Cultural Anthropology Final

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negative reciprocity

A form of reciprocity in which the giver attempts to get something for nothing, to haggle one's way into a favorable personal outcome.


A legislative grant of money to finance a government program or agency

Koko and Washo were two primates who had learned

American Sign Language

An emic perspective

An anthropologist interested in cultural insider's perspective on that insiders culture is seeking


An indifference to religion and a belief that religion should be excluded from civic affairs and public education.

This type of interaction may include playing basketball, cooking, dining, or having coffee with informants

Participant observation

Sidney Mintz oberves that most people around the world usually eat

a common patterned diet of core legume fringe foods

balanced reciprocity

a form of reciprocity in which the giver expects a fair return at some later time

neoclassical economics

a formal attempt to explain the workings of capitalist enterprise, with particular attention to distribution

World Systems Theory would be most suited for research in?

a historical study of indigenous resistance to colonialism.

traditional family

a married couple and their own or adopted children living at home

according to anthropologist sherry ortner's analysis, the american flag is an example of

a summarizing symbol

development anthropologists often thing of themselves as

advocates of poor and marginalized people

A central technique involved in an informal, open-ended interview is to

allow questions to emerge in the course of the interview

What is fortress conservation?

an approach to conservation that assumes that people are threatening to nature


are people who leave their homes to work for a time in other countries of regions.

in the melanesian conception of time, the future is spacially located

behind the body

A believer in cultural imperialism would explain that people who watch American TV in remote places like a Walpiri camp in the Austrailian outback are

being subjected to alien cultural influences

Brent Berlin and Paul Kay found that if language had only 3 color terms

black (dark), white (light), and red

Cultural anthropologists do research by

building trusting relationships with people over a long period of time

In biological terms, humans are distinct from other primates with respect to their ability to use language because they

can speak using larynx

Multi sited ethnography is an example of which method?

comparative method

Words that came from the same ancestral language and originated from the same word are called

concrete words

reasons for considering doing anthropology at a distance

conflict or violence in this field.

Financial globalization has allowed for

corporations to move factories from one country to another

Hybridization is about

cultural mixing

Throughout human history, humans have tended to adapt to the land in a way that is supportive of population size, a practice referred to as

cultural relativism

The importance of a phenomenon like "revenge suicide" in Papua New Guinea is that it

demonstrates that the nonpowerful ways of exercising political power

push-pull factors

describes the factors that push people to migrate from their homes and that pull them to host countries

The view that nature and environmental conditions shape the characteristics and lifeways of a group of people is known as environmental ______


franz boas and his students were____, emphasizing that cultural charactoristics result from a spread of cultural attributes from one society to another.


The human ability to speak about the past, times not present, imaginary worlds is called


a social movement that addresses the linkages between racial discrimination and injustice, social equity, and environmental quality is

environmental justice

the study of how people classify things in the world is called


interest within environmental anthrop. concerned with how non-western societies classify natural phenomena is called


language death

example: US gov't prohibits native american children speaking their indigenous languages in indian schools.

Because of the widespread use of mass media today, sociolinguists have found increasing homogeneity in the use of language in the US T/F


environmental anthropologists accept the idea that all indigenous people are environmentalists


it have been proven that over population will inevitably lead to a global famine


which mode of subsistence include the search for edible things?


One of anthropology's insights about the foraging mode of subsistence is that

foraging people have a cultural view of their environment as giving

Which method would be best when doing a study on genetic propensity for cancer in a given population?

genealogical method

the most comprehensive definition of food security is

gov't subsidies to agriculture to ensure a steady food supply

a cultural relativist would be most likely to emphasize that pastorlists

have developed effective social institutions and knowledge that ensure long-term sustainability of the landscape

according to itzaj and many native american beliefs

humans and nature exist in the same realm

Why do foragers turn to agriculture?

increased population density causes too much competition for resources

Westermarck effect

individuals raised in close proximity to each other develop a sexual aversion

the serpent mound in ohio, and woodhenge in missouri are examples of

information about solar and lunar patterns embedded in art and religion

which term refers to the knowledge about other people that emerges from relationships?

inter subjective

cultural differences are often caused and amplified by

interconnections between societies


is the defining methodology of the discipline of anthropology

why was meat eating important for human biological development?

it provides high quality protein for human brain development

Mary Douglas compared food's structure in society with ____ and a formal dinner with a____

language, sentence

Ferdinad de saussure asserted that in contrast to the usual ways in which people speak, there are the formal rules of language, which he called


The exercise of political power requires


the recent rise of autonomy movements among hawiian separatists an zapatistas in mexico are examples of


Going native refers to a process wherby the anthropologist

loses the ability to be an engaged observer

What pivotal evolutionary shift happened around 1.8 to 2 million years ago that is closely related to human foodways?

meat consumption increased

The study of meaningful units formed by a combination of phonemes is called


sheri ortner distinguished 3 kinds of culturally powerful symbols that include all of the following except

narrative symbols

Gift exchange for Marcel Mauss is based in


a word that best describes participant observation is?


the human diet is


a project in your city that is revitalizing a poor neighborhood, she or he would probably emphasize the

overarching importance of extending state power into the neighborhood to regularize social relations

when language speakers use slang or metaphor, they are engaging in which concept suggested by french linguist ferdinand de saussure?


a migrant is

people who leave their homes to live or work for a time in another country or region.

the ability to digest mild into adulthood is called lactose


Animal call systems lack the ability found in human languages to produce an infinite number of word combinations. This ability in human language is called


Purpose of field notes

provide written records of information that an anthropologist collects

action anthropology

research committed to making social change and improving the lives of marginalized people.

which of the following reasons explains why a collaborative approach to conservation can be so challenging?

scientists and conservationists are often skeptical of indegenous knowledge claims


structured beliefs and behaviors surrounding the production, distribution, and consumption of food

slash and burn agriculture, also called____agriculture, is the most effective farming technique in tropical areas when population densities are low


natal family

the family into which a person is born and raised

a key difference between anthropologists of development and development anthropologists is

the first are analysts of development; the second seek ways to influence it from within


the idea that human-economic relationships are embedded in, rather than separate from, the range of other social relationships that exist


the individual bits of sound that change meaning

cultural imperialism

the process of promoting one culture over others, through formal policy or less formal means

one of the primary reasons indegenous leaders critisize the dominant model for administering protected environmental areas is

they assume nature must be uninhabited by people

a central feature of cultural convergence theories is that

they explain the apparent decline of cultural diversity

James Ferguson, who is an anthropologist of development, argues that development exists:

to expand state over power

All knowledge systems about nature, including science, are culturally based


foragers tend to work less to survive than agriculturalists or pasturalists


Using life history interviews, researchers are able to

understand how a person's age affects his or her role in the community

The comparative method

uses data from many different societies

globalization is the

widening scale of cross-cultural interaction caused by the rapid movement of money, people, goods, images, and ideas within nations and across national boundaries.

An anthropologist who practices participatory-action research would most likely use this method in a study of

a low-income neighborhood where toxic waste dump is located.

generalized reciprocity

a mode of exchange in which the value of the gift is not calculated, nor is the time of repayment specified

linguists refer to mixed languages with a simplified grammar that people rarely learn as a mother tongue as

a pidgin language

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