SW Ch.1

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charlotte towle

"common human needs" 1945 developmental needs include those related to physical welfare, psychological well-being, intellectual development, interpersonal relationships, and spiritual growth. all of these factors influence personal adjustment.

Erikson, Kohlberg,Levinson

"masculine traits" standard of "normal behavior" for men and women differ

4 relationships of social work

1. as an agent of social control on behalf of society 2. as a reformer of society 3. separate from society 4. as an intermediary between individuals and society page.20

universal basic needs

1. physical needs: food, shelter, and clothing, opportunities for physical development and health care. 2.intellectual development:thrives when opportunities synchronize with individual capacity. 3.emotional development: relationships with significant others and self acceptance nurture. 4. social growth: socialization needs and developing meaningful relationships with others. 5.spiritual growth: discovering a meaning for life that provides purpose and transcends everyday experience.

figure 1.1 purpose/goals/related activities of social work

1.To enhance the social functioning of client systems, practitioners identify strengths and resources, as well as develop plans for solutions. This helps the clients' efforts to create change in their lives and situations. 2.To link client systems with needed resources, helping the client locate the resources they need is essential. They also help the client identify gaps and barriers in social services that need to be addressed. 3.Improving the operation of the social service delivery network consists of delivering social services that are humane and adequate, in order to accomplish this social workers advocate planning which centers on clients while maintaining measures of accountability. 4. To promote social justice through social policy development key functions are essential. These consist of functions such as making suggestions for new policies and making recommendations for those policies, which are no longer effective. This helps meet the client's needs.

generalist social work practice does 4 things

1.utilizes generic practice processes to organize work with client systems. 2.recognizes the potential for change at multiple system levels within human systems, between systems, among environmental systems. 3.views human behavior in the context of the social environment 4.integrates direct practice with social policy and social work research activities.

1-26. The international definition of social work incorporates elements of social change, but does not emphasize human rights and social justice.


1-28. Generalist social workers separate direct practice from social policy activities.


1-29. With respect to the interplay between personal troubles and public issues, social workers most likely believe that personal troubles most often originate within individuals themselves


1-30. Social welfare involves services and programs aimed only at persons who are poor.


1-31. Fields of social work practice are limited to the areas of mental health and child welfare.


1-32. As agents of society, social workers typically work with voluntary clients.


1-34. The orientation of empowerment activities is to focus on client deficits and maladaptive functioning


1-35. Policy practice provides the context for empowering individuals, family, and other human systems by increasing their social competence.


1-27. Achieving professional identity involves career-long learning.


1-33. Empowerment presumes that the social worker plays the primary role in the process by defining the problem, selecting the desired outcome, deciding on a course of action, and evaluating the end result


1-20. Empowerment is best described as ___. a) a sense of personal competence b) having personal and sociopolitical dimensions c) a sociopolitical influence d) a sense of being in control


1-22. Celia is writing a paper about empowerment. Which of the following characteristics is she least likely to emphasize in her section on implications for social work? a) a view of social workers as experts b) an orientation toward strengths and competence c) an emphasis on working collaboratively with clients d) an understanding of the links between personal and political power



a process that gathers feedback to refine perspectives and actions

empowerment refers to

a state of mind and reallocation of power

who should enjoy all the benefits society offers?

all citizens of a society

social justice prevails when

all members of a society share equally in the social order, secure an equitable consideration of resources and opportunities, and enjoy their full benefit of civil liberties

the strengths perspective

ann weick, focus on strengths and not label as weak or helpless

beneficiaries of social welfare

are not any one group of people. user of public utility services are citizens with rights rather than people who are deviant, stigmatized, helpless.

human strengths

are the building blocks of social work practice- the source of energy for developing solutions

human needs

are the substance of the social work profession- the impetus for social work activity

social needs

are typically not identified until they become critical

interdependent global society

as societies we rely on each other, are in contact with each other. mutual dependence

generalist sw work directly with client systems

at all levels and research all aspects of sw practice

1-12. ___ prevail(s) when all members of a society share equally in the social order, secure an equitable consideration of resources and opportunities, and enjoy their full benefit of civil rights and civil liberties. a) Environmental competence b) Social justice c) Cultural competence d) Universal basic needs


1-13. The ___ institution functions as a structure for the distribution and exercise of power; whereas, the ______institution provides a vehicle for the production and distribution of goods and services. a) economic; political b) political; economic c) political; social welfare d) social welfare; economic


1-18. According to the conflict model of society, social workers _____. a) exercise control over certain societal members b) confront injustice c) resolve conflicts d) socialize deviants


1-25. Latisha uses empowerment as the foundation of her social work practice. Which of the following will she MOST likely emphasize? a) clients' maladaptive functioning b) the links between personal and political power c) expert professional knowledge d) the status quo


1-5. Which of the following represents the social work view of personal troubles and public issues? a) Troubles occur within the character of the individual. b) The solutions for personal troubles and public issues reside in separate realms. c) Public issues are in the public domain and have no bearing on personal troubles. d) Private troubles translate into public issues.


1-7. As described by Brill, universal basic needs include all the following growth and development areas except ___. a) physical needs b) existential needs c) social needs d) spiritual needs


residual view

belief that welfare applies only when family, economic, or political structures break down

1-1. Of the following, which is the LEAST likely to be identified as an essential personal quality for a helping professional? a) genuineness b) hopefulness c) technical skills d) concern


1-10. According to Maslow's hierarchy, identify the correct ascendancy of needs beginning with the most fundamental. a) physiological, esteem, security, self-actualization b) security, physiological, self-actualization, esteem c) physiological, security, belonging, esteem d) self-actualization, esteem, belonging, physiological


1-11. Which is the first of the internationally binding agreements on human rights? a) International Covenant on Civil and Political rights b) Convention on the Rights of the Child c) Universal Declaration of Human Rights d) International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination


1-16. Working for an agency that provides services for older adults, Antoinia most likely works in the field of practice called___. a) health care social work b) family services c) gerontological social work d) mental health


1-19. Mary Walker's social work position can be described as an agent of society. Of the following, who is most likely her client? a) Ann, who needs information about community resources. b) Dinah, who is depressed and lonely c) Ralph, who is a court mandated client. d) A neighborhood group seeking consultation about community development.


1-3. Lee is employed by Family and Child Counseling as a generalist social worker. Lee will be expected to ___. a) work exclusively with individual families and children b) have a job description which excludes policy concerns c) understand problems in context and consider interventions at all system levels d) leave research concerns to specialists


Gilligan 1982

challenged to understand the difference between men and women. fem qualities masculine traits.

abraham maslow hierarchal schema (1970)

contends that people must fulfill their fundamental basic needs before they begin to pursue higher level growth needs: 1. physiological necessities: food, water,sleep 2.need for security:satisfied by a safe, secure physical, and psychological environment 3. belongingness: love through intimacy and satisfying relationships 4.esteem: feelings of competence and a sense of personal worth derived from recognition of accomplishments 5. self actualization: process of realizing ones maximal potential.

CSWE stands for

council on social work education

1-14. Sue upholds the view that social welfare programs and services should be available to all persons as a citizen right. Her view of social welfare is classified as a(n) ___ view. a) institutional b) substitutive c) supportive d) residual


1-15. From the viewpoint of social work, which of the following is the least accurate description of social welfare? a) Social welfare is a citizen right b) Social welfare is a social institution. c) Social welfare incorporates diverse public and private social service initiatives. d) All social welfare recipients are poor.


1-17. Which of the following views of the relationship between social work and society emphasizes the context of social functioning? a) Social work as an agent of social control on behalf of society. b) Social work as a reformer of society c) Social work as separate from society. d) Social work as an intermediary between individuals and society.


1-2. Of the following, which is NOT characteristic of generalist social workers? a) They utilize generic practice processes to organize their work with client systems. b) They recognize the potential for change at multiple system levels c) They view human behavior in the context of the social environment d) They separate direct practice from social policy and research activities


1-21. To which system level can empowerment be applied? a) individual citizens b) organizations and neighborhoods c) political structures d) all system levels


1-23. James is a social work student who is learning that empowerment refers to ___. a) a radical political position unrelated to current social work practice b) a process c) an outcome d) both a process and an outcome


1-24. Jake wants to apply what he is learning about empowerment in his agency volunteer work. He should do all of the following except ___. a) work in partnership with his client b) focus on strengths of the client system c) view the client has having potential d) focus primarily on maladaptive functioning


1-4. Jolene is working on a planning effort to coordinate service delivery for homeless women and children. Ogden is a counselor with the Homeless Coalition. Sarah, a legislative advocate, is concerned with social policy development regarding homelessness. Evaluate their activities in relation to the purpose of social work. a) Only Ogden reflects the true social work purpose b) Jolene and Sarah's work reflects social work purpose. c) Sarah's work, while concerned with social justice, is tangential to social work purpose. d) Jolene, Ogden, and Sarah all reflect the purpose of social work in their work activities.


1-6. Which of the following is directly related to the stated purpose of social work? a) linking clients with needed resources b) improving the operation of the social service delivery network c) promoting social justice d) all of the above


1-8. In regard to Maslow's concept of human needs, which of the following statements is false? a) Developmental status affects the particular array of needs experienced by individuals. b) Individual needs must be considered in the context of the global community. c) The physical environment can have a disabling effect on a person's sense of competence. d) Cultural factors are unrelated to human strengths and needs. 1-9. Gerry feels much safer in the shelter than on the streets, and her constant worry about food has dissipated with the assurance of regular meals, but she still feels worthless because of her homeless status. According to Maslow, which motivational need most likely predominates? a) physiological needs b) security needs c) self-actualization needs d) esteem needs


human survival

depends on abating widespread environmental pollution, conserving natural resources, and addressing climatic issues attributed to global warming. overcrowding and lack of privacy in western culture hinders personal development.

social problems result when

discrimination is occurring etc. societies do not accord citizens equity.

social workers work with others, not

doing something for them or to them

consensus (structural functionalist) model

equilibrium between society and its members.resolve conflicts and tensions, to socialize people labeled as deviant and create harmony between people. control disruptive citizens and reform dysfunctional social structures.

cultural strengths&effects of racism

ethnicity, social class, and minority group status influence all of the tasks in various stages of the life cycle. the effects of racism, discrimination, and segregation may impede the completion of developmental tasks

examples that describe generalist social workers

facilitate clients resolution of problems, helps clients obtain tangible resources, provide education, and influence the development of social policy. work with clients individually and in groups, fine tune their knowledge of community resources, conduct practice evaluation and research.

social welfare provides

family and child welfare services, medical and health provisions, legal services, criminal justice activities and income supports.social welfare may meet specialized needs.

CSWE list of things social workers do

have competency:identify as a professional social worker and conduct oneself accordingly 1. advocate for client access tot he services of social work 2. practice personal reflection and self correction to assure continual professional development 3. attend to professional roles and boundaries 4.demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior, appearance and communication 5.enagge in career learning and use supervision and consultation

IFSW beleives social work is

hollistic, universal, and the priorities of sw practice will vary from country ot country and time to time dpending on cultural, historical, and socioecon conditions

social work encompasses activities directed at

improving human and social conditions and alleviating human distress and social problems

environmental competence

increases when the configuration of the physical environment is pleasing, stimulating, and protecting.

IFSW stand for?

international federation of social workers

the personal, interpersonal, and political structural dimensions of empowerment are


basic needs are

met differentially among people

reasons people enter the sw profession

motivation is an unselfish regard for others, want to make a difference, reciprocate the help they once received

NASW stand for?

national association of social workers

social welfare responds to

needs of society for health, education, economic, and social well being. thus citizens achieve their maximum potential


occurs as a consequence of the social welfare institutions failure to meet the needs of all people equally

fields of social work practice

page 17 fam services. child protection, healthcare,geron etc

specialties in a field of practice

page 19 table 1.2 juvenile, adult corrections etc.

personal power and political power

personal power involves an individuals ability to control his or her destiny and influence his or her surroundings. political power is the ability to alter systems.

what compromises the well being of a society?

prevalence of inequality, discrimination, violation of human rights and other forms of social injustice


process of increasing personal, interpersonal, or political power so that individuals, families, and communities can take action to improve their situation

social workers describe themselves as

professional helpers. they are professionals to the degree they have mastered the requisite knowledge base.

NASW working statement on purpose

promoting or restoring a mutually beneficial interaction between individuals and society in order to improve the quality of life for everyone

CSWE specifies the purpose as

promoting the well-being of humans and communities. guided by a person and environment construct, a global perspective, respect for human diversity, and knowledge based.....etc

institutional view

recognizes welfare as an integrated function of a modern industrial society that provides services as a citizens right

Bricker jenkins

regards clients as the primary experts and consultants for developing models for sw practice

critical reflection

seeks to challenge the prevailing social, political, and structural conditions which promote the interests of some and oppress others

conflict model

social problems result from inequitable distributions of power. sw confront injustice. goal is to change the power and authority in social arrangements

social workers vs generalists

social workers confront problems such as child abuse and neglect, homelessness, poverty etc. generalists work with community organizations, neighborhood groups, families, and individuals who are elderly etc

clinical work

social workers engage clients to overcome barriers to be fully functioning members of society

critical/political work

sw advocate fo societal resources and oppurtunities

how to manual

sw will not find a how to manual to use to empower clients

social institutions

table 1.1 page 15 fam, edu, econ, pol, reli,soc welfare

Bartlett concept of life tasks 1970

the concept of life task relates to "daily living, such as growing up in the family, marrying rearing, illness etc"although peoples responses may differ, everyone must find ways to deal with the challenges of these tasks.

what do social workers respond to?

the demands of the living in a changing society and the call for social justice to promote human rights

the international definition of social work?

the social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well being

C.wright mills

the sociological imagination. interconnections between private troubles and public issues.distinguishing personal troubles of milieu and the public issues of social structures. mills perspective separates private troubles from public issues and suggests that the solutions for each focus on different realms.individuals feel the repercussion of public issues personally as private troubles.

social work emerged as a profession in

the twentieth century

vision of social workers

their vision is based on the ideal of social justice

our personal qualities that make a difference in our ability to work effectively with others

warmth, honesty, genuineness, openness, courage, hopefulness, humility, concern, and sensitivity. these establish rapport.

social workers value

working in partnerships with both their clients and their colleagues

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