Intro to Animal Science Final

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What is CEFS?

Center for Environmental Farming Systems

What do meat & poultry plants have to identify and control(reduce or eliminate)?

Chemical, Physical, Biological hazards(bacteria) *this is federal law

How is at home pasteuriation done?

Milk heated to 165 degrees F for 5 minutes

True/False Animals shall be treated with respect and diginity throughout their lives and, when necessary, provided a humane death.


True/False Conservation and management of animal populations should be humane, socially responsible, and scientifically prudent.


True/False Meat is sterile inside the animal but bacteria can be introduced.


True/False Procedures related to animal housing, management, care, and use should be continuously evaluated, and when indicated, refined or replaced.


True/False Very few situations are the resultof food manufacturing defects when it comes to microbial contamination.


True/False In the U.S., all meat and poultry processors must have a HACCP plan in place.

True *ensures food safety

Rabbits are _________________ with well developed _____________.

hindgut fermenters; cecum

What is animal welfare?

how an animal is coping with the conditions in which it lives

By federal law, meat and poultry manufacturers must produce what quality of food?

safe, wholesome, and unadulterated foods

How many unwanted pets have to be euthanized each year in the U.S.?

~2 million

Where were rabbits introduced in the 1800s?

Australia & New Zealand *Only 24 rabbits brought in for source of meat

What is "Natural Meat"?

-100% minimally processed meat -No spices, water or filler

How can animals leave the local county animal shelter?

-Adoption -Reclaim -Euthanasia

What do animal rights activists believe?

-Animals have rights similar or the same as humans -Humans do not have the right to use animals at all -All animal use including pets should be banned

What does animal welfare approved mean?

-Animals must be allowed to performe innate behaviors -pasture access -Family farm -AI ok; ET not -Vaccines must be used -Antibitics given to sick animals -No growth promoting hormones

What do animal liberation groups believe?

-Animals should not be forced to work or produce for human benefit. -All animals should be liberated

What does naturally raised mean?

-Cattle never recieved growth prmoting hormones or antibiotics -Not fed byproducts

What can the consumer do to keep the meat safe?

-Clean: washing hands, washing utensils & dishes, rinse fruits & vegetables -Separate: keep uncooked meat from all other food; seperate raw meats -Cook: cook at proper temperature -Chill: put in the fridge as soon as possible; chill below 40 degrees will inhibit most bacteria

What does the animal welfare act mandate?

-Every university or corporation that uses animals for education or research must have an IACUC(Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee). -All activities will be reviewed and approved by a group of scientists.

What can you not say on a label?

-Hormone free -Antibiotic free -Organic -Happy

What are the 4 potential food safety hazards?

-Microbial contamination -Environmental contaminants -Pesticides residues -Food additives

What are microbes you have to worry about in microbial contamination?

-Molds -Viruses -Bacteria*** most common -Yeasts -Parasites

What does organic meat production require?

-Must be raised on certified organic land -Fed certified organic feed -No antibiotic -No growth promoting hormones -Must have outdoor access

What does american grassfed mean?

-Only eat grass from weaning to harvest -No antibiotics or growth hormones -American family farms

Where do federal and state inspection services inspect?

-Primary site of harvest -retail & wholesale outlets

What are the most important attributes for consumers?

-Produced w/o added hormones -produced w/o growth promoting antibiotics -Good animal welfare -Pasture-raised -Local and/or known origin -Tender & tastes great

What do rabbits eat?

-Timothy hay -Orchardgrass hay

What are the responsibilities of IACUC?

-To review all activities involving animal use -Inspect all facilities in which animals are housed or procedures on animals are performed.

What is organic?

-certified by third party -no chemicals or drugs(anitibiotics) -certified organic feed -increases expense of production

How is conventional corn-fed beef produced?

-cow/calf on pasture -stocker operation -feedlot;high grain diets for the last few months -implant under skin of ear -given antibiotics if sick

What are the requirements to be an organic dairy farmer?

-exclusively fed organically grown feeds -kept in pens with adequate space -allowed periodic access to the outdoors & direct sunlight -not treated with hormones or antibiotics

What is considered a good state of animal welfare?

-healthy -comfortable -well nourished -safe -able to express innate behavior(natural behaviors) -not suffering from upleasamt state such as pain, fear, and distress

What occurs when the rules of the food safety assurance are violated?

-heavy fines -people get sick

What do animal welfare organizations believe and support?

-humane treatment of animals -publicize and document animal abuse to get laws changed -work within existing laws to accomplish their goal -support spaying & neutering of animals -most believe in euthanasia of surplus pets rather than letting them suffer ex: local SPCA

What are some examples of groups that could fall under animal use groups?

-hunting & fishing -livestock production -rodeos -zoos

What does pasture raised mean?

-no set standards -graze -OK to give grain

What can you say on a label?

-produced without added hormones -produced without the use of anitbiotics -certified organic by a 3rd party -pasture raised

What does natural mean?

-refers to the meat -no artifical anything -minimally processed

What is the safety of organic vs. conventional milk?

-strict government standards that include pasteurization to ensure the milk is pure, safe, and nutritious. -Organic & conventionally produced food both safe -antibiotics only given when necessary

What are internationally accepted five freedoms?

1. Freedom from hunger & thirst 2. Freedom from discomfort 3. Freedom from Pain, Injury, or Disease 4. Freedom to Express normal behavior 5. Freedom from Fear & Distress

What is an example of an animal liberation group?


What is ALF and what do they do?

Animal Liberation Front -illegal & on the FBI's list of fomestic animal terrorists

What is the AWA & AGA?

Animal Welfare Approved; American Grassfed Association

What do people who exploit animals think?

Animals are human property -condon illegal acitivities such as dog & cock fighting

What do people who are okay with animal use think?

Animals exist for human use -have guidelines for responsible care of animals -use of animals for food should be as painless as possible

What residues should not be in animal products?

Antibiotics & Pesticides

What do animal rights organizations believe and support?

Believe animals have intrinsic rights which should be guaranteed like human rights -some believe pets have the right to breed

What is the nutritional value of organic vs. conventional milk?

Both have the same nutrition -no research to support advantages of organic over conventional milk

What is adult male rabbit called?


What unique behavior is a rabbit jump up in air and kick rear feet out that shows happiness?

Bunny Bucks

What unique behavior is a rabbit circles around owners to express happiness?


What is an adult female rabbit called?


Why is unpasteurized milk dangerous?

E. coli outbreak can occur

What has replaced the easter bunny been replaced by in Australia?

Easter Bilby

What is the farm to fork campaign?

Encouraging people in NC to spend 10% of food budget on locally produced foods.

What is required to get a pharmaceutical used in animal production approved?

F.D.A. approval

What is the difference between food infection and food poisioning?

Food Infection is bacteria that reproduce inside a person that takes hours to days to show affects. Food poisioning is bacteria that have reproduced inside food and have made a toxin. Affects of food poisioning occur very quickly after food is ingested.

Who is credited for the domestication of rabbits?

French monks during the middle ages

What type of meat processing has the greatest risk of contamination?

Ground meat

_______________ is a proactive to food safety.


In addition to federal laws mandating inspection, meat and poultry processors must abide by _______________.

HACCP *Hazzard Analysis Critical Control Point

What are some examples of animal rights organizations?


What does HACCP stand for?

Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points

What is pasteurization?

Heating milk for a short period of time

What is the HSUS and how do they spend their money?

Humane Society of United States -99% of money not spent on animal care -Mostly spent on salary of CEO, pensions, hedgefunds, advertising, and court cases.

Rabbits are _________________ with no consistent estrous cycle.

Induced ovulators -ovulate after being bred

Do humans have the right to use animals for human gain?

It depends on the persons perspective.

What is the birth process in rabbits called?


What are young/newborn bunnies called?

Kits or Bunnies

What is a withdrawl time?

Length of time you can not feed or use product before animal goes to market.

What are some examples of animal welfare organizations?

Local SPCA & County Animal Shelters

What company has incorporated animal welfare standards for its U.S. suppliers?

McDonalds -leader in establishing welfare guidelines -have advisory counsel

What natural behavior can be a problem with rabbits?

Nibbling *rabbits will nibble on electrical cords, furniture, carpets, etc.

Is the local SPCA government funded?

No; its private non-profit

What does unadulterated mean?

Nothing has been added

What is PETA and what do they support?

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals -animal rights

What is the way most cases of food poisioning come from?

People not knowing how to handle, store, or cook food properly.

What is rabbits plague?

Rabbits eat all of the plants -devistation of native wildlife & plants

__________ should be kept to show that the protocol has been followed if there is ever a complaint.


In the U.S. who is pressuring companies about accountability of how animals are raised?

Retailers & Consumers

What is recommended for all female guinea pigs kept as pets due to high incidence of uterine and ovarian cancer?


__________________ is increasingly important for wholesale marketing.

Third party certification

The responsible used of animals for human purposes, such as companionship, food, fiber, recreation, work, education, exhibition, and research conducted for the benefit of both humans and animals, should be consistent with the _______________________.

Veterinarian's Oath

What would happen to unwanted pets if they were not euthanized?

We would run out of room in shelters. Animals would be in a situation where they can not have the ability to do innate behavior.

How long are pharmaceuticals tested before they can be used?

Years & years

Is the local county animal shelter government funded?

Yes; operates on tax dollars -the only intake facility(it has to take all the animals brought in)

Animals must be provided water, food, proper handling, health care, and environment appropriate to their care and use, with thoughtful consideration for their species-typical ___________________________________.

biology & behavior

What is it called when rabbits eat their own soft pellets?

coprophagy *this is how they can get bacterial protein that was produced in the cecum

How do most situations of microbial contamination occur?

improper handling of food in the home or at a restaurant.

What occurs during testing pharmaceuticals?

investigate residue effects 10-20 times the normal usage to stimulate a mistake being made on the farm.

The veterinary profession shall continually strive to improve animal health and welfare through scientific research, education, collaboration, advocacy, and the development of _______________________________.

legislation & regulations

Rabbits can be trained to use the bathroom in a __________________.


What is the most common form of food safety hazard?

microbial contamination

Animals should be cared for in ways that _________ fear, pain, stress, and suffering.


Decisions regarding animal care, use, and welfare shall be made by balancing _____________________ and ________________________ with consideration of ethical and societal values.

scientific knowledge; professional judgement

What does the inspection and monitoring system in the U.S. ensure?

that animal products with residues do not ever make it into the market place.

What is a target animal?

the animal that you would want to use pharmacutical on

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