EXW- Command, Control, Communications and Intel

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BW EEFI Disclosure- 04

Electronic warfare, enemy or friendly EW intentions, progress or results.

Command and Control: Nature

Exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attached forces in the accomplishment of the mission.

BW EEFI Disclosure- 02

Capabilities, enemy or friendly weapons systems, sensors, units or personnel

Message Precedence: O-Immediate

messages that relate to situations that gravely affect the national forces or populace. Transmission time 30 minutes.

(DEPORD) Deployment Order

planning directive from the Secretary of Defense, issued by Joint Chiefs of Staff that authorizes and directs the transfer of forces between combatant commands by reassignment or attachment. Normally specifies the authority that the gaining combatant commander will exercise over the transferred forces.


pronounceable words or phrases that have been assigned particular meanings to expedite message handling on R/T circuits. Prowords cannot be substituted for text. EG: ALL AFTER, ALL BEFORE, BREAK, OUT, OVER.

Message Precedence: Z-Flash

reserved for initial enemy contact messages or operational combat messages of extreme urgency. Transmission time.. AS FAST AS POSSIBLE!

Message Precedence: P-Priority

reserved for messages pertaining to the conduct of operations in progress. Transmission time 3 hours.

EEFI (Essential Elements of Friendly Information)

specific items of info which if revealed and correlated with other info would degrade the security of military operations, projects, or missions in the applicable areas.

TOC (Tactical Operations Center) Chain of Command S2- Intel

tracks enemy activity

Naval Intelligence: Nature

"Intelligence" is the product resulting from the collection, exploitation, processing, integration, analysis, evaluation & interpretation of available information concerning foreign countries or areas or an adversary's capabilities and intelligence.

Warning Order

A brief statement advising a patrol of the friendly/enemy situation, mission of the patrol 7 general instructions pertaining to weapons, uniforms, equipment, CoC, time schedule, tasks, communications, etc

Principles of Naval Intel

-Know the adversary -Ensure Unity of Intel effort -Plan for combat -Use an All Source approach

Intelligence cycle 5 Steps

-Planning & Direction -Collection -Processing -Production -Dissemination

Purpose of DTG (Date time group) on a Naval Message

1. For identification, tracking, and filing purposes. 2. Has two parts: 2 Digit day, 4 Digit time, single letter time zone, 3 letter month, 4 letter year

Execute Order (EXORD)

1. Order issued by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, by the authority and the direction of the SECDEF, to implement a National Command Authorities decision to initiate military operations. 2. An order to initiate military operations as directed.

Purpose of UXO Hazards Report

1. Report UXO Hazard to COC. Should request EOD support. 2. Do not touch or disturb UXO, parts, parachutes or move closer. 3. Never approach once identified. May explode. 4. Do not make radio transmissions within 100 meters. May be sensitive to EMR (electromagnetic radiation)

HF (High Frequency)

3-30 MHz

VHF (Very High Frequency)

30-300 MHz. Line of sight. Ideal for amphibious ops.

UHF (Ultra High Frequency)

300 MHz - 3 GHz. Known as sight transmission bands. This is well suited for tactical voice transmissions between ships travelling and moving together.


A real-time procedure used to alert circuit operators that an unauthorized disclosure has occurred over a non-secure circuit. Beadwindow also warns other operators on the net of disclosure.

FRAGO (Fragmentary Order)

An abbreviated form of an operation order, usually issued on a day-today basis, that eliminates the need for restating information contained in a basic operation order. it may be issued in sections.

3 Methods of communications (when oral is not reliable)

Arm and Hand Signals, whistle signals, and special signals

TOC (Tactical Operations Center) Chain of Command Watch Chief

Assistant to Watch officer, responsible for daily operations and the staff therein.

Types of Control-ADCON(Admin Control)

Authority over subordinate or other organizations in respect to administration and support.

BW EEFI Disclosure- 06

COMSEC, enemy or friendly COMSEC breaches, or Identification of frequency, schedule, or call sign change

Types of Control- TACON (Tactical Control)

Command authority that is limited to the detailed direction and control of movements or maneuvers within the operational area.


Communication Electronic Operating Instruction. Contains your command and signal portion of your SMEAC. passwords and challenges, call-signs, freqs, crypto, circuits, phone directories.

Naval Intelligence: Support to operating Forces

Cornerstone of Naval Intel, which is designed to support operations at sea, from the sea, and ashore. Naval forces engaged in operations are supported by theater Joint Intel Operations centers (JIOCs)

OPLAN (Operation Planning)

Detailed statement of a course of action to be followed to accomplish a future mission

Need to Know

Determination made by an authorized holder of classified info that a prospective recipient required access to specific classified info in order to perform or assist in the performance of a lawful and authorized government function essential to the fulfillment of an official US government program.


Focal points that ensure operating forces receive intel support from national and service intelligence centers such as DIA, CIA, and NSA.


Formal determination that a person meets the security standards and is thus eligible for access to classified info other than that protected in a special access program.

TOC (Tactical Operations Center) Chain of Command Watch Officer

In command of the COC and battalion, maintains status of battalion operation and tactical situation

BW EEFI Disclosure- 07

Inappropriate transmission, info has been transmitted or are about to be require a greater classification than the net is capable of

Requirements for handling CMS (Comms)- Inventory

Must be done every turnover

Requirements for handling CMS (Comms)- Training

Must be qualified and trained by the CMS custodian

Requirements for handling CMS (Comms)- Storage

Must be stored by clearance. TS must have two combinations.

BW EEFI Disclosure- 03

Operations, enemy or friendly operations, logistics, objectives, sitreps etc..

BW EEFI Disclosure- 05

Personnel, enemy or friendly key personnel, their movements or identity

BW EEFI Disclosure- 01

Position, enemy or friendly

OPORD (Operation Order)

Puts an OPLAN into effect; it's a formal statement by a senior commander to subordinate commanders outlining the coordinated execution of the operation to be carried out.

TPI (Two Person Integrity)

Security measure taken to prevent single-person access to COMSEC keying material and crypto maintenance manuals. No person can have lone access to a security container or crypto equipment containing COMSEC material.


Security violation that results in confirmed or suspected exposure of classified info/material to an unauthorized person

Purpose of the Intelligence Cycle

Series of inter-related activities resulting in intelligence products. It is the process starting with the requirements need all the way through the dissemination of the final product to the users.

Requirements for handling CMS (Comms)- Receipt

Sign and Inventory

Types of Control- OPCON (Operational Control)

functions of command over subordinate forces involving organizing and employing commands and forces, assigning tasks, designating objectives, and giving authoritative direction necessary to accomplish mission.

Requirements for handling CMS (Comms)- Destruction

TPI is required, regardless of the classification. Involves two types; routine and complete


The ability and opportunity to obtain knowledge of classified information.


The determination that official info requires, in the interest of national security, a specific degree of protection against unauthorized disclosure, coupled with a designation signifying that such a determination has been made.

Command and Control: Purpose

To allow a commander to make effective decisions and direct the successful execution of the military operation. Basically, it enables the commander to understand the situation in his battle space.

Naval Intelligence: Purpose

To support the commander by providing the tool to evaluate risk factors, to plan and direct operations, and to evaluate the effects of their actions.

Types of Circuits and Nets- Directed

To use net, you must obtain permission from the Net Control Station (NECOS)

TOC (Tactical Operations Center) Chain of Command S6- Comms

Tracks comms connectivity

TOC (Tactical Operations Center) Chain of Command S3- Ops

Tracks friendly forces

TOC (Tactical Operations Center) Chain of Command S1- Admin

Tracks personnel

TOC (Tactical Operations Center) Chain of Command S4- Supply

Tracks supplies and materials

Command and Control: Process

Translates ideas into action, enabling the commander to coordinate actions of his forces in his battlespace. It is a continuous, cyclical process called the "decision and execution cycle", also called the OODA loop- (1) Observe (2) Orient (3) Decide (4) Act


Used during a crisis or emergency, a message transmitted across a net to inform members of the net to reduce the message traffic drastically so that vital messages connected to the emergency can be delivered to appropriate recipients without delay.

Types of Circuits and Nets- Administrative

Used for harbor communications

SATCOM (satellite communications)

Utilizes SHF. 3-30 GHz

(CONOPS) Concept of Operations

Verbal or graphic statement in broad outline of a commander's assumptions or intent in regard to an operation or series of operations.

Requirements for handling CMS (Comms)- Responsibilities

You are responsible to national security, whether you are a witness or user

Types of Circuits and Nets- Free

You're not required to obtain permission to use it

BW EEFI Disclosure- 08

can be assigned by proper authority

Message Precedence: R-Routine

do not justify higher precedence, transmission time 6 hours

Types of Circuits and Nets Tactical

for tactical traffic

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