Observation & Assessment II Final

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A 3rd grade student you are working with is struggling with comprehending the information she is reading. This student reads at a slower rate than her peers and often makes mistakes because she has difficulty decoding words, however, she is able to recognize the sounds that the letters make. Keeping this information in mind, what reading skill would you choose to work on with this student to improve her comprehension of information? a. Phonemic Awareness b. Phonics c. Fluency d. Comprehension

Goal statement should include: Action words, observable/measurable behavior, conditions of performance, outcome/criteria

A 7th grade student you are working with has an identified need in the area of reading, specifically in the area of comprehension. He is able to comprehend material at a 3rd grade level. Using the provided information and information that you supplement, write a complete goal statement for this student.


A child is struggling academically in all classes and not responding to interventions. It is decided that a qualified assessor will give the child an assessment to determine academic progress. What can these results be used for? a. To help set IEP goals b. To determine grade retention c. They will not be used for anything d. To determine what areas are weaknesses for the child


A child who has been declared legally blind by an eye doctor does not need another vision screening by school personnel to qualify for special education. True or False


A district wants a better picture of the students' development over a school year and the ability to measure progress at multiple points. What type of assessment model might you suggest? a. Value-Added b. Traditional c. Standardized d. Criterion-Referenced

Answers should include: Provide access to general education curriculum for struggling students or brainstorm ideas for students who are struggling to help them get ideas within the classroom

A new teacher asks you what the function of the pre-referral team is at your school. How do you explain to her what the role of the team is?


A student has 5 identified needs in the present levels of performance area on her EP. How many goals should the student have? a. 3 b. 5 c. 8 d. As many as needed


A student has completed an entire worksheet on basic math equations. You notice a pattern of errors that are similar to this one: 30 + 11 = 19 What type of error is this student consistently making? a. Procedural Error b. Careless Error c. Operational Error d. Fact Error


A student who has always completed their work on time has been having problems getting it done lately. The student's teacher wants to know a little bit more about what is going on in the student's life that may be contributing to this problem. In order to keep it as relaxed and informal when examining this issue with the student, what would be the best way to do this? a. Interview b. Behavior rating scale c. Questioning d. Observation


A student you are working with is struggling to understand the difference between sizes of numbers, along with when one is bigger than another. What foundational math skill might you suspect this student is deficient in? a. Computational Skills b. Number Sense c. Automaticity Level d. Counting Strategies


A teacher conducted an informal observation on her classroom because some of her students were exhibiting some problem behaviors. After she conducted her observation she wrote her results up. Why is this not an appropriate use of an informal observation? a. An informal observation does not allow for interventions to be generated from it b. An informal observation should be done by an outsider to eliminate bias c. An informal observation is only appropriate when the behavior has been identified d. An informal observation should be conducted only if you wish to extend results to other settings


A teacher has brought data to a meeting on a student. She reads a loud the current progress monitoring numbers along with what the student's goal is. What might you suggest to her to help everyone better understand the data being presented? a. Provide copies of the numbers to everyone b. Pass the numbers around the table to everyone to copy down c. Present the numbers in a graph format d. Only discuss one data point at a time


A teacher has provided her students with a story starter and is giving them a specific amount of time to write. She informed her students to make sure they think about their writing and to have a beginning, middle and end. The teacher is then going to score the probes using correct word sequences and analyze that data to see how her students are progressing. What kind of assessment/measurement is she utilizing? a. Portfolio Assessment b. Curriculum Based Measurement c. Primary Trait Scoring d. Progress Monitoring


A teacher is having problems with a student who talks out in class. An observer came in and conducted one observation on the student; recording the number of times this behavior occurred in a class period. A comparison peer was also observed to see if this truly was a problem. The observer concluded that this student did have a problem with calling out. What did this person not do? a. They should have used an interval recording method b. They should have told the person they were observing they were coming c. They should have defined the behavior problem better d. They should have collected multiple sources of data across time


According to the chapter, ___________ assessments are often seen as an "official" way to measure something; while ___________ assessments are seen as a more "casual" way to assess something. a. formal; informal b. informal, formal c. formal; standardized d. informal; standardized


According to the text how could you potentially use a holistic scoring method for writing in your classroom? a. As a way to screen students b. As a way to analyze mistakes they are making c. As a way to progress monitor students d. As a way to assess growth


According to the text, one of the most important ways that schools can ensure compliance with the law is: a. guarantee a parent's voice throughout the process b. listen to only experts c. design an educational plan to meet all the student's needs d. do everything the parents want

Answers should include: She is establishing a baseline that is then graphed and used to guide instruction

Before beginning to work with a student who had scored low on a reading screening measure, the intervention specialist administered 2 more reading CBM measurements. She then implemented an intervention and utilized CBM's to track the student's progress weekly toward their goal. What was the purpose of administering 2 more CBMs before beginning the intervention and what should the specialist be doing with this data as she is collecting it?


Billy is a third grade student who is struggling with his basic reading skills. His teachers describe him as a very quiet student who is very well behaved. A student's IEP states: Billy shall receive daily instruction in reading using the Orton-Gillingham Program. Which is a better statement to make? a. Billy will receive instruction focusing on basic reading skills such as decoding and fluency b. Billy will receive instruction using Orton-Gillingham, unless it is too costly for the school to buy c. Billy will receive instruction on math numeracy d. Billy does not need instruction in reading

Answer should include: Intervention data, IQ data, Achievement test data, behavioral observation data

During a universal screening Sally was identified for needing extra services. Sally fell in the 10th percentile of students in her grade on her decoding skills. She began receiving a Tier 2 intervention daily for 20 minutes for approximately 10 weeks with little improvement in her decoding skills. It was then decided to try to intensify the intervention by providing 40 minutes of instruction daily; this also showed little improvement. Sally was then evaluated for special education. She was given an IQ assessment which showed average ability and an achievement test that showed average achievement in math and a below average achievement in reading. Sally was also observed in class and was found to be off-task for a 70% of the time. From this example what data would you use to help you write goals and objectives?


Harry is a 2nd grade boy who struggles with reading. According to the data that had been gathered he has difficult with decoding and fluency. In order to help improve Harry's skills a comprehension intervention was implemented. Is this an acceptable intervention? Why or why not? a. Yes because comprehension is important b. No because according to the data decoding and fluency skills should be targeted c. No because comprehension is not needed d. Yes because comprehension can also improve decoding and fluency skills


How are goals and objectives for students identified? a. By utilizing the information in the present performance section b. By talking with general education teachers to see where other students are c. Spontaneously d. Randomly through computer programs


If a child is referred to a pre-referral team then the parents must be notified. True or False


If a student is not meeting the goals on an IEP, which of the following is one thing an educator should not attempt to help them meet their goal. a. Changing Materials used b. Altering the pacing c. Breaking the skill into smaller steps d. Alter the goals


Interval recording works best to use for behaviors that are __________, while event recording works best for ____________ behaviors. a. discrete; continuous b. discrete; quick c. continuous; discrete d. continuous; temporary

C, B, A

Match the type of assessment with its intended function as a: a. Screening Measure b. Progress Monitoring Tool c. Diagnostic Assessment 1. You want to try to figure out a student's specific strengths and weaknesses to plan instruction. _______________ 2. You would like to make sure that the instruction you are providing is helping the student improve the skills that he is working on. _________ 3. You would like to see what students in your building may be at-risk for reading problems. ___________


Observing a comparison peer is unnecessary when observing a student with a behavioral concern. True or False


The IEP is a document that focuses on ___________ goals and objectives. a. daily b. annual c. specific d. weekly


The district superintendent is looking at student test data. He is trying to remember how to figure out a student's relative gain score. How is that computed? a. Subtracting the current year score from the previous year b. Adding the previous year score to the current year c. Comparing the student's score to the average of the grade d. None of the above


True or False IDEIA (2004) requires the use of objectives on IEPs.

Answers may include: Similar: Both can be compared to grade and/or age-level performances, based on national, state, or local norms if desired Differences: Standardized does not reflect mastery of material, indicates student performance relative to others; Criterion reflects how well student performed in relation to content skills measured within the test

What are the similarities and differences between the results of a criterion-referenced standardized test and norm-referenced standardized test?

School District A: Model of Failure School District B: Prevention

When students in school district A are identified for special education services it is often after years of struggling and students often are very far behind. When students in school district B are identified for special education services it is often after receiving quality interventions without any improvement; many students who could potentially be served in special education are ultimately eliminated through the use of interventions and monitoring. Which district uses a preventative model and which uses a model of failure. School District A: School District B:


Where would you identify necessary accommodations and modifications in the IEP? a. Present Levels of Performance b. Goals and objectives c. Assessment d. a and c


Which of the following is not a behavioral rating scale? a. BASC -2 b. BES-3 c. BOSS d. Conners 3


You are collecting data for the writing of an IEP. You have gathered information on a high school student's academic performance as well as her attitude, interactions with others and overall behavior from parents, teachers and related service providers. You also gathered information on the student's life skills and life in the community after graduation; this is an example of what kind of information needed in present performance? a. Behavioral Data b. Academic Functioning c. Functional performance d. Related Service Providers


You are part of a multi-disciplinary team that assesses student for special education eligibility. During meetings the team discusses what assessments will be done and who is qualified to conduct them and if a student is eligible. Besides you, the team is always comprised of a LEA representative, special educator, school psychologist, and a general education teacher. What important team member who should always be present at this meeting? a. Student b. Parent c. Occupational Therapist d. Speech-Language Therapist


You enter a new school and begin learning about their curriculum and interventions used. You find out that administrators and curriculum developers looked at many different options to use for the core curriculum as well as what interventions would be appropriate to offer; all of the selected programs used have documented evidence that they use to enhance student-learning outcomes. What kind of focus and approach is being used? a. Alternative Models to Instruction b. Effective Classroom Practices c. Evidence-Based Interventions d. Curriculum Based Measures

Answer should include: Mark the various types, so an analysis can be completed on the types of errors she is making

You have given a student a CBM reading probe that assesses the student's fluency. During this time you mark any miscues the student has and then you subtract them from the total number of words read to get the number of words read correctly. The student is on the lower end of the fluency range. What could you have done during the CBM to help you better understand the student's miscues?


You have noticed that a student you work with is able to read fluently and decode new words well; however, he does not seem to understand what he is reading. What is one potential reason his comprehension is weak? a. Limited fluency b. Limited prosody c. Limited vocabulary d. Limited phonemic awareness

Answer should include: They can help plan instruction and monitor progress towards the student's overall goal.

Your IEP team does not understand why it is important to use objectives on the IEP and only wants to develop goals. What might you say to them so that they will also understand the importance of objectives?


_______________ is a good indicator of overall reading ability and silent reading fluency. It has students select a word from __________every nth blank that would fit best. a. CBM; 3 choices b. MAZE; 2 choices c. CBM; 2 choices d. MAZE; 3 choices


A draft of an IEP can be helpful to use because it allows team members to_________________ a. have a fully written document that can be signed at the end of the meeting to save time b. be prepared for the meeting c. come to the meeting with ideas on how to help the student d. practice writing for the "real" document


A hyperactive student who has been struggling academically due to his inability to pay attention in class has been referred for a special education evaluation. After the evaluation process he receives the label of learning disabled because of his poor grades. Based on his presenting problem(s), what may be a more appropriate category for him? a. Emotional Disturbance b. Other Health Impaired c. Attention-Deficit-Hyperactive Disorder d. Multiple Disabilities


A math teacher asks her students to think aloud for her as they complete problems. As she identifies errors made by the students she takes steps to remediate or reteach the problem type. What kind of math diagnostic assessment is she utilizing? a. Error Analysis b. Skills Probe c. Curriculum Based Measurement d. Response Analysis

Answers should include: Yes to both; followed correct procedures-a screening was not needed because they already had a suspected problem area, and the speech language pathologist is trained to conduct the language assessment.

A multi-disciplinary team is concerned about a child's language ability. They decide to have the speech-language pathologist conduct a language assessment. Did this team follow correct procedures and is the correct person conducting the assessment? Provide reasoning for your answer.


A multi-disciplinary team is looking for ways to improve their referral process. Currently when a child is referred to them the team identifies the child's problem and look through samples of their work, along with some anecdotal notes provided by the general education teacher. What else could the general education teacher provide to improve the referral process? a. Integrity Checklists b. Data indicating current levels of performance and integrity checklists c. Data indicating current levels of performance and attempted interventions d. Sample interventions that have been attempted in the classroom

Answers should include: Avoid jargon or technical terms, don't focus on numbers and focus on strengths of the student first

A multi-disciplinary team is meeting for the IEP. They greet the parents and provide a space large enough for all. Before beginning they go around the table and introduce everyone and their roles. The team uses lots of technical terms without explaining them and they also explain their results using numbers. The team focuses on what the student needs to work on and tries to develop goals off of them. They stop and make sure the parents don't have any questions after each session. What advice would you give to this team to improve their meetings?

Answer: No, the assessment must be conducted in Spanish in order to obtain a valid assessment of the student's reading and writing skills.

A native Spanish-speaking student is having difficulty with both reading and writing. The team used information gathered to determine that the student is more comfortable speaking Spanish. The student was given an assessment in English and the data indicates that there is a learning disability. Do you think this is an accurate diagnosis, why or why not?


A new teacher has created the goals needed for her students on IEPs; you are mentoring the new teacher, so you happen to look over her goals. One of the goals you notice for a student is that he will read grade level text at the end of the school year benchmark. You happen to know that this student is a high school and reads at a 1st grade level. What is something you could tell this teacher to help her improve her goal? a. Make sure that others will understand the goal b. Make sure the student has some input in the goals c. Make sure that the skill is appropriate for the student to learn d. Make sure the goals are reasonable and able to be accomplished

Answer should include: No, grade equivalencies should be interpreted with considerable caution. That test score indicates that her performance was comparable to a beginning fourth grader but that test does not reflect all the skills and competencies that is expected of a student in the fourth grade.

A parent of a 3rd grader wants their child to be moved up a grade level due to her scoring at a grade equivalency of 4.0 on a standardized measure. Would you move this child up based on the grade equivalency?


A pre-referral team is brainstorming a list of possible interventions for a child who is struggling with reading. They throw out any interventions that come to mind and then decide what ones might work within the classroom. They assess all relevant variables regarding the intervention and decide which one will be best. Once they decide what intervention to use they tell the classroom teacher and explain to them her how she will implement it. What is one factor the team did not consider when picking the intervention? a. How to measure the effectiveness b. The classroom teacher's view on the intervention c. The amount of time it will take to work d. Who will be implementing the intervention


A pre-referral team is meeting to discuss how effective an intervention has been. The student receiving the intervention has made minimal progress over the last 8 weeks. What does the team decide to do? a. Alter the intervention b. Continue the intervention c. Evaluate for special education d. a or c e. b or c


A school district is preparing to implement a school wide positive behavior support system. The employees have gotten together and decided on a short list of three observable behavioral expectations that they would like their students to display in all settings. They have also developed a reward and consequence system which they will explain to the students on the first day of school. Before classes start they are going to hold a "practice day" for all students to attend so that they can practice the behaviors in all of the settings; throughout the year they are going to continue to review and practice these skills. From this information what is one procedural step they forgot? a. They do not have enough behavioral expectations b. They should collect data to evaluate the system c. They should make sure that parents are also involved d. They should make sure that their behavioral expectations are observable


A school psychologist wishes to establish a baseline before working with a student. She says that a baseline is important so that_____________ a. she can identify where the student is currently performing and can set a goal based on the data b. she can identify the student's current level and functional status c. she can ensure that the student really does need additional support and help d. she can figure out the best intervention for the student


A student has been having a very difficult time concentrating in class. The student often zones out and stares around the classroom instead of doing his work. The teacher has asked an observer to come in and observe the student's on/off task behavior. What type of recording would be best for this type of behavior? a. Interval Recording b. Event Recording c. Latency Recoding d. Duration Recording


A student has been receiving evidence-based interventions for reading in addition to the high quality curriculum that is being used in the classroom. The student's teacher has not been documenting or monitoring the student's progress since the beginning of implementation. The teacher believes the student has made very little progress over the course of 4 weeks, and refers the student for a special education evaluation. The team tells the teacher that they will not be able to qualify the student if testing is conducted. Why is this? a. The student did not receive high quality instruction and intervention b. The teacher did not document the student's instruction or progress c. The intervention was not conducted for long enough d. None of the above


A student has scored in the 60th percentile. What does that mean? a. The student received a 60% b. The student scored in the 60th position c. The student scored worse than 60% of their peers d. The student scored as well as or better than 60% of their peers


A student who is struggling behaviorally and academically has been assessed in all areas of academic concern. The data that has been gathered from the academic assessments is being used to write both academic and behavior goals for the student's IEP along with interventions that will be used to help meet these goals. What is missing from the scenario? a. Behavior goals for the student b. Behavioral assessment data c. IQ data d. None of the above


A student you are working with is struggling in her Algebra I class. She is accurate but is falling behind because she takes an extra-long time to complete activities and worksheets that are assigned. What is a likely cause of why this student takes extra time? a. A low level of automaticity with basic facts/procedures b. Difficulty with word problem solving c. Inability to recognize numbers d. She just needs extra time

Answers should include: Model Complexity, accurately measuring effectiveness

A teacher does not really understand this new VAMS model that her school is implementing. She feels like she doesn't really understand how they come up with her value-added numbers. She is also concerned that it is not accurate because she can't control who gets put in her classroom, and all the other events that could impact how effective she is based on her students' test performances. What concerns with the value added models mentioned in the textbook does this teacher have?

Answers should include: Antecedent: Reading Class Consequence: Gets sent out of the room Possible Functions: Finds reading unenjoyable; Reading skill difficulties; Doesn't know how to ask for help, etc.

A teacher has a student who exhibits disruptive behavior. The student does well during all classes, expect for his reading class. As soon as the teacher announces it is time for reading the behavior begins; when he begins acting out the teacher sends him out of the room. From this scenario what would be the antecedent of the disruptive behavior and what would the consequence be, and what do you think the function of the behavior is?

Digits correct; more sensitive to change

A teacher has begun progress monitoring her students' math skills. She has decided to give them weekly probes that assess the skills they are working on. In order to score the probes and track progress she has decided to calculate the percentage of problems correct. What might be a more effective way to track progress and why?


A teacher has implemented a math intervention with one of their students who is struggling with basic math facts. The teacher is graphing progress monitoring data weekly and notices that the data points seem to be consistently falling below the necessary scores to meet the goal. What should this teacher do with the student once this trend is identified? a. Do nothing and continue on b. Alter the intervention c. Stop any intervention attempts d. Evaluate for special education


A teacher has referred a student for problem behaviors that she exhibits in the classroom. An observer conducting a functional behavior analysis has described the behavior of interest in concrete terms and identified and described the antecedents and consequences. The school team has also recorded and described the function of interfering variables. After completing this work the outside observer recommended interventions based upon the function of the behavior. What step in the FBA process did they miss? a. The observer did not identify and describe how it related to academics b. The observer did not identify and describe who should do the interventions c. The observer did not identify and describe individual variables d. The observer did not identify and describe the antecedent variables


A teacher has referred a student for some behavioral problems that are occurring in the classroom. The behavioral consultant has asked the teacher to fill out a rating scale on the student that reflects various behaviors. What is the purpose of this scale? a. To create a more accurate picture of the behavior b. To verify and confirm a behavior problem c. To create an operational definition of the problem d. To eliminate potential bias from the referral


A teacher is scoring student writing compositions. To score them she rank-ordered the students and compared them to a rubric that she developed. What kind of scoring is this teacher utilizing? a. Holistic Scoring b. Primary Trait Scoring c. Analytic scoring d. Portfolio Assessment


A teacher is using CBM probes with all of the students in her classroom. The teacher finds that about 75% of her students should be placed in Tier 1, while 20% should be placed in Tier 2 and 5% should be immediately placed in Tier 3 based on the scores from the probes. Based on this example how is the data from the probes being used? a. To place students in appropriate intervention levels b. To evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention c. To monitor growth d. To segregate the class based on ability


A teacher would like to work mini-interviews into her classroom assessment procedures. Which of the following is not a benefit of mini interviews described in the classroom? a. Allows for better student-teacher relationships b. Allows for the collection of meaningful information c. Potential to collect in-depth information on students d. Potential to increase amount of instructional time


A team has identified 3 areas of need for a student on an IEP. They want the goals they set for the student to be successful. According to the text, how can this group develop a plan do to get the student from point A to point B? a. Decide who will implement the plan b. Conduct a task analysis to create objectives c. Set multiple goals for one identified area of need d. None of the above


A team is conducting a comprehensive assessment for a child who is misbehaving in class. They have conducted all the necessary assessments and observed the student in the classroom. The team has written their report and is setting up an IEP meeting with parents. What information did this team forget to gather? a. Intelligence Information b. Background Information c. Gross Motor Information d. Communication Information


According to the text, why is it important for schools to focus not only on academic success, but behavioral success as well? a. Success with behavior will carry students farther than academics b. Teaching positive behaviors will make the school a better place to be c. Learning occurs within a social and behavioral context d. Schools are a prime place to teach appropriate behaviors

Answers should include: Has the IEP been implemented? Does the disability interfere with the student to control their own actions?

Administrators are considering suspending a student with a disability who has already been suspended for 9 days previously. The student has been getting in trouble because he acts up in class. A manifestation determination hearing has been called. You have figured out that the student does not understand the consequences of his actions, and that the problems are related to the disability. What other information must you gather in order to determine if this student can be suspended?


After developing goals for a student on an IEP, what do educators need to do to ensure that students are meeting their goals? a. Have weekly meetings b. Progress Monitor c. Standardized Assessment d. Check in the student weekly

Answers may include: A variety of sources can provide a comprehensive understanding You can use it to direct/inform instruction Make better educational decisions

After reading the chapter, why do you think it will be important for you to be able to understand and interpret data?


After you have developed goals and objectives for a student a strategic plan can be developed. According to the text how can you and general education teachers utilize this plan? a. To develop more goals b. To monitor student progress c. To link effective instructional practices with the goals d. None of the above


An IEP you have received has indicated that a student took an assessment and is below average. What specific information about the assessment would have been helpful to include in order to better understand what the writer was discussing? a. Scores from the assessment b. Name of the formal assessment c. Behavioral Observations d. Both a and b e. None of the above


As a teacher goes through the steps of an intervention she is implementing; she marks off the steps that she has completed as she goes. What is this teacher making sure she is doing? a. Maintaining progress of the intervention b. Tracking what she did c. Implementing the intervention with fidelity d. Assessing student progress

Answers should include: Share present performance levels (home), see for their child in the future, goals, questions or concerns they have

During an IEP team meeting a parent who is new to the process is not quite sure what they should do. Generate an opening statement for a parent that may help them understand what their role in the process is.

Answer should include: Talk about the strengths of the student before discussing the weaknesses

Evaluate this statement of present performance: Billy is a loud and inattentive youth who must have directions repeated to him routinely. The assessment given to Billy indicated that he has high distractibility. He scored a standard score 20 where the average for students his age is 60. This indicates that this is an area of weakness for Billy. Although Billy is easily distracted he is well liked by his peers and wants to please his teachers and parents. How could the writer make this statement more positive for parents?


IDEIA (2004) permits the lack of appropriate instruction to be the determining factor of eligibility. True or False


IDEIA (2004) states that a student needs a transition plan on their IEP by age: a. 14 b. 15 c. 16 d. 18


If a student is struggling in the regular education classroom they should immediately be referred for a special education evaluation. True or False

Answers may include: Improve: Make parents feel more welcome: sit around the table, conduct introductions Encourage more input from members Avoid jargon/technical terms or explain them if they are used Keep: Discuss purpose in the beginning Provide a copy of parental rights

Imagine you are at an IEP meeting, the parents walk in and all of the participants are on one side of the table. The meeting begins with the facilitator discussing what the purpose of the meeting is. They then begin discussing the assessments conducted and results found; during this part they use a lot of technical talk that the parents do not understand. The meeting works in an orderly fashion with specific people taking their turns to share what they found; there are few questions or input from others. At the end of this meeting the parents are given a booklet containing a copy of their rights. List two ways the facilitator could improve the next IEP meeting and two things they should do again at the next meeting.

Answers should include: Gather assessment data: assignments and progress monitoring probes in a portfolio Examine data: low throughout the year and especially struggles with segmenting and blending soundsTeam to share and review data: problem solving meeting and they talk about how Johnny is performing at the level of a kindergartner. They also talk about how Johnny has difficulty paying attention Generate data based decisions and act: device that reminds Johnny to pay attention and if he is then is will mark it on a chart (that will also be used for monitoring progress) so that he begins to realize when he is and is not paying attention. They are also going to begin implementing an intervention that will target Johnny phonemic awareness skills in which they will use a CBM to measure his growth. Organize and act: also decides on what is needed, who will implement and how

Johnny has been struggling in Ms. Susan's classroom all year. She has kept all of his assignments and progress monitoring probes in a portfolio. Upon examining them she found that Johnny has scored low throughout the year and especially struggles with segmenting and blending sounds. She brings Johnny up at a problem solving meeting and they talk about how Johnny is performing at the level of a kindergartner. They also talk about how Johnny has difficulty paying attention. Together they decide to use a device that reminds Johnny to pay attention and if he is then it will mark it on a chart (that will also be used for monitoring progress) so that he begins to realize when he is and is not paying attention. They are also going to begin implementing an intervention that will target Johnny's phonemic awareness skills in which they will use a CBM to measure his growth. The team also decides on what is needed, who will implement and how. Looking at this situation and using the GETGO model of assessment from the book, identify what actions relate to the different model parts.

F, D, A, B, E, C

Match the type of recoding method with its definition: a. Interval Recording b. Whole Interval Recording c. Partial Interval Recording d. Event Recording e. Duration Recording f. Latency Recording _____ examines the amount of time from when a request is made to when it is started _____ behavior is recorded every time it occurs _____ examines the specific behaviors based on short time intervals _____ a type of interval recording: behavior must occur throughout the entire time interval in order to occur _____ examines the length of a demonstrated behavior _____ a type of interval recoding: behavior is recorded if it occurs at any time during the interval


Mr. Keith has decided that he wants to require his students to complete portfolios this year. For the portfolios he has decided to make sure that all the work he keeps lines up with the standards in place and he has them file the work according to the area(s) they are working on. He likes to keep the best work of his students for the portfolios so that parents can see how well their children do. What is one thing Mr. Keith could do differently to make his portfolios better? a. Collect all work completed, even if it does not align with standards b. Allow students to pick what work is in the portfolio c. Select some work that shows weakness or student improvement d. Allow students to design a folder to keep their work in


Mr. Smith is administering a test that requires him to use certain instructions. The test also requires time limits and the use of specific materials. The students' test scores are then going to be compared to a normative sample. What kind of test is this? a. Criterion-Referenced b. Standardized c. Curriculum-Based d. Informal


Mrs. Phillips would like to see how her students perform and progress throughout the year. She is not quite sure how she could do this so she comes to you for advice. She explains to you further that she would like to design something that can be consistently used with assignments. What might you suggest to her? a. Classroom performance-based rubrics b. Aligning tests to content standards c. Progress monitoring assessments related to the content she is teaching d. None of the above

Formal- state test, quizzes if used as summative measures Informal-pre-assessments, work samples, quizzes if used as formative measures

Mrs. Roberts' class is assessed many times each year. Mrs. Roberts makes sure to conduct pre-assessments, collect work samples and administer weekly quizzes. Her class also takes a state test each spring. Identify each assessment and whether it is formal or informal.


Ms. Matthews has decided to write a criterion-referenced test. She has indicated what instructional objectives the items will align with. She will also be using this test to see how well her students did before and after the teaching of the lesson by using percentage correct. What else could Ms. Matthews do? a. Create a norming group b. Link items to benchmarks c. Indicate what is most important d. Specify an expected performance level


No Child Left Behind and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act has mandated high-stakes testing to measure student proficiency and hold schools accountable. True or False


One of the following is not a learning standard set forth by Wiggins outlined for lesson planning that can be used to help in selecting work that should be kept for portfolios: a. content attributes or those artifacts that reflect what students know in relationship to published standards or benchmarks b. performance attributes or those work samples that show the level at which they have completed their work c. the task attributes of a work sample that show that students have completed their work with rigor and success. d. the technical attributes or the standards of grading that the work sample must be completed at


Positive behavior supports have been related to a decrease in __________ and an increase in _________. a. behavior problems; academic instructional time b. behavior problems; grades c. grades; behavior problems d. fights; academic instructional time

Answer: School System One: RTI system School System Two: Discrepancy Model

School system one has a system in place in which students are screened and then provided with increasingly individualized interventions that depend on the need of the student. They use progress monitoring data to make instructional decisions for students. A child qualifies for special education when they have shown little progress with the increasing intensity of interventions. School system two has a system in place in which a student is referred to the psychologist and is administered an IQ and achievement test and the results of the two tests are then compared. What specific learning disability eligibility system is each school using?


The purpose of the Individualized Education Plan for students is to identify a student's strengths and weaknesses as well as identify what is needed in the classroom to be successful so that teachers can use it to: a. lower expectations b. guide instruction c. identify problems d. none of the above


The school you are working at is trying to implement RTI. The school psychologist has set up training to teach the other employees how to use the screening tools that will be utilized. Some of the employees do not understand why they need to be trained on such a simple assessment. Even though they think they do not need to be trained, why is it important for the employees to receive training on these tools? a. The collected data may not accurately reflect the abilities of the students b. The measures are not as easy to give as they think c. Bias in clinical application of assessment may be shown d. Both a and c e. None of the above

Answers should include: -Student with specific math skill goal- Skill specific CBM -Student who is learning general math skills- CBM with general skills from the curriculum

There are two different types of math CBM progress monitoring probes. One is a skill specific probe and the other is a general probe with various problem types. Provide an example of when each type would be most appropriate to use.


There is no need to include specific information about the types of skills a student can and can't demonstrate. True or False


Using the previous example, which of the following may be an appropriate behavioral goal for Sally to have? a. Sally will be on-task 80% of the time by the end of the year. b. Sally will be on task 5% more each quarter. c. Sally will be on-task 50% of the time the end of the semester. d. Sally will be on-task 30% of the time by the end of the year.


What is missing from this goal statement: The student will accurately compute 2-digit multiplication problems by the end of the semester using a checklist. a. Measurable behavior b. Unobservable behavior c. Conditions under which they will perform d. Criteria for mastery

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