sociology final

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The distinction between high culture and popular culture is based mostly on

the social standing of the people who display the cultural pattern

what is the term for a basic image of society that guides thinking and research?

theoretical approach

By linking specific facts together to give us meaning, we create a


Today's baby boomers are often called the "sandwich generation" because

they spend time caring for both children and aging parents.

According to Erving Goffman, the goal of a total institution is

to radically alter a person's personality or behavior.

religion is best defined as a social institution involving

beliefs and practices concerning what is sacred

The special contribution of schooling to the socialization process includes

exposing the child to people whose backgrounds differ from their own.

The text states that cultural change is set in motion in three general ways:

invention, discovery, and experimentation

If you were trying to measure the "social class" of various people, you would have to keep in mind that

it is necessary to specify exactly what you are measuring

Child-rearing varies by class: typically, lower-class parents stress __________, while well-to-do parents stress __________.

obedience; creativity

In deciding what questions to ask as they begin research, sociologists are guided by

one or more theoretical approaches

The statement that the sociological perspective shows us "the strange in the familiar" means that sociology

rejects the familiar idea that people simply decide how to act in favor of the initially strange idea that society shapes our lives

Which of the following is generally true of researchers setting out to conduct fieldwork?

researchers may begin without a specific hypothesis in mind

One concern about the great importance most people in the United States give to romantic love as the basis of marriage is that

romantic love can fade, which may contribute to our nation's high divorce rate.

"the systematic study of human society"


The concept "cultural lag" refers to the fact that

some cultural elements change more quickly than others.

The theoretical approach in sociology that views society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability is the

structural-functional approach

George Herbert Mead considered the self to be

the part of an individual's personality composed of self-awareness and self-image.

Which of the following statements comes closest to describing Erik H. Erikson's view of socialization?

Personality develops over the entire life course in patterned ways.

Which term refers to "a mental construct that represents some part of the world"?

a concept

Science can be defined as

a logical system that bases knowledge on direct, systematic observation.

Critical sociology can best be described as

an activist approach

In many traditional societies, especially in rural areas, marriage is

arranged by the parents of the people to be married.

Research shows that growing up in a single-parent family

can disadvantage children.

The concept "counterculture" refers to

cultural patterns that oppose those that are widely held.

The concept "subculture" refers to

cultural patterns that set apart a segment of a society's population.

Which of the following concepts refers to the beliefs, values, behavior, and material objects that together constitute a people's way of life?


Sam had unpleasant and even frightening experiences when he encountering a strange way of life while visiting another country over spring break. His experiences can be called

culture shock

The spread of cultural traits from one society to another is called


The family is a social institution that is found in

every human society.

The concept "empty nest" refers to

families whose children have grown and left the home.

interpretive sociology is sociology that

focuses on the meaning people attach to behavior

Failing to consider the possible importance of gender in a sociological study describes the problem called

gender blindness

Peter Berger described using the sociological perspective as seeing the __________ in the __________.

general ; particular

Which is the first type of society to generate a material surplus?

horticultural and pastoral

a social-exchange analysis of family life might consider

how individuals select partners who offer about as much as they do

In his study of prison behavior, Philip Zimbardo was trying to learn

if prisons themselves create violence

By "taking the role of the other," Mead had in mind

imagining a situation from another person's point of view.

Using which of the following methods would a researcher be most likely to reveal information about herself to her subjects?


The concept "ethnocentrism" refers to

judging another culture by the standards of one's own culture.

unrecognized and unintended consequences of the social structure are called

latent functions

The recognized and intended consequences of a social pattern are referred to as

manifest functions

By what process does a researcher determine the value of a variable?


according to the structural-functional approach, the family

might be called the backbone of society

A system of marriage that unites two partners is called


Culture acts as a constraint on human freedom because

much culture is habit and cultural patterns are repeated again and again.

Drawing conclusions about all of humanity based on information drawn only from males describes the problem called


Cultural transmission refers to the process of

passing cultural patterns from one generation to another.

Sociologists use the concept "empirical evidence" to refer to information

people can verify with their senses

When Charles Horton Cooley used the term "looking-glass self," he was referring to the fact that

people see themselves as they think others see them.

Horticultural societies are those in which

people use simple hand tools to raise crops

A major advantage of using existing data is

saving time and money

It would be correct to say that critical sociology

seeks to increase social equality

High-income nations tend to have cultural values that emphasize


Social structures sometimes have negative consequences for the operation of society. What concept refers to these negative consequences?

social dysfunctions

The theoretical approach that highlights the link between culture and social inequality is the

social-conflict approach.

Which of the following concepts refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings develop their potential and learn culture?


An idea in Freud's thinking that has special importance to sociology is his assertion that

society demands that individuals become less self-centered.

What would a sociologist be most likely to say about why an individual chooses a particular person to marry?

society guides human behavior more than most people realize

Which theoretical approach asserts that the stability of U.S. society rests on core values shared by most people?

structural-functional approach

The theoretical approach that highlights the way any cultural pattern helps meet human needs is the

structural-functional approach.

Which research method asks subjects to respond to a series of items in a questionnaire or an interview?


Which of the following phrases best describes the focus of the structural-functional approach?

the consequences of social patterns for the operation of society

According to George Herbert Mead, social experience is based on

the exchange of symbols.

The method of sociological research best suited to identifying cause-and-effect relationships is

the experiment

A symbolic-interaction approach to health and medicine emphasizes

the meanings people attach to health and illness

the basic idea of the symbolic-interaction approach is that society is

the reality people construct as they interact with one another

Two variables are said to display correlation if

they vary together

According to the social-conflict approach, schooling in the United States

transforms social privilege into personal merit

the structural-functional approach helps us to

understand "what makes society tick"

Studying the meaning people attach to their everyday lives is the search for

verstehen or understanding

Ageism refers to

Ageism refers to

What type of society engages in large-scale farming based on the use of plows drawn by animals or more powerful energy sources?


the social conflict approach is sometimes criticized for

being clearly political

Which of the following concepts refers to relatively stable patterns of social behavior?

social structure

Horticultural and pastoral people have

a religious life that includes belief in God as creator of the world.

The concept "patrilocality" refers to

a residential pattern by which a married couple lives near the husband's family.

A small number of people used by researchers to represent an entire population is called

a sample

Which of the following concepts refers to an exaggerated description that somebody applies to every person in a category of the population?

a stereotype

Multiculturalism is defined as

an educational program recognizing the cultural diversity of the United States and promoting equality of all cultural traditions.

Compared to an industrial society, a postindustrial society is based on

an information-based economy

When people model themselves after the members of peer groups they would like to join, they are engaging in

anticipatory socialization.

Sociologists define a symbol as

anything that carries a meaning to people who share a culture.

If you have been criticized for "androcentricity" in your research, you have

approached the subject from a male perspective

Unlike simple stereotypes, sociological generalizations

are offered fair-mindedly with an interest in the truth.

Social-conflict analysis points out that all of the world's religions

are patriarchal

Based on the symbolic-interaction approach, we would study how religion and religious ideas

are socially constructed

The concept "cultural integration" suggests an important fact, which is that

change in one cultural pattern is usually linked to changes in others.

the social-conflict approach might lead sociologists to highlight

class differences in high school graduating rates

Jean Piaget's focus was on

cognition, which means how people think and understand.

Survey research suggests that the single most important factor in being defined an adult is

completing schooling.

A social-conflict analysis of sports might emphasize

how sports reflect social inequality

Mounting research suggests that cohabitation

may actually discourage marriage because people get used to low-commitment relationships.

A commonly used statistic that results from adding all scores and dividing by the number of scores is called the


The ideal of objectivity means that a researcher

must try to be personally neutral about the outcome of the research

Which of the following concepts refers to an individual person's fairly consistent pattern of acting, thinking, and feeling?


A system of marriage that unites three or more people is called


Cultural patterns that are widespread among a society's population are referred to as

popular culture

Which of the following is true of hunting and gathering societies?

population is small; people are nomadic

From a social-conflict point of view, capitalism fails to support human health because

quality of health care depends on income.

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English: Background for the Medieval Period

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