1100 Words: Days 17-24
tangible (adj.)
discernible to touch/palpable/possible/to be treated as fact
consternation (n.)
dismay/state of paralyzing dismay
elicit (v.t.)
draw forth/educe
solace (n.)
easing of grief/comfort in sorrow/consolation
inane (adj.)
foolish/lacking sense or substance
impunity (n.)
freedom from punishment
rampant (adj.)
going unchecked/widespread/unrestrained
culprit (n.)
guilty person
pernicious (adj.)
harmful/causing injury/deadly/destructive
brash (adj.)
hasty and unthinking/lacking sensitivity and tact/impudent
laceration (n.)
jagged wound
construe (v.t.)
make a deduction/infer/interpret
promulgate (v.t.)
make known officially/announce officially
belittle (v.t.)
make seem less important
distraught (adj.)
mentally confused/crazed/deeply agitated, as from emotional conflict
scoff (v.t.&i.)
mock at/treat with derision/sneer
flagrant (adj.)
outrageous/glaringly bad
discern (v.t.)
octogenarian (n.)
person in his or her eighties
feasible (adj.)
tolerate (v.t.)
put up with/bear
pugnacious (adj.)
egregious (adj.)
remarkably bad/conspicuously offensive
affluent (adj.)
rich/well off
paucity (adj.)
scarcity/small number or amount/dearth/scarce supply
clandestine (adj. )
dreg (n.) [often used in plural]
sediment in a liquid/lees/the basest and least desirable portion
sally (v.i.)
suddenly rush forth
inexorable (adj.)
unrelenting/inflexible/incapable of being dissuaded
admonish (v.t.)
warn/reprove/caution/remind (of an obligation or duty)
frenzy (n.)
wild fit/temporary madness or delirium
aspirant (n.)
candidate for high position/one who aspires (as to advancement, honors)
scurrilous (adj.)
ethics (n.)
code of principles/moral philosophy
duress (n.)
compulsion/force/coercion/constraint by threat
castigate (v.t.)
correct by punishing/criticize severely
duplicity (n.)
sordid (adj.)
dirty/base/filthy/foul/morally degraded
concur (v.i.)
agree/act together
acrimonious (adj.)