Test 3 PSC

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Some ____ rock is formed from mineral that were once dissolved in water.


groundwater is defined as

a water that resides in the saturation zone

convergent boundaries are

all of the above

earth liquid and solid layers were discovered by studying the propagation of seismic waves through earth interior. P wave____;S-Waves_____

all of the above

how can rock responds to stress

all of these

water precipitated over land completes its cycle as it

all the Above

Magma that solidfies before reaching earth surface is called

all the above

rocks can begin to melt if

all the above

magnetic surveys of the ocean floors reveal

alternating strips of normal and reversed polarity parraeling the mid-atlantic ridge

organism found in the ocean trenches

are earth deepest dwellers

the upper mantle can be divided into two zones, the

asthenosphere in the lower upper mantle and part of the lithosphere in the upper part of the upper mantle

where could you find an accretionary wedge in the ocean

at an aactive margin

the ocean crust

becomes progressively older away from the mid-ocean ridges

the water cycle includes in the

both a and b

when subsurface ground material is completly saturated with water, we call it

both b and c

coal is composed of

buried animal materai that has partially decayed

A mineral that is not a silicate is


Shield volcanoes are made of


the property of a mineral to break along planes of weakness is referred to as


which of the following is not a characteristic of quatz

commonly occurs in six- sided crystals

the mantle can be separtrated into two different porttions- the lower mantle and the upper mantle. the lower mantle

completly solid due to extreme presussre that prevents rocks from melting

contact metamorphic rocks are typically not foliated because

contact metamorhism occurs from heat and not from deformation due to stress

an "Ice Sheet" is also known a(n)

continental glacier

all minerals are


in what reservior does water reside for the longest time

deep groundwater

what part of the water cycle requires direct input of solar energy?


earth magnetic field is attributed the

flow of the molten fluid in earth outer core

convection is a

form of heat transfer restricted to Earth's interior

rocks are grouped into three classes depending on the rock was


the rock that has undergone the greatest extent of metamorphic change is


river collect water from runoff and


moh's scale is defined on the basis of minerals that have differrent


ocean are about four times as deep as mountains are high. at the bottom of the ocean are

huge towering mountains, deep valleys, and deep ocean trenches near the continental boundaries.

where does most rainfall on earth finally end up before becoming rain again

in the oceans

why is groundwater in aquifer a nonrenewable resouce

it can take thousands of year for rainwater to percolate downward to recharge the aquifer

How does the ocean change with increasing depth?

it get darker and warmer, pressure decrease and contains fewer organism.

if the rock particles in a sedimentary rock are relatively small and if the grains are well sorted and well rounded, we can infer that the sediment grains traveled a

long distance for a long time

motion P-waves is


the minerals to crystallize are those with the

lower melting point

alfred wegner supported his theory of continental drift by

making a connection between the rocks, rock structures, and plant and animal fossils found in both Africa and South America.

a sedimentary rock can turn into an igneous by

melting and cooling

Rock Altered by heat and pressure beneath earth surface are

metamorphic rocks

the high concentration of iriduim at the cretaceous tertiary boundary may be attributable to

meteorite bombardment

color is not a reliable means for mineral identification because

mineral come in a variety of color, and chemical impurirties in the minierals can affect color

a polymorph can be defined as

mineral that have the same chemical formula and crystal strutcure, but exhibit different physical properties

because S-waves do not travel through earth outer core, scintist inferred that the outer core is

molten liquid

the three kinds of plates convergence are

oceanic- oceanic, continental- oceanic, and continental-continental

the two most common igneous rocks are basalt and granite. Basalt is commonly found

on both the ocean floor and continetal land; only on the continents

if a body is full or partially submerged in a fluid, a bouyant force directed upward depends

on the movement of the fluid directed towards the body

secondary waves can travel through all areas of the earth excepts the

outer core

the theory of seafloor spreading is supported by

paleomagnetic analysis of the ocean's floor.

We can say that earth crust floats on the mantle because

part of the mantle is hot enough to flow as a plastic solid

most of earth seimic activity, volcanism and mountains formation occur along

plate boundaries

the difference between point pollution and non pollution is that

point pollution has a clear source

most of earth water is located in

polar ice caps and glaciers

rocks with an imprint of earth magnetic code contain

polarity, latitdude of origin and the direction of the magnetic pole at the time of formation

continental crust is very bouyant compared with oceanic crust because continental crust

predominantly composed of granitic rocks, whereas oceanic crust is composed of basaltic rocks.

The Inner core is solid because

pressure from the weight of the surrounding layers prevent the inner core from melting

the fastest seismic wave is a

primary wave

the layered appearance of foliated metamorphic rocks is due

realignments of minerals so that are perpendicular to compressive forces

when rock is subjected to compressive force, it may fault. if rocks in the hanging wall are pushed up over rocks in the footwall, it is called a

reverse fault

the poorest absorber of water is

rocky surfaces with no soil layer

the salinty of seawater remains constant because

salts are removed from seawater about as fast as they are deposited

the majority of surface rocks are


minerals that have strong bonds between flat crystal surface tend to

show poor clevage

water in the unsatrated zone is called

soil moisture

the driving force of our planet hydrologic cycle comes from

solar energy

the mantle is composed of

solid rock

Why is the solution to pollution not always dilutions?

some pollutant are toxic at such low concentration that they cannot be practically diluted

the outer core

spins,which earth magintic field

what kind of force act on the crust at divergent boundaries?

tensional forces that strech the crust and generate a spreading center

where does surface runoff from the Appalachian mountains eventually go?

the Atlantic ocean

the lithosphere includes

the crust and the upper part of the mantle

the theory of plate tectonics states that

the lithosphere is broken up into plates that move about as a results of convective motion in the asthenosphere

which plate subducts when oceanic and continental plates meet and why?

the oceanic plate subducts beneath the continental plate becuase the continetal plate is most dense

where are most of the volcanoes on earth located

the ring of fire

the velocity of a seismic wave depends on

the type of material it travel

P-Waves Refracts at the boundary between inner and outer core because

they lose speed

in a well aquifer. what is the highest level water can rise to if there is no pump?

to the level of the water table

the occurrence of earthquakes in the absence of seafloor spreading, oceanic trenches, or volcanic activity is a characteristic feature of

transform fault boundaries between plates

body waves

travel through earth interior following an earthquake

A section of crust is pushed up from below creating a dome-like mountain. what kind of mountain is this

upward mountains

the balance of gravitational and bouyant force acting on the crust determine its

vertical position.

a rocks permeabilty can be decribed by its

water- transmitting capability

the physical property of the cleavage, tendency of certain meinerals to split along certain planar surface, is conspicious in


what percentage of earth water is fresh water


why is clay poor soil

All of the Above

a community organization forms to protect the yuba river watershed. what is the yuba river watershed

Area o land that feature streams that flow into the yuba river

which of the following properties most clearly reflects the internal arrangement of atoms in a crystalline materiel?


metamorphism caused by the close proximity of a magma source is called

Contact metamorphism

the property many metamophic rocks exhibit by flat or elongated mineral grains in parallel layers


seismic waves are classified as body waves and surface waves. an example of a body wave is a


why are plate boundaries the sites of most geologic activity?

Plates interact with one another at their boundaries.

which waves indicates the most extensive shadow? Why

S waves - Because they cannot travel through liquid outer core

the basic building block of all silicate mineral is the

Silicate Tetrahedron

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