Urinalysis Study

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Using a 1:20 dilution and the 5 RBC counting squares of the Neubauer counting chamber, an average of 54 sperm is counted. The sperm concentration is


the normal CSF glucose is

60-70% of the blood glucose

The recommended specimen for quantitative fecal testing is a

72-hour specimen

Color and it's significance: Brown Black-Dark yellow-red-green

Brown black-melanin Dark yellow-concentrated specimen Red-myoglobin Green-pseudomonas infection

A urine specimen is left on the urinalysis counter for 4 hours before being tested. Bacteria would be


a urine specimen is left on the urinalysis counter for 4 hours before being tested. pH would be


Amniotic fluid tests for fetal maturity include

L/S ratio and microviscosity

the reagent strip reaction that should be read last is the

Leukocyte esterase

What substances are not allowed to filter through the glomerulus in significant amounts?

Protein and cells

what is the significance of a positive urine glucose result and a normal blood glucose

Renal tubular damage

a urine specimen is left on the urinalysis counter for more than 4 hours before being tested glucose would be


Hemolytic disease of the newborn endangers the fetus by

destroying fetal RBCs (the fetus will suffer from anemia)

the purpose of scanning the perimeter of urine sediment placed under a conventional glass slide is to

detect the presence of casts

To determine the WBC count on a cloudy CSF specimen that contains both RBCs and WBCs, it is necessary to

dilute the specimen using glacial acetic acid

red and white blood cells and casts decreased

disintegration in dilute alkaline urine

A false-positive test for 5-HIAA may result if the patient

does not receive appropriate diet instructions

The principle of the reagent strip test for pH is

double indicator reaction

The pathological accumulation of fluid in a body cavity is termed a/an


bilirubin decreased

exposure to light/photo oxidation of biliverdin

A medical technology student consistently obtains lower RBC counts than the instructor. A possible reason for this might be

failure to recognize crenated cells, focusing in the wrong plane, failure to centrifuge a mixed specimen

second voided specimen urine specimen collected after fasting

fasting specimen

Stools from persons with steatorrhea contain excess amounts of


Not permitting trash and combustible material to pile up, good housekeeping and keeping your work place neat and orderly can help prevent


conditions the produce elevated CSF protein include all of the following except

fluid leakage (multiple sclerosis, hemorrhage, meningitis)

Which of the following: Hydrometry, Urine reagent strips, freezing point depression, refractometry is not a standard method for measuring the specific gravity of urine

freezing point depression

pediatric urine specimens are additionally tested for the presence of

galactose using Clinitest

A 1+ reagent strip reaction and a 4+ Clinitest reaction could indicate the presence of

glucose and other reducing substances

glucose decreased

glycolysis and bacterial use

When performing microscopic examination of a stool for muscle fibers, the structures that are counted

have vertical and horizontal striations

The third tube of CSF collected from a lumbar puncture should be used for

hematology tests

a spotted reaction on the reagent strip reaction for blood indicates


Porphyrins are intermediary compounds in the formation of


The presence of crenated RBCs in the urine sediment is associated with

hypersthenuria (Crenated RBCs are a sign of a hypertonic urine. The high specific gravity causes the water to leave the cells. Hypertonic urine can be seen in dehydrated patients or early morning specimens)

A specimen with a specific gravity of 1.005 would be considered

hyposthenuric (1.010-Isosthenuric, above 1.010 hypersthenuric, diluted urine below 1.010 is considered hyposthenuric)

A urine specimen is left on the ruinalysis counter for 4 hours before being tested clarity would be


a urine specimen is left on the urinalysis counter for 4 hours before being tested. Nitrite would be


A turbid synovial fluid with yellow-green color is indicates

infection (Specimens that are septic or caused by an infection can produce a specimen that is white, gray, yellow of green. The majority of infectious agents in septic arthritis are bacterial but can also be fungal or viral)

exudate fluids usually result from

inflammation of the serous membrane

The term occult blood describes blood that

is not visibly apparent in the stool specimen

Excessive fat metabolism is indicated by the presence in the urine of


Phenylketonuria is caused by

lack of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase

Differentiation among RBCs, yeast, and oil droplets may be accomplished by all of the following except

lysis of yeast cells by acetic acid (If the yeast cannot be differentiated on the basis of budding, 2% acetic acid can be added. RBCs will lyse; yeast will not. The oil droplets will have very defined refractile edges)

A disease that causes large amounts of branched-chain amino acids to be excreted in the urine is

maple syrup urine disease

Hemolytic disease of the newborn is caused by

maternal antibodies.

a dark green amniotic fluid is associated with


specimen collected in a sterile container after cleansing the glans penis or urinary meatus

midstream clean catch specimen

crystals found in the synovial fluid during attacks of gout are

monosodium urate

a milky-appearing synovial fluid is associated with the presence of

monsodium urate crystals

Phenylketonuria produces what kind of scent?


bacteria increased


nitrite increased

multiplication of nitrate-reducing bacteria

Inhibition of bacterial growth in the Guthrie test should be interpreted as

negative for PKU

What is the functional unit of the kidney

nephron (1-1.5 million in each kidney)

the cells most frequently associated with urinary tract infections are


Excessive urination during the night


A marked decrease in urine flow


urobilinogen decreased

oxidation of urobilin

color modified/ darkened

oxidation or reduction of metabolites

A pleural fluid delivered to the laboratory in ice would be accompanied by a requisition to test for


Peritoneal fluid is collected by a procedure called


chemical analysis of CSF shows that the fluid contains

plasma chemicals in the concentrations different from those in the plasma

Marked increase in urine flow


Acute renal failure may be classified by

post renal, pre-renal and renal

A yellow color in semen specimen may be caused by all of the following except

preservation at room temperature

What can produce a negative nitrite test in the presence of significant bacteriuria?

production of nitrogen from the presence of many bacteria

When shaken, a urine specimen has yellow foam; what is most likely present?

protein and bilirubin

the principle of the reagent strip test for protein is the

protein error of indicators

the function of serous fluid is to

provide lubrication for the serous membranes

The primary site of reabsorption of glomerular filtrate is the

proximal convoluted tubule

Tests for the detection of occult blood rely on the

pseudoperoxidase activity of hemoglobin

To detect the presence of casts, the sediment is examined using

reduced light under low power (The casts will be reported out in number of cast per low power field. However high powered is used to differentiate the different types of casts)

Urobilinogen is formed from the

reduction of bilirubin by intestinal bacteria

If CSF tubes numbered 2 and 3 cannot be analyzed within 1 hour, the correct procedure is to

refrigerate tube 3 and leave tube 2 at room temperature.

What is the preferred method for urine preservation


Which of the following cells found in increased numbers in the urine sediment is only indicative of nephron damage

renal tubular cells

A patient has a sudden drop in blood pressure. The sequence of reactions in the RAAS is

renin, angiotensinogen, angiotensin I, angiotensin II, aldosterone.

The recommended diluting fluid for synovial fluid cell counts is

saline (WBC counts are most commonly done on a synovial fluid. If a fluid is very viscous hyaluronidase may need to be added. This will reduce the viscosity of the sample and allow the count to be performed. Many traditional WBC counting methods used acetic acid as a diluent but this would cause clot formation in a synovial fluid. To prevent this saline is used as a diluent)

spermatogenesis takes place in the

seminiferous tubules

An amniocentesis is performed on a woman whose last two pregnancies have resulted in stillbirths due to hemolytic disease of the newborn. A screening test performed at the hospital is positive for bilirubin, and the specimen is sent to a reference laboratory for a bilirubin scan. Doctors are concerned when the report comes back negative, and they question if the

specimen was exposed to light

The location of epithelial cells in the urinary tract in ascending order is

squamous, transitional, renal tubular (The squamous epithelial cells are found in the urethra. Transitional can be found in the bladder and renal tubular in the kidneys)

A milky, green-tinged pleural fluid

stains weakly with Sudan III

to establish and maintain a quality control program in a laboratory with regards to procedures, each specific test should be


The foam, or shake, test is a screening test for amniotic fluid


Reagent strip chemical tests may be inaccurate if the specimen is

tested immediately after refrigeration

What substances are and are not reabsorbed in the descending Loop of Henle

the decending will absorb water and not Na+ and Cl-

A urine concentration test was performed on a patient after a food and water deprivation period with the following findings: After 14 hours Urine Osmolality = 850 mOsm/Kg After 16 hours Urine Osmolality = 850 mOsm/Kg What do these results indicate?

this represents loss of tubular function and concentrating ability

Used to determine prostatic infection

three-glass collection

The functions of the cerebrospinal fluid include all of the following except A) protection of neurologic tissue from trauma. B) removal of metabolic waste products. C) transmission of neurologic impulses. D) nutritional enrichment of nervous tissue

transmission of neurologic impulses.

A CSF specimen, in which there is uneven distribution of blood among the three tubes and clots are detected, is an indication of

traumatic tap

Semen analysis on postvasectomy patients should be performed

until two consecutive monthly specimens show no sperm

what requires a chain of custody

urine drug screen

Identification of crystals is based on shape and

urine pH and crystal size

The SSA test should be performed on

urine that has been centrifuged (The SSA test for protein is more sensitive the reagent strips and will detect other protein besides albumin. To perform the SSA a aliquot of 3% Sulfosalicylic acid is added to an equal amount of urine. The tube is mixed and graded from 1+-4+ based on the amount of precipitate. If a un centrifuged urine is used the turbidity from other element could interfere in this reading)

The substance producing the brown color in feces is


the normal brown color of the feces is produced by


The normal color of urine is produce by


examination of a CSF shows 1000 WBCs, of which 75% are lymphocytes and 25% are monocytes this finding is consistent with

viral meningitis

ketones decreased

volatilization and bacterial metabolism

Normal urine is primarily composed of

water, urea, and sodium chloride

normal semen should liquefy

within 1 hour

A xanthochromic CSF specimen will appear

yellow and clear

The normal range of pH is


what is the normal ratio of urine to plasma osmolality with controlled fluid intake


The recommended centrifugation for preparing the urine sediment is

400 RCF for 5 minutes

the fluid leaving the glomerulus has a specific gravity of

1.010 (pH of 7.4)

The normal sperm concentration is

20-160 million/mL

What is most often associated with the formation of a transudate?

Congestive heart failure (Transudates result from excessive filtration of blood serum across a physically intact vascular wall due to disruption of reabsorption. This occurs in systematic diseases that alter the hydrostatic pressure of the capillaries and include congestive heart failure, hepatic cirrhosis or nephritic syndrome)

Complete the following creatinine clearance: 24 hour urine volume= 798 mL Urine Creatinine= 120 mg/dL Serum Creatinine= 2.3 mg/dL

Creatinine Clearance = (120 X 798)/(2.3 X1440) Creatinine Clearance= 28.9 ml/Min

Fred Damon is at the lab to pick up a collection container for a 24 hour urine collection. What collection instructions would you give to Fred? Make sure you include storage requirements

Fred should Wake up in the morning and empty is bladder. He should collect ALL urine for the next 24 hours The next morning at the same time he should collect the last urine During the collection Fred should keep the sample refrigerated

wet preparations for the detection of fecal neutrophils are stained with

Methylene blue ( Methylene blue is used for wet preps and Wright stain is used for fixed specimens)

Safety regulations in the clinical laboratory fall under which government agency


Which one does not match: A) Normal: clear, pale yellow B) Traumatic tap: blood streaks C) Crystals: milky D) Sepsis: Uniform blood

Sepsis: Uniform blood

Which of the following statements about Standard Precautions is correct? A) Standard Precautions only applies to body fluids that may contain blood. B) Standard Precautions applies only to blood. C) Standard Precautions mean that all blood and body fluids should be handled as if they were infectious and capable of transmitting disease. D) Standard Precautions do not apply to pleural fluid or semen.

Standard Precautions mean that all blood and body fluids should be handled as if they were infectious and capable of transmitting disease.

where is synovial fluid found?

Synovial fluid surrounds all joints, acts as a lubricant and supplies nourishment to cartilage (It is NOT found only in the knee)

the major constituent of casts is

Tamm-Horsfall protein

the renal threshold is best described as the

concentration at which substance in the blood spills into the urine

Before and during collection of a sample for quantitative fecal fats, a patient should

consume 100 g of fat per day.

what can be used to confirm that a body fluid is urine


Infection of the bladder is termed


What substance are and are not reabsorbed in the ascending Loop of Henle

The ascending will reabsorb Na+ and Cl- and not water

A urine specimen is left on the urinalysis counter for 4 hours before being tested. Bilirubin would be


A urine specimen is left on the urinalysis counter for 4 hours before being tested. Ketones would be


You receive a urine for a urine drug screen that has a specific gravity of 1.000. What should you do? Make sure you include other tests that may be helpful?

This specimen is most likely not urine and should be rejected. Other test that would be helpful in confirming this would be creatinine and BUN. The urine temperature would also help determine if this was a true specimen.

A urine specimen is left on the urinalysis counter for 4 hours before being tested. RBCs and WBCs would be


motility by which of the following si most noticeable during the urine sediment examination

Trichomonas vaginalis

Sediment constituents that are used to differentiate between upper and lower urinary tract infections are

WBC casts (White blood cell cast are associated with pyelonephritis and infection. Since cast are only formed in the kidney, white blood cell cast pinpoint the location of the white blood cells and the infection to the kidneys. The white blood cells in the cast can be differentiated from red blood cells because they are larger and have multinuclei and granules in the cytoplasma. down)

Which of the following pairings of stool appearance and cause does not match? A) Pale, frothy: steatorrhea B) Yellow-gray: bile duct obstruction C) Black, tarry: blood D) Yellow-green: barium sulfate

Yellow-green barium sulfate

The presence of xanthochromia and an increased D-dimer test in the CSF is indicative of

a cerebral hemorrhage

Cystinosis produces what kind of scent

a sulfur odor is associated with Cysinosis

The type of protein that precipitates at 60F and dissolves at 100F is a/an

abnormal globulin associated with multiple myeloma (Bence Jones protein can be found in multiple myeloma. In multiple myeloma, the serum contains a high levels of immunoglobulin light chains or Bence Jones protein. Bence Jones protein can be detected by the heat soluble. Other proteins when heated will coagulate and remain coagulated. Bence Jones protein however will coagulate or precipitate at 60 degrees and will dissolve at 100 degrees. Serum electrophoresis should be done as a confirmatory test)

The extent to which a measurement agrees with the true value of the analyte being measures is known as


To determine if a questionable specimen is semen, the specimen should be tested for

acid phosphatase.

Oval fat bodies and fatty casts are characteristic urine sediment constituents in patients with

acute interstitial nephritis (When present in a urine specimen, these cells are accompanied by increased amounts of protein and cast formation. Oval fat bodies are often associated with nephritic syndrome)

Th presence of increased renal tubular epithelial cell casts is most indicative of

acute tubular necrosis

the protein section of the reagent strip is most sensitive to


before analysis semen specimens should be

allowed to liquefy

The primary cause of decreased CSF glucose in bacterial meningitis is

alteration of blood-brain glucose transport

Freshly voided normal urine is usually clear; however, if it is alkaline, a white turbidity may be present due to

amorphous phosphates

To extinguish a Class B fire you can use

an ABC fire extinguisher

complete stoppage of urine flow


clarity decreased

bacterial growth and precipitation of amorphous material

odor increased

bacterial multiplication or breakdown of urea to ammonia

The pseudoperoxidase reaction is the principle for the reagent strip test(s) for

both blood and creatinine

pH increased

breakdown of urea to ammonia by urease-producing bacteria/loss of CO2

To determine if an unknown fluid is synovial fluid, the fluid can be tested

by adding acetic acid and observing clot formation

most renal calculi are composed of


Normal crystals found acidic urine include

calcium oxalate, uric acid, amorphous urates

Collected by passing a sterile tube into the bladder

catheterized specimen

Crystals frequently seen with chronic inflammation are


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