Stages in the Industry Life Cycle
Describe the First Stage.
1.) Embryonic Stage: - Stage of new product or service introduction and development - Slow growth of demand - High price (no economies of scale) - High barriers to entry
Describe the Second Stage.
2.) Growth Stage: - First-time demand expands rapidly due to new customers in the market. - Prices fall - Low entry barriers - Expanding market - Rivalry is low
Describe the Third Stage.
3.) Industry Shakeout Stage: - Demand approaches saturation levels. - Rate of growth of demand slows - Rivalry between companies intensifies.
What are the Limitations of Models for Industry Analysis?
- Curve is a generalization ❖Not constant or even always followed ❖Time is relative to industry/product, not a constant rate ❖Can be restarted or truncated ❖Progress is not guaranteed, sequential or constant ❖Can loop or never advance - Can differ by product or industry or many other factors
Describe the Fourth Stage:
4.) Maturity Stage: - Saturated market, growth of demand stops - Lower threat of new entrants - Competition for market share - Rivalry can fluctuate but generally grows ❖Rivalry decreases as: ❖Barriers to entry strengthen ❖Rising EoS, strong brands develop ❖Fewer competitors remain ❖Oligopoly grows, tacit price setting ❖Rivalry intensifies as: ❖Price competition increases as pricing is used to maintain revenue by capturing market share
Describe the Fifth Stage:
5.) Decline Stage: - Growth of demand goes negative ❖Technological substitution ❖Social change ❖Demographic changes ❖International competition - Rivalry increases ❖Intensity of rivalry increases with: ❖Oligopoly condense or collapse ❖Strong exit barriers ❖Rapid decline
Graph of Industry Life
What is the Industry Life Cycle?
is a symbolic representation of how demand evolves and competition changes over time.
The Industry Life Cycle is simply a representation to stimulate __________ and stimulate _________.
understanding and thinking