developmental- MPL ch. 4

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Research indicates that infants must practice the stepping reflex for at least a month before the legs are strong enough to support walking.


__________ is the most common cause of crying in young infants.


In human evolutionary past, the _______________ reflex may have helped the infant cling to the mother.


Which of the following statements is true of the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS)?

NBAS "recovery curves," which estimate the baby's ability to recover from the stress of birth, can predict intelligence with moderate success into the preschool years.

Nathan was born 7 weeks premature. Because Nathan may be at risk for developmental problems, the __________ was administered to recommend appropriate interventions and to help his parents meet his unique needs.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Network Neurobehavioral Scale

Which of the following statements is true about newborns' ability to analyze the speech stream?

Newborns can distinguish between their mother's voice and that of another woman.

Which of the following statements is true about taste?

Newborns can readily learn to like a taste that at first evoked a negative response.

Which of the following statements about REM sleep is true?

REM sleep accounts for 50 percent of a newborn's sleep time.

Which of the following statements is true of rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep in infancy?

REM sleep declines steadily over the prenatal period and the first few years of life.

Research on sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) shows that

SIDS babies are often wrapped warmly in clothing and blankets.

Which of the following statements is true about newborn imitation?

Some researchers argue that certain newborn imitative responses are actually just mouthing.

Mr. and Mrs. Shah are concerned that their son, Graham, just had his first birthday and still does not crawl. Instead, he scoots on his belly. Which of the following statements about Graham's motor development is true?

The Shah's should only be concerned if other motor skills are also severely delayed.

By what age can infants distinguish a difference in tempo?

2 to 4 months

At birth, babies are sensitive to virtually all speech sounds, but around __________ of age, they narrow their focus to the language they will learn to speak.

6 months

In a study examining infants' ability to discriminate human and monkey faces,

9-month-olds no longer showed a novelty preference when viewing the monkey faces.

Parent-infant cosleeping is the norm for approximately __________ percent of the world's population.


Which of the following statements is true about infants' sense of taste?

Babies can learn to prefer a taste that they do not like at first.

Which of the following statements is true about infants' face perception?

Babies look longer at faces considered by adults to be attractive than they do at less attractive faces.

When her mother strokes the sole of baby Jane's foot from toe to heel, Jane's toes fan out and curl as her foot twists in. Jane is demonstrating the __________ reflex.


Newborn Beckett was born with cataracts in both of his eyes. Which of the following statements about Beckett is true?

Beckett should have corrective surgery within the next 4 to 6 months.

Crawling is an example of

a gross-motor skill.

Studies of children from Eastern European orphanages have shown that the earlier infants are removed from deprived rearing conditions, the greater their catch-up in development. These findings support the concept of

a sensitive period.

An 8-month-old baby who listens for regularities in syllable and word sequences is displaying

a statistical learning capacity.

Newborns are able to perceive __________, such as the common rate and rhythm of a toy's sound and motion.

amodal properties

Infants can perceive __________ in the first week of life.

an object's size as the same and an object's shape as stable

Mirror neurons

are believed to be the biological basis of a variety of complex social abilities.

Studies of newborn imitation

are controversial, with some finding that imitation is a voluntary capacity and others suggesting that it is an automatic response that declines with age.

Research on crying indicates that

as early as the first few weeks, infants can be identified by the unique vocal "signature" of their cries.

In research observing Iranian orphans, Wayne Dennis found that

babies who spend their days lying on their back did not move on their own until after 2 years of age.

Newborn infants

can discriminate all but a few sounds of any human language.

Infants born with severe visual impairments

can rebound from early development lags with rich language stimulation.

Infant early learning centers that involve number and letter training

can threaten infants' spontaneous interest and pleasure in learning.

Researchers believe that newborn reflexes disappear gradually as a result of development of the ____________

cerebral cortex.

Baby Stephanie's mother always strokes her hair when she gives her a bottle. Soon, the mother notices that Stephanie makes sucking movements each time she strokes her hair. This is an example of

classical conditioning.

In classical conditioning, if learning has occurred, the neutral stimulus is the

conditioned stimulus.

Ten-month-old Perry remembers how to activate a toy he encountered once before in a different setting. His memory for operant responses is no longer as __________ as it was when he was a younger infant.

context dependent

Research using the visual cliff suggests that __________ is linked to infants' avoidance of drop-offs.


Which of the following is associated with 9-month-olds' formation of an increasingly context-free memory?


The well-known visual cliff experiment illustrates that

crawling babies distinguish deep from shallow surfaces and avoid drop-offs.

Dynamic systems theory suggests that

cultural variations in infant-rearing practices can affect the rate of infant motor development.

In the first month of life, babies are able to

distinguish between sweet, sour, and bitter tastes.

Research indicates that early motor skills

drop out, much like newborn reflexes.

Baby Marshall's eyes open and close; when open, they have a glazed look. Marshall's breathing is even but somewhat fast. His body is slightly active. Marshall is in which state of arousal?


According to __________, mastery of motor skills involves acquiring increasingly complex systems of action.

dynamic systems theory

Cross-cultural research on motor development indicates that

early movement opportunities and a stimulating environment contribute to motor development.

Six-month-old Leo looks at a picture he has seen before for several minutes but when shown a new, unfamiliar picture, he looks for less than a minute. Leo is displaying a(n)

familiarity preference.

Mothers can recognize their own newborn by stroking the infant's cheek or hand as early as the __________ of life.

first few days

During __________, looking, heart rate, and respiration rate may all decline, indicating a loss of interest.


After looking at a patterned picture for 30 seconds, baby Isaiah looks away and shows a loss of interest. This reduced response caused by repeated exposure to a stimulus is known as


Some reflexes, like rooting and swimming,

have survival value.

Mounting evidence suggests that __________ is/are a major contributor to SIDS.

impaired brain functioning

Infants' ability to perceive an object's size as the same, despite changes in the size of its retinal image, is evident

in the first week of life.

Habituation and recovery to visual stimuli are among the earliest available predictors of

intelligence in childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood.

Young infants are able to match faces with voices on the basis of lip-voice synchrony, emotional expression, and the gender and age of the speaker. This ability to connect sight and sound demonstrates their capacity for

intermodal perception.

Among the Guatemalan Maya, mother-infant cosleeping is

interrupted only by the birth of a new baby.

With respect to pattern perception, most newborns will look longest at

large black-and-white checkerboard patterns.

Research on independent movement and depth perception shows that babies

learn postural control separately for each different body position.

Research on the development of reaching and grasping has found that

like newborn reflexes, prereaching drops out around 7 weeks of age.

Proponents of parent-infant cosleeping say that it

makes breastfeeding more convenient.

The tonic neck reflex

may prepare infants for voluntary reaching.

Which of the following research designs is commonly used to study infants' mastery of motor capacities?

microgenetic study

The NNNS is specially designed for use with

newborns at risk for developmental problems.

Following painful medical procedures, __________ quickly reduces crying and discomfort in both preterm and full-term infants.

offering a nipple that delivers a sugar solution

Early learning centers that train infants with number and letter flash cards

often have a negative impact on development.

The _________ reflex is so strong during the first week after birth that many infants can use it to support their entire weight.

palmar grasp

Which of the following reflexes prepares babies for voluntary grasping?

palmar grasp

Between birth and 2 years of age,

periods of sleep and wakefulness become fewer but longer.

Which of the following motor skills will baby Fin use to open and close a small raisin box?

pincer grasp

You can stimulate the palmar grasp reflex by

placing your finger in the infant's hand and pressing against the palm.

In a study examining cultural variations in sleeping arrangements, Mayan mothers stressed the importance of

promoting an interdependent self.

Declan is 9 months old. If he is an average infant, which of the following motor skills has Declan most recently developed?

pulling to stand

In operant conditioning, removing a desirable stimulus or presenting an unpleasant one to decrease the occurrence of the response is the


When presented with a sour-tasting liquid in his bottle, baby Raffi purses his lips and stops sucking. The sour-tasting liquid serves as


Which of the following motor skills likely plays the greatest role in infant cognitive development?


Until __________, infants with severe visual impairments are not motivated to move independently.

reaching on sound is achieved

Which of the following skills plays the greatest role in infant cognitive development?

reaching to grasp things

After playing with his blue train and eventually losing interest in it, Jude responds excitedly to his red train. Jude's response to his red train is an example of


After repeatedly listening to the same song for several minutes, baby Lola loses interest and no longer responds to the song. When a new song begins to play, Lola regains interest in the music. This increase in responsiveness to the new stimulus is known as


Each time that baby Anthony feeds himself a cracker, his mother claps. In this example, clapping is the


The __________ reflex helps an infant find the nipple.


The __________ reflex helps newborn babies find the mother's nipple.


According to dynamic systems theory of motor development,

separate motor abilities blend together to produce more effective ways of exploring and controlling the environment.

In many tribal and village societies and in non-Western developed nations, infants

show shorter bouts of crying than their American counterparts.

Like many children with Down Syndrome, Kristin has experienced ________

slow motor development.

In infancy, __________ is one of the earliest available predictors of intelligence.

speed of habituation and recovery

To activate the Babinski reflex, one must ___________

stroke the sole of the foot from the toe toward the heel.

Kicking, rocking on all fours, and reaching gradually combine to become crawling. According to dynamic systems theory, this example illustrates that motor development is a matter of acquiring increasingly complex

systems of action.

Baby Riley learns to kick, then reach, then rock on all fours, and is later able to combine the skills into crawling. Baby Riley is demonstrating

the dynamic systems theory of motor development.

One-year-old Oliver has learned to pick up small objects, such as raisins, using his thumb and index finger. This is an example of

the pincer grasp.

A swarm of bees has nested near Kate's sandbox, and she got stung three times in the same week. Kate is now afraid to go near her sandbox and cries when her father tries to get her to play there. In this situation, what is the conditioned stimulus?

the sandbox

At 4 days of age, breastfed babies prefer the smell of

their own mother's breast.

Habituation and recovery are an effective early index of intelligence because

they assess quickness and flexibility of thinking, which underlie intelligent behavior at all ages.

The sense of __________ is vital for emotional development and is well-developed at birth.


Which of the following is the least mature of the newborn baby's senses?


Which of the following senses is least developed at birth?


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