c) demonstrated the strength of the United Nations. d) ended in a stalemate. e) highlighted the limited nature of the Cold War.

d) ended in a stalemate.

The principle of human rights—the idea of basic rights belonging to all persons because they are human—was introduced into international relations: a) after the Holocaust. b) after the dropping of the atomic bomb. c) when NATO was established. d) in the revolutionary period of the late eighteenth century. e) when the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted.

d) in the revolutionary period of the late eighteenth century.

After World War II ended, Japan: a) did not receive aid from the United States. b) received economic assistance from the Soviets. c) returned to its prewar political structure. d) received economic assistance from the United States. e) never recovered economically.

d) received economic assistance from the United States.

President Truman's civil rights plan called for all of the following EXCEPT: a) a permanent federal civil rights commission. b) national laws against lynching and the poll tax. c) equal access to jobs. d) reparations. e) equal access to education.

d) reparations.

The first confrontation of the Cold War took place in: a) Vietnam, when the French attempted to reestablish colonial rule. b) Japan, when Soviet troops tried to establish Tokyo as a joint occupational zone. c) North Korea, where Chinese communists imposed a strict authoritarian regime. d) the Middle East, when Soviet troops occupied northern Iran seeking access to oil fields. e) Latin America, where agrarian revolutionaries gained the upper hand thanks to Soviet aid.

d) the Middle East, when Soviet troops occupied northern Iran seeking access to oil fields.

Which statement is true about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)? a) It was established in 1945, immediately after the war. b) The members refused to let West Germany join. c) The Soviet Union had tried in vain to be a member of NATO. d) This was one of many long-term military alliances between the United States and Europe. e) All the members pledged mutual defense against any future Soviet attack.

e) All the members pledged mutual defense against any future Soviet attack.

All of the following statements about the Cold War's impact on American life are true EXCEPT: a) the Cold War reshaped immigration policy. b) the Cold War promoted the rapid expansion of higher education. c) Cold War policy supported scientific research in medicine and computers. d) the Cold War contributed to the dismantling of segregation. e) Cold War military spending weakened the economy.

e) Cold War military spending weakened the economy.

The Truman Doctrine: a) advocated a return to isolationism. b) was an alliance between the United States and Great Britain. c) called for more cordial relations with the Soviet Union. d) committed the United States to fighting communism only in Asia. e) committed the United States to fighting communism anywhere.

e) committed the United States to fighting communism anywhere.

In 1948, the Soviets began the Berlin Blockade: a) in response to the outbreak of disease. b) in response to the return of fascism. c) because the United States threatened to invade the Soviet Union. d) in response to the creation of East Germany. e) in response to the creation of West Germany.

e) in response to the creation of West Germany.

Joseph McCarthy: a) had the full support of the Senate during his anticommunist crusade. b) successfully uncovered the communist infiltration of the federal government. c) successfully uncovered the communist infiltration of the U.S. army. d) was hailed as an American hero for his fight against communism. e) was an embarrassment to his party by 1954.

e) was an embarrassment to his party by 1954.

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