Environmental Final Semester II

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Ozone hole

An area of lowered ozone concentrated of Antarctica

Raising aquatic organisms for food in a controlled environment.


For hydrogen to become a useful vehicle fuel, scientists must determine how to____________ it into a smaller volume


Oil shale

Can be burned like coal or processed to extract liquid petroleum

The breakdown of methane to obtain hydrogen has the drawback of also releasing what?

Carbon dioxide

The greenhouse gas considered most responsible for global warming is what?

Carbon dioxide

_________________ emissions from vehicles increase, contributing to air pollution and global climate change.

Carbon dioxide

What is the smallest type of soil with the average particle size?


Miners risk injury or death from collapsing mines. In addition, they inhale what?

Coal dust

Fossil Fuels

Contain carbon and formed millions of years ago from the remains of organisms

Oil sands

Contains bitumen and generally removed through strip mining

Transportation-related pollution also includes motor oil and road salts runoff from roads and parking lots. This runoff contaminates waterways, which poses risks to ___________ and human health.


Offshore wind farms are becoming more common because they what?

Produce more power, due to stronger winds


Program in which a government sets a limit on carbon emissions, but allows industries to sell leftover allowances.

Geothermal energy is produced from a combination of high pressure and the breakdown of what underground?

Radioactive Elements

The vast grasslands that once coved the middle of North America have mainly been replaced by what?

Rangeland and cropland


Removing salt from seawater

Soil, fresh water, wild animals, and timber are examples of what?

Renewable resources

Acid Drainage

When sulfuric acid caused metals to leach from rock, leading to water pollution


When the liquid in a solution evaporates and remaining solids form minerals

Groundwater mining is the process of.......

Withdraw groundwater faster than it can be replaced

The amount of crop that grows in a given area


Ozone is a pollutant in a smog in the what?


Which impact of mining can cause respiratory disease, such as lung cancer, due to dust and particle exposure?

Air pollution

Clear-Cutting is a timer harvesting method in which.........

All of the trees in the area are cut


A boundary between two air masses that differ in temperature and moisture

Temperature Inversion

A condition in which a layer of cooler air is located beneath a layer o warmer air


A device attached to factory smokestacks to remove pollutants

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)

A family of chemical compounds that destroys ozone molecules

Carbon tax

A fee the government charges polluters


A hole dug into an aquifer to reach groundwater


A lake that stores water for humans to use


A mineral that its mined so that a metal can be removed from it


A mixture of air pollutants that forms over cites


A natural occurring solid mass of minerals and mineral-like material


A naturally occurring, inorganic solid that has an orderly crystalline structure pollution


A sponge-like formation of rock, sand, or gravel that holds water


A waste production generated by mining

Strip mining can cause the release of harmful chemicals in a process called what?

Acid drainage

Mechanical energy

Associated with the motion and position of an object

The continuous mass of solid rock that makes up Earths crust.


To create electricity, wind blowing into a turbine turns what?

Blades that connect to a gearbox

As these plants ______________ with others nearby that shared those characteristics, they produced new generations of plants with large and tasty fruits.


Many nations signed the Montreal Protocol in 1987. Since then, the production and use of chlorofluorocarbons has.......

Decreased dramatically

Which of the following is NOT a factor in the formation of metamorphic rock?


Open Pit Mining

Digging a large hole to remove ore and rock

Which of the following is NOT an example of the effects of groundwater depletion?

Dried up wetland

A negative aspect of geothermal energy is that some projects can trigger massive shaking in the form of what?


The removal process can endanger people and harm what?


When they change the flows of rivers, hydropower dams drastically change what and reduce fish population?


Which is secondary source of energy?


What is the process that breaks water down into the gases hydrogen and oxygen?


The Healthy Forests Restoration Act

Encourages salvages logging and prescribed burning on national forest land

Hydropower dams can provide electricity and may control what?


Scientists agree that the cause of global warming includes all of the following except for what?

Forest conservation

Because people in sprawling communities drive more due to limited public transportation options, they use more_____________.

Fossil fuel

The main source of the extra carbon dioxide is the burning of what?

Fossil fuels

A benefit of geothermal energy is that it creates less air pollution than combustion of what?


Chemical energy

Found in the bond that hold atoms together

Carbon dioxide is the green house gas that is most responsible for what?

Global warming

The introduction of synthetic fertilizers and chemical pesticides to farming date back to the.......

Green revolution

As the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases what also increases?

Greenhouse effect

In some places, hot_____________ is piped directly to buildings from underground.



Heating ore beyond its melting point and combining it with other metals or chemicals

Industrial agriculture is both

High yield and high input

Agriculture probably began when_____________ brought wild fruits, grains, and nuts back to their camps.


Methane hydrate

Ice-like solid(s) located in the deep ocean floor and made up of molecules of methane within a crystal network.

An example of metamorphic rock is what?


Rock that forms as magma cools slowly and solidifies below Earths surface is called what?

Intrusive igneous rock

Nuclear energy

Involves forces within atoms

Providing water other than precipitation to crops


Which of the following statements is true about land cover?

Land cover refers to human activities that take place on land

The plants that grew from these seeds likely produced fruits ______________ and _____________ than most.

Larger and tastier

When paper has a Forest Stewardship Council logo it, the paper is........

Made from sustainably harvested wood

The most common way to obtain hydrogen today is to extract from what?



Minerals that consist of the same elements but have different crystal structure

Which of the following is NOT a part of a wind turbine?


Which is an example of a non-renewable resource?

Nuclear energy

Soul texture is based on what?

Particle size

Because nothing is burned, hydropower does not do what to the atmosphere?


Point-source pollution

Pollution that comes from a discrete location

Non point-sourse pollution

Pollution that comes from many resources

In a geothermal what, steam from below ground turns the blades of a turbine, which makes a generator produce electricity?

Power Plant

Maximum sustainable yield, ecosystem-based management, and adaptive management are three approaches to what?

Resources management

Thermal energy

Results in an object becoming warmer if the particles in the object begin to move faster

Water that flows over land and has not been absorbed into the ground is called what?


The buildup of salts in the surface layers of soil is called what?


Some of the ____________ fell to the ground and grew into plants that produced good fruit.


Placer Mining

Sifting through material in modern or ancient rivered deposits

Strip mining is not as dangerous for humans as underground coal mining, but it can cause extreme habitat damage and what?

Soil erosion

Agriculture that does not deplete soil faster than it forms.

Sustainable Agriculture

Carbon sequestration

Storage system for Carbon

Ozone is highly beneficial in the ozone layer of the lower......


The_______________ required to remove fossil fuels from the ground is very expensive


Turning a steep slope into a series of steps for farming.



The area of land that drains water into a river system


The atmosphere layer nearest the earths surface


The buildup of salts in the surface layers of soil

Relative Humidity

The ratio of water vapor the air contains to the maximum amount it could have at the temperature

Acid Deposition

The settling to earth surface of acids formed when pollutants combine with water, oxygen, and other chemicals


The thin layer of gases that surrounds earth

True or False: The particular matter in emissions such as smoke and soot consist of tiny particles.


Which of the following mining methods disrupts the sea floor?

Undersea mining


The transfer of energy through space


The transfer of heat directly between two objects in contact

Most of the worlds remaining forests are either boreal forest or.......

Tropical rainforests

The policy of multiple use require that national forests be managed for what?

Timber, Wildlife habitat, Recreation

Hydrogen can be stored and____________ from one place to another


Cities and suburbs are examples of what?

Urban areas

In which of the following categories of land cover would you most likely expect to find the highest human population?

Urban areas

Electrical energy

Used to power computers

Carbon offset

Voluntary payment made to reduce greenhouse gases

Surface water

Water found on earths surface


Water that flows over land and has not yet been absorbed into the ground


Water that has been used by people in some way

Fresh water

Water that is relatively pure, with few dissolved salts

True or False: the process of moving water from its source to places where humans use it is called water diversion


All of the land area that supplies water to a particular river system is called a.......


Electromagnetic energy

Waves from the sun or in a microwave oven

The physical and chemical process that brakes down rock minerals into smaller particles.


Which of the following logging methods would most likely result in regrowth?

clear cutting

The chemical breakdown of hydrogen-containing compounds requires an input of what?


True or False: Cities must export almost all of the resources used by their residents.


True or False: Forests cover about 15% of Earths land surface


True or False: Geologists have so far identified about 1000 minerals.


True or False: Groundwater pollution is easy to monitor and clean up


True or False: Most logging in the United States today takes place on public lands


True or False: Most minerals are compounds composed of one element(s).


True or False: Natural gas is more polluting than coal or oil


True or False: Natural gas produces a small amount of energy


True or False: The aim of adaptive management is to harvest the maximum amount of a resource without reducing future harvests


True or False: The ecological footprint of cities are smaller than their actual land areas.


True or False: The environmental and health impacts of pollution are shared evenly among urban residents.


True or False: The poor typically live upstream from polluting facilities.


True or False: Weathering is often the last process in soil formation.


True or False: concentrating solar power (CSP) is a technology that uses turbines to force sunlight in order to generate electricity.


True or False: convection currents form from the raisin g of cool air and the sinking of warm air.


True or False: droughts and overuse have caused significant surface water reservoir


True or False: energy conservation is the practice of increasing energy use to meet goals


True or False: extensive forest fires have resulted partly from shorter, warmer drier fire seasons


True or False: flat-plate panels, provide a method for passive solar hearing.


True or False: fossil fuels are carbon-containing fuels that formed thousands of years ago from the remains of organisms.


True or False: greenhouses use active solar heating to collect the suns energy.


True or False: heat exhaustion is a condition in which the body cannot control its temperature, and body temperature rapidly rises


True or False: in recent years, the market for organic produce has decreased.


True or False: lakes that store water for humans use are called dams


True or False: marine organisms at higher trophic levels contain higher levels of mercury


True or False: of the nutrients phosphorus and nitrogen, phosphorus causes the most damage to oceans


True or False: pollutants leach through soil and seep into storage tanks


True or False: power plants and factories are examples of non point sources of pollution.


True or False: reducing oil seeping into coastal waters can lessen the frequency of algal blooms


True or False: rising property insurance payments may indirectly indirected that storms are decreasing in severity


True or False: the financial consequence of storms is indirected by the amount of money that insurance companies pay to people and companies that have insured their property against weather-related damage


True or False: transportation accounts for one half of oil use in the United States


True or False: when primary air pollutants react chemically with others substances, they produce new substances called super pollutants


True or False: when warm, moist air is cooled water vapor condenses and forms wind.


Deforestation has the greatest impact on biodiversity......

in tropical areas and arid regions

Salvage logging can do what?

promote wildfires

A cross-section of all the soil horizons in a specific soil.

soil profile

True or False: most efforts to reduce groundwater pollution focus on preventions


True or False: most oil pollution in the oceans comes from small, non-point sources


The impacts of sprawl on _____________ and population are related.


True or False: A partnership between consumers and local farms is known as community-supported agriculture.


True or False: Clear-Cutting results in mostly even-aged stands of trees


True or False: Dams can help regulate river flow


True or False: Deforestation is still occurring rapidly in some developing nations.


True or False: Each type of mineral has a unique crystal structure


True or False: In photovoltaic cell, sunlight striking a silicon plate begins a process that creates an electric current


True or False: Light pollution describes the way that city lights brighten the night sky, obscuring the stars and planets.


True or False: Minerals are formed from inorganic materials.


True or False: Natural gas is sometime found above coal deposits


True or False: Parent material is the base geological material from which soils formed.


True or False: Sustainable agriculture does not deplete soil faster then it forms.


True or False: about half the homes in the United States use natural gas for heating


True or False: as part of the prevailing wind patterns, cool air moves toward the equator.


True or False: as winds move over bodies of water, they pick up water vapor, which then falls as precipitation


True or False: drivers in European nations pay higher gas taxes than those paid in the United States


True or False: extreme weather is becoming more severe over time


True or False: groundwater pollution as a result of human activity s widespread


True or False: it can take decades for groundwater to get rid of its contaminants


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