History Test 3

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William Lloyd Garrison was

A) A black abolitionist.

Women were particularly drawn to Shakerism because

A) Of a belief in the spiritual equality of women and men.

In the new culture of self-improvement that characterized the 1830s, what did reformers believe was the key to individual success?

C) Hard work, industriousness, and frugality.

By the end of Andrew Jackson's administration

The Democratic Party had grown too diverse to remain stable.

Ending participation in the international slave trade by the United States had what effect?

A) A flourishing domestic slave trade arose.

The New England Artisan was

A) A newspaper published by Seth Luther.

49. According to John C. Calhoun, how could South Carolinians be exempted from paying the tariff?

A) A state legislature could nullify a federal law it considered unconstitutional.

Hudson River School painters suggested sadness at the passing of wilderness and

A) Also celebrated the coming development of farms.

James Fenimore Cooper's theme in Leatherstocking Tales is that

A) American wilderness merely awaited transformation by pioneers.

24. How had many Americans come to regard the Order of the Freemasons in the 1820s?

A) As a dangerous and antidemocratic institution.

How had a majority of Americans come to regarding voting by the 1820s?

A) As an emblem of liberty, but only for whites.

What was the major cause of tension between the Mexican government and Texas colonists?

A) Attempts to stem immigration from the United States.

What stood at the center of the economy for all Plains Indians?

A) Bison.

A series of sermons by the Reverend Lyman Beecher in 1825

A) Changed the debate on temperance from a health issue to a spiritual issue.

What was a notable trend among master craftsmen in America by the 1830s?

A) Distribution of production to outworkers.

Most immigrants who followed missionaries to Oregon Territory were

A) Farm families of modest means.

Advanced education at the college level in the antebellum period

A) Featured equal opportunities for males and females.

How did Charles G. Finney's teachings differ from traditional Calvinist beliefs?

A) Finney advocated Good Works as an alternative route to salvation.

When the poet William Cullen Bryant described the vacant Illinois prairie in the 1830s, he envisioned

A) Gardens and cultivated fields.

Why did the presidency of John Tyler throw the Whig Party into chaos?

A) He reverted back to his Democratic roots.

Who did President John Quincy Adams appoint as secretary of state?

A) Henry Clay.

Although President John Quincy Adams was a wise man, his presidency is characterized by all of the following except

A) His wife's poor health, which kept him from focusing on the nation's problems.

6. Under President Monroe and the National Republicans the only item on their legislative agenda that did not fare well was

A) Increase in the national tariff.

To exert authority over land occupied by the Cherokee nation, Georgia's legislature

A) Invalidated the Cherokee constitution and proclaimed the Indians subject to the authority of the state.

What agreement was reached in the Webster-Ashburton Treaty?

A) It confirmed the boundary between the United States and Great Britain from Maine to the Rocky Mountains.

What policy did the new Republic of Texas follow with regard to its status among nations?

A) It wanted annexation to the United States as soon as possible.

What was the policy of the United States regarding a Canadian rebellion against Great Britain in 1836-1837?

A) Official neutrality.

The completion of the last of the eastern Indian "removals" marked the beginning of a federal policy toward

A) Reservations.

What political activity of officers of the Second National Bank offended President Jackson?

A) Rumors that it had purchased votes for John Quincy Adams in the election of 1824.

In 1819, Missouri petitioned Congress to be admitted as a _____ state.

A) Slave.

Despite the festive air of slave markets, what evidence was there that participants were aware of the sordidness of the activities?

A) The absence of white females.

The American Anti-Slavery Society increased membership because

A) They traveled across the northern states speaking out about abolishing slavery.

What was the primary purpose of the American Bible Society?

A) To distribute Bibles in cities and frontier settlements.

Although Andrew Jackson received the most electoral votes in the general election, in the end John Quincy Adams was named president with the support of Henry Clay. How did Jackson's supporters characterize this outcome?

B) "Corrupt bargain."

According to those who envisioned total development of the continent in the nineteenth century, America would eventually become what?

B) A highway for transporting goods and culture.

The rise to power of what leader focused the unhappiness with government in Mexico for American colonists in Texas?

B) Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.

Slaves had many different assignments in America, but what made all of them "slaves"?

B) Being defined, treated, and defended as property.

How did advocates of the Benevolent Empire attempt to perfect society?

B) By personal contact, testimony, and exhortation.

How were children of the wealthy usually educated prior to the Civil War?

B) By private tutors.

Following the battle at San Jacinto, Texans made Sam Houston their first president and

B) Called for Texas to be annexed to the United States.

What was Congress's response when President Andrew Jackson refused to show them papers he had shared with cabinet members?

B) Congress censured Jackson.

To reduce the power of the Second National Bank before its charter expired, President Jackson

B) Deposited all federal revenue in state or "pet banks."

President James Monroe

B) Did not think the federal government should fund internal improvements.

What was the most significant cause of decline in the population of Indians after the arrival of white Europeans in their area?

B) Diseases to which Indians had no immunity.

What invention enabled an economic boom in the South and created a demand for new land in the West?

B) Eli Whitney's cotton gin.

When nonviolent means did not work, American abolitionists

B) Encountered violent opposition to their activities.

The Liberty Party

B) Fielded its first candidate in 1840.

The message of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions was

B) Focused solely on the establishment of missions in the United States.

After the death of Joseph Smith in 1844, most Latter-Day Saints

B) Followed Brigham Young to Utah.

Written in 1829, "An Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World," by David Walker called for

B) Free and slave blacks using violence if necessary to abolish slavery.

What did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Worcester v. Georgia?

B) Georgia had erred because the federal government had jurisdiction in Indian affairs.

What was Andrew Jackson's attitude on the protective tariff in the 1820s?

B) He favored some level of protectionism.

Who were the primary targets of the American nativist movement?

B) Irish Catholics.

14. The French observer Alexis de Tocqueville observed that Americans

B) Loved to organize.

What term suggests the belief of white Americans that by right they should occupy the North American continent?

B) Manifest destiny.

Who was the first missionary to reach Oregon?

B) Methodist Jason Lee.

What prediction did Governor DeWitt Clinton make regarding the Erie Canal?

B) New York City would become the emporium of the world.

To what does the practice of "squatting" refer?

B) Occupying public land without purchasing it.

36. What was the major factor in formulating Andrew Jackson's attitude toward Indians?

B) Participation in fights with Indians in the 1790s.

7. Why did slave codes assign slaves status as personal property rather than real property?

B) Personal property management was more flexible.

The Trail of Tears refers to

B) Removal of the Cherokees from Georgia to Indian Territory.

When Cherokee leaders appealed to President Jackson for help, he

B) Said it was his duty to support the state in the exercise of its rights.

George Rapp, who also thought the Second Coming of Christ was imminent, believed

B) That members should amass material wealth to place at Christ's disposal.

1. How did John Ross experience the limits of American democracy?

B) The Cherokee were forcibly removed from their land even after favorable Supreme Court rulings.

What about Joseph Smith's teachings most offended others?

B) The doctrine of plural marriage.

Why did separatist communities withdraw from daily contact with the outside world?

B) To create a more perfect society here on earth.

What agreement ended the war between the United States and Mexico in 1848?

B) Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

10. What was at stake in the Aroostook War?

B) Whether timber in the Aroostook Valley belonged to Canada or the United States.

What did John Slidell bring to Mexico on orders of President Polk in 1846?

C) A purchase offer in the value of $30 million.

What role had craftsmen played in Jefferson's vision of Americans' relationship with the land?

C) A secondary role.

Americans thought of manifest destiny along all of the terms listed below except

C) Class.

For what purposes did Whigs want to enhance the strength of the federal government?

C) For moral legislation.

Why did Andrew Jackson appeal to the growing majority of democratic Americans in the election in 1828?

C) His stance as an outsider and victim of eastern elites.

How did the Land Act of 1820 change regulations regarding western settlement?

C) It lowered the price per acre but ended credit purchases.

What was a major consequence of each new stage of American expansion?

C) It reignited the controversy over slavery.

What was President Jackson's response to the bill that extended the charter of the Second National Bank?

C) Jackson vetoed the bill.

A group of leaders who accepted the concept that a strong national government was a protection against localism and fragmentation were known as

C) National Republicans.

Landscape paintings by Hudson River School artists rarely contained human figures except

C) Native Americans.

Although the United States was still rural in 1820,

C) Nonfarm labor was becoming more common.

What nickname reflected the character and reputation of Andrew Jackson?

C) Old Hickory.

The Missouri Compromise was a devastating defeat for

C) Opponents of slavery.

What is meant by the term "Benevolent Empire"?

C) People, as God's agents, should care for other people.

What did Seth Luther mean by the term "middle class"?

C) Persons whose jobs required mental rather than physical labor.

At the founding of the nation, suffrage was restricted by gender, race, and

C) Property ownership.

Even as suffrage was extended to all white males,

C) Property requirements were expanded.

George Rapp's community of Harmony was taken over by

C) Robert Owen for a socialist experiment.

What was the most prevalent trend in internal migration in America in the 1830s and 1840s?

C) Rural people moving to cities.

10. The Monroe Doctrine mostly reflects the thinking and influence of

C) Secretary of State John Quincy Adams.

What was the greatest impediment to the annexation of Texas to the United States?

C) Slavery.

Who developed the first Anglo colony in Mexican Texas?

C) Stephen F. Austin.

Slave rice cultivators commonly worked by the __________, which involved a specific assignment for a day's work.

C) Task system.

What did free black leaders think were the true motives of the American Colonization Society's effort to repatriate blacks in Africa?

C) That they were mostly interested in getting rid of free blacks.

The philosophy of self-culture brought what social movement to prominence?

C) The lyceum movement, which featured lectures on various subjects.

Labor organizer Seth Luther characterized society as a struggle between

C) The producers and the rich.

What was the largest and longest tenured reform proposal aimed at improving individuals in society?

C) The temperance movement.

What most distinguished Irish immigrants from general American society?

C) Their Catholic religion.

37. What percentage of slaves lived in plantations with 10 or more slaves?

C) Three-quarters.

Most internal migrants

C) Traveled hundreds of miles to escape debtors or law enforcement.

The Female Moral Reform Society

C) Tried to reclaim women from prostitution.

To Andrew Jackson's way of thinking, who was the quintessential "common man" in American politics?

C) Western settlers struggling to bring new land under cultivation.

The organization of new political groups such as the Working Men's Party provides evidence that

C) Workers lacked confidence in existing parties.

What slogan characterized the presidential campaign of 1840?

D) "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too."

Which of the following did not play a role in the Panic of 1837?

D) Excessive government debt.

What was President Andrew Jackson's reaction to the ruling?

D) He refused to enforce it.

Which of the following was not true about William Henry Harrison?

D) He remained popular through his first term.

50. What was President Jackson's response to nullification?

D) He requested Congress to pass the Force Bill supporting his effort to enforce federal law.

"His Accidency" was a reference to what about President John Tyler?

D) His succession to the presidency.

To what did the term "Whig" refer when used by Jackson's opponents?

D) It suggested that Jackson ruled like a king instead of an elected official.

What was the most successful association of workers in the 1830s?

D) National Trades' Union.

What was Andrew Jackson's primary reason for appointments to federal offices?

D) Personal loyalty to him.

Compared to the Pennsylvania model of prisoner rehabilitation, Sing Sing prison in New York

D) Relied on physical punishment.

Catharine Sedgwick's novel The Poor Rich Man and the Rich Poor Man

D) Romanticized urban poverty and suggested that "true wealth" lay within the reach of everyone.

What prompted a stream of religious missionaries to Oregon Territory in the 1830s?

D) Rumors that Indians in Oregon had expressed an interest in Christianity.

Sam Houston led Texas revolutionaries to victory in the decisive battle of

D) San Jacinto.

The western trail that departed from Independence, Missouri, near Kansas City was the

D) Santa Fe Trail.

Reformers refocused their attention in the 1830s on what social needs?

D) Self-control and external restraint.

Which Indian group opposed its removal to Indian Territory longest?

D) Seminoles.

Where did women gather in 1848 to pass their Declaration of Sentiments, a kind of declaration of independence from male domination?

D) Seneca Falls, New York.

The Transcontinental Treaty of 1819

D) Set the border between Mexico and Texas at the Rio Grande.

The loss of territory to whites caused western Indians to

D) Shift from agriculture to a more nomadic way of life.

Where did migrants gather to begin their journey westward on the Oregon Trail?

D) St. Joseph, Missouri.

42. What provides evidence that sugar plantations required the greatest restocking of slaves?

D) The South's largest slave market was in New Orleans.

What was proclaimed in the Monroe Doctrine?

D) The Western Hemisphere was in the sphere of influence of the United States.

President Martin Van Buren agreed with President Andrew Jackson that

D) The federal government should not manage currency.

What type of individual typified the "New Middle Class"?

D) The self-made man.

2. James Madison changed his mind about what when he became president?

D) The usefulness of a national bank.

Why did some Americans withdraw into covenanted communities?

D) To prepare for the end of days.

For what purpose did the Rev. Ezra Stiles Ely establish the Society for Supporting the Gospel?

D) To work with indigents in urban shelters.

What set Elias Boudinot apart from Cherokee tribal chief John Ross?

D) Unlike Ross, he complied with removal before it became forced.

How did most people reach their destinations in the West?

D) Walking beside wagons carrying precious cargo.

In terms of his views on federal authority versus states' rights, Jackson

D) Was a nationalist on some issues and a states' rights advocate on others.

What turned out to be an issue in the presidential campaign in 1828?

D) Whether Rachel Robards had been legally divorced when she and Jackson married.

How did most eastern middle-class Americans regard the western migration of many Americans?

D) With alarm, fearing the departure of ambitious citizens.

What group provided the "backbone" of the Benevolent Empire?

D) Women volunteers.

How did the New Middle Class regard gender assignments in society?

D) Women were gentler and therefore best suited to remain at home.

To perpetuate Cherokee culture, Sequoyah

Developed the Cherokee syllabary, or symbols of written language.

Under the Mexican plan for the development of Texas, the Mexican government agreed to place immigration in the hands of what group?


What was Mexico's policy toward slavery in Texas?

Erratic, sometimes permitting slavery and then banning it.

The Liberty Party was replaced by the ___ in 1848.

Free Soil Party

South Carolinians call the Tariff of 1828 the "tariff of abominations" because

It drove the price of European goods beyond their ability to pay.

What changes occurred in urban development by the 1830s?

Neighborhoods stratified by class.

Who said that the United States was a "singularly happy" nation?

President Martin Van Buren in his inaugural address in 1837.

The American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions

Sent missionaries to American slums to convert Irish immigrants.

As president, Andrew Jackson believed

That he spoke for the nation on all matters.

Why did Congress delay outlawing the international slave trade within the jurisdiction of the United States until 1808?

The Constitution forbade such a law until 20 years after its ratification.

By 1830, American workers had seen

The results of wage dependency.

12. What brought Britain and the United States to the brink of war in 1837?

A) A Canadian rebellion.

More than 250,000 settlers crossed the plains between 1840 and 1860; how many were killed by hostile Indians?


What kind of economy developed rapidly in Texas in the 1820s?

A cotton economy dependent on slavery.

By 1830, the number of Americans in Texas had reached

A) 20,000.

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