Human Sexuality Final Exam

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__% of children of divorce showed problems such as anxiety, anger, academic underachievement, decreased self-worth 10 years after the divorce - sleeper effect seen too


__% of rapes/sexual assaults take place at the victim's home


about __% of cohabiting couples eventually marry


what age is most likely to have birth complications?

40+ (then teen moms - bodies aren't ready)

__% of 17-18 year old girls in a national sample reported performing fellatio


___% of rape victims are under age 18


Kinsey - after 15 years of marriage __% of wives reached orgasm 90-100% of the time, whereas 12% never did


In a national sample of teenagers, __% of boys report masturbating


the proportion of teen girls (15-19) who used contraceptives the first time they had sex has increased from __% in 1982 to __% in 2011-2013

48, 79

__% of adolescents in national sample reported sexual experiences with people of their own gender


only 1 in __ report that divorce was a mistake 5 years later despite underestimating the emotional pain they would encounter


only __ out of 100 rapes will lead to a felony conviction


__% of American girls of ages 15 to 19 become pregnant each year (which is 11.8% of sexually active 15-19 year old girls)


Cultures vary in how long prolonged foreplay is. ___% foreplay is "prolonged".


__% of teen girls discussed contraception with a health care provider


__% of teen mothers will quit school and live on public assistance


___% of high school students have engaged in coitus


working teen mothers will earn just __% of that earned by those who give birth in their 20s


autoerotic asphyxiation estimates between __ and __ deaths a year nationwide


In the US in 1960, 72% of adults were married compared to only __% in 2010


__% of cohabiters are under age 35 - the greatest increase since 1980 is among people age 35 and above (47%)


__% of teen girls and __% of boys report talking about contraception or STIs with their partner before their first time having sex

53, 45

__% of college students say oral sex is not sex - referring to fellatio (1998)


__% of men report thinking about sex at least once a day while only __% of women make a similar report

54, 19

__% of college students say oral sex is not sex (1991)


__% of college students say oral sex is not sex - referring to cunnilingus (1998)


There has been an increase of __ years in the median age of first marriage since 1960


1 out of every __ American women have been raped

6 (17.7 million American women)

average age girls are first abused is __-__


__% of perpetrators are known to the child but not family members (family friends, babysitters, childcare providers, neighbors, etc.)


__% or more of adults have cohabitated by age 40


___% of women report their first partner to be someone they were dating seriously


the likelihood of divorce is lowest for men and women at age __.


__% of teen pregnancies end in birth and __ end in abortion

60, 26

__% of cohabiters have never been married


__% of adult men (18+) and __% of adult women (18+) are married and living with their spouses

65, 60

___ allows couples to experience simultaneous stimulation and can be practiced side-by-side or with one partner on top of the other (also standing but not for the unfit or for long). Can be awkward if the two people are of greatly different heights. Also some don't like the fact that it deprives each partner of the opportunity to focus fully on receiving or providing sexual pleasure (i.e. it can be distracting to be receiving stimulation while having to focus on providing stimulation at the same time)


there has been a __% reduction in rape since 1992 to 2010


Marital rapes are estimated to be about 1 in __; it is believed to be the most common kind of rape


NHSLS study found that 42.5% of married males and 46.5% of married females report engaging in coitus a few times per month. 26.1% males and 31.9% females 2-3 times a week. The average was __ times a month.


_% of men reported being harassed at work (59% by a woman)


__% of 9-12 grade students report having been physically forced to have sexual intercourse when they did not want to at some point


average age boys are first to be abused is __-__

7-10 (more likely to be abused in public places and by strangers and non-family members and to be threatened and physically injured and even killed)

__% of female adolescents in the past year report sexual experiences with people of their own gender


__% use male-superior position exclusively (Kinsey)


___% of sexual assaults are perpetrated by a non-stranger


__% of teen girls learned about contraception in school


T or F: the rates of high schoolers and college students engaging in coitus have increased in the past 10 years

f (they have dropped slightly in the past 10 years)

T or F: M&J said most women masturbate in the same way

f (they said they never say 2 women masturbate the same way)

T or F: "opposites attract" applies to marriage

f (you marry people who are similar to you in general)

those having sex for the first time at age 14 or younger were (less/more) likely to use contraception and take (longer/quicker) to start using it

less, longer

__ motivated rapes are motivated by a desire to control and dominate the woman (55%). there are two types of this - reassurance (compensatory) and assertive (exploitative)


For biomedical approaches for dealing with paraphilias, what are the two approaches?

prozac (variant of OCD) antiandrogen drugs (chemical castration)

__ tend to fantasize about someone they are or have been involved with and focus on feelings, touching, and general tone of the encounter. they are more likely to enact passive or submissive roles, not aggressive or dominant roles


who desires a longer period of foreplay in our society (men or women)?


who is more likely to use an artificial aid for masturbation? women or men


divorce hits (women/men) harder - their income drops by 24%

women (men's income drops 6%)

Marriages are more likely to end following the (wife/husband)'s affair

women (they may not have affairs until they are basically halfway out the door/men may be less accepting of an affair than women are)

Y or N: is the rectum sensitive to sexual stimulation


T or F: the rates of sexual intercourse for men are higher now than in the 1940s and they are dramatically higher for women


T or F: the tongue cant almost never be used too harshly, many women find such stimulation to be the most intense and best way to orgasm


T or F: there is a connection between masturbation in females during adolescence and orgasm and satisfaction with coitus in adulthood


T or F: today's couples use a greater variety of sexual positions


t or f: in historical western culture, sodomy was any act that didn't include the possibility of reproducing which was prohibited. this has been one of the more persistent prohibitions in our culture


what are the disadvantages to female superior?

tends to be less stimulating for the male (though if premature ejaculation is a concern then this might be an advantage)

the pill is used much more by ___ teens than it is by other ethnicities


which cohabiting couple is more likely to eventually marry: white or black couples?


Abortion is primarily done by those who identify as what?

white americans

__ girl is more likely to have an abortion while a __ girl is more likely to get married

white, hispanic

Divorced (men/women) outnumber the other sex


__ are most likely to have affairs for love (77%)


any anal activity is a high risk behavior for STDS (including ___) because this activity is likely to result in small tears in rectal tissues which would facilitate the transmission of disease from one partner to the other (rectal tissue more likely to tear than vaginal tissue)


18th century physicians thought what was a remedy for masturbation for small girls?

pouring carbolic acid to the clitoris (or clitoral circumcision)

Gang rape is usually not sexual, more about __


T or F: the higher divorce rate has a slight effect on singlehood


__% of rapes/sexual assaults take place at the home of a friend, neighbor, or relative


__-__% use lateral-entry position frequently (Kinsey)


In surveys conducted between 1988 and 1996, __-__% of husbands admitted to adultery, whereas only __% of wives did

20-25, 12.5

__-__% of men in various surveys have admitted to verbally coercing a woman into sex


among adult women who have been raped, 30% were raped between the ages of 11 and 17. __% were between the ages of 18 and 24.


only __% of teen moms ever get a HS diploma


about 1 in __ rape victims have emotional problems that linger beyond a year


after serving a prison sentence, sex offenders were __ times more likely to commit another sex crime than those arrested for non-sex crimes


1 in __ teen moms will become pregnant again within a year

4 (25%)

__% of males aged 18-19 reported same-sex behaviors, but __% of males report their sexual orientation as gay or bisexual

4, 3

50-59 year old married couples report an average of coitus __-__ times a month


The majority of cohabiting couples do not marry and break up within __ years.


Cultures vary in how long prolonged foreplay is. ___% foreplay is absent


cohabitation is __ times higher for African American and White couples than for Asian couples


only __ out of 100 rapists will spend any time in prision


teen moms are __ times more likely to have daughters who become teen mothers too


Frequency of exhibitionism declines after age __.


Emotional distress of rape survivors tends to peak in severity by about __ weeks after the assault and remain high for about a __ before beginning to abate

3, month

80% of rape victims are under age __


__% of perpetrators of child abuse are family members (fathers, brothers, uncles, cousins)


__% use female superior position frequently (Kinsey)


among adult women who have been raped, __% were raped between the ages of 11 and 17. 37% were between the ages of 18 and 24.


__% of 17-18 year old boys in a national sample reported performing cunnilingus


in __% of rapes the perpetrator was intoxicated (usually alcohol)


__% of men report some degree of likelihood of raping if they could be assured they wouldn't be caught or punished


__% of men report their first partner to be someone they were dating seriously


what is the Risk of Divorce (factors - % decrease in risk of divorce)

- Annual income over 50 K (compared to under 25 K) - 30% - Having a baby 7 months or more after getting married (vs. before marriage) - 24% - Marrying over 25 years of age (vs. under 18) - 24% - Own family of origin intact (vs. divorced parents) - 14% - Religious affiliation (vs. none) - 14% - Some college (vs. high school dropout) - 13%

what are the origins of incest taboo

- Evolutionary, adaptive, increase variety in gene pool, maintain the stability of the family by reducing competitiveness within the unit - Cooperation theory, draw unrelated families together

50% of all rapes/sexual assaults occur within _ mile(s) of the victim's home


75% of Americans say affairs are always wrong, another 15% say they are almost always wrong, only _% say that extramarital sex is not at all wrong


__% of men report "becoming so sexually aroused that they couldn't stop themselves from having sex, even if the woman couldn't consent"


Cultures that are more industrialized with higher education levels have at least __ min longer foreplay. Most don't have much foreplay at all; usually for reproduction and for the pleasure of the male


__% of high school students who went out with someone within the previous 12 months reported experiencing dating violence


__% of perpetrators are strangers of the child (child abuse)


__% use rear entry position (Kinsey)


at any given point in time approximately __% or more adults are cohabitating


Cultures vary in how long prolonged foreplay is. ___% foreplay is minimal

10 (culture in transition - women's sexuality is slowly becoming a thing)

31% of women report being harassed at work (__% by men) 43% by a supervisor 26% by a senior employee 19% by a coworker at their level 8% by a junior employee


54% of preliterate societies permit men to have extramarital partners, only __% allow women the same


only __% of rapes involve the use of a weapon


5.2% of American girls of ages 15 to 19 become pregnant each year (which is __% of sexually active 15-19 year old girls)


the average age boys and girls reported starting masturbating was __ years and __ months

11; 8

it costs taxpayers $___ billion annually for medical care for teen moms


only __ out of 100 rapes lead to an arrest


__% of females aged 18-19 reported same-sex behaviors, but __% of females report their sexual orientation as lesbian or bisexual

12, 8

Exhibitionism usually begins before18 years of age, generally between __ and __.

13 16 (around puberty)

dating earlier (by age __), especially "steady dating" also less likely to use contraception


Voyeurism (peeping) usually begins by age __ and is almost exclusively male, masturbation while watching or soon after. A subset might be dangerous (those who break into homes or view, or tap on windows to draw attention to themselves may be part of this subset).


___% of rape victims are under age 12


about 1 in __ (7%) of men reported engaging in sexual intercourse unwillingly as a result of pressure sexual harassment


NHSLS study found that 75% of married couples said that the duration of their last sexual event was __ min to __ hour and 7-8% exceeded an hour (frequency hasn't changed much)

15 - 1

up until the ___s (year), oral sex was AFTER regular sex (more for when married couples would get bored)


teen birth rates have dropped dramatically since the early ___s


highest rate of teenage pregnancies was in __ year and since then it has been dropping


Couples that do get married after living together have a higher divorce rate (maybe as much as __ times) than couples who do not live together prior to marriage


In Kinsey's day he estimated that most men reached orgasm within __ minutes after penetration


NHSLS study found that 90% of men and 70% of women reported reaching orgasm always or usually with their primary partner during the 12 months preceding the study. 75% of men and 28.6% of women reached orgasm every time. Only __% of women reported never reaching orgasm


Only __% of teen moms earn a college degree by age 30


how often do boys masturbate?

2-3 times a week

__% of male adolescents in the past year report sexual experiences with people of their own gender


there is a sexual assault every __ seconds


__% of adults say oral sex is not sex (1998)


Proportion of teens using contraceptives the last time they had sex improved from 1995 to 2002, but has stayed the same since __

2010 (71 to 86 for girls 82 to 83 for boys)

Research suggests that sexual attraction to children might be more common than is generally believed. __% of men in one survey admitted to being sexually attracted to small children


__% of teens reported having oral sex to "avoid having sexual intercourse" with a partner


one study found __% of college men and __% of college women reported incestuous relationships with a sibling of the other gender

21, 39

__% of men and __% of women report to Kinsey at least some response to S&M stories

22, 12

53% of teen girls and 45% of boys report talking about contraception or STIs with their partner before their first time having sex. Still, __% of teen girls and __% of boys reported not using contraceptives at first intercourse

22, 14

__% of men reported their first partner was someone they had been seeing for less than a week


an estimated __% of reported cases of sexual abused involve underage perpetrators


In a national sample of teenagers, __% of girls report masturbating


__% of teen shad "done something sexual they didn't really want to do"


about __% of college students have had anal intercourse


sexual harassment claims have decreased about __% since 1997


__-__% of women report that they have been verbally pressured into sexual activity


out of 100 rapes: only __ get reported to the police


the median age of first marriage for women is __ years


___% of women considered their first time to be psychologically or physically satisfying whereas 81% of men were physically satisfied and 67% were psychological satisfied


the median age of first marriage for men is ___ years


__% of cohabiters are divorced


__% of teens 15-17 report feeling pressure to have sex


Not all gay males enjoy or practice anal intercourse, of those that do about 45% prefer top and 45% prefer bottom - many at least occasionally alternate position. __% lifetime prevalence


__% of teenage pregnancies are unplanned


Clinicians (and society) believe that S&M becomes pathological when behaviors become destructive, dangerous, or distressing to oneself or others. S&M subculture exists. (__% men __% women)

75 25

__% of men admit committing acts that meet the legal definition of rape or attempted rape (of these 84% said what they did was definitely not rape)


__% of women reported their first partner was someone they had been seeing for less than a week


By the age of 19, around __% of unmarried women have engaged in coitus


Resistance increases the odds of avoiding the rape by __% but increases the likelihood of being physically injured by __ times.

80, 3

20-24 year olds unmarried: __% of men and __% of women compared to 1970, 55% of men and 26% of women

80, 61

28% of women considered their first time to be psychologically or physically satisfying whereas __% of men were physically satisfied and __% were psychological satisfied

81, 67

the proportion of teens using contraceptives the last time they had sex improved (for boys) from 82% to __%


__% teen moms will become pregnant with their third child within two years


the proportion of teens using contraceptives the last time they had sex improved (for girls) from 71% to __%


__ out of 10 rape victims are female


only __ out of 100 rapes get prosecuted


by the age of 19, around __% of unmarried men have engaged in coitus


prevalence of pedophilia is about __%


Who is most likely to be a victim of rape?

American Indian/Alaskan Native (34.1)

T or F: not all known cultures have some form of an incest taboo

F (all do)

T or F: straight males spend more time caressing partners' bodies before the genitals

F (gay males spend more time than straight males caressing partners' bodies before the genitals)

T or F: incidence of oral sex has remained the same over the years among teens

F (it has increased dramatically, perhaps because they view it as safe sex)

T or F: the proportion of teen girls (15-19) who used contraceptives the first time they had sex has decreased

F (it has increased)

T or F: most pedophiles only abuse one child

F (many children)

T or F: you find a lot of loner rapists

F (rapists tend to have lots of relationships with women, will be history of violence in those relationships)

What is the story of Onan?

Onan's brother was killed and he needed to go get his brother's wife pregnant and that is his brother's heir. As he was ejaculating, he pulled out and "spilled his seed upon the ground" which was considered a sin. Any sexual behavior that didn't lead to reproduction was a sin

Any oral-genital contact with an infected partner may transmit a ___ (ejaculation unnecessary)


___ girls are more likely to have teenage pregnancy


the concept of "like" marrying "like" is called ___


Most rapes that are reported are rapes by who?

a stranger

chemically processed liquors produce __ taste in semen (naturally fermented beers and wines don't)


__ rape is committed by a person previously acquainted with the victim. less likely to be reported to police, less likely to be viewed as "real rapes" by victims, perpetrators, others, society, police


cohabitation is higher for who (rank in order): african american, white and asian couples

african american couples & white couples then asian couples

__ teens are more likely to be sexually active and become sexually active on average 2 years earlier than white teens


what is the order of women who are most likely to be victims of rape: black women, white women, asian/pacific islander, american indian/alaskan native

american indian / alaskan natie (34.1%) black women (18.8) white women (17.7) asian/pacific islander women (6.8)

what is the most dangerous motivation for rape

anger excitation (sadistic)

what are the 3 (with 2 sub parts) most common motives of rapists (besides sexual arousal, being the most obvious and important element rape)

anger retaliatory, anger-excitation (sadistic), power - reassurance (compensatory) & assertive (exploitative)

__-__ (__) motivated rapes are ritualized, savage, typically well-planned attacks involving humiliation, degradation, torture, mutilation, and even death (5%). It is the most dangerous. Victims likely to be strangers. May record. May have "secret life". Reoffends monthly. Will eventually kill.

anger-excitation (sadistic)

__-__ motivated rapes are an unplanned attack triggered by anger and resentment toward women (40%). Tends to attack somewhat older women, likes to tear/rip clothing, reoffends on a 6-12 month cycle.


___ (__) is oral - anal contact such as kissing or licking the anus - serious health risk

anilingus (rimming)

Who is less likely to be sexually active/less sexually experienced: asian-american teens or white teens?

asian american

__ (__) motivated rapes are aggressive, but not lethal. they have a desire to dominate an impersonal sexual partner, make victim totally submissive. May repeat same victim. Rips or tears clothing, leaves victims in degrading situations. Doesn't take trophies, may record. Anal assault common, oral sex preferred. Reoffends monthly. More anger than reassurance

assertive (exploitative)

__ __ is undoubtedly the most dangerous singular activity. Usually performed by adolescent males, this technique is the deliberate constriction of blood flowing to the brain, while masturbating. The lack of oxygen produces lightheadedness, supposedly enhancing the sexual experience. On occasion the carotid artery collapses, producing unconsciousness in seconds and eventually death (estimates are between 500 and 1000 deaths a year nationwide)

autoerotic asphyxiation

__ therapy is a variety of techniques sometimes singly in sometimes combination have been used to change paraphilias - systematic desensitization - aversion therapy - convert sensitization - social skills training - orgasmic reconditioning - masturbatory extinction


__ is *actual* sexual contact with an animal


there is little known about __ perspectives/factors in paraphilic behavior - why men and not women?


alkaline foods such as meats and fish produce __ taste in semen


who does better with a stepdad: boys or girls?


who tends to masturbate earlier: boys or girls?


lesbians and gay males report __ stimulation is typical part of sexual activity


What are the 2 types of incest?

brother sister and father daughter

__-__ is the most common type of incest, though it is believed to be greatly underreported possibly because it tends to be transient and apparently less harmful than parent-child incest.


Most fetishes and partialism are harmless. they tend to be done in private involving masturbation or coitus with a willing partner. When will fetishists occasionally get into trouble?

by touching parts of nonconsenting women's bodies or stealing fetish objects

18th century physicians thought that pouring __ __ on the clitoris was a remedy for the masturbation of small girls

carbolic acid

18th century physicians thought ___ was a remedy for masturbation for small boys

circumcision (or devices to restrict the hands or cause pain)

__ is sexual activity in which the penis is inserted into the vagina (prevalence 95-100%)


__ adultery - extramarital relationships are conducted openly with prior approval by the spouse ("open relationship")


__ adultery - secrete affairs that run the gamut from one-night stands to an affair that persists for years (secret)


___ (__) is the sexual arousal connected with feces, may desire to be defecated on or to defecate on a sex partner, can occur in combination with sadism or masochism as well

coprophilia (scat)

what are the advantages of female superior?

couple face each other making eye contact and kissing possible, both man's and woman's hands are free to caress the other or themselves, woman controls rate, angle and depth of penetration making her orgasm more likely

what are the advantages to the lateral entry position?

couple face each other making eye contact and kissing possible, both man's and women's hands are free to caress the other or themselves, position is not physically taxing to either partner therefore excellent for prolonged sessions or when one or both are fatigued. good in pregnancy at least until late

what are the advantages to male superior

couples face each other (making eye contact and kissing possible), woman's hands are free to caress man, highly stimulating to man

__ is the oral stimulation of the female genitals (eating out, going down, rug munching)


__ is the second most common sexual behavior among lesbian couples


__ rape is a form of acquaintance rape, committed by a person dating the victim most likely for around a year, alcohol often involved - at least 50% involve alcohol by the perpetrator, the victim or most commonly both


what are the disadvantages for the male superior position?

difficult for man to caress woman, limits the opportunity for the woman to control, angle, depth, and rate of penetration making her orgasm less likely, not advisable during late pregnancy

Very similar behavior might not be as diagnosable but still along the continuum. A paraphilia is most frequently called a __ when you're limited by needing the items there. Much more likely to be a disorder if it could cause harm to self or other people


who has the highest rates of physical and mental illness (and higher rates of suicide) in the population

divorced/separated people

Pedophiles who engage in incestuous relationships with their own children tend to fall into one of two camps - very __ or very __

dominant, passive

sexual masochism can range from benign (licking partners feet or boots) to potentially lethal practices (hypoxyphilia). Cause? independence and responsibility become burdensome at time so masochism provides a reprieve. Enlist prostitutes, ___ (woman who serves as a sadist - selling the behaviors, not necessarily sex), mistress or cooperation of regular partner


fathers who abuse older daughters tend to be __ and __

domineering and authoritarian

although most people do get married by their late 20s, the proportion of people who remain single into their late 20s and early 30s has ___ since 1970


most common feelings of a victim of rape:

drug abuse (26x) alcohol abuse (13x) PTSD (6x) Think about suicide (4x) depression (3x) - overall anger, depression, anxiety

Pain may heighten sexual arousal and pain can release ___ which produce feelings of euphoria and general well-being, but these don't explain the erotic appeal of minimal or symbolic or psychological pain. Found in heterosexual, bisexual, and homosexual men and women.


___ may be indirect expression of hostility toward women. preferred victims are girls or young women, majority report having erections when they expose themselves


___ (__) is persistent, powerful urges and sexual fantasies involving exposing one's genitals to unsuspecting strangers for the purpose of achieving sexual arousal or gratification.

exhibitionism (flashing)

T or F: Onanism is masturbation


T or F: singlehood is decreasing


T or F: the median age of first marriage has declined

f (has risen; increase of 6 years since 1960)

T or F: duration of coitus has decreased

f (increased; frequency hasn't changed much)

T or F: deep vaginal penetration is a common activity among lesbian couples

f (it is not common; but sometimes strap-ons are used to permit close vaginal contact with penetration)

T or F: penetrating the vagina by fingers or object is common for female masturbation

f (not common)

t or f: most people now partake in regular sex before oral sex

f (oral sex before regular sex)

__-__ is the second most common type of incest (1-4%). often begins with affectionate cuddling or embraces but progresses. force is not typically used to gain compliance - drinking and fighting with wife are often concomitants

father daughter

what is the highest ranked sexual preference for body parts or features?

feet (then body fluids, body size, hair, muscles, body modifications, genitals, belly or navel, ethnicity, breasts, legs, buttocks, mouth, lips, teeth)

___ is the oral stimulation of the male genitals (slang terms: giving head, sucking off)


___ is the second most common sexual behavior among gay male couples


in which position does the female control rate, angle, and depth of penetration making her orgasm more likely

female superior

which position is less stimulating for the male

female superior

which position would be useful if the male often has premature ejaculation

female superior

__ __ position is when partners face one another, woman straddles man from above, woman may lie down once penile entry is accomplished while others may remain sitting, while others may vary the positions

female superior (female on top)

___ is when an inanimate object elicits sexual arousal. "magic charm" - the magic in this case being the object's ability to arouse a person sexually.


___ insertion of partner's whole hand into vagina or rectum. Seems more common among gay and lesbian couples


various forms of sexual activity (kissing, hugging, massaging, stroking, hand-genital contact, oral-genital contact) are often collectively referred to as ___, indicating that they are preludes to sexual intercourse


dairy products and asparagus produce a __ taste in semen


__ is rubbing penises together - also called sword fighting, cock rub, penis fencing, bumping dicks, cock 2 cock, the Princeton rub, etc.


__ (__) is rubbing against or touching a non-consenting person. most incidents take place in public, crowded places and most victims are unaware of the activity. Reported exclusively among heterosexual males, most who have difficulty forming and/or maintaining sexual, intimate relationships.

frotteurism (mashing)

__ rape is committed by two or more people, sometimes acquainted with the victim but sometimes not. exercise of power tends to be the major motive being these rapes. tend to be more vicious than individual assaults.


lesbian couples generally spend more time on what? (contrasted with genital stimulation) than do male-male couples or male-female couples.

general body stimulation

most lesbian couples engage in __ __ which is also referred to tribadism or tribbing - colloquially known as "scissoring" "slamming clams" or "bumping donuts"

genital apposition

what is the most common type of child abuse? If repeated abuse this can progress to oral and then to intercourse

genital fondling

who is more likely to report have been physically forced to have sexual intercourse when they did not want to at some point (9-12 graders)? girls or boys?

girls (11% vs. 4% for males)

Female masturbation: techniques vary - but some general trends noted. most massage mons, labia minora, and clitoral region with circular or back-and-forth motions. may straddle with their fingers, stroking the shaft, __ may be lightly touched early but later too sensitive. some massage breasts or nipples with their other hand. penetrating vagina by fingers or object not too common.


Male masturbation: Grip the shaft with one hand, jerking it up and down in a milking motion, some using the whole hand, others just their fingers (two or more). usually shift from a gentler rubbing action during the flaccid or semi-erect state to more vigorous, milking motion once full erection occurs. __ and the __ might be stroked lightly at the onset but not near orgasm (too sensitive)

glans, frenulum

what were two diets recommended to help reduce masturbation?

graham crackers, kellogg cereals

Men typically all have a response but those who rape have (greater/less) response


transvestism is mostly explained by ___ - having to keep going, step further


nearly __ of marriages in the US end in divorce


the word masturbate is latin for what?

hand and defile

the most frequent sexual activity among gay male and lesbian couples is what?

hand/genital contact

what is the biggest fantasy difference between men and women?

having sex with more than one person

For most of human history, the victim of rape was technically of "who"?

her "owner" (father husband) - she might receive the same punishment as the assailant

historical views on masturbation were mainly from __ __ and such because that's where it was monitored, but it is more likely to be because they were so bored.

insane asylums

what are the disadvantages to lateral entry?

inserting penis can be more difficult, woman may not receive adequate clitoral stimulation from the penis, deep penetration by the penis difficult

desire for __ and __ are central goals in modern marriage

intimacy, companionship

___ is the sexual arousal derived from use of enemas, generally preferring the receiving role


in what position is inserting the penis more difficult and the woman may not receive adequate clitoral stimulation from the penis because deep penetration by the penis is difficult

lateral entry

what is the best position to use for prolonged positions or when one or both are fatigued

lateral entry

what position is good to use in pregnancy at least until late

lateral entry

__ __ position is when the partners lie side-by-side facing one another, woman usually raises her upper leg and places over man's upper leg thereby permitting genitals to touch

lateral entry (side by side)

For paraphilia theoretical perspectives, __ behaviors are acquired through experience but there are other ways for learning to occur which should be incorporated - modeling, vicarious learning experiences, stimulus equivalence


more religious people are (more/less) likely to engage in anal intercourse


willingness to cohabit has traditionally been related to more ___ attitudes about sexual behavior, less traditional views of marriage, and less traditional views of gender roles (but it might be changing)


___ as the basis for marriage is relatively new - 19th century


for child abuse, children from stable, middle-class families are at a (higher/lower) risk than children from poorer, less cohesive families


___ is another name for the hymen so it means before you had sex


__ rape's prevalence is unknown because most assaults are not reported. Most men who rape other men are heterosexual and in prison, motives include domination and control, revenged and retaliation, sadism and degradation, sexual motives are generally absent. Most attacks involve multiple assailants


transvestites are almost always (male/female) and true transvestism has only been described among heterosexual (male/female)s.


most perpetrators are (female/male) regardless of the child's sex

male (females are abusers in 14% of cases involving boys and 6% involving girls)

exhibitionists are almost always (male/female)

male (females may flash but usually not unsuspecting people, though they do so to increase sexual arousal - typically won't be recognized as having exhibitionism)

__ __ is when the partners face one another, male lies above the woman, perhaps supporting himself on his hands and knees, typically the woman spreads her legs and raises her knees, movement is easier for the man than the woman

male superior (man on top)

the male superior position is highly stimulating to the (man/woman)


who is the movement easier for in the male superior position


__ rapes usually go unreported but probably more common than date rape (1 in 7, estimate); believed that marital rape is the most common kind of rape


__ is our most common lifestyle across all human societies - still its prevalence has been declining


Overall 63% of men and 42% of women masturbated in the past 12 months. who is least likely to masturbate?

married people, more educated people, more religious people, and African-American people

____ involves being the one inflicted with pain; ___ is inflicting the pain on others... both for sexual arousal

masochism, sadism

__ is self-pleasuring usually culminating in orgasm


(men/women) are more likely to remarry after divorce and these are even more likely to end in divorce


__ (whether single, married, or cohabiting) are also generally more approving or extramarital affairs than the other gender is


__ are most likely to have affairs for sexual excitement (75%)


__ are the romantics in a marriage ("one true love" "love conquers all")


paraphilias are believed to occur almost exclusively among __ though the prevalence of paraphilias in the general population is unknown


who partakes in sexual fantasies more? men or women


__ prefer direct genital stimulation early in lovemaking, __ prefer genital stimulation after a period of general body contact (holding, hugging, non-genital massage)

men women

Who is more likely to be sexually active: mexican-american teens or white teens?

mexican american (49%) are slightly more likely than white teens

what are the three most common arguments in marraige

money, sex, kids

Female masturbation: techniques vary - but some general trends noted. most massage __, ___ ___, and ___ region with circular or back-and-forth motions.

mons, labia minora, clitoral

higher education people are (more/less) likely to engage in anal intercourse


most rare form of incest?


___ is desiring sex with corpses probably to sexually possess a completely nonresistant and nonrejecting partner - regular (sex with deaf person) homicide (commits murder to obtain a corpse for sexual purposes) fantasy (fantasizes about sex with a corpse but doesn't do it)


Do people with paraphilias want or seek treatment voluntarily?

no (they usually see their problems as stemming from society's intolerance not their own behavior)

How effective is psychotherapy (psychodynamic or psychoanalytic) therapy on paraphilias?

no data showing effectiveness

divorce rate rose steadily between 1930 and 1950 and then dramatically from 1960 to 1980. why?

no-fault divorces, increased education/finances for women, higher expectations for marriage than there used to be

What is the order of most common perpetrators: non-stranger, friend or acquaintance, intimate, relative

non-stranger (73%) friend or acquaintance (38%) intimate (28%) relative (7%)

what is the highest ranked sexual preference for objects associated with the body?

objects worn on legs and buttocks (then feet wear, underwear, whole body wear, objects worn on trunk, objects worn on head, stethoscopes)

how often do girls masturbate?

once a month

a ____ is an atypical patterns of sexual arousal or behavior that becomes problematic in the eyes of the individual or society. (Statistical abnormality + cultural abnormality + harm to self or others + preference for non-genital sexual outlets)


___ are considered mental disorders by clinicians if the person has acted on the urges or is distinctly distressed by them - however, forms of these behaviors may be practiced by many people within the normal spectrum of human sexuality


___ are psychological defenses, usually against unresolved castration anxiety.


___ is a related paraphilia to fetishism; excessively aroused by a particular body part such as feet, breasts, buttocks, etc.


fathers who abuse younger daughters tend to be __, __, and low in __-__

passive, dependent, self esteem

Marriage in western culture has a ___ history

patriarchal (women considered property)

___ is persistent or recurrent sexual attraction to prepubescent children (usually age 11 and younger, but could be as old as 13. Typically must be 5+ years older than child)


adolescents with parents who are ___ and impose few rules and restrictions are more likely to engage in coitus


Men experienced more ___ during their first time while women experienced more __

pleasure (because they were more likely to reach orgasm), guilt

Paraphilias are psychological defenses, usually against unresolved castration anxiety. There is lack of evidence to support any of the speculation that ___ theory makes regarding the paraphilias


__ is the violent crime that is least often reported


__ is typically thought of as sexual intercourse as a result of force or threats of force rather than consent, other behaviors are typically included by the term sexual assault


what is the best position for deep penetration

rear entry

what is the best position visually for men

rear entry

what position is good in pregnancy

rear entry

__ __ position is when the man faces the woman's rear, woman on hands and knees, with man on his knees. a second variation has the couple alongside one another and the woman lifts her upper leg and drapes it backward over her partners thigh

rear entry (doggie style)

__ (__) motivated rapes are often have loneliness and lack of self-esteem as the precipitating factor. keeps souvenirs, detailed records of "conquests". may revisit victims. may be closet transvestite. Reoffends on 1-2 week cycle "I'm not gonna hurt you, nothing that hasn't happened to you before will happen"

reassurance (compensatory)

what is the only fantasy that women are higher on than men?

risky sex, sex in public, might get caught

___ is mutually gratifying sexual interactions between consenting partners. Occasionally it appears quite common in the general population, especially "mild" or "light" forms such as tying up a partner, light spanking, mild dominance-submission games, scratching or biting during orgasm

sadomasochism (S&M)

gangbangs (trains) are usually ____

sequential (straight - several men with one woman; gay - several men with one man)

__ __ is a private mental experience involving thoughts or images that are sexually arousing to the individual

sexual fantasy

__ __ is a form of sexual discrimination; it is unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is severe or pervasive and affects working conditions or creates a hostile work environment (severe is clean; pervasive covers the other category)

sexual harassment

__ __ is the only paraphilia found among women with some frequency (still more common in males though)

sexual masochism

__ __ is the receipt of pain or humiliation tied to sexual arousal - a desire to be bound, flogged, humiliated, or made to suffer in some way by a sexual partner so to achieve sexual excitement

sexual masochism

__ __ is persistent and powerful urges and sexual fantasies involving the inflicting of pain and suffering on others to achieve sexual excitement or gratification. Some people cannot become sexually aroused unless they make their sex partners suffer, others can. Some hurt and/or humiliate willing partners such as prostitutes or sexual masochists whereas others (a small minority, but still dangerous) stalk and attack non-consenting, unwilling individuals - victims)

sexual sadism

what is the historical western culture's perspective of masturbation

sin of onan

what is the most common condition/lifestyle among people in their early 20s


why do many adolescents deny or hide same-sex interests?

social/peer disapproval

___ historically means anything that doesn't include the possibility of reproduction (we often think of just anal sex but other things count as well)


what are disadvantages to rear entry?

some uncomfortable because it is a mating position of other animals, impersonal, eye contact difficult, more emotionally distant, adequate stimulation to clitoris? penis can pop out easily, air enters vagina more readily which some find psychologically distressing when it is expelled

there are higher rates of teenage pregnancy and teen marriages in what area of the country?


__ rape is committed by a person not previously known to the victim. victims are usually chosen based on their vulnerability as well as opportunity


sugary foods and fruits produce a more pleasant __ flavor in semen


T OR F: Do not blow air into the vagina as it can enter the bloodstream via the vein sinuses of the intrauterine wall and from there find its way to the heart and brain. collapse is usually immediate and death can occur within minutes


T or F: If you say rape to a man, it goes down to 1 out of 5, but if you say force a woman to have sex it's 1 out of 3.


T or F: although it is difficult to compare directly, there seems to be a slight increase in frequency of marital sex from Kinsey's #s from the 1940s


T or F: cohabiters have traditionally been less likely to attend church regularly (but they will describe themselves as equally religious as those who don't live together)


T or F: courts nowadays tend to be hard on exhibitionists, partly because of evidence that some progress to more serious crimes of sexual aggression


T or F: during "the first time", women are more worried if they are doing the right thing, and men are more worried if they are doing the thing right


T or F: frequency of marital sex declines with age


T or F: less sexually active girls tend to be career-oriented, have a father at home, and to be more influenced by their family's values


T or F: most children that are abused are abused only one, though abuse by a family is more apt to be repeated


T or F: most cultures prohibit extramarital sex for both men and women or just for women (none just for men)


T or F: oral sex has a higher risk for an STD than mutual masturbation


T or F: remarriages that survive are just as satisfying and happy as first marriages that survive


T or F: some people find a finger inserted into their anus just before or at the moment of orgasm to be arousing and to intensify the orgasm (anal sphincter contracts against finger - anal beads)


T or F: some people report having guilt over masturbating


T or F: teen mothers are more likely to live in poverty


__: a common form of foreplay, can include a plethora of types, techniques and/or locations. affectionate, but not necessarily sexual


__ behaviors may range from wearing a single garment when along to sporting dresses, wigs, make-up and feminine mannerisms out in public. Occasionally a partner might be informed and persuaded to play along, but most hide or try to hide their activities from their partners.


____ is when theres excitement or arousal by wearing clothing of the opposite sex.


18th century physicians believed masturbation caused what?

tuberculosis, nervous diseases (mental disorders), poor eyesight, memory loss, and epilepsy

Now that women are making more money, the divorce rate is going (up/down) because they have more resources

up (don't depend on the husband's money)

__ (__ __) is sexual arousal associated with urine, may desire to be urinated upon or to urinate upon a sexual partner, can also occur in combination with masochism or sadism

urophilia (golden showers)

__ __ __ is persistent verbal pressure or the use of seduction "lines" to manipulate a person into sexual activity

verbal sexual coercion

what are the advantages for the rear entry position?

very visual for men, men can also caress woman freely; best position for deep penetration, good in pregnancy

___ (__) is strong, repetitive urges to observe unsuspecting strangers who are naked, disrobing, or engaged in sexual activity which leads to increases in sexual arousal. It is the peeking part that becomes the sexual act and sexual behavior rather than the actual act of sex.

voyeurism (peeping)

__ culture comes out of the bible, sin of Onan.


__ is repeated, intense urges and related *fantasies* involving sexual contact with animals. prevalence is unknown, kinsey found that 8% of men and 3-4% of women admitted to sexual contacts with animals. Women with household pets and men with farm animals .Most of these contacts ocurred as adolescents and would not meet the definition.


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