intro into geology lab final

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Prime Meridian

0 degrees longitude, middle line going up


2d representations of the 3d surface of earth

The age of the Earth is approximately ________ years old.

4.6 billion years

USGS (United States Geological Survey)

A government organization that produces topographic maps for all areas in the USA.

In reference to the Geologic Time Scale, the Paleozoic Era is known as the _______________.

Age of Invertebrates

Contour lines can branch and split.


Which of the following referece lines are also referred to as parallels?.


Topographic maps can be used to determine the location of a feature on the Earth's surface. Which of the following ways uses an established grid system in most states west of the Appalachian Mountains to determine location?

Public Land Survey

Which of the three rock types deforms relatively easily?

Sedimentary Rocks

Topographic maps are produced by the ____________________.

United States Geological Survey

bench marks

a permanently affixed mark that establishes the exact elevation of a place; used by surveyors in measuring site elevations, or as a starting point for surveys .

index contour

a thicker contour line that often has an elevation label

In a dip slip fault, the hanging wall is always ________ the fault plane.


With respect to compressional stress, plastic deformation takes place _________ will generally produce folded rock layers.

at depth

The reference line for Townships in the Publice Land Survey system is known as the __________.

base line

The space between layers of sedimentary rocks are called _______________.

bedding planes

Geologic faults can occur when rocks experience __________ deformation.


With respect to compressional stress, _________ deformation takes place near the surface and will generally produce faulted rock layers.


A naturally formed subsurface opening that is generally connected to the surface and large enough for a person to enter is referred to as a __________.


A large cave system characterized by interconnected rooms and passageways is referred to as a ___________.


In a sequence of rock layers, an aquifer with an aquiclude above is referred to as a _________.

confined aquifer

graphic scales

consist of a line that represents a certain distance can be used to make a map ruler

On a USGS published topographic map, the color brown is used to depict _____________.

contour lines

On a topographic map, ____________ connect all points that have the same elevation.

contour lines

In order for geologists to interpret the third dimension of a study area, they will produce a ______________ to view the rock layers with respect to the surface


The type of stream drainage pattern that develops on homogenous and horizontal rocks is known as ____________.


Hydrologists quantify streams based on their _________________.

discharge rate

_________ are concentric folds in which all rock layers dip outward from a central point and the oldest rock layers exposed in the center.


fractional scales

express distance as a ratios; such as 1:63,500 - one inch equals 63,500 miles

Dip slip faults result from horizontal displacement of the rock units along the strike or trend of a fault.


Reversel faults work with the force of gravity.


Strike slip faults result from vertical displacement of the rock units along the strike or trend of a fault.


The geologic principle, the Law of Cross-cutting relationships, states that any geologic feature which cuts across another is the older of the two features.


When contour lines cross stream valleys or dry stream channels, they form a "V" that points downstream.


When showing a closed depression on a topographic map, the hachure marks point away from depression.


_________ are fractures or breaks in rocks along which movement has taken place.


Studying the deformation of rock units can reveal all of the following except the:

fossil content

The steepness of the slope of a stream is referred to as stream _______________.


Caves that form in the unsaturated zone tend to form vertical pits and incised canyons as water movement is driven by ____________.


The erosive power of the water on the outside of a meander is _____________ the power of the water on the inside of the meander.

greater than

In an area underlain by soluble rock such as limestone and gypsum, ____________ is the principle agent of erosion and is responsible for the formation of many surface features.


Groundwater resources are important resources for agriculture, industry, and domestic use. Over 65% of groundwater resources are used for __________.


The high bank next to a stream channel is known as a _______________.

natural levee

_________ are folds in which the fold axis is not horizontal.

plunging folds

The percentage of a particular layer of rock or sediment that is open space is referred to as ___________.


The reference line for Ranges in the Publice Land Survey system is known as the __________.

principal meridian

Public Land Survey System (PLSS)

provides a precise method for identifying the location of land in most states west of the Appalachian mountains by establishing a grid system that systematically subdivides the land area. all land in the continental US have been divided and described by this grid system with the exception of the original 13 colonies and Texas. the 13 original colonies existed as separate entities and each had its own land alienation scheme. Texas was already its own republic when it entered the union, and reserved the right to alienate its own public land. all other states were divided into 6 square miles areas called townships , and described by a grid system with reference tp established base lines and principle meridians.

Topographic maps are referred to as ____________________.


The type of stream drainage pattern that develops in an area with radiating stream channels from a central point is known as ____________.


The type of stream drainage pattern that develops in an area with fractured rock at the surface is known as ____________.



reference point

In a dip slip fault, if the movement of the hanging wall is acting against gravity, the fault is referred to as a ___________ fault.


In the Public Land Survey, each Township is divided into 36 one-mile-square parcels of land called ____________.


The measure of the winding course of a stream is referred to as ____________.


The Earth's hydrologic cycle is powered by ___________.

solar radiation

Contour lines that are close together show

steep slope

contour interval

the difference in elevation from one contour line to the next


the lines going across sometimes called parallels


the lines going up sometimes called meridians

Topographic profiles depict the Earth's surface features as viewed from __________ the Earth's surface.

the side of

The type of stream drainage pattern that develops in an area of linear ridges and valleys is known as ____________.


Any structure or contact that has been offset by faulting will migrate in the direction of the dip of the beds.


Contour lines separate all points of higher elevation from points of lower elevation.


Dip slip faults result from vertical displacement of the rock units along the strike or trend of a fault.


During periods of high rainfall, groundwater tends to rise beneath the hills because is cannot flow fast enough into adjacent valleys.


Faults can be a source of economic minerals.


Geologic cross-sections provide information about rocks and their structure found below the Earth's surface.


In a strike slip fault, the type of displacement is described by the relative movement of surface features.


The configuration of the water table is usually a subdued replica of the overlying land surface.


The geologic principle, the Law of Cross-cutting relationships, states that any geologic feature which cuts across another is the younger of the two features.


On a USGS published topographic map, the color green is used to depict _____________.

vegetation, orchards, and woodlands

On a USGS published topographic map, the color blue is used to depict _____________.

water features

If the pore spaces in sequence of sediment and rock layers are filled with mostly air, this zone is referred to as the _________.

zone of aeration

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