Computer Hardware
Hardware that let users interact with the software. Example: Keyboard, microphone, mouse, etc
The main processor of the computer. Nearly every instruction goes through it.
monitor light
The physical parts of a computer. Examples: Monitor, Keyboard, mouse, speaker, trackpad, etc
Which of the following is an input device?
Holds the main parts of a computer in place Located inside the computer
Hardware that show use what software is doing. Example: Monitor, speaker, printer, etc
A computer designed for a single user. Examples: Laptop, desktop, smart phone, etc.
Personal Computer (PC)
Programs that users open and work with to accomplish tasks or play games
Desktop Operating Systems
Windows 10 and Mac OS X
DLP stands for
digital light-processing
input device examples
keyboard, mouse, touchpad and digital Cameras
which of the following is an output device?
output device examples
monitor, speaker, printer, projector, headphone and adapter
resolution of a monitor
the number of horizontal pixels by the vertical pixels
What is an Operating System?
the software that supports a computer's basic functions. This includes managing the input and output devices discussed already.