Unit 2 Midterm Exam

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Which of the following websites is most likely a source of biased and unreliable nutrition information?

standford.edu *dietsnomore4u.com eatright.org choosemyplate.gov

Isaac is an 8-year-old child who has African ancestry. He lives in Chicago and does not spend much time outdoors. He does not like to consume dairy foods because he has lactose intolerance. His diet consists primarily of enriched white bread, peanut butter, chicken, pork, apples, bananas, and green vegetables. Based on this information, Isaac has a high risk of __________.

pellagra rickets beriberi scurvy

The synthetic form of vitamin K is called __

phyllodione menadione menaquinone phylloquinone

Ron's diet lacks niacin. He hasn't developed pellagra, because he consumes a high-protein diet that contains plenty of ________, the precursor for niacin.

tryptophan beta-carotene alpha-tocopherol alanine

In the U.S, newborns recieve an injection of __ to prevent __

vitamin K: bleeding niacin: pellagra vitamin C: collagen breakdown thiamin: beriberi

Your best friend eats plenty of meats and dairy products but avoids eating fruits and vegetables. She bruises easily, her sores take a long time to heal, and her gums bleed when she brushes her teeth. Based on this information, which of the following vitamins is most likely to be deficient in her diet?

vitamin b-12 vitamin c folate vitamin b-6

Intrinsic factor is needed to absorb ________.

vitamin b-6 vitamin c vitamin b-12 vitamin a

________ is added to refined grain products as part of the enrichment process.

vitamin b-6 vitamin d thiamin choline

Which of the following foods is naturally a rich source of monounsaturated fatty acids?

*Canola oil Baked chicken Green beans Corn oil

Which of the following substances carries cholesterol away from tissues?

*HDL Insulin LDL Insoluble fiber

Which of the following statements is false?

*The internet is generally a reliable source of nutrition information, because information posted websites have been peer reviewed. Websites with .edu in their addresses often provide reliable nutrition information When evaluating claims for dietary supplements that appear at a website, be wary of products that include promises for quick remedies. In general, personal websites, such as blogs are not reliable sources of nutrition information

__ involves metabolic reactions that build larger molecules from smaller ones

*anabolism polymorphism catabolism edentulism

Which of the following foods has a low glycemic index (less than 70)?

*apple white rice banana plain white bagel

Proteins __

*are comprised of amino acids are stored as glycogen in the body provide 7 kcal/g have phosphorus in their chemical structures

Excessive Vitamin D intakes can result in __

*deposition of calcium in soft tissues megaloblastic anemia no particular health problems, because the vitamin is rapidly excreted in urine increased blood clot formation

Scientists who investigate lifestyle factors that influence the prevalence of obesity among different population groups are conducting a(n) ________ study.

*epidemiological in vitro technological pathological

High-fiber diets are associated with all of the following EXCEPT

*reduced absorption of some minerals reduced risk of diabetes reduced risk of heart disease reduced risk of stroke

Which of the following substances is a complex carbohydrate?

*starch carbon dioxide high fructose corn syrup glucose

The lining of the small intestine is covered with ________, tiny, finger-like structures that absorb nutrients from food.

*villi lacteals arteries neurons

Labeling laws require that ingredients in food products be listed on the container in descending order of their ________.

*weight cost calories nutrient density

Which of the following statements is true?

-Trans fatty acids are naturally found in foods. -the human body can convert simple carbs into alpha-linolenic acid -a saturated fatty acid has one double bond within its hydrocarbon chain -*certain fish, such as salmon, are a rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids

What is the RDA for vitamin D?

15 ug/day 15 g/day 25 ug/day 25 g/day

On average, a healthy adult can metabolize the equivalent of how many drinks per hour?

4 3 1 2

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

A megadose is an amount of a vitamin or mineral that greatly exceeds the recommended amount of the nutrient. Dietary supplements include fish oil, glucosamine, echinacea, and flaxseed oil. *In order for a dietary supplement to be on the market, all research studies on the supplement must show a beneficial effect on health. The dietary supplement health and education act of 1994 manufacturers to classify dietary supplements as foods.

ATP is converted into __ when the last high-energy bond on the ATP molecule is cleaved

AMP adenosine *ADP NAD

Describe the mechanical and chemical digestion of dietary protein.

Begins in the stomach, HCL denatures food proteins and converts inactive pepsinogen to active pepsin. Pepsin initiated enzymatic digestion of proteins into smaller polypeptides

April wants to add ___ to her salad, because the food is naturally a rich source of omega-3 fats.

Cheddar cheese Bread cubes coconut oil *walnuts

Which of the following foods is naturally a rich source of monosaturated fatty acids?

Chicken **Avocado Milk Spinach

The ________ is responsible for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of medications.


All forms of vitmain B-6 form what coenzyme?


Which of the following statements is true?

Headaches are a common sign of mineral deficiency disease *nutrient-deficiency diseases develop when diets lack essential nutrients skin rashes are always a symptom of vitamin deficiency diseases. Most phytochemicals are classified as essential nutrients

Why is taking excess amounts of fat-soluble vitamins more likely to cause toxicity than taking excesses of water-soluble vitamins?

In general, water soluable vitamins are more likely to be stored in the body than fat-soluble vitamins. The body has higher requirements for fat soluble vitamins. In general, excess of fat soluable vitamins cannot be excreted as easily as water-soluable vitamins. The body has higher requirements for water-soluble vitamins.

Which of the following statements is true?

In the U.S, poor eating habits contribute to some of the ten leading causes of death. Most people are born with the ability to choose a nutritious diet A person's diet is influenced by his or her blood type and birth order. Nutrients are life-sustaining phytochemicals in food

Vitamin _____ protects polyunsaturated fatty acids from being damaged by free radicals.

K B-12 E D

________, as part of NAD and NADP, is important for energy metabolism.

Niacin Pantothenic acid riboflavin folate

Which of the following statements is true

Proteins are a major component of starch molecules all hormones are proteins *certain proteins transport nutrients and oxygen in the bloodstream protein is the primary energy source of the human body

What vitamin is necessary as a part of the coenzyme that facilitates transamination and deamination reactions?

Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin B-12 Vitamin B-6

Which of the following is considered an essential amino acid?

Serine Cysteine Alanine Methionine

Which of the following fatty acids is an essential fatty acid that is polyunsaturated with double bonds in its structure?

Stearic acid Oleic acid Alpha-linolenic acid *Linoleic Acid

Briefly describe how cancer develops and progresses. List at least four lifestyle factors that can be addressed to reduce a person's risk for cancer.

The cancerous cells divide repeatedly and frequently causing tumors to grow. Avoid tobacco, maintaining a healthy body composition and weight, active lifestyle, healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables.

Describe the metabolizing of alcohol in the human body?

The liver is the primary site for metabolizing the alcohol that has been absorbed by the digestive tract. After that, normal metabolic processing of glucose, fatty acids, and amino acids slows down, and the catabolism of alcohol becomes the cells top priority

Discuss at least three ways how lipids are transported in the Circulatory system around the body. Be sure to include where each is formed and what each is predominantly made of .

The lymphatic system transports chylomicrons to the thoracic duct, where they enter the bloodstream through the left subclavian vein in the chest. LPL breaks down the triglycerides in the chylomicron into fatty acids and glycerol.

Which of the following statements is true?

The traditional asian diet contains high amounts of milk and milk products. according to mormon dietary laws, pork and pork by-products are forbidden as food. *the traditional mediterranean diet supplies olive oil and fish than the traditional american diet jewish dietary laws forbid the use of alcohol

Albert is a healthy, 23-year-old college student. He would like to know more about his risk of cardiovascular disease, so he can take preventive measures, if they are necessary. Albert should __

Undergo cardiac catherization to determine the injection factor of his heart. test his urine for the presence of glucocorticoids *have a lipoprotein profile on a sample of his blood have a chest x ray

________ are water-soluble vitamins.

Vitamin K, D, E Pantothenic acid, vitamin A, and choline *Niacin, riboflavin, and thiamin Vitamins B-12, B-6, and E

Through the process of glycolysis , glucose is converted into two molecules of __

acetyl CoA fructose pyruvate oxaloacetate

Which of the following does NOT affect nutrient needs?

age *ethnicity sex health status

Most lipids have _____ in their chemical structures.

amino acids *fatty acids glucose polymers nitrogen and sulfur

Which group of individuals is advised to consume 400 micrograms of folic acid daily from supplements and/or fortified foods?

athletes the elderly women capable of becoming pregnant infants

Phytochemicals are ________.

available in vitamin and mineral supplements only plant substances that provide health benefits chemicals found in plants and animal products essential parts of a diet

________ is the most biologically active form of vitamin A in the body.

beta-carotene lutein alpha-tocopherol retinol

An essential component of coenzyme A is

biotin vitamin C pantothenic acid thiamin

Which of the following factors has a major influence over a person's food choices?

birth order close friends blood type vitamin A status

Vitamin D is often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin." This is because exposure to UV light can convert a substance in skin, ________, into vitamin D3.

calcitriol calcidiol ergocalciferol 7-dehydrocholersterol

The AMDRs do NOT include estimates for intake of ________.

carbohydrates proteins water fats

Which of the following is a component of neurotransmitters, and involved with phospholipid synthesis?

carnitine taurine choline inositol

A group of nutrition researchers interviews 100 adults who have chronic high blood pressure to determine whether there is an association between consuming diets low in calcium during adolescence and developing high blood pressure in adulthood. This study is an example of a ________ study.

case-control macro somatic retrospective prospective

Geoff wants to lower his risk of cancer. According to scientific studies, consuming ________ may decrease his risk of this chronic disease.

charcoal-grilled meat *fresh fruits and vegetables margarine dark beer

Fred is a lactovegetarian. Which of the following foods does he eat?

chicken eggs *cheese fish

To protect riboflavin from destruction by sunlight, milk and milk products are packaged in

clear plastic bottles and cartons *paper and opaque plastic cartons clear glass bottles any kind of container

To conserve the vitamin content of foods, ________.

cook slowly in large amounts of water store in warm conditions, and expose to sunlight and air

Fat cells contain the enzyme __, which facilitates the process of lipolysis

fatty tissue lipase coritosol hormone sensitive lipase insulin

Which of the following characteristics increases a person's risk of cardiovascular disease?

female sex asian ancestry *type 2 diabetes higher than average intakes of calcium

Goblet cells produce

gastric juice digestive enzymes mucus hydrochloric acid

__ is the study of how nutrients affect the expression of person's genome

genetics nutrigenetics personalized nutrition nutrigenomics

The synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrate precursors including glycerol, lacate, pyruvate, and most amino acids is called ___

glycoloysis gluconeogenesis beta-oxidation glycogenesis

A food label that advertises the product as a "rich source of fiber" is an example of a(n)

health claim *nutrient claim obesity prevention claim structure/function claim

Barry is a vegan. His diet does not include foods that contain preformed vitamin A, and he does not take any vitamin A supplements. Nevertheless, his body has adequate vitamin A stores. Which of the following statements provides the best explanation for Barry's adequate vitamin A status?

his body does not require sources of vitamin A his fat cells synthesize preformed vitamin A from essential fatty acids. he eats plenty of foods that contain beta-carotene he consumes foods that supply tryptophan, which his liver converts to preformed Vitamin A

Which of the following is a common sign or symptom of a food allergy

hives swollen lips vomitting and/or diarrhea *all of the choices are correct

To reduce her intake of added sugar, Isabelle should

increase her intake of beverages sweetened with high fructose corn syrup *replace regular soft drinks with plain water consume energy drinks instead of coffee. consume more refined sources of carbohydrates.

A high intake of vitamin E can

inhibit copper absorption cause atherosclerosis interfere with vitamin K's blood clotting activitity result in lead poisoning

Which of the following hormones acts to increase calcium absorption and decrease urinary calcium excretion?

insulin parathyroid hormone glucagon antidiuretic hormone

Function(s) of thiamine include

involved in carbohydrate metabolism help neurotransmitters involved in branched-chain amino acid metabolism *all choices are correct


is realeased during fasting periods, such as between meals. stimulates cells to break down glycogen for energy increases blood glucose levels after meals. helps glucose enter cells.

which of the following statements about kwashiorkor is true?

most common in developing countries. results from consuming adequate energy, but insufficient high-quality protein. often develops in toddlers when their mother gives birth to another child. all of the choices are correct.

The greatest storage site for potential energy in the average healthy adult is __

muscle glycogen adipose cell triglycerides liver glycogen pancreatic triglycerides

Which of the following characteristics or conditions increases a person's risk of cardiovascular disease?

normal blood cholesterol levels female sex *hypertension low body fat

The __ is the primary site for nonessential amino acid production in humans

pancreas small intestine *liver pituitary gland

List the metabolic response during an overnight fast.

pancreas releases glucagon due to the falling blood glucose levels.

Having excess body fat increases the risk of ________.

pellagra cystic fibrosis breast cancer scurvy

Yolanda is eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. She has taken a bite of the sandwich and begun chewing the sticky sandwich. Once the bite of sandwich has been chewed, moistened, and mixed with saliva, it is called

peristalsis a bolus chyme a pharynx

Bernard has been suffering from a viral infection for over a week. As a result of the illness, he has a fever and has lost his appetite. Based on this information, his body is in ____ nitrogen balance.

positive deactivated facilitated *negative

Routine vitamin C supplementation ________.

reduce the risks of kidney stones prevents alzheimers disease prevents common colds among the general population may reduce the duration of cold symptoms by a day or so

Megaloblastic anemia may occur as a result of a deficiency in ________.

riboflavin or niacin thiamin or riboflavin folate or vitamin C folate or vitamin b-12

A __ remains when the amino group of an amino acid is removed

ribonucleotide dipeptide fragment fatty acid *carbon skeleton

The __ gkand produces the primary hormone that controls the metabolic rate

salivary *thyroid adrenal hypothalamus

A scientist has isolated a fatty acid that has 26 carbons bonded together. All of the carbon atoms in the chain are connected by single bonds. Based on this information, the compound is a

saturated monounsaturated essential polyunsaturated

The innermost layer of the wall of the GI tract is the

serosa lumen mucosa circular muscle

Charcoal-broiled meats may be a source of ________.

statins vitamin c *heterocyclic amines dietary fiber

What is the primary site of alcohol metabolism in the body?

stomach pancreas liver small intestine

Adding a small amount of ________ to cooked vegetables can enhance the intestinal tract's ability to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins they contain.

sugar red wine water *olive oil

__ is a component of pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)

thiamin *vitamin b-6 niacin pantothenic acid

As a result of a ________ deficiency, Christopher's cells have difficulty converting homocysteine to cysteine.

vitamin B-6 vitamin B-12 thiamin folate

A chylomicron is a type of

*lipoprotein sterol fatty acid phospholipid

Instructions for making proteins are coded in a cell's __

**DNA plasma membrane ribosomes golgi apparatus

What is the RDA for vitamin E?

*15 mg/day 10 mg/day 20 mg/day 25 mg/day

what is the net gain of ATP molecules produced during glycoysis?

*2 30 4 32

What is the RDA for folate?

*400 DFE 500 DFE 600 DFE 100 DFE

As a smoker, Chantalle's need for vitamin C is ________ that of a non-smoker.

*greater than less than the same as

Children eating large amounts of carrots can develop

*hypercarotenemia hyperglycemia vitamin A toxicity hyperactivity

The ________ is an accessory organ of the digestive system.

*liver colon jejunum epiglottis

The most nutrient dense sources of vitamin E are

*plant oils refined grains and cereal products orange-colored fruits animal fats

Becky's 2-year-old son can't walk because he was born with spina bifida. To reduce the chances that her next baby is born with this birth defect or related disorders, Becky should ________.

take pantothenic acid, b-6, and b-12 supplements before getting pregnant. consume leafy vegetables, drink orange juice, and take folic acid supplement before getting pregnant. eat at least 3 oz of fatty fish 3x a week, take vitamin A and D supplements, and drink more fat-free milk duing the first three months of pregnancy. take iron, zinc, and magnesium supplements during the first month of pregnancy, then eat more whole-grain breads and cereals for the remaining months of pregnancy.

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