peds - meckel's diverticulum
what are post-op considerations for surgical resection?
-*assess respiratory status / maintain airway* -provide O2 -obtain vitals -admin analgesics for pain -assess surgical site for bleeding -assess bowel sounds / function -admin IV fluids / antibiotics -npo -NG tube low continuous suction
what are the signs and symptoms of meckel's diverticulum?
-*painless rectal bleeding* -abdominal pain -bloody / mucus stools
what lab tests are done for meckel's diverticulum?
-CBC -metabolic panel
what are complications of meckel's diverticulum if NOT treated?
-GI hemorrhage -bowel obstruction
why would you need to do a blood transfusion for meckle's diverticulum?
-bc they are losing blood through stools / butt
what are pre-op considerations for surgical resection?
-blood transfusion to correct hypovolemia -admin IV fluids / electrolyte replacement -provide O2 -administer IV antibiotics -monitor blood loss in stools
what should you teach the families?
-complication of infection
what is meckel's diverticulum?
-out pouch lower small intestine
what diagnostic test is done for meckel's diverticulum?
-radionucleotide scan (most effective diagnostic)
why do they need electrolyte replacement?
-small bowel is responsible for absorbing electrolytes
what is the treatment for meckel's diverticulum?
-surgical resection
what is done during surgical resection?
-they remove the diverticulum