Linux Module 1
What mode in VIM enables you to add text to a document?
nohup (Linux Command)
Makes process run after a user logs out
Print system information. Be aware of the following uname options: -a prints all system information. -o prints the operating system. -p prints the processor's architecture type.
sort command
Puts lists in ascending or descending order according to specified keys
Removes an empty directory
Restarts a daemon
sudo command
Run command with the security privileges of the superuser (Super User DO)
The Bourne again shell (Bash) is a common application to offer a shell command line; other common shell applications are the C shell, the Bourne shell, and the Kern shell.
touch command
The command used to create new files. It was originally used to update the time stamp on a file.
top command
The command used to give real-time information about the most active processes on the system; it can also be used to renice or kill processes.
locate command
The command used to locate files from a file database.
ps command
The command used to obtain information about processes currently running on the system.
userdel command
The command used to remove a user account from the system.
jobs command
The command used to see the list of background processes running in the current shell.
user-defined variables
The variables that are created by the user and are not used by the system. These variables are typically exported to subshells.
Ubuntu shell
redirector >
a linux command to send the content of one file to another file
command option
a modifier
clear command
blanks the terminal screen erasing previously displayed output
What color are directories in Linux Bash?
Ctrl C
cancel current command or leave Setup mode if you accidentally get into it
cd command
change directory
join command
combines the contents of each line of the source files and displays the output as a combined-single line for each line in the source files.
pr command
convert a text file into a more appropriately formatted file with the headers, pagination, and column fills. With the -d parameter, you can add double space between lines.
cp command
copy a fie
wc command
count the lines, words, and characters of a file.
rm command
deletes files
od command
displays the contents of a file in octal format (numeric base 8 format).
Split command
divide the contents of a file into multiple files. You need to specify the number of lines that you want to divide into multiple files. You also provide the name of the file as the standard output.
What files are green in Linux bash
expand command
filter that converts tabs to spaces, without affection the source file
history command
history of all commands given in a program
What vi character navigation method is supported even across distributions or terminal methods?
j, k, h, l
What features are available in the vim editor that are not available in vi?
line numbers
linux text editor
nl command
number the lines of a file -a number all lines in a file. -t number only the nonempty lines.
paste command
paste the output from multiple files into a vertical format.
Command Arguments
point at a specific thing
print working directory
man command
read the online manual page for a command
ls -l -a (ls -la)
shows all files in long list including hidden files
~ in Linux command Line
shows you are in root directory
su command
substitue user.
vi command
text editor
unset command
unsets a variable
mv command
used to both move a file to a new directory, and to rename a file.
fmt command
used to define uniform spacing between words and sentences. When used with the -u parameter, it formats the text with one space between words and two spaces between sentences.
cut command
used to print the selected output of a file onto screen. However, the source file remains as is and no modifications are made to it.
What color are text files in Linux bash?
What vi command would copy the current line into the buffer?
What vi command exits a document without saving?
dd command
A Linux command that can be used to write image files to a device such as a USB flash memory drive or hard disk.
head command
A Linux command that displays the first set of lines of a text file; by default, the head command displays the first 10 lines.
grep command
A Linux command that searches files for patterns of characters using regular expression metacharacters. The command name is short for "global regular expression print."
cat command
A Linux command used to display (or concatenate) the entire contents of a text file to the screen.
more command
A Linux command used to display a text file page-by-page and line-by-line on the terminal screen. less command scrolls only down, whereas more enables you to scroll down and up.
tail command
A Linux command used to display lines of text at the end of a file; by default, the tail command displays the last 10 lines of the file.
ls command
A Linux command used to list the files in a given directory.
uptime command
A command that displays the amount or percentage of time a computer system or associated hardware is functioning and available for use.
Find command
A command to help you search for certain content.
alias command
A command used to create special variables that are shortcuts to longer command strings.
env command
A command used to display a list of exported variables present in the current shell, except special variables.
free command
A command used to display memory and swap statistics.
The echo command:
A command used to display or echo output to the terminal screen. It might utilize escape sequences.
kill command
A command used to stop or abort a process in a program or operating system.
set command
A command used to view all variables in the shell, except special variables.
sed command
A filter command used to search for and manipulate text.
fgrep command
A variant of the grep command that does not allow the use of regular expressions.
egrep command
A variant of the grep command, used to search files for patterns using extended regular expressions.
What commands require super user privileges?
Commands that affect the whole system commands that affect a user other than your own
Contains the executable programs installed by your Linux distribution
Creates a directory
ls -l
Display results in long format
Display the current username
environment variables
Environment variables are like variables in programming languages—they hold data to be referred to by the variable name. Environment variables differ from programs' internal variables in that they're part of the environment of a program, and other programs, such as the shell, can modify this environment.