Earthquakes & Disasters Final

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(blank) plate boundaries are most common within oceanic crust, but a very well-known continental one is the San Andreas in California

The period of interest (past few centuries to 1000 years ago) is the one that is the most difficult to collect climate data.

Which is a main reason it is difficult to apply uniformitarianism to understand the current climate processes?

creating unique ecosystems

Which is a natural service function of subsidence and soil volume change?

All of these are principles of coastal zone development.

Which is a principle of coastal zone development?


Which is a serious coastal hazard?

Preignition processes absorb energy

Which is a true statement about wildfires?

Larger than MCS or a squall line

Which is not a characteristic of a Supercell thunderstorm?

Average daily temperature

Which is not a component of the climate system?

The time between floods

Which is not a factor that affects the damage caused by floods?


Which is not a glacial hazard?

High waves hitting the cliff/bluff

Which is not a human activity that increases the erosion of sea cliffs and lakeshore bluffs?

Subduction zones created from coastal erosion

Which is not a linkage between coastal processes and other natural hazards?

Tornadoes from storms that do not make landfall

Which is not a linkage between cyclones and other natural hazards?

Wash away fertilizer used in farming

Which is not a natural service function of a flood?

Bleaching of coral reefs

Which is not a potential consequence of sea level rise?

Very few meteoroids enter Earth's atmosphere.

Which is not a reason craters are more common on the moon than the Earth?

Ground shaking

Which is not a secondary effect of earthquakes?


Which is not a sinking plate in the "Ring of Fire"?

Ground wave

Which is not a type of seismic wave?

clearing all coastal vegetation

Which is not a way a tsunami hazard can be minimized?

Do not spend money on expensive preventative measures

Which is not a way an individual can minimize their landslide hazard?

Decreasing the availability of natural fuels

Which is not a way climate change may increase the number and intensity of wildfires?

Growing seasons will be shortened

Which is not a way ecosystems will be impacted by global warming in the next 100 years?

All of these behaviors can make cyclones more dangerous

Which is not a way human behavior has made cyclone hazards more dangerous?

Improperly attaching building materials

Which is not a way human interference with natural shore processes has caused considerable coastal erosion?

Evacuate the area immediately when a watch is issued

Which is not a way individuals can make adjustments for hurricanes?

Create more green spaces in a city

Which is not a way that humans can increase the frequency and magnitude of flooding?

Replace vegetation with sand

Which is not a way to minimize the effects of coastal hazards?

Glacier ice in greenland

Which is not a way to sequester carbon?

National adoption of strong floodplain regulation policies

Which is not a way we have tried to minimize flood hazards?

All of these are ways that wildfires affect vegetation

Which is not a way wildfires affect vegetation?

Rapid release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere

Which is not an abrupt climate change that could cause a serious risk to humans and the natural environment?

Fire insurance so you can live in fire-prone areas

Which is not an adjustment you should make to fire hazards?

Cutting trees increases the aesthetics by permitting better views of the streams

Which is not an argument by opponents of natural stream modification?

Land subsidence

Which is not an effect of cyclones?


Which is not an effect of flooding?

increased groundwater-table levels to use during droughts

Which is not an effect of subsidence and soil volume change?


Which is not an effect of tsunamis?

modeling future human behavior

Which is not an example of paleoclimate proxy data

ocean temperatures

Which is not an example of paleoclimate proxy data?

upward movement of land surfaces

Which is not an indication that there are expansive soils in an area?

They are all impacted by the internal processes

Which is not impacted by the Earth's internal processes?

South Carolina

Which of the following U.S. states has the highest risk for hurricanes?

Beach nourishment

Which of the following is a form of soft stabilization?

The winters here are dry and warm

Which of the following is a statement of climate as compared to weather?

Water vapor

Which of the following is considered a variable gas?

Increase microorganism populations in the soil

Which of the following is not a natural service function of wildfires?

fire suppression

Which of the following is not a primary approach of fire management?

Melting sea ice can lead to a rise in sea level

Which of the following is not a problem associated with glacial and sea ice melting?

Increase in years between successive fires at a given location

Which of the following is not expected to be caused by global warming?

Louisville, KY

Which of the following locations have climates that are favorable to cave formation?


Which of the following locations in the United States has the lowest risk of wildfires?

P waves cause the most of the damage at the epicenter

Which of the following statements is false about P waves?

Widespread wildfires were experienced everywhere

Which of the following was not a result of the K-Pg Boundary mass extinction?

Crown fires

Which of the following wildfire types is dominated by fires transmitted along treetops?

coniferous woodlands

Which of the following would generally have the lowest albedo?

Northern Europe would be cooler

Which of these areas is a consequence if the ocean conveyor belt was not present?

Colorado river

Which of these areas is not at risk for coastal hazards?

the average 1-minute wind speed

A hurricane category on the Saffir-Simpson Scale is determined by

Environmental unity

A landslide resulting from the clearing of natural vegetation that in turn causes flooding due to the slide mass damming a stream, which then damages and destroys homes is an example of

can arrive quickly, giving little warning time

A local tsunami

the magnitude-frequency concept

A massive forest fire that causes more damage than a small, contained one but occurs less frequently is an example of


A particle from the solar system that strikes the Earth is called a

richer farming soil

All of the following are direct hazards of ash fall except

Close enough to the equator so the Coriolis effect is strong enough to cause rotation

Which of these is not a condition needed for a hurricane to develop from a tropical storm?

the lack of knowledge/education on tsunamis and their behavior

Besides the lack of a warning system, a major reason many lives were lost in the 2004 Indonesian Tsunami was

increasing their severity and frequency

Climate change is likely to affect natural hazards in the future by

shape of slope

Downslope movements are classified according to all these variables except

Education of the hazard and what to do in a watch or warning

Even if a community is "tsunami ready," what is still a potential problem?

All of these are ways that scientists have used soils in evaluation of natural hazards

How does the study of soils help evaluate natural hazards?

building of levees and dams that prevent sediment to reach the delta

How has human activity lead to an amplification of natural delta subsidence?

Sudden loss of large numbers of plants and animals relative to the number of new species being added

How is mass extinction characterized?

People's perception of shaking and extent of damage

How is the intensity for an area determined on the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale?

Determining the relationship between driving forces and resisting forces

How is the stability of a slope assessed?

5 billion years old

How old is the sun, approximately?

building over fault lines

Human activity can cause earthquakes through all these ways except

Right forward quadrant

In what part of a hurricane can you usually find the strongest winds, precipitation, and storm surge for storms making landfall in the northern hemisphere?

the theory of seafloor spreading

In the figure of the Age of the Ocean Floor, the distribution of age is consistent with

latent heat being absorbed or released

In the figure, the change in water phases water shown are a result of (BLANK) (red arrows pointing down)

due to the urban heat island effect

In the figure, the temperature profile demonstrates the difference in temperature (picture of a city skyline)

normal dip-slip fault

In which of the following faults does the hanging-wall move down relative to the footwall?

Located 4 miles from the epicenter, on mud, on the path of greatest rupture, M 3.5

In which situation would you expect to experience the most shaking from an earthquake?

New vegetation has been planted on the bare slopes, adding weight to the slopes

Which of these is not a factor in why Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has more slope-stability problems than any other city of its size?

Planting of native grasses on a previously bare hillside

Which situation would be the least likely to contribute to a potential soil slip?

A south-facing slope in the Northern Hemisphere

Which situation would result in a wildfire to burn more easily?

60 degrees F and 90 degrees F

Which situation would result in the fastest jet stream flow?


Which stage of the earthquake cycle may occur only hours or days prior to the next large earthquake but may not always occur?

Steepness of slope, weather, stability of snowpack

Which variables interact to create unstable conditions for snow avalanches?

Landfall of a hurricane during low tide

Which would create a greater storm surge?

An informed public is better able to act responsibly than an uninformed public

Why are warnings issued even if the forecast is not 100% for a predicted hazard?

Improved warning systems, disaster preparedness and sanitation post-disaster

Why do high-income countries suffer the lowest number of deaths in natural disasters despite having relatively high populations?

They do not think it will happen on their hillside since they are so infrequent

Why do people choose to live in landslide areas?

Tsunamis are too small in amplitude in the open ocean, and the distance between crests is too large to notice its passing.

Why do sailors rarely notice a tsunami passing in the open ocean?

The recent warming greatly exceeds the natural variability

Why do scientists believe human activities are contributing to global warming?

There is a high benefit-to-cost ratio and not doing so could be detrimental

Why do we still put in efforts to prevent landslides even though it is so expensive?

The population has doubled in the past 50 years.

Why have large wildfires in Southern California become more hazardous in the past few hundred years?

The increase in coastal populations have put more property in the hazard areas

Why have property damage costs associated with hurricanes increased so dramatically if there is better forecasting?

It pulls swimmers out to sea in the fast current.

Why is a rip current so dangerous?

All of these are reasons why fires are a major hazard

Why is fire such a major hazard linked with earthquakes?

Success of hazard reduction programs depends on their attitudes

Why is it important to understand the preceptions of those affected by the hazard?

It is based on a combination of science, custom, and politics.

Why is the classification and naming of cyclones often debated?

They generally cause environmental and aesthetic degradation.

Why may seawalls not be the best way to minimize the effect of coastal hazards?

It is complex and multi-faceted, all of these are reasons

Why was Hurricane Katrina so devastating to New Orleans even though there was ample advance warning and scientists had widely predicted a major hurricane would hit?

coastal flooding

Rapid changes in relative seal level can contribute to hazards from

It is usually cooler at night and cold air has the capacity to hold less water vapor than warm air

Relative humidity normally increases at night because

there is a 1 percent probability that this size of flood will occur in any given year

Saying that a flood is a 100-year flood means that

San Andreas

Scientific investigations of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake led to the identification of which fault?

By composition and diameter

Scientists classify particles in the solar system by

dissolution of soluble rocks beneath the surface

Subsidence is commonly associated with

global cloud of sulfuric acid droplets

The "year without a summer" in New England was a result of the Tambora volcano creating what?

pyroclastic flow

The Roman towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum were destroyed from the _______ of Mount Vesuvius

moment magnitude scale

The most appropriate scale to use to compare earthquakes around the world is the

in the eye-wall

The most intense rainfall of a hurricane occurs

longshore drift

The parallel transport of sediment by ocean currents is referred to as

seafloor spreading was discovered

The plate tectonic theory was not taken seriously until

Many more human-made structures in the area

Why was the 1994 Northridge earthquake (M 6.7) in California 20 times as costly as the 1964 Prince William Sound, Alaska earthquake (M 9.2)?

The areas of wetlands is decreased

With the addition of levees (see figure), how does the natural floodplain change?

Geologic cycle

The processes that produce the earth materials, land, water, and atmosphere necessary for survival are collectively known as the

Northern hemisphere

Where is the cyclone in the figure located?

Punctuated uniformitarianism

Which concept is now used to explain the processes that form the Earth's landscapes?


Which does not affect coastal topography?


Which does not describe the size and movement of a wave?

The amount of humidity in the atmosphere

Which does not play a role in flooding?

Flooding from tsunami

Which has not been a cause of mass extinction?

cutting channels through levees

Which has not been a cause of subsidence in the Mississippi Delta?

Who will need to evacuate

Once a hurricane has formed, which is not a prediction that must be made by meteorologists?

Population of the site of airburst or impact

Which has the most influence on the consequences of an airburst or direct impact?

Glowing/smoldering combustion does not require rapid pyrolysis for its growth

Which is a difference between flaming and glowing/smoldering combustion?

climate warming in the past 5 decades

Thermokarst has formed in the Arctic due to


Tsunamis are most commonly produced by

secondary effects

Tsunamis, fires, landslides, and debris flows are all examples of ________ of volcanic activity.

They could lead to a false sense of security if not high enough

What is a problem with building seawalls to protect against a tsunami?

Buildup of fuel means potential for larger, high-intensity fires

What is a problem with fire suppression?

All of these are problems

What is a problem with those that live or work in the wildland-urban interface not adequately perceiving the risk from wildfires?

The impervious surfaces can increase the frequency of low and intermediate floods

What is a problem with urbanization when it comes to flooding?

construct buildings on a compacted fill layer

What is a realistic way to minimize hazards from subsidence and soil volume change?

Producing large amounts of rain in a relatively short time

What is not a benefit of severe weather?

Predict time and place of earthquakes

What is not a major goal of the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program?

Shutting down all electric and water-waste systems.

What is not a mitigation technique?

Destroy natural underground dams that slow or redirect flow

What is not a natural service function of earthquakes?

Rebuild in the hazard area

What is not a way to minimize or avoid the effects of natural hazards?

Triggering an earthquake

What is not an effect of landslides?

Develop on vegetated coastal areas

What is the best adjustment for shorelines with strong currents?

Decrease in temperature with increasing altitude

What is the defining characteristic of the troposphere?

watch - an earthquake that can cause a tsunami has occurred; Warning - a tsunami has been detected and is spreading across the ocean towards the area.

What is the difference between a tsunami watch and a tsunami warning?

collapse sinkholes develop when the surface or near-surface material falls into an underground cavern

What is the difference between solutional sinkholes and collapse sinkholes?

Trapping of heat by water vapor and several other atmospheric gases

What is the greenhouse effect?


What is the most common driving force of landslides?


What is the outer rock layer of Earth?

Solar Energy

What is the primary energy source that produces the differential heating that causes air masses to move across the landscape?

Visualize erosion at a particular beach

What is the purpose of a beach budget?

Collect rain and other precipitation to drain into rivers or streams

What is the role of a drainage basin?

Rising hot air in the fire pulls in fresh air to fuel the flames.

What is the role of convection in wildfires?

Large airburst of an asteroid occurred in recent history.

What is the significance of the Tunguska River Valley in Siberia in terms of asteroids?

People live or work near the hazard

What makes a natural Earth process a hazard?

People live or build structures on the floodplain

What makes flooding a natural hazard?

hydraulic chilling

What method was used on the Icelandic Island of Heimaey to deflect the lava flow from the main town?

Monitoring the atmospheric pressure

What type of information is NOT used in forecasting volcanic eruptions?

The small village of Fudai had built a much higher wall than people thought was necessary in the 1960s.

What was not a problem associated with the 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami?

Temperatures were cooled at nighttime due to clear skies during the day

What was not an impact of the 2003 European heat wave?

Heavy snowfall trapped many people in their homes

What was not an impact of the Great Northern Ice Storm of 1998?

Assume the area is safe because there have not been any dangerous waves elsewhere

When a tsunami watch or warning is issued, you can take your own personal actions. Which is not an action you should take?

In the past 150 years from proxy evidence

When has the most important evidence for global warming been collected and from what data?

convergent collision

When neither plate is dense enough to sink into the asthenosphere, the result is a (blank) plate boundary


When reporting to the public where the earthquake originated, new reports give the location of the (blank)

All of these are affects of the dam

How did the building of the Glen Canyon Dam affect the Colorado River?

Moving to the coasts where effects of tsunamis are greatest

How do humans increase the risk of tsunami hazards?

All are natural service functions of volcanoes

What is a natural service function that volcanoes provide?


A (blank) plate boundary is when two plates move away from each other and molten rock rises up to fill the gap

They have increased and decreased many times.

According to the figure, how have global temperatures changed over the last 800,000 years?

Possibly in the year 2300

According to the figure, if carbon dioxide emissions were reduced and the peak was during years 2000-2050, when could we expect to see temperatures stabilize?

They have been increasing.

According to the figure, what has been the general trend in temperatures over the last 140 years?


According to the map, which of the following has the least relative hazard from tsunamis?

All of these are needed to predict the movement

After an oil spill, what is needed to predict the movement of the oil along the beaches and in salt marshes?

The discharge will be the same

Along the same river with no additions or deletions of flow, which situation has the greatest discharge?

the bay shore consists of natural deposits of mud and bay fill

Although further from the epicenter than other areas, the darker orange areas in the figure experienced the most severe shaking from the Loma Prieta Earthquake because

10 or more people are killed

An event is considered a natural disaster if

within the Ring of Fire

Approximately two-thirds of all the active volcanoes on Earth are located


As seen in the figure, to describe the rocks that are displaced across faults, geologists use (blank) terminology.

All of these are ways the air temperature can affect the global sea level.

Changes in air temperature can affect the global sea level through


Convergent collision of two plate boundaries create some of the highest topography in the world which in turn can lead to what natural hazards?

continental caldera

Crater lake (shown in the figure) is an example of a

their place of origin and temperature of their core region

Cyclones are classified as tropical or extratropical based on

indirect effects

Emotional distress, donation of money or goods, and payment of taxes levied to finance recovery are examples of (blank) of a disaster

Northwest Pacific Ocean

From the given areas, which experiences the highest number of hurricanes?

Divert water away from the slope

How does the landslide hazard minimizing strategy shown in the figure help prevent landslides?

All of these increase wildfire incidence or intensity.

How does the presence of mountains increase wildfire incidence or intensity?

Global warming is the primary cause of permafrost melting in the Arctic, which in turn releases greenhouse gasses that could speed up climate change

How are climate change, subsidence, and soil volume change related?

Provide a general land use recommendation

How are landslide hazard and land-use maps like the one shown for Santa Clara County, California, used to minimize landslide hazards?

All of these are ways to identify potential landslides

How can areas where landslides are likely to occur be indentified?

Cutting a series of benches or steps into a high, steep slope reduces the overall slope and creates collection sites for small slides

How can grading of slopes be beneficial in preventing landslides?

Logging on weak, unstable slopes

How can humans increase the number and frequency of landslides?

Red soil usually signifies it is poorly drained, which can lead to higher slope instability

How can the color of the soil help in possible hazard risk assessment?

All of these are ways that tsunami waves are deceiving.

How can tsunami waves be so deceiving?

All of these are ways to adjust to an earthquake hazard

How can we adjust to an earthquake hazard?

Locate the areas most likely to be inundated to possibly move critical services outside these areas.

How could a community/state/country best use a runup map to prepare for a tsunami?

distant tsunami

If Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii collapsed into the Pacific Ocean, areas of Oregon may experience a

It takes time to initiate policy changes

If abrupt climate change during the next century is unlikely, why is it important to make changes now?

unusual animal behavior

If predictions of earthquakes were possible, the predictions would be based on all except

ash fall

If the _______ of the Yellowstone and Long Valley eruptions were experienced today, it would devastate the U.S. economy and food production capabilities, as well as have negative impacts on global climate change.


If the pore spaces in the soil are completely filled with water, the soil is

Circular pattern, staying mostly in the same place

If you placed a small boat in waves in the open ocean (not near the shoreline) what would the motion of the boat be?

Wave period

If you were watching waves from the shore and started counting the seconds between one crest to the next, what would you be measuring?

Vertical wind shear

In general, what indicates how severe a thunderstorm will become?

Basaltic, andesitic, rhyolitic

In order of increasing silica content, the three major types of magma are

carbon dioxide

In order to create and sustain a wildfire, you need all the following except

Glowing/smoldering combustion, flaming combustion, preignition (pyrolysis)

Label the phases of a wildfire from left to right for the three parts shown in the figure.

volcanic vent

Lava and other volcanic materials are extruded on to the surface through a

decompression melting

Magma begins to form if rocks are close to their melting temperature and the pressure from above is decreased in the process called

mountainous/high elevation areas

Many areas at risk for high landslide incidence shown in red on the figure coincide with

Strong winds and heavy rains from extratropical cyclones

Most of the severe weather on the West Coast from San Diego to Vancouver is caused by

continent-continent convergent

Mountain systems such as the Himalayans and Appalachains were formed through (blank) plate boundaries

the scientific method

Natural hazards can be identified and studied using

land-use changes affecting the magnitude and frequency of an event

Possible increases in the flooding of the Yangtze River due to the basin losing about 85 percent of its forest to timber harvesting and conversion of land to agriculture is an example of

Tectonic creep

Slow damage to roads, sidewalks, building foundations, and other structures such as that shown in the figure is a result of a process called

Pineapple express

The band of warm moist air under "Pacific Ocean" in the figure that can feed extratropical cyclones is referred to as the

In the United States and Canada alone, there is a great portion of the land that is affected by at least one of the hazards.

The best adjustment to subsidence and soil volume change is to avoid building in the areas prone to these hazards. Why is this not possible?

earthquakes & volcanoes; plate boundaries

The blue circles and red triangles indicate the location of (blank), and their locations correlate strongly with (blank).

continental erosion of cutbanks and deposition on point bars

The continual migration of meandering rivers is a result of

surface runoff and soil erosion

The creation and movement of a hydrophobic layer in the soil (shown in the figure) can increase the occurrence of ________ after a wildfire.

the Coriolis effect

The deflection of winds shown in the figure is a result of (globe with arrows)


The fault in the figure is caused by (blank) stress (figure of two blocks of land sliding away from each other)

Hydrologic cycle

The figure demonstrates the (image of the hydrologic cycle)


The figure demonstrates the process of wave

near its headwaters

The figure is most likely the cross section of a river

cinder cone

The figure shown is an example of a (blank) eruption (dome shaped volcano with a vertical eruption)

Karst topography

The figure shown, with rolling hills and alternating areas of subsidence and undisturbed land, is an example of

The drilling penetrated the mine causing ming flooding, lake draining, and other damage

The figure shows Jefferson Island and the salt mine and nearby oil drilling rig. What was the end result of this particular oil drilling location?

Return the much sought after land to the government for their own development

The figure shows a zoning map before and after the implementation of flood regulations. What is most likely not a reason for the regulations?

continual change and relocation of a barrier island

The figure shows an example of (hog island)

Complex impact

The figure shows an example of what type of crater?

There has been an increase in development on floodplains

The figure shows the change in flood damage and flood-control expenditures over the years. What has caused these trends? (both trends going up)


The figure shows what type of particle from the solar system?

Mount St. Helens

The figures on the previous slide show the before and after of what volcano?

Grasses evolved and spread across the land

The first change in wildfire behavior was seen when

a supercontinent called Pangea

The fossil evidence displayed in the figure supports the idea of

rate of some people's hair and fingernail growth

The general speed of plate movement per year is approximately equivalent to

The stages of recovery after a disaster

The given figure shows (figure of stages of recovery after a disaster)

subduction zones

The greatest earthquakes with magnitudes over 9 are usually associated with

hot spots

The hawaiian islands were created from

transfer of atmospheric heat in thunderstorms

The heat-transfer process of convection is important in


The impact or airburst of an asteroid or comet is not a direct cause of


The largest type of volcanoes - common in the Hawaiian Islands, Iceland, and in the East African Rift - are _______ volcanoes


The lava lamp illustrates the important internal Earth process of

acceptable risk

The risk society or an individual is willing to take depending on the situation is called

ash fallout areas

The shaded areas on the map show the (blank) of the three labeled volcanoes

the speed and duration of the wind and length of the fetch.

The size of waves in the ocean or on a lake depend on

geographic origin and direction of prevailing high winds

The storm tracks shown in the figure are named for the (map of US with colored lines)

Dry descending air masses

The subtropical midlatitude deserts of the world (Sahara, Arabian, Mojave, etc.) are a result of

divergent, convergent, and transform

The three basic types of plate boundaries are

local and distant tsunami waves

The two waves created from a single wave (as seen in the figures) are called the

find the intersection of P and S arrival time data from three seismographs at different locations

To determine the epicenter of an earthquake, scientists

The United States having just the right combination of weather, topography, and geographic location

Tornadoes are more common in the United States than in any other location on Earth due to

Use mitigation techniques and be prepared

What are steps we can take to reduce the death and damage associated with severe weather?

Instrumental, historical, paleo-proxy

What are the three main time periods for which climate data are available for study?

rotational and translational

What are the two basic patterns of movement for slides?

Coastal mangrove forests partly protected villages from the energy of the tsunami where the waves were smaller.

What did scientists discover about tropical ecology after the 2004 Indonesian Tsunami?

Flash floods occur in the upper part of the basin

What distinguishes flash floods from downstream floods

The height of the waves increases due to a decrease in both water depth and tsunami velocity

What happens as a tsunami nears land?

Pumping out the liquid requires support of the earth material

What happens when humans withdrawal subsurface fluids, such as oil, natural gas, and water?

Increasing population and poor land-use planning

What has turned what was once a disaster into a catastrophe?

Identifying and categorizing nearby objects that may threaten Earth.

What have scientists been doing to minimize the impact hazard?

Development of hot towers

What have scientists discovered may help predict hurricane intensity changes?

Extratropical cyclones obtain their energy from the horizontal temperature contrast between air masses on either side of a front.

What is a difference between tropical and extratropical cyclones?

A natural stream has a more diverse aquatic life since there are varying water velocities

What is a difference seen between a natural stream and a channelized stream?

Tsunamis are generally rare events at one particular location

What is a difficulty in the probabilistic approach to tsunami hazard risk?

Westerly winds that encircle the globe and play an important role in creating severe weather

What is a jet stream?

They tend to encourage more people to move into the floodplain

What is a major problem with flood-control measures?

They are events called megathrust earthquakes

What is a major problem with intraplate earthquakes?

Form beaches from coastal erosion

What is a natural service function of coastal processes?

Provide primary source of precipitation in many areas

What is a natural service function of cyclones?

Create a new habitat for fish in landslide-dammed lakes

What is a natural service function of landslides?

age; length of residence near hazard

_____ and _____ are significant factors in a person's knowledge of the hazard and possible adjustments to it.

climate forcing

___________ is defined as an imposed change in Earth's energy balance.

plate tectonics

is responsible for several of the most devastating natural hazards, including earthquakes and volcanoes

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