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In an important experiment used to determine the nature of atoms, a gas like hydrogen, neon, or mercury is excited by sparking it with electricity. The light emitted is separated out into individual colors using a prism or diffraction grating and a few lines of colored light are seen. The light observed in such a spectrum is emitted when an electron in an atom does what? [This question tests your ability to identify which conclusions about the structure of atoms followed from which early experiments.]

"jumps" from one energy level down to another lower energy level

In which of the following processes is the end product more ordered than the reactants? (In which process does entropy decrease in the system?)

*2H2 (gas) + O2 (gas) = 2 H2O (gas) 2C7H5N3O6 (solid) = 3N2 (gas) + 7CO(gas) + 5H2O (gas) + 7 C (solid) NaHCO3 (solid) + C2H4O2 (liquid)=C2H3NaO2 (solid)+ H2O(liquid) + CO2 (gas) 2C8H18 (liquid) + 25O2 (gas) = 16CO2 (gas) + 18H2O (gas) C6H12O6 (solid) + 6O2 (gas) = 6CO2 (gas) + 6H2O (liuid)

Which of the following substances would you expect to have the highest melting point?

*table salt, which boils at 1413°C water, which boils at 100°C nitrogen, which boils at -196°C ethanol, which boils at 78°C There is no relationship between melting and boiling points.

The distances to the nearest 100,000 or so stars can be measured by which of the following techniques?

*triangulation measuring tape radar ranging

The distance to the nearest few thousand stars can be determined by which of the following methods?

*triangulation radar ranging measuring the Doppler shift

What is the charge of iron (Fe) in the compound Fe2O3?


In a certain nuclear reaction, a radioactive nucleus with a net charge of +6 decays, emits an electron (-1 charge) and a neutrino (no charge), and turns into a nucleus that has a net charge of which of the following choices? (Hint: Think about Conservation of Charge. Drawing a picture may help.)


Which of these techniques do geologists use to estimate the age of rocks?

*radiometric dating supernova ages volcanic activity

A ball is thrown upward. When the ball is at its maximum height, what is its acceleration?

9.8 m/sec2 downward

When paper burns, what happens to its mass?

All of the mass is still there, but some of the atoms have recombined into different molecules and dissipated through the air.

Use the periodic table to list the atoms Br, As, and Ca (bromine, arsenic, and calcium) in order of increasing diameter (largest last).

Br, As, Ca

The chemical formula of the next family member after butylene will have what chemical formula?

CH2CHCH2CH2CH3 (also written C5H10)

A ball is rolling along the highway. From this information what do you know?

It has kinetic energy.

If a certain LED (doped semi-conductor) is cooled in liquid nitrogen, the color moves to a higher frequency. What happens to the band gap?

It increases in energy.

What is true about the pressure in a fluid?

It increases with depth.

A person gets into a boat. As the boat sinks deeper into the water, what happens to the pressure on the bottom surface of the boat?

It increases.

How does a catalyst affect a reaction?

It lowers the activation energy.

Two objects are attracted to each other by electromagnetic forces. Suppose I double the charge of one object. How can I return the force to its original value?

Move the objects farther apart.

Which of the following is true regarding red and blue light?

Photons from blue light have more energy.

Which of the following correctly describes how energy from the sun drives the hydrologic cycle on Earth?

The energy from the sun is transferred by radiation through the atmosphere to the oceans. This radiation is strongest near the equator, and most evaporation occurs there.

What can you determine about the speed of the waves in the water?

The speed is the same for both waves.

An automobile is traveling in a circle. Which of the following must be true?

There is at least one unbalanced force on it.

It is possible to predict exactly where an electron will be located once its orbital is determined.


Light can only be seen through very thin metal.


Metals have higher ionization energies than nonmetals do.


Mica is a silicate that has strong bonds throughout its entire structure.


The electric force ________ with increasing charge.


Now the elevator and the girl standing on the scale are mid-floor and are moving at a constant speed upward. Which choice properly describes her weight, contact force, and acceleration at this point?

weight = 130 lbs downward, contact force = 130 lbs upward, acceleration is zero

A girl stands in an elevator on a scale as the elevator just begins to move upward. Which choice properly describes her weight, contact force, and acceleration at this instance?

weight = 130 lbs downward, contact force = 140 lbs upward, acceleration is upward

When would you exert the most pressure on the floor?

when you are wearing high-heeled shoes

The sun will eventually become a

white dwarf

Which of the following best represents the end state of a star the size of our sun?

white dwarf

Can one detect the rotation of the Earth on its axis in any way?


10-5 is the same number as


The Second Law of Thermodynamics (Law of Increasing Disorder) places limits on the efficiency of energy conversion. Which of the following is allowed?

100% conversion of electricity to ambient temperature thermal energy

In the chemical equation C6H12O6 + 3O2 ⇒ 3CO2 + 6H2O, how many oxygen atoms are on the right side of the equation?


How many more electrons does unbound oxygen need to fill its 2nd shell? (You may find it helpful to draw the energy well on scratch paper.)


In the equation C2H4 + 3O2 = ? CO2 + 2H2O, how many CO2 molecules are needed to balance the equation?


The exclusion principle states that how many electrons may occupy a single orbital?


The man jumps out of an airplane, falls for a while, and then opens his parachute. After a short time, he is falling with constant speed straight down. What forces are acting on the man?

2 forces which balance

Each molecule of nitric acid has the formula HNO3. If there are 6000 oxygen atoms present and 6000 nitrogen atoms present, how many hydrogen atoms will be required to convert all of the oxygen atoms into nitric acid?


Uranium-238 alpha decays, emitting a helium-4 nucleus. What is the mass number of the product?


Which of the following is a correct and balanced equation showing the reaction of calcium and oxygen? (While several of the equations may be balanced, only one has the correct products and reactants as well as being correctly balanced.)

2Ca + O2 = 2CaO

Which of the following is thought to be the best estimate of the age of Earth according to scientists?

4.6 billion years 3.7 million years 13 billion years 7000 years

If you draw an energy well for a neutral neon atom, how many electrons does a neon atom have in its 2p orbitals? Neon has 10 electrons.


Which of the following is a legitimate radioactive decay because both charge and mass number are conserved?

84212Po → 82208Pb + 24He

Suppose an object is moving away from you with a speed near the speed of light. Which of the following choices is true?

A clock traveling with the object seems to run slower than when the object is at rest.

Which of the following is a correct comparison of metals and semi-conductors?

A metal's resistance increases when temperature increases while a semi-conductor's resistance decreases.

A single electron is sent through a single, tiny slit. Later it is detected by a screen placed on the opposite side. It is possible to change the width of the slit. (This experiment could also be done with a slow neutron rather than an electron.)

A single dot somewhere on the screen; you can't predict exactly where.

Which of the following types of electromagnetic radiation travels at the fastest speed?

AM radio waves gamma rays blue light red light *the speed is the same for all of these

Since he sees the light simultaneously, and it travels equal distances, he concludes that the lightning hits the ground at exactly the same time in the two locations. What happens according to the man driving by, east to west, moving very close to the speed of light?

According to the driver, the flashes occur at different times and the west flash occurs first.

What did Rutherford's gold foil experiment show?

All of an atom's positive charge is concentrated into a small volume.

When the dynamite explodes, what happens to its mass?

All of the mass is still there, but some of the atoms have recombined into different molecules and dissipated through the air.

What did Rutherford conclude about atoms from these experiments?

All of the positive charge was concentrated in a very small volume.

Which of the following is not why alloys are useful to us today?

Alloys have lower melting temperatures. Alloys are less malleable. *Alloys have a higher conductivity rate. Alloys reduce weight in objects.

When you compare the ionization energies of K, Ca, and Ar, which of the following is the least likely to give away an electron?


A divergent plate margin runs through the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. What happens to the Atlantic as a result of the presence of this diverging plate boundary?

Atlantic will grow wider.

What would be the best method to determine the distance to Proxima Centauri, the star nearest to our sun, at a distance of 4.3 light years away?

Bounce a radio wave off of it and time how long it takes to make the round trip. Examine its spectrum to see how much it has been shifted toward the red. *Take pictures of Proxima Centauri 6 months apart and measure how far it has traveled though the sky in that time relative to the background stars. Measure its color and brightness, and then look on an H-R diagram to determine its absolute brightness. All of these would work equally well.

For the pictures of molecules, the gray balls represent carbon atoms and the white balls are hydrogen atoms. The molecules belong to a family called the hydrocarbons. These next three questions test if you can recognize patterns in molecular families and bonding around carbon atoms and then reason from them to make predictions. What is the formula for ethene?


What happens to the entropy of the universe as the products are formed?

Chemical potential energy is converted into thermal energy resulting in an increase in entropy.

According to the course material, what is the suggested procedure to analyze forces on an object?

Choose an object; is gravity important? Is the object charged, carrying current, or magnetic? What does the object touch? Is friction important?

When a spinning figure skater pulls her arms in, she spins faster. Which of the following laws best explains why she speeds up in this situation?

Conservation of Angular Momentum

Why do elements in the same column of the periodic table react in similar ways?

Each element in the column has the same number of valence electrons.

In the modern quantum mechanical model of the atom, which of the following best describes the behavior of electrons?

Electrons are described as standing waves of probability.

When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of vinyl, the glass becomes positively charged. Why does this happen?

Electrons are transferred from the glass to the vinyl.

When you rub a balloon in your hair, the balloon becomes negatively charged. What is the correct explanation for this charge?

Electrons are transferred from the hair to the balloon.

Which of the following is experimental evidence that the Bohr model is incorrect? (The quantum model can explain why all of these occur, but the Bohr model doesn't provide an explanation as to why one of these happens.)

Electrons moving in circular paths radiate energy, but electrons around undisturbed atoms do not radiate any energy.

What would be the best method to determine the distance to Mars?

Examine its spectrum to see how much it has been shifted toward the red. Measure its color and brightness, and then look on an H-R diagram to determine its absolute brightness. *Bounce a radio wave off of it and time how long it takes to make the round trip. Take pictures of Mars six months apart and measure how far it has traveled though the sky in that time. All of these would work equally well.

Which of the following fatty acids is best for human health?

Fatty acids that have one or more "bent" cis-double bonds between carbon atoms.

Which of the following best describes the behavior of greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse gases do not interact with visible light, but absorb longer-wavelength, infrared light, inhibiting the longer wavelengths from being radiated into space.

Thomson's plum pudding model was the model of the atom being used at the time. Which of the following explains what Rutherford expected to happen based on Thomson's model, and why he expected these results?

He expected all of the alpha particles to go through because in Thomson's model there was no concentration of charge to repel them.

A passenger in the Volkswagen is not wearing a seat belt. He is thrown toward the windshield. Which of the following is a correct explanation for this occurrence?

He is not thrown forward. He just keeps moving in the direction he was originally going until something, like the windshield, stops him.

What is the fact that it is impossible to simultaneously determine both the speed and position of a particle with complete precision known as?

Heisenberg's uncertainty principle

Why is a high temperature required for nuclear fusion to occur?

High temperatures are required to allow the nuclei to have enough kinetic energy to overcome the electromagnetic repulsion and have the strong force attraction take place.

A skier is skiing downhill, with friction. From this information, which of the following must be true?

His gravitational potential energy is decreasing.

Which of the following is a true statement about melting and boiling points in materials made of covalent molecules?

Hydrogen bonding between molecules increases melting and boiling points.

Global temperatures have increased over the last 100 years. What evidence is there that human activities are at least partially responsible for this increase?

Ice cores show a correlation between global temperature and CO2, and humans have released a lot of CO2 in the last 100 years.

Which of the following statements is true?

In all cases, the solid form of a given material is more plastic than the liquid form. In all cases, the solid form of a given material is more dense than the liquid form. A liquid will expand to assume both the size and shape of its container. *Gases are fluids.

Which of the following describes Newton's 2nd law?

It describes how an object accelerates when a force is applied.

A cue ball is fired at a group of pool balls on a frictionless pool table. Compare the total momentum before and after the cue ball hits the other balls.

It is the same before and after the collision.

An air conditioner causes a cool place (the inside of your house) to become colder, but at the same time heats up a warmer space. (An air conditioner blows hot air out the back, heating up the outside air even more). Which of the following correctly applies the law of increasing disorder to an air conditioner?

It is true that the heat flow from the cold region to the hotter region increases order, but this is made up for by increasing the disorder of energy from another source.

Which of the following describes Newton's 1st law?

It states that an object will remain in uniform motion unless acted upon by a force.

Which of the following describes Newton's 3rd law?

It states that forces come in interaction pairs.

What happens as a body moves higher and higher above the surface of the Earth?

Its weight decreases.

Louis de Broglie proposed that all matter has dual nature. The wavelength of any particle is related to its momentum by this equation: wavelength = h/mv Which of the following is the best explanation of why we don't notice wave behavior in large objects such as baseballs, but it is fairly easily detected in small objects such as electrons.

Large objects will have wavelengths far too small to detect wave behavior because of their larger masses.

What does this demonstrate about the behavior of light?

Light has wave properties.

When sunlight passes through a large opening, such as a door or window, it makes a bright spot about the size of the opening. When light passes through a very small opening, such as a pin hole, it spreads out over an area much larger than the size of the opening. Why does this occur?

Light has wave properties.

A piece of wood is burned in a fireplace. Which of the following is true about the situation?

Mass is conserved. Total energy is conserved. Electric charge is conserved. *All of these are conserved. None of these are conserved.

What did De Broglie hypothesize?

Matter has wave properties.

What would be the best method to determine the distance to a distant star about 100,000 light years away in our own galaxy?

Measure its color and apparent brightness, then look on a H-R diagram to determine its absolute brightness. Then compare absolute and apparent brightness.

Which of the following lists represents the terrestrial planets?

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

Which of the equations below is balanced correctly?

Mg + N2 ⇒ MgN3 2Zn + O2 ⇒ ZnO *CH4 +2O2 ⇒ CO2 + 2H2O 2C + O2 ⇒2CO2 2P2 + O2 ⇒ P2O5

Which of the following is an ionic compound?


Suppose an elephant and an ant are both running at 1 mile per hour when they both encounter a long patch of slick ice where friction can be neglected. They begin to slide on the ice. Which of the following statements is true concerning their motion?

Neither the elephant nor the ant will stop. Both will continue at 1 mile per hour as long as the ice lasts.

The motion of molecules is governed by which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

Newton's laws of motion the electromagnetic force conservation of energy

According to principle of non-contradiction, if two ideas contradict each other, which of the following statements is true?

One statement must be false.

When you compare saturated with unsaturated fatty acids containing the same number of carbon atoms, what is true?

Saturated fatty acids have more hydrogen atoms.

The gasoline engine of an automobile is considerably less than 100% efficient. This means that not all of the energy in the gasoline is turned into kinetic energy of the car. Which of the following best explains why?

Some of the chemical potential energy in the gasoline must become ambient thermal energy if the rest is to supply the kinetic energy of the automobile. This means some energy must be wasted.

Spiral galaxies typically contain large numbers of blue stars and bright nebulae, while elliptical galaxies typically contain mostly yellow and red stars. What can you conclude based on this information?

Spiral galaxies are actively forming new stars, while elliptical galaxies have little or no star formation going on.

What principle best describes what happens as the slit becomes narrower and the position of the electron is measured more accurately at the slit.

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Which of the following are true of the Jovian planets?

The Jovian planets are larger than the terrestrial planets.

The outer planets are much more massive and much lower density than the inner planets. What conditions in the disk of gas and dust that surrounded the protostar that became the sun led to the difference between the Jovian and terrestrial planets?

The Jovian planets formed in the colder outer regions of the disk where the temperatures were low enough for low density materials like water and methane to form solid ices.

Which of the following statements is true concerning the forces that each vehicle (and driver) experience in this collision?

The Volkswagen bug experiences a force that is the same as the Ford pickup truck experiences.

A bullet is fired horizontally from a high-powered rifle. At the same time, a second bullet is simply dropped from the same height as the bullet which was fired from the rifle. Neglecting air resistance, which statement is true about the acceleration of the first bullet after it leaves the gun compared to that of the second bullet as it falls?

The acceleration of the first bullet is the same as the acceleration of the bullet that was dropped.

An object is initially moving under the influence of gravity. How does air friction change the acceleration of this object as the object increases in speed?

The acceleration of the object decreases as its speed increases.

A driver in a Volkswagen bug (mass = 1335 kg) pulls out going 10 miles per hour in front of a Ford pickup truck (mass = 2675 kg), which is traveling 40 miles per hour. The two vehicles experience a head-on collision. In this same head-on collision between the Volkswagen bug and the Ford pickup truck, which of the following statements is true concerning the acceleration of the pickup truck and Volkswagen bug?

The acceleration of the truck is much less than that of the Volkswagen bug.

Two helpful Physical Science 100 students happen to see the plight of the elephant and the ant on the ice and decide to help them. The two students exert a force on the elephant of 1 N and a force on the ant of 1 N. Which of the following statements is true?

The ant will stop first due to its smaller mass.

When the water begins to boil, he adds some salt. Water molecules have less mass than the sodium atoms in the salt. At any given temperature, how does the behavior of the two compare?

The average speed of the water molecules is higher, but the average kinetic energy is the same.

Two main sequence stars, one red and one blue, are located the same distance from the Earth. If these stars are observed, what will you see?

The blue star looks brighter than the red star.

Now this same block of wood that was floating with one half of its volume out of the water is pushed down so that it is completely underneath the water. Which of the following statements is correct?

The buoyant force on the block is greater when the block is completely submerged than it is when the block is floating.

The boat springs a leak and sinks completely. What happens to the buoyant force?

The buoyant force on the boat is smaller because it doesn't displace as much water after it sinks.

A small, steel ball sinks in water while a very large aircraft carrier, made of the same kind of steel, floats at rest on the surface of the water. Which of the following is correct?

The buoyant force on the carrier is the same strength as the weight of the carrier.

Which is easier to accelerate?

The cannonball requires more force to accelerate it as much as the marble.

How does the plate tectonic model account for the movement of continents?

The continents rest on plates which move on top of a layer of mechanically weak (plastic) rock in the Earth.

A glass that contains a mix of ice and water stays at 0°C as long as there is ice left, even when the temperature of the room is much higher than 0°. Why?

The energy transferred from the room is increasing the potential energy of the water molecules.

When looking at Brownian motion of dust particles in water, what would be observed if the temperature is increased?

The erratic motion of the dust particles increases.

Which one of the following is classified as an electrical force?

The force attracting the electrons to the nucleus in an atom.

If a quantity is conserved, what happens?

The form of the quantity can change but not the amount.

According to a person standing in the middle of the tunnel, the back end of the train enters the tunnel just as the front end is emerging. What happens according to someone sitting in the middle of the train?

The front end leaves the tunnel before the back end enters.

A glass thermometer at room temperature (20° C) is placed in a pan of near-freezing water (1° C). Which of the following statements is true concerning the heat conduction which may occur in this situation?

The glass molecules transfer some of their kinetic energy to the water molecules, which have, on average, less kinetic energy.

How does the gravitational force on the cannonball compare with that on the marble?

The gravitational force on the cannonball is larger.

Which statement is true in the Big Bang model?

The heavy elements, like uranium, found on the Earth were created in the first few seconds of the Big Bang. The universe has always been pretty much as we see it today, and it always will be. *The microwave background radiation that fills the universe is left over from the early stages of the expansion process. A certain amount of new matter is continually being created in space. The galaxies are, on the average, moving away from each other. The more distant the galaxies, the slower they are moving away from each other.

To be useful as a geologic clock, which of the following conditions must be true for a radioactive isotope?

The isotope must be fairly common and have a long half-life.

Where is the kinetic energy of the pendulum the largest?

The kinetic energy is highest at the lowest point in the swing (point C).

When the absorption spectrum of light from distant galaxies is measured, what is found?

The lines in the absorption spectrum are shifted towards the red end of the spectrum, with light from the most distant galaxies being shifted by the largest amount.

If the slit is made narrower in an attempt to know exactly where the electron is when it passes through the slit, what will happen to the image on the screen?

The location of the image becomes harder to predict. (That is, you will see the same band, dot, or series of bands, but you will not be able to predict where on the screen this image will appear.)

What happens to the valence electrons as the product (MgO) is formed?

The magnesium atoms' valence electrons are effectively transferred to oxygen.

What happens to the valence electrons as an ionic compound is formed?

The metal atoms' valence electrons are effectively transferred to the nonmetal.

A stick of dynamite explodes. How does the momentum of the dynamite before the explosion compare to the total momentum of all of the pieces immediately after the explosion?

The momentum is the same just before and just after the dynamite explodes.

All objects weigh less near the surface of the Moon than the same objects weigh near the surface of the Earth. Why does this happen?

The moon has less mass than the Earth.

Both fission and fusion can result in a release of energy. Why?

The nuclei of atoms near the middle of the periodic table have the least energy and the nucleons with the smallest mass.

If the light is made extremely dim, what happens to the pattern produced?

The pattern stays basically the same shape, but gets speckled, like it is made up of dots.

When you compare the mass of the products to the mass of the reactants in a fission reaction, what do you find? (Note the question is asking about mass, not mass number.)

The reactants have more mass.

A heavy rock is lying under water on the bottom of a swimming pool. Which of the following is correct?

The rock is easier to lift when it is under water than it would be on dry land because the buoyant force of the water pushing on the rock helps to push it upward.

A rocket in empty space is a long distance from any star or planet so that we ignore any influence from these bodies. When the motors are turned off, which of the following is true?

The rocket will continue with unchanging speed in a straight line.

A window air conditioner is normally placed in a window so the hot air from the back blows outside. What would happen if the air conditioner were placed in the middle of a closed room and turned on?

The room would heat up because all of the energy absorbed by the air conditioner, both thermal and electrical potential, is released back into the room as thermal energy.

Which of the following best describes how the siltstone is cemented together?

The siltstone clasts are held together by minerals precipitated by ground water.

If you increase the amplitude of the sound wave, what else will happen?

The sound wave will become louder.

The next three questions relate to a cannon ball and a marble that are dropped from the same height at the same time. Both are originally at rest. Ignore air friction. How do the speed and acceleration of the cannonball compare with those of the marble at any given time after they are dropped?

The speed and acceleration of the cannonball are both the same as those of the marble.

A reversible process does what to the total disorder in the universe?

The total disorder does not change.

Carbon-14 (14C) is not stable and it spontaneously decays into nitrogen-14 (14N) and an electron by a radioactive beta-decay. Which of the following is true about the decay?

The total number of nucleons stays the same.

The boy and the sled exert forces on each other. When would the contact force the sled exerts on the boy be equal to the contact force the boy exerts on the sled?

The two forces are always equal and opposite.

In convection currents, warmer air rises and cooler air descends. Which of the following is correct?

The warmer air has a lower density than the cooler air which it displaces.

If a block of wood floats with half its volume submerged, what happens?

The weight of the block is the same as that of the displaced water.

What does the exclusion principle state?

There can only be two electrons in one orbital and the electrons must differ by spin.

You are in a spaceship moving in a straight line at constant speed. You cannot see out of the ship. Assuming perfectly uniform motion, which of the following is true?

There is no experiment you can do to determine that you are moving.

You are driving an automobile and you are making a left turn at constant speed. A package slides across the seat as a result of the turn. Which of the following is true?

There would be no motion of the package relative to the seat if the force of friction were sufficiently great between the package and the seat.

Which of the following statements is true?

Two events that are simultaneous on one reference frame are always simultaneous in another reference frame. *Moving objects are shorter than when they are at rest. Moving clocks run fast. Non-inertial reference frames do not exist.

What were the actual results of the experiment?

Very few of the alpha particles bounced off of the foil.

The Sun has a mass about 330,000 times as large as the Earth. Why aren't we more strongly attracted to the Sun than the Earth?

We are much closer to the Earth than we are to the Sun.

Streams cut deep valleys as they travel through mountains, but the same streams deposit large amounts of material to form deltas when they reach the ocean. Why?

When streams are traveling down steep slopes the water picks up material because it has more kinetic energy. When the water reaches the ocean, it slows down and drops that material.

When is a frame of reference inertial?

When the reference frame has constant velocity.

When do quantum-mechanical particles (that is, electrons) behave as if they have wave-like properties?

When they are unobserved

Which one of the following statements is true?

Work done by friction is often responsible for converting internal energy into kinetic energy. The internal energy of a given object is increased by lowering its temperature. The electrical potential energy of two similar charges is increased when they are moved farther apart. The gravitational potential energy of a falling object is increasing. *None of these above are true

In lesson 20, a magnesium strip was used to ignite the thermite reaction. When magnesium is placed in a flame from a small blow torch, it burns quite brightly, forming magnesium oxide, a salt that contains one magnesium for every oxygen. The following questions ask you to provide some details of the chemical processes involved in a reaction between magnesium and oxygen. Which of the following would best describe the room temperature characteristics of the substance that results from the reaction between magnesium (Mg) and oxygen (O)?

a brittle, transparent, electrically non-conducting solid

White light (containing all visible colors) passes through a gas that absorbs some of the light. The spectrum is then analyzed. How could that spectrum best be described?

a continuous spectrum except for some black lines

The shape of a "p" orbital most closely resembles which shape?

a dumbbell

What is a centripetal force?

a force that is directed sideways to the direction of motion

Nuclear fission is when

a large nucleus breaks apart into smaller pieces.

What is a material that will flow to assume the shape of its container, but will maintain its volume?

a liquid

The substance that a wave travels through is known as what?

a medium

A metal can best be described as

a network solid consisting of positively charged atoms in a sea of electrons.

Which of the following would best describe the characteristics of the material formed?

a non-conducting material with low melting and boiling points, likely liquid or gas at room temperature.

Which of the following is the best description of a photon?

a particle without mass and with no charge

In the Thomson (plum pudding) model of the atom, how is an atom described?

a positive "pudding" with small lumps of negative charge distributed throughout

What is the muon decay experiment?

a real experiment

or the next four questions, use this scenario: Light from a laser shines on a pair of closely spaced slits and then fall on a screen. No attempt is made to detect the light until it hits the screen. Which of the following best represents the resulting image on the screen?

a series of bright and dark bands

What is the approximate range of the nuclear strong force? (In other words, what is the distance over which the strong force is significant?)

about the size of a nucleus

The shadow zone for P waves provides evidence for

abrupt density changes at Earth's mantle-core boundary

What are compounds between two different metals called?


According to the second postulate of the Special Theory of Relativity, the speed of light is _______ the same for two observers moving away from each other.


The gravitational force

always attracts objects with mass

What direction is the buoyant force that a fluid exerts on a submerged object?

always up

Which of the following processes is closest to an ideal reversible process?

an ice cube floating in a glass of water at zero degrees

As the temperature of the water increases from 30°C to 80°C, which of the following is also increasing?

average kinetic energy of the molecules

As a compression elastic wave passes through a medium, how does each piece of the medium move?

back and forth in a direction parallel to the direction the wave is traveling

Which of the following is the best model for the formation of the universe?

big bang model

Which of the following are examples of relative dating principles?

brightness-distance relationships uniformitarism carbon dating *superposition

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a metal or alloy?


Which of the following would best describe the room-temperature characteristics of an ionic substance?

brittle, transparent, electrically non-conducting solid

Which of the following is not used as a measurement technique for identifying chemical substances?

color spectroscopy

wo or more different elements that are chemically combined are always what kind of substance?


A sound wave is an example of what type of wave?


When a material conducts electricity in the solid and liquid forms, what is it called?


A rainbow is an example of a ____________ spectrum.


Which of the following substances is most likely to be a pure element?


If carbon is combined with oxygen, it forms a new molecular material. The next five questions ask you to make some predictions about the characteristics and behavior of this molecule. What type of bond would exist between the carbon and the oxygen?


Which of the following best describes, from surface to center, the chemically distinct layers of the Earth?

crust, mantle, core

The gravitational force ________ with increasing distance.


From the average density of Earth compared with the density of the crust, we know that

density increases with depth in the Earth.

When sunlight passes through a large opening, such as a door or window, it is concentrated immediately behind the opening. When light passes through a very small opening, such as a pin hole, it spreads out over an area much larger than the size of the opening. This is an example of what?


Waves may be observed to reflect, refract, diffract, and interfere. Two of these behaviors are unique to waves only and two of them may also be observed for particles (or convincingly counterfeited by particles). Which two are wave behavior only?

diffraction and interference

What type of spectra are observed from gaseous atoms?


Entropy is a measure of the ________ of a system.


Rank the following according to their strength, weakest first, strongest last.

dispersion forces, dipole-dipole interactions, hydrogen bonding, covalent bonding

Which of the following is one piece of the evidence for an iron-nickel core in the center of the Earth?

earth has a magnetic field

All types of plate boundaries are clearly indicated by the location of which of the following?


Chemical potential energy is one form of internal energy. Which of the following is the source of chemical potential energy?

electrical potential energy of molecules

The force which holds atoms together to form molecules is called the

electromagnetic force

Which of the following particles are negatively charged?


Which of the following particles are found around the outside of an atom and are easily transferred from one atom to another?


The contact force is caused by which of the following?

electrons of two atoms repelling each other

In a mechanical wave, what is actually traveling from one place to another?


A glass rod which is electrically neutral has which of the following?

equal numbers of protons and electrons

Observations of galaxies outside own our local group of galaxies indicates that the universe is


Which of the following is an example of refraction?

eyeglasses correcting a person's vision

A very fast reaction has a very high activation energy.


According to the quantum model of the atom, the valence electrons of an atom are buried deep inside the atom.


Chemical weathering is caused by water entering cracks and expanding as the water freezes.


Dispersion forces are stronger than covalent bonds.


Fatty substances that are solid at room temperature are classified as oils.


If a rock has high porosity, the same rock will have high permeability.


In the future, engineers will be able to design a car that is completely efficient.


It is possible to predict exactly when a radioactive nucleus will decay.


Molecular orbitals are the same shape as atomic orbitals.


Pangaea was the first and only time all of the continents have been together.


Pluto is classified as a planet.


Quartz, a mineral with no regular pattern when seen in large quantities, has fibrous layering in its atomic structure.


Sea level is the lowest elevation to which all streams cut.


Selenium (atomic number 34) has 3 valence electrons.


The appearance of the moon is uniform across the entire surface of the moon.


The electrons in an atom spin around in the orbitals like a top.


The energies of the orbitals that form when metals interact are very widely spaced in energy.


The forces between the N2 molecules are very strong.


The molecular model cannot explain why the pressure of a gas in a container with fixed volume, such as car or bike tires, increases with increasing temperature.


The regions around the poles of the Earth receive the most direct light from the Sun.


Uniformitarism says that the same geologic processes occurring today in a particular location on Earth occurred in the same places in the past.


Within a given period, metals have higher ionization energies than non-metals do.


Which of these is a collection of elements that shares a set of similar chemical and physical properties?


Which of the following features are most commonly associated with converging plate boundaries between two continental plates?

fold mountian belts

What is the energy of a photon related to?


Which of the following describes a wave property, not a wave phenomenon? Select all that apply.

frequency and amplitude

Complete conversion of one form of energy to another can occur only in which direction?

from higher to lower organized forms

Which of the following set of properties is most likely those associated with methane, a covalently bonded compound?

gas at room temperature, colorless, does not conduct electricity when solid

When two objects of like charge get nearer to each other, the strength of the repulsive force between them does what?

gets larger

Moraines are associated with which of the following?


What best describes the chemical composition of Earth's crust/core?

granite and basalt/iron and nickel

What force causes the particles making up a protostar to collapse?

gravitational force

Select all correct answers. The four fundamental interactions are

gravitational force. electromagnetic force. weak nuclear force. strong nuclear force.

Which type of energy is the most ordered?

gravitational potential energy

If two protons were sitting side-by-side very close together (about 10-15 m apart), which of the following forces would be the weakest?


Which of the following best describes a gas which transmits high energy photons but absorbs a large fraction of infrared photons?

greenhouse gas

In general, which of the following sources is the most important for fresh water for humans?


Isotopes of an element are different atoms of the element that

have the same number of protons, but differ in mass number.

You sit on a hot stove. Energy is transferred into your seat by which process?

heat conduction

A newly formed star is composed mostly of


Most stars spend the greater part of their active life as a

hydrogen/proton-fusing star.

Upon which of the following does the amount of solar energy absorbed by Earth depend? (Select all that apply.)

if the sunlight hits water if the sunlight hits snow if the sunlight hits dry land

Which of the following types of rock are created from volcanic eruptions or from crystallization of magma beneath Earth's surface?


In a bonding orbital between two atoms, where is the electron density the highest? (Where do you have the highest probability of detecting an electron?)

in between the two atoms

A medium-sized star is rotating about its axis (similar to how the Earth rotates about its axis once each day). At the end of its life, it collapses into something called a neutron star which has a much smaller radius than the original star. In the process, there are not forces which would, of themselves, speed up or slow down the rotation of the star. Considering conservation of angular momentum, we would expect the rotation speed of the star to do what?


The gravitational force ________ with increasing mass.


Two objects are attracted to each other by gravitational forces. Suppose I double the mass of one of the objects. This changes the gravitational forces between them. I can make this force the same as it was at first, however, by doing what?

increasing the distance between the two objects

Which of the following is unimportant in the determining the characteristics of fatty acids?

ionic bonds

Lithium fluoride does not conduct electricity as a solid, but will conduct if melted or dissolved in water. What kind of material is it?

ionic material

The core of the Earth is thought to consist mostly of which substance?


An ice cube melts in a glass of warm water. This is an example of which type of process?


As the temperature of a material increases, what happens to the average kinetic energy of the molecules of the material?

it increases

In an irreversible process, what happens to the overall disorder of the universe?

it increases

What happens to the pressure on the block as it is pushed deeper into the water?

it increases

Most rocks found at the surface of the Earth are ________ the entire planet.

less dense than

Which of the following are fluids?

maple syrup, hydrogen gas, liquid nitrogen

Which of the following quantities is conserved in non-relativistic processes?


Slate, marble, and gneiss are examples of which of the following types of rock?


Which of the following choices would be third in size, if you were to rank them from smallest to largest?


In the molecular model of matter, matter is said to consist of tiny units called ________.


Which of the following is most likely to form a black hole?

most massive stars

A red shift in the spectrum of a galaxy indicates that the galaxy is

moving away from us.

Which of the following is the current theory about how our solar system formed?

nebula hypothesis

As surface temperatures increase, the rate of plant growth increases, removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.


Experiments with gas discharge tubes showed the atom consisted of positive and negative charges. The ________ bits were found to be the same for all types of atoms.


Which of the following is atomic matter rather than molecular or network matter?

neon gas

Which of the following tends to have the highest melting and boiling points?

network matter

What is a material that doesn't conduct electricity regardless of whether it is in a liquid state or solid state called?


Ionic compounds are formed between a metal and a


Two events that are observed to be simultaneous in one reference frame are _________ simultaneous if observed in another frame if two observers are both in uniform motion.

not necessarily

The process that produces most of the explosive energy of a hydrogen bomb and that is believed to be responsible for the energy released by the sun is called

nuclear fusion.

Divergent plate boundaries may occur in which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

oceanic lithosphere continental lithosphere

The Moon is moving around the Earth with constant speed in a nearly circular orbit. What forces are acting on the moon?

one unbalanced gravitational force

The various forms of energy can be ranked according to their level of what?


Of the following, which are compression waves? (Select all that apply.)

p waves

The asthenosphere consists mostly of

partially molten periodate

The photoelectric effect shows that light has ________ properties.


A polar explorer wakes up one morning and notes that the temperature is 20° below 0°C. He decides he needs some hot water to cook his mac 'n cheese, so he cuts out a block of ice, puts it in a pot, and heats it on his camp stove until it first melts and later starts to boil. The next four questions deal with this situation of the explorer and his cooking. Which of the following is the best general description of the behavior of the liquid water molecules?

particles in random motion that collide, transfer energy, and exert forces according to the conservation laws and Newton's laws of motion

Scientists assume that physical laws are the same on earth and on Alpha Centauri, the closet star to our sun visible with the naked eye. This is an example of

position symmetry

As surface temperatures increase, decay rates for vegetation increases. Decaying plants produce methane.


As surface temperatures increase, the amount of the surface covered with snow and ice decreases.


As water temperatures increase, the solubility of gases in the water decreases, so the oceans release carbon dioxide.


The ________ of a gas is attributed to collisions of the gas molecules.


The gravitational force causes a protostar to collapse. Which of the following tends to offset and slow the collapse? The question refers to a time in the evolution of a protostar before it moves to the next stage and becomes a star.

pressure from the motion of hot hydrogen

Which of the following particles are positively charged?


Which of the following represents the proper sequence for the history of a massive star (a star which is not among the most massive stars but which has more mass than the mass of our sun)?

protostar, main sequence, red giant, repeated cycles, supernova, neutron star

Which of the following methods is used to measure distances between objects in our own solar system?

radar ranging

Which of the following are types of electromagnetic radiation? (Select all that apply.)

radio waves ultraviolet light x-rays visible light

An unstable nucleus which has a tendency to spontaneously change its form with the emission of high-energy particles or photons is said to be


Of the following, which has the longest wavelength?


A blue car ________ more blue light than any other color(s).


Which of the following is the determination of ages in years?

relative dating absolute dating timeline determination

The ionization energy is the amount of energy needed to do what to an atom?

remove an electron

The magnetic "stripes" on the seafloor are explained by which of the following ideas?

reversals of Earth's magnetic field

On which side of the periodic table are non-metals found?


If layers of rock A cut across layers of rock B, which of the rock layers is oldest?

rock B

he most important eroding agent of the hydrological system is which of the following?

running water

In the quantum model, electrons in which orbital of the 4th shell will have the lowest energy?


Which of the following is the lowest energy orbital in an atom?


Which of the following pairs would you expect to be covalently bonded?

s & br

Sandstone, limestone, and shale are examples of which of the following types of rock?


The primary source of evidence that the Earth is a differentiated planet comes from the study of

seismic activity

Which of the following describes where most of our insight into the layered structure of the Earth comes?

seismic studies

Your roommate asks you to taste the milk in the refrigerator to see if it is sour. What source of knowledge is he asking you to rely on?

sensory data

Select all correct answers. What are the ways of obtaining knowledge, according to the textbook?

sensory data reason authority intuition

Which of the following provides direct evidence for a liquid core in the Earth?

shadow zone for S waves

Locate the elements palladium (Pd, atomic #46) and nickel (Ni, atomic #28) on the periodic table. If Pd is combined with Ni, which of the following characteristics will the product show at room temperature?

shiny, malleable solid

A clock that is moving close to the speed of light runs _________ than when the clock is stationary.


Which is the best definition of an alloy?

solid mixture of metals

Changes of state occur with increasing temperature in which following order?

solid, liquid, gas, plasma

Elements heavier than iron are created in which stage of a star's life?


An example of a transform boundary is which of the following?

the San Andreas fault

Which of the following data does not play a major role in the evidence for the plate tectonic theory?

the age distribution of the rocks of the sea floor orientation of paleomagnetic fields in ancient lava flows fossil record on adjacent continents *the percentage of the total continental area that is taken up by stable platform geologic "fit" of adjacent continents

According to Archimedes' Principle, upon what does the buoyant force depend?

the amount of displaced fluid

Which of the following is a solely a natural factor that influences climate? (A natural factor is one that is not related to human activity.)

the amount of energy the sun puts out

In your textbook, look at Chapter 31's Study Guide, Analysis Question 5. The graph shows ancient global temperature relative to current averages. There are several repeating patterns in the graph. One period of one of these cycles is highlighted. What is the most likely cause of the highlighted cycle?

the change in the shape of the earth's orbit

The ultimate source of light energy emitted by a protostar is

the conversion of gravitational potential energy to other forms of energy that indirectly give rise to light.

The process known as nuclear fission is primarily responsible for

the energy produced by a nuclear reactor.

Which of the following is the best description of activation energy?

the energy that must be put into a system before a reaction can take place.

The sun is now in that state in which it spends most of its active life, a state which began about five billion years ago and is expected to last until about five billion years from now. According to present theory, which of the following is the energy source of the sun?

the fusion of hydrogen into helium

When measuring the positions of the lines in the absorption spectrum of stars in a certain galaxy, the lines are all shifted toward the blue end of the spectrum. This means

the galaxy is moving toward the Earth.

Experiments on beams of particles derived from gases conducting electrical currents (Thomson's gas discharge tube experiments) provides direct experimental evidences for which of the following?

the idea that all atoms are made of charged particles

The oxidation state of an atom refers to

the number of electrons gained or lost when an ionic bond is formed.

A distant star is moving toward the earth at a speed of 1/4 the speed of light. Compared to the light from a flashlight on the earth, the speed of the light from the star would be moving how fast?

the same

For two observers in inertial reference frames that are moving away from each other, the laws of nature are

the same

A mass on a spring is bouncing up and down. Which of the following are conserved?

the total energy

Which of the following is the best description of an orbital?

the volume in which there is a 90% chance of finding the electron inside

How do molecules exchange energy? (Select all that apply.)

through collisions with each other through collisions with the walls of the container

The light clock experiment is a thought experiment that illustrates which of the following?

time dilation

The principle of uniformitarianism is used by geologists and assumes that past geologic events can be explained by natural processes that are observed today. This principle is an example of which self-evident truth?

time symmetry

The purpose of the control rods in a nuclear fission reactor is

to absorb neutrons, thus limiting the number of nuclei undergoing fission.

Which of the following is a main function of a transform boundary?

to connect segments of a spreading center ridge

The next two questions deal with a pendulum swinging back and forth without any friction in the system, as pictured here Which of the following quantities is conserved?

total energy of the pendulum

Carbon (C), silicon (Si), and lead (Pb) belong to the same family.


Changing electric fields create magnetic fields.


Climate change is caused mainly by changes in the balance between the amount of solar radiation received by Earth and the amount of heat radiated back into space by the Earth.


Electrons can experience interference just as light can.


Energy and entropy are both involved in chemical reactions.


In general, groundwater moves very slowly.


In minerals, the underlying atomic structure gives rise to large-scale properties observable with the naked eye.


It appears that the expansion rate of the universe is increasing with time.


Metals have a greater tendency than nonmetals to lose electrons.


N2 has a triple bond and is a gas at room temperature. The triple bond is a very strong bond.


Quartz is a silicate that has strong bonds throughout its entire structure.


Rocks with high permeability allow water to flow easily through them.


Spiral galaxies are the most common type of galaxy.


The Bohr Model explains why discrete spectra are observed.


The addition of water can change the melting temperature of rock.


There are experiments that show that light has particle properties.


There are experiments that show that light has wave properties.


Unsaturated fats are considered an essential part of a healthy diet.


Now imagine there is a detector at the slits which measures whether the photons travel through one slit or the other. Which of the following best represents the image seen on the screen?

two narrow bands that are a little wider than the width of each slit:

A raindrop, as it falls to the ground, reaches a speed known as terminal velocity where the speed of the raindrop is neither increasing nor decreasing. This motion of the raindrop at terminal velocity can be understood in terms of:

two vertical forces which balance

The asthenosphere lies entirely within what portion of the mantle?


Which of the following could be caused to diffract? (Select all that apply.)

visible light x-rays ultraviolet light electrons

The interference of light shows that light has ________ properties.


Electrons have what kind of waves associated with them?

waves of probability

As the elevator approaches the second floor, it begins to slow to a stop. Which choice properly describes her weight, contact force, and acceleration at this point?

weight = 130 lbs downward, contact force = 120 lbs upward, acceleration is downward

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