lower appendicular/ Exam 3

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Rib pair numbers ____ attach directly to the body of the sternum.


Which of the following statements is true? Muscle cells are made of muscle fibers. Muscle fibers are longer than muscle cells. Muscle fibers are made of muscle cells. Muscle cells are longer than muscle fibers. Correct Answer Muscle fibers are the same thing as muscle cells.

Muscle fibers are the same thing as muscle cells.

From in inferior view, the foramen lacerum is located lateral to the ____.


What is the lateral hamstring called?

biceps femoris

A lesion found on the the ascending colon and also on the spleen would be considered ____.


What does the word plexus mean?


The gastrocnemius muscle inserts on the calcaneus via the ________ tendon?


The ____ releases dopamine and the ____ releases acetylcholine.

caudate nucleus, substantia nigra

The ____ vertebrae support the head, the ____ vertebrae support the main portion of the body, and the ____ vertebrae support the ribs.

cervical, lumbar, thoracic

The foramen located posterior to the occipital condyles are the ____.

condyloid foramen

Which of the following is the first part that is inferior to the posterior brachium?

coronoid fossa

Which of the following muscles is located at the corner of the lips?

depressor anguli oris

Which of the following would be considered the cutaneous?

epidermis and dermis

The left lobe of the liver is mainly found in which abdominopelvic region?


Which tissue group makes up the inside or outside lining of organs?


Are the quadriceps flexor or extensor muscles?


Which iliac artery leads to the femoral artery?

external iliac artery

Blood is considered to be connective tissue because it literally connects one organ with another via the flow of blood.(true or false)


Which is larger; the pelvic arch of the female pelvis or the pelvis arch of the male pelvis?


Blood in the popliteal vein will enter into the ____ vein next.


Which of the following is correct sequence going from the inguinal to the toes on the anterior side?

femoral / patella / crural / tarsal

What nerve innervates the quadriceps?

femoral nerve

What nerve innervates the sartorius muscle?

femoral nerve

blood in the popliteal vein will flow into what vein next?

femoral vein

What has a lateral malleolus?


What is the lateral bone in the crural region?


Which lower leg bone is associated with the lateral malleolus?


The tendon of what muscle loops around the lateral malleolus?

fibularis longus

Are the hamstrings flexor or extensor muscles?


There are lots of ligaments holding the femur to the acetabulum. One of the many ligaments extends from the ________ to the inner lining of the acetabulum.

fovea (capitus)

What is the fossa the head of the femur articulates with?

fovea capitus

The superior wall of the eye-socket is made of the ____ bone.


What part of the os coxa do you sit on?

ischial tuberosity

What is the fossa between the medial and the lateral condyles of the femur?


muscles have to attach to the ridges or bulges or roughened areas for firm attachment. What is the name of the ridge located between the two trochanters located at the proximal, anterior end of the femur?

intertrochantric line

An exaggerated posterior curve of the thoracic region results in a condition known as ____.


Which of the following is the solid portion of bone?


Extending from superior to inferior, the ACL angles how?


The acetabulum is a/an ____ structure on the os coxa.


The cuboid bone of the foot is a/an ____ bone.


The occipital condyles are located ____ to the foramen magnum.


The fibular collateral ligament is located near which epicondyle of the femur?

lateral epicondyle

The fibularis longus has a tendon that loops around the __________ and extends to the little toe?

lateral malleolus

Which of the following muscles insert in the intertubercular sulcus?

latissimus dorsi

The stomach is located a little bit to the ____ of the midline of the body.


Which of the following cells provide us with our second line of defense?


Which of the following muscles extends from the orbicularis oris to the medial corner of the eye socket?

levator labii superioris alaeque nasi

Which of the following muscles is nearest the trapezius muscle in the neck region?

levator scaulae

What is the name of the ridge on the posterior side of the femur that splits at the distal end to form the medial and lateral supracondylar lines?

linea aspera

Which adductor is anterior to the gracilis?


Which adductor is posterior to the gracilis?


The infraorbital foramen are located on the ____ bone.


What is the insertion for the sartorius muscle?

medial tibia

What is the name of the large foramen associated with the coxa?

obturator foramen

Which ligament is actually an extension of the rectus femoris tendon?

patellar ligament

Are the hamstrings anterior or posterior muscles?


From an inferior view, the foramen spinosum is located mostly ____ to the foramen ovale.


The greater sciatic notch is mostly an anterior or posterior structure of the os coxa?


Which of the following muscles lie between the piriformis and the obturator internus muscles?

quadratus femoris

Which quadricep is between the medial and lateral muscle?

rectus femoris

Blood in the pulmonary trunk came from the ____.

right ventricle

What nerve innervates the hamstrings?

sciatic nerve

What is the deep hamstring?


The semimembranosus is deep to which posterior thigh muscle?


What is the medial hamstring called?


What muscle is deep to the gastrocnemius?


Which part of the vertebrae can you palpate?

spinous process

What tarsal articulates with the tibia?


the distal end of the tibia articulates with which tarsal?


Albinos lack skin pigmentation because ____

they lack melanin

The medial malleolus is a part of the ____.


What has a medial malleolus?


What is the medial bone in the crural region?


Which lower leg bone is associated with the medial malleolus?


What bony structure at the proximal end of the tibia does the tibialis anterior muscle attach to?

tibial tuberosity

Which of the following muscles is a lumbar muscle?


Which of the following muscles is an upper back muscle?


In the right leg, the posterior cruciate ligament extends from the inferior to superior angling lateral. (true or false)


Blood in the right subclavian artery will enter into the ____ artery


The main way to identify cardiac cells is to look for ____.

intercalated discs

Each os coxa is made by the fusion of how many bones?


If a person has a deviated septum, what bones or structures are deviated?

The perpendicular plate of the ethmoid and the vomer.

The head of the femur sits in the ____.


the head of the femur articulates with what structure of the os coxa?


What is anterior to the gracilis muscle?

adductor longus

Which muscle is nearest the proximal portion of the gracilis muscle?

adductor longus

What is posterior to the gracilis muscle?

adductor magnus

Which of the following brain structures are involved in a patient with Alzheimer's?

amygdaloid body

Are the quadriceps anterior or posterior muscles?


The body of the vertebrae is a (an) ____ structure of the vertebrae.


The pisiform is ____ to the triquetrum.


Which of the following represents the correct sequence in reference to the flow of blood? Blood from the popliteal artery will enter into ____.

anterior and posterior tibial a.

What is the origin for the sartorius muscle?

anterior superior iliac spine

what is the buldge located at the anterior end of the iliac crest?

anterior superior iliac spine

A major coronary vessel on the anterior side of the heart ____.

goes almost straight to the apex

What is the most medial muscle of the thigh?


What muscle term means slender?


Which vein is most medial in the leg?

great saphenous vein

The lateral rotator muscles insert on which major bony structure of the femur?

greater trochanter

What is the large lateral bulge located at the proximal end of the femur?

greater tronchanter

Which muscle is nearest the proximal portion of the sartorius muscle?


Which quadricep is deep?

vastus intermedius

The iliotibial band lies on the surface of which quadricep muscles?

vastus lateralis

The rectus femoris is medial to the ____.

vastus lateralis

What is the lateral quadricep?

vastus lateralis

What is the medial quadricep?

vastus medialis

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