Color Theory
triadic color system
A twelve-color color wheel with yellow at the top, such that an equilateral triangle connects the three primary colors
Adding black to a hue to make it darker.
Split Complementary Colors
Color scheme consisting of one color combined with the two colors located on either side of its opposite (complementary) color
Tertiary Colors
Colors created by mixing a primary and secondary color together. • Yellow-orange • Yellow-green • Blue-green • Blue-violet • Red-violet • Red-orange
Secondary Colors
Colors created by mixing two primary colors together. • Orange • Green • Violet
Complementary Colors
Colors on opposite sides of the color wheel.
Warm Colors
Colors that are generally energetic; appear to advance toward the viewer. Colors include: • Red • Yellow • Orange • Red-orange • Yellow-orange
Cool Colors
Colors that are generally restful, peaceful, and soothing. Colors include: • Blue • Green • Violet • Blue-green • Blue-violet
Primary Colors
Colors that cannot be made from other colors. When mixed together equally, resulting color is (theoretically) black. Due to impurities in the pigments, resulting color comes out as brown. • Red • Yellow • Blue
Four colors arranged into two complementary color pairs.
The 3 Properties of Color
Hue Value Intensity/Saturation
Lightness and darkness of a color.
Analogous Colors
Neighboring colors on the color wheel. Always extremely harmonious.
Question: What color is created when all color is reflected?
additive color
RGB, starts with black light
The abbreviation for colors used in four-color process printing. Stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black (or, key color) Less vibrant than RGB
The intensity of the color (amount of gray).
The term used to describe the actual name of the color.
Theoretically, if all primary pigments are mixed together, what will the resulting color be?
intermediary color
created by mixing primary and secondary colors together
subtractive color
uses cyan, magenta and yellow. start with white light.
Subtractive Process
Absorbs all colors except the color you see. If all colors are absorbed, black is perceived. If all colors are reflected, white is perceived. CMYK uses this process.
Adding white to a hue to make it lighter.
Additive Process
An electronic color space. When primary colors are combined, white is perceived. RGB uses this process.
The abbreviation for colors used in the additive (electronic) color space. Used with TV's, computer monitors, scanners, cell phones, etc. Stands for Red, Green, Blue More vibrant than CMYK light primaries, when you mix all three you get white light
Three colors evenly spaced around the color wheel.
Monochromatic Colors
Variations in lightness and saturation of a single hue.
What color is created when all color is absorbed?