Marketing Midterm Hein

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Most known words

1. ok 2. Coca-cola 3. Taxi

Uses of the adoption curve

1.Predict which types of consumers will buy product immediately after its introduction 2. Develop effective promotion, pricing, and other marketing strategies to push acceptance among each customer group

Atmospherics examples

1.Visuals (apple logo) 2.Jingles, slogans ( its miller time) 3.Associations (apple's genius bar, Disneyland cast members) 4. Spokesperson (celebrity)

After a late majority adopts a product, what percent of people (those who haven't yet adopted) are left?


The Chasm represents about ___ % of the adoption curve


The widest assortment in America, Proctor and Gamble has nearly ___ brands in ___ categories

300, 7

The early majority represents approximately __% of population, which is crucial because few new products can be profitable until this large group buys them


services make up ____% of US GDP?


The introduction of the Apple iPod is an example of _____ because its introduction to the market radically changed consumer preferences and the entire competitive landscape. a. fashion cycle b. pioneer c. Market saturation d. Imitator e. laggard

A pioneer

Ray works for Apple. For two months he uses the new iPhone X. Over the course of the two months he writes his opinion of the performance of the phone and easy of use. What is ray doing? a. Concept testing b. Test marketing c. Product Development D. Alpha Test E. Beta test

Alpha test

In ____ ______, the firm attempts to determine whether the product will perform according to its design and whether it satisfies the need for which it was intended

Alpha testing

When it is hard for a consumer to connect to some products so marketers take the brand and create a personality for it. Ex Mac vs PC commercials


What type of brand name benefits from no priors when the consumer encounters the name?


the knowledge of and courtesy by employees and their ability to convey TRUST and CONFIDENCE


Two parts of Branding are

Atmospherics (Visuals, audio, scent) Naming strategy

When strategizing compatibility, do consumers need to change their current ____ or ottain adition _____? Ex. American eat in cars

Behavior, Infrastructure

What uses potential consumers, who examin the product prototype in a real-use setting to determine its functionality, performance, potential problems, and other issues specific to its use

Beta Testing

Whats wrong with the company names bimbo, and chevy nova

Bimbo= bread made in mexico but means dumby in USA. Nova means no go in spanish

A contractual arrangement between firms, whereby one firm allows another use its brand name, log, symbol in exchange for a negotiated fee. Common for toys, apparel, accessories, video games

Brand Licensing

Reflects mental links that consumers make between a brand and its key attributes such as a logo, slogan. Ex. Beer commercial with hot girls = if you drink that beer you can party with hot girls

Brand association

Measures how many consumers in a market are familiar with the brand and what it stands for; created through repeated exposures of the various brand elements (brand name, logo, symbol, character, packaging, or slogan) in the firm's communications to consumers.

Brand awareness

Refers to the use of the same brand name in a different product line. It is an increase in the product mix's depth, adds assortment

Brand extension

"English" word which describes product has difficulty in _______________

Brand extension Ex: "Clean shower" great product, but they couldn't expand with other products under the same name

When a customer buys the same brands product repeatedly over timw

Brand loyalty

Set of human characteristics associated with a brand, which has a symbolic or self-expressive meanings for consumers

Brand personality

Represents a count of the number of product lines offered by the firm. Usually the brand name.


Firms often increase _____ (add new product lines) to capture new or ____ markets and increase sales

Breadth, evolving

A product that is extreme means the product is still _____


the practice of marketing two or more brands together, on the same package or promotion


What company has the highest brand equity ranking and has been #1 ever since the list was created

Coca Cola

when a brand is given a nickname what does this show?

Comfortable with the brand

The ____ gap refers to difference between the actual service provided to customers and service that the firm's promotion promises.


Manage customer expectations by coordinating how the expectation is created and the way a service is provided

Communications Gap

Alpha testing uses: a. Early adopters to test b. Innovators to test c. Company Researchers to test d. Uses previous customers to test

Company researchers to test

A diffusion process may be faster or slower, depending on various consumer features, including cultural differences is an example of ___


Firms don't usually find out about service failures unless the customer


Extend of learning required like Lego vs IKEA is an example of


What refers to the process in which a concept statement is presented to the potential buyers/users to obtain their reactions

Concept Testing (only an idea, not a product)

Support provided by managers must be ___, and ____, throughout the organization

Consistent, coherent

Products or services for which the consumer is not willing to spend any effort to evaluate prior purchase. Low involvement shopping, can be brand loyal or switcher


imitate the manufacturer's brand in appearance and packaging, perceived as lower quality, offered at a lower price

Copycat brands

Kellogs fruit loops, raisen brand, flosted flakes

Corporate name : Kellogs, family names, Fruit loops, Raisen brand, frosted flakes

What type of names are common for narrow and deep product lines ex. Kellog, Apple, Ge

Corporate names

Deep assortment is

Cost effective, Halo and Horn(bad) effect, creates strong brand image, difficult to add new product, focused marketin activities

Foreign word conveys _________ effect

Country of origin effect: choose the name in the language of a country that is known for that product Ex: Aquafina, Spago Restaurant, Atari, Haier, Prego

Brand Extensions like Coke/Diet coke and Mcdonalds add assortment without

Creating another product line

Personal/Family names provide _________ because it sounds like someone is standing behind the brand (NOT in China because there is only 438 last family names, always name their companies with grandiose names)


Human or mechanical activity firms undertake to help satisfy their customers' needs and wants

Customer service

Whats another name for adoption curve

Diffusion of Innovation

Primary Purpose of a brand

Distinguish good/service form competion

What type of fairness pertains to a customer's perception of the benefits he or she receives compared to costs

Distributive fairness

Who are "real people" who are first to adopt the product, represent 13.5% of all buyers in market, spread the word

Early adopters

If this group never becomes large enough, the product or service typically fails

Early majority

____ represents a substantial portion of the population, and few new products and services can be profitable until this large group buys them a. laggards b. innovators c. early adopters d. late majority e. early majority

Early majority

Once you cross the chasm, marketing is a lot _____ and you start to need ___ marketing resources

Easier, less

Managers and coworkers should demonstrate concern for each other's well being and stand behind their decision

Emotional Support

Brand loyal customers have an ____ connection with the brand and established ____. (brand equity)

Emotional, trust

The caring, individualized attention provided to customers


Allowing employees to make decision about how service gets provided to customers


What is the term for when a company could lose the rights to their name?


A brand that is developed by a national brand vendor, often in conjunction with a retailer, and is sold exclusively by the retailer is referred to as

Exclusive co-brand

Consumer attributes ________ to location even if they do not know the exact location (geographic/location names)


As _____, one of the advantages that pioneers have is they create a new market or product category, establishing a commanding initial market share lead. a. laggards b. imitators c. first movers d. fashion cycles e. market saturators

First movers

Pioneers have the advantage of being _____ _____ as the first to create the market or product category, they become readily recognizable to consumers and thus establish early market share lead

First movers

Why should we breed square watermelons?

Fit on shelf better

Deepest company in american with a ONE PRODUCT LINE

General electric, every product they have is the same product line (~11,00 SKUs)

target a price-sensitive segment by offering a no-frills product at a discount price

Generic brands

Ecologically safer products like recyclable, biodegradable. May cost more but customers willing to pay because the perceive a greater value

Green product

"English" word with no correlation to product that has a positive name (in the language of company's home country) reflects

Halo Effect

Examples of family/personal

Harley davidson, Samuel Adams, Louis Vuitton, de Rothschild, Bic, Ralph Lauren, PF Changs

If a consumer is the 76th percentile for adoption of a new product, they would be classified: a. as a laggard b. as an innovator c. as an early adopter d. in the late majority e. in the early majority

In the late majority

Different brand names for each of its products to keep them from being seen as part of the larger company is called ____. provide an ex

Individual brand names, ex: Calvin Klien cologne, every cologne has its own brand name

Those buyers who want to be the first on the block to have the new product or service, risk takers. Ex designers, celebrities


The systems and equipment to deliver the service properly

Instrumental Support

The ____ gap reflects the difference between customers' expectations and the firms perception of those customer expectations. What you think customers want vs what they ACTUALLY want


First arbitrary name of all time

Kodak 1888

Second arbitrary name of all time

Kotex 1920s

Make up roughly 16% of the market, these consumers like to avoid change and rely on tradition products until they are no longer available. By the time these people commit innovators are on to the next invention


The last group of buyers to enter a new product market. When they do, the product has achieved its full market potential

Late majority

When there is a contractual arrangement between firms where one can use someone else's log, name, symbol, etc for a fee

Licensed brand

Methods of service recovery

Listening to customer, Finding a fair solution, Resolving problems quickly

Most important method of service recovery when providers fail to meet customer expectations

Listening to the customer

Brands that are owned and managed by the manufacture (majority of brands)

Manufacturer brands

When do sales start to decline

Maturity (peak and also decline)

Why is google a good name

Named after Googolplex: 1 followed by a googol of zeros (100 zeros) (INFINITE)

Which of the following illustrates a family brand? a. Nestle, Hershey b. Nissan Frontier, Nissan Altima c. Gilet, Dove d. Downey, Tide

Nissan Frontier, Nissan Altima

Why is Victoria's Secret a good name

No direct competition, named after Queen Victoria, stores done in Victorian decor

One of the key characteristics of brainstorming sessions is that

No idea can be immediately accepted or rejected, only at the end of a session do the members vote on the best ideas or combination of ideas

Why are private necessities hard to diffuse like Botox and Toilet?

No one shows them publicly

Can a service be shown directly to potential customers

No, intangible

When products are easily observed, their benefits or uses are easily communicated to other, which enhances the diffusion process. Ex. Private or public, necessity or luxury?


"English" word with no correlation to product examples

Oracle, Crest, Target, ACME Grey Goose, Reef Brazil

When a brand name is an acronym, often the ___________ is lost

Original Meaning

Examples of "English" words which describe product

Panda express, 1-800-PACK-RAT, Deli Mex, Under Armour

The relationship between a product or service's benefits and its cost. Usually determined in relationship to that of its close competitor.

Perceived value

Services cannot be stores for use in the future is ___. Ex. Airplane, hotels


What is the "original american" approach to naming a brand

Personal/Family name

Because ______ products and brands face the uphill task of establishing the market alone, they pave the way for followers, who can spend less time marketing effort creating demand for the product line and focus DIRECTLY on creating demand for their specific brand


Truly new product introductions - that is, new-to-the-world products that create new markets are called


In alpha testing, rather than use _____ _____, alpha test occur in the firms ___ _____ department

Potential consumers, R&D

Firms conduct ______ ____ before they actually bring a product or service to market to determine how many customers will try and then continue to use the product or service according to a small group of potential consumers

Premarket tests

Offers the consumer a private label that is comparable to, or even superior to a manufacturer's brand quality, sometimes with modest price saving

Premium brands

The perceived fairness process used to resolve complaints

Procedural fairness

Entails a process of balancing various engineering, manufacturing, marketing, and economic considerations to develop a product's form and features or a service's features.

Product development/design

groups of associated items that consumers tend to use together or think of as part of a group of similar products or services

Product lines

The complete set of all products offered by a firm

Product mix

TV show the OC was created for

Product placement

Stockkeeping unit (SKU) measures the ____ mix, measuring each ___,___,and ___

Product, size, flavor, variety

Why is Sony a good brand name

Pronounceable in every language, Easy, Looks like "sunny" in english yet still related to sonar (meaning sound)

What is important about naming your company

Pronounceable, familiar, enduring, differentiates the brand

the willingness to help customers and provide prompt service


What involves taking apart a product, analyzing it, and creating an improved product that does not infringe on the competitor's patents, if any exist

Reverse Engineering

Questions to ask when finding Trialability: Can it be _____, ____, and/or _____ Ex. Costco samples, try before you buy

Sampled, tested, demonstrated

any intangible offering that involves a deed, performance, or effort that cannot be physically possessed


When the delivery of that service fails to meet customer expectations, a ___ ___ results

Service gap

What is designed to encourage the systematic examination of all aspects of the service delivery process and prescribes the steps needed to develop and optimal service strategy

Service gaps model

Products or services for which consumers will spend a fair amount of time comparing alternatives, such as furniture, apparel, fragrances, appliances, and travel alternatives. NOT CERTAIN OF BRAND IN ANDVANCE


Paying for shelf space is called

Slotting allowance

Products/services towards which customers show strong preference that they will expand considerable effort to search for the best suppliers


When consumers determine which brand they like and return to get another, the good becomes a ____ good and the customer becomes a ___ customer

Specialty, loyal

The _____ gap pertains to difference between the firm's perceptions of customers' expectations and service standards it sets. BY setting appropriate service standards, training employees to meet and exceed those standards and measuring service performance, firms can close this gap


The appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication materials


Alpha-Numeric names are usually for more ________

Technical Products Ex: DW40, Chanel No5, Oral-B 40

Starbucks plans to start carrying wine in stores. Before national launch, Starbucks is testing the wine in a few of its stores in Southern California to see how it goes. What is this called? a. Test Marketing b. Product development c. Alpha test d. Product Launch e. Concept testing

Test marketing

A method of determining the success potential of a new product, ____ _____ introduces the offering to a _____ _____ area, prior to a _____ launch

Test marketing, limited geographical, national

"English" word which describes product is often _________________ BUT may have to translate the name to some countries _______________

The best approach, YOU DO NOT WANT THIS

Employees in service industry generally want to do a good job as long as they know what is expected and are ___ properly. Part of STANDARDS GAP


True or false: The primary purpose of a brand is to distinctly identify one seller's goods or services from competitors' offerings


Products consumers either do not normally think of buying or do not know about, no demand


How do you convince Americans that your product is better than competitors Ex. Wikipedia vs Encyclopedia book

Value, Convenience, Better performance

The humans cause the quality of service to differ instance to instance is _____. Replace ____ with ____ to reduce variation

Variable, humans, machines

IDEALLY you want your name to be used as a

Verb Ex. google it, fedex it

collects customer inputs and integrates them into managerial decisions

Voice-of-customer (VOC) program

What happens AFTER brainstorming

Vote on best ideas

Rational brand benefits (brand equity)

What are the benefits? What does the customer get besides just the core feature?

Core brand features (brand equity)

What does the product/service do? Problems it solves? How does it work? What are its features?

Many different, competing brands within a FEW SKUs in each brand

Wide assortment

How was branding originated

With cattle being branded with symbols representing the farm

What is a list of bad brand names

Yahoo, Ruth's Chris steakhouse, IKEA, Oreo, Starbucks, Netflix, Washington Mutual, Camel

The area between customers' expectations regarding their desired service and the minimum level of acceptable service - that is, the difference between what the customer really wants and what he or she will accept before going elsewhere

Zone of tolerance

The ____ reflects the difference between customers' expectations and the firm's perception of those customer expectations a. knowledge gap b. standards gap c. delivery gap d. communication gap e. ethical gap

a. knowledge gap

The ________ curve is the SAME for all items, EVERY product and EVERY situation


Tyler is highly knowledgeable about new developments in bicycling technology, since he reads everything he can find about the subject. Typically being the first to try out new bicycle models, he would be classified _____ in terms of the diffusion of innovation curve. a. laggard b. innovator c. early adopter d. late majority e. early majority

as an innovator

According to product life cycle, in what stage are most competitors? a. introduction b. growth c. maturity d. decline

b. growth

The ____ pertains to the difference between the firm's perceptions of customers' expectations and the service standards it sets a. knowledge gap b. standards gap c. delivery gap d. communication gap e. ethical gap

b. standards gap

In a service recovery situation, the extent to which a customer perceives the benefits of the "solution" compared to the costs of inconvenience associated with the service failure will determine the level of a. liturgical fairness b. distributive fairness c. procedural fairness d. the zone of tolerance e. the communication gap

b. the distributive fairness

Bank tellers have been replaced by ATMs, which provide consistent levels of service and are never late, sick, or in a bad mood, thus overcoming the _____ nature of services. a. inseparable b. variable c. perishable d. intangible e. unexaminable

b. variable



Concept testing a. Involves a prototype product for customers to try b. Takes an existing product and modifies it in some way c. Uses written statements and pictures presented to potential customers d. Takes place during the product development stage

c. Uses written statements and pictures presented to potential customers

The Gaps model is designed as a diagnostic tool to highlight specific areas where: a. marketers deliver better quality services compared to the physical goods they sell b. manufacturers are cutting costs on product quality c. marketers are falling short in their service delivery d. marketers can take advantage of unsuspecting customers e. there is a gap in product quality compared to service quality

c. marketers are falling short of their service deliver

Airlines sometimes offer standby seats on flights at the last minute to generate revenue, thus compensating for the _____ nature of their offering. a. variable b. intangible c. perishable d. immutable e. inseparable

c. perishable

As the size of retail firms has increased through growth and consolidation, more retailers have developed _____ merchandise, which they use to establish a distinctive identity. a. generic b. copycat c. private-label d. manufacturer e. co-branding

c. private-label

With regard to complaints, _____ refers to the perceived fairness of the process used to resolve them a. liturgical fiarness b. distributive fairness c. procedural fairness d. the zone of tolerance e. the standards gap

c. procedural fairness

After using a service like getting a haircut or staying in a hotel, customers are often asked for feedback. This is because services are: a. tangible b. inseperable c. variable d. perishable

c. variable

The ___ refers to the difference between the actual service provided to customers and the service that a firm's promotion promises a. knowledge gap b. standards gap c. delivery gap d. communication gap e. ethical gap

d. communication gap

nowadays, some grocery retailers offer ____ of milk and eggs to attract price sensitive consumers by offering no-frills products at discount prices. a. manufacturer brands b. private-label brands c. premium brands d. generic brands e. exclusive co-brands

d. generic brands

Service providers must offer cues to manage perceptions of what will be offered, to overcome the ___ nature of their offering a. inseparable b. variable c. perishable d. intangible e. unexaminable

d. intangible

The key to distributive fairness is ___ a. charging low prices b. hiring experienced workers c. never having a service failure d. listening carefully to the customer e. training customer service employees

d. listening carefully to the customer

At which stage in the product life cycle do sales begin to decline? a. product development b. introduction c. growth d. maturity e. decline

d. maturity

Francesca spent a lot of time shopping for her wedding dress, spending considerable time and effort visiting some of the finest bridal shops in the area. For Francesca, her wedding dress is a(n) _____ product. a. sought products b. unsought products c. specialty products d. shopping products e. augmented products

d. shopping products (looked at many different brands, shops, designs, etc. not specialty because she didnt know exactly what she wanted

The concept of services being _____ highlights the fact that a hair stylist can positively impact the overall customer experience by having friendly, attentive attitude a. variable b. intangible c. perishable d. immutable e. inseperable

e. inseparable

A dessert processing company makes 17 different lines/brands of desserts ranging from Yogurt, such as Tasty Treats brand that is 8 flavors, most in at least 3 different size containers, to popsicles, Swirly Deliciousness available in 2 sizes and 7 different varieties. The firm Dakota Desserts, can be described as. a. very wide and very deep b. very deep and fairly narrow c. excellent for brand extension d. very cost effective for marketing e. reasonable wide and not excessively deep

e. reasonably wide and not excessively deep

Dr. Sean's chiropractic office staff makes sure the magazines in the waiting room are clean, current and accessible to patients, thus addressing the _____ dimension of service quality a. reliability b. responsiveness c. assurance. d. edpathy e. tangibles

e. tangibles

Although they enjoy novelty and are considered to be opinion leaders, _____ are not the first to purchase new product innovations. a. laggards b. innovators c. early adoptors d. late majority e. early majority

early adopters

Arbitrary names have ______ prior association (made up word) and can help overcome _____ _____. Also costs a lot to develop _____

no, language barriers, identity

People who get Botox treatments consider it to be a private matter, therefore, they do not discuss it with others. This lowers the level of _____, slowing down the diffusion process. a. trialability b. complexity c. observability d. compatibility e. relative advantage


Sometimes company goes by the ______ name first, then becomes referred to as the ______ , ex: IBM (international business machines), AOL (American Online), UPS, DKNY (Donna Karan New York), HP (Hewlett Packard), MAC Cosmetics (makeup art cosmetics

original, acronym

A product that is perceived to be better than most substitutes has ____, which should serve to speed up the diffusion process a. relative advantage b. compatibility c. observability d. complexity e. triability

relative advantage

Building blocks of Service quality

reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangibles

If the early adopter group is relatively small, the number of people who ultimately adopt the innovation likely will be _____


6 Values of Branding for the Customer and the Marketer

1. Brands facilitate purchases 2. Brands establish loyalty 3. Brands protect from competition and price competition 4. Brands can reduce marketing costs 5. Brands are assets 6. Brands impact market value

Most Brand loyal Products

1. Coke 2. Apple 3. Tide

Two WORST marketing mistakes

1. Ford Edsel (1958-1960) Released big, hideous looking cars that costed them 250m in production and 30m in marketing, huge mistake, no other release for another 7 years 2. New Coke (1984) Changed formula after blind tests prefered Pepsi over Coke, so they changed formula but people hated it. Lasted 3 months

The process by which the use of an innovation spreads throughout the market group, over time and across various categories of adopters

Adoption Curve/Diffusion of Innovation

Why is Wetzels pretzels a good brand name

Alliteration, sounds german and they know what they're doing in pretzel industry

Palindromes are arbitrary names that are the same _____ and ______

Backwards and forwards. ex. Xerox, Maxam

People who can enable the adoption, magazine editors, doctors writing prescriptions (get people to buy the product). We need to know who these people are and market to them because they are crucial in helping the product gain market acceptance

Change agent

The ____ gap is the difference between the firm's service standards and the actual standard it provides. What service provider HAS to do, actual service provider.


Equals the number of products within a product line


The second subgroup that begins to use a product or service, generally don't like to take as many risks as innovators

Early adoptors

Why is pick up sticks a good brand name

Familiar and child like, Asian food is eaten with chop sticks, easy to pick up and take it home

What name is given when each product line gets its own name

Family Name

The individual brands benefit from the overall brand awareness associated with the _______

Family name

Ford Explorer, which ones the family name and which ones the corporate name

Family name : Explorer, Corporate name: Ford

English words which describe product make include ________

Family name ex. Taco bell, Nestea

The service and consumption cannot be separated is ____, you cannot ____ before you ___

Inseparable, try, buy

Which foreign names/words are used most


Examples of Geographic/Location names

Kentucky fried chicken, Fiji water, Alaskan Airlines, Szechuan Palace, Patagonia

Products developed by retailers

Private label brands

The first physical form or service description of a new product, still in rough form, having the same properties as a new product, but produced through different manufacturing processes, is called


If a product or service is perceived to be better than substitutes, then the diffusion will be relatively ____


Products that are easy to try diffuse ___ than those that are not so easy to try


Products that are relatively less complex will generally diffuse more ____ than those that are difficult


Strategy in which marketers change a brand's focus to target new markets. Throw everything in trash and target new people


Wide assortment has

Redundant marketing, Costly, Spreads risk, offer competing brands, creative marketing

Most important when improving the probability of the adoption of an innovation

Relative advantage

The ability to perform the service dependably and accurately


What is the only thing that changes in the adoption curve Ex :Fad ~ 6 months (Pokemon), Classic ~286 Years (Guinness beer)

Time element

Why is Yelp a good name

Yell for help

The fact that coca-cola's brand value as an asset is estimated to be nearly $70 billion directly reflects its a. brand equity b. licensed brand c. brand awareness d. perceived value e. brand associations

a. brand equity

Which of the following represents the most fundamental difference between a product and a service? a. Variability b. Intagibility c. Perishability d. Immutability e. Inseperatbility

b. Intagibility

The ___ is the difference between a firm's service standards and the actual service it provides customers

c. delivery gap

At which stage in the product life cycle do sales experience their most rapid increase? a. product development b. introduction c. growth d. maturity e. decline

c. growth

According to the product life cycle, in which stage are sales the highest? a. introduction b. growth c. maturity d. decline

c. maturity

Brian never spends a lot of time or thought picking up lunch when he is at work. For him, lunch items would be considered to be _____ products. a. sought products b. unsought products c. specialty products d. shopping products e. convenience product

e. convenience product

Names should be just as effective in the _____ as _______

future, now

DCs are dependent on the service industry because: 1. It is generally ____ expensive for firms to manufacture products is less developed countries 2. People place a ___ value on convenience and leisure 3. As the world has become more complicated, people are demanding more ____ services

less, high, specialized

Names should be enduring in two ways :

over time, around the globe

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