Chapter 8

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Stimulants such as Ritalin or Adderall are commonly prescribed to treat


Which of the following is TRUE about inhalants?

Doses are difficult to control because of individual lung capacities

Which of the following is TRUE about routes of drug administration?

Intravenous injection is the most dangerous method of administration

Which of the following is TRUE about psilocybin?

It can cause hallucinations.

Which of the following statements is TRUE of cocaine?

It is an anesthetic and a stimulant.

Which of the following is NOT true about PCP?

It is still used for surgery in some states

Which of the following is NOT true of methamphetamine?

It takes long-term use to develop tolerance.

Which of the following statements about Internet addiction is true?

People with Internet addiction tend to have lower grades and poorer job performance than others who are not addicted.

Which of the following is TRUE about steroids?

Which of the following is TRUE about steroids?

A substance intended to affect the structure or function of the body or mind through chemical action is

a drug.

The excessive use of a drug is


The interaction of two or more drugs at the same receptor site in which one blocks the action of the other is


Diet pills contain ingredients such as caffeine, and can therefore act in what way on the body?

as a stimulant

The most popular form of LSD is

blotter acid that is swallowed or chewed.

People with a physiological dependence on a substance, such as an addictive drug, will experience

both tolerance and withdrawal.

Bath salts

can produce anxiety, agitation, hallucinations, and paranoia when used at high doses.

Stimulants act by increasing the activity of the

central nervous system.

Jason doesn't see that his addiction to heroin is self-destructive. He is experiencing


The process of freeing the body from an addictive substance is known as


When drugs activate the brain's pleasure circuit, what neurotransmitter is involved?


Using a drug for a purpose other than that for which it is intended is

drug misuse.

Anabolic steroids are a type of

ergogenic drug

Compulsive buying disorder is often associated with

financial problems

Addictive substances and behaviors

have the potential to produce a positive mood change.

Heroin has a

high potential for addiction and no medical use.

A large dose of cocaine can cause

increased heart rate and blood pressure.

Chemical vapors in household products such as varnish, glues, and gasoline are examples of


To help him fight his addiction to alcohol, Andy's physician has prescribed a drug that will make him feel intensely uncomfortable if he drinks alcohol. This type of response is called


The so-called pleasure circuit

is also known as the mesolimbic dopamine system.


is derived from a cactus.

All of the following drugs are used to treat opioid addiction EXCEPT


Ecstasy is a stimulant and a(n)

mild hallucinogen

According to research, each of the following factors increases the risk of substance abuse among students EXCEPT

participation in college sports.

Terence takes several vitamin supplements as well as a prescribed cholesterol medication and an over-the-counter pain reliever for his arthritis. Terence is exhibiting

polydrug use.

Which type of drug is defined as having the potential to alter a person's mood or behavior?

psychoactive drug

All of the following are true about suppositories EXCEPT that

they have a short life span and become inactive within an hour.

Marijuana is administered therapeutically for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

to reduce appetite for weight control.

Using a nicotine patch for smoking cessation is an example of which route of administration?


In a synergistic drug interaction

two drugs multiply each other's effects.

Chelsea occasionally takes aspirin to relieve a headache. Chelsea is

using an over-the-counter (OTC) drug.

Psychoactive drugs have which type of effect on the body?

They enhance, suppress, or interfere with the actions of neurotransmitters.

Therapeutic communities are a type of

residential treatment.

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