Anatomy Final

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The threshold potential is....


The average functional lifespan of an RBC is

100-120 days

Normal Blood ph falls in the range between ____ and ___


The universal recipient is blood type


Substances that the body recognizes as foreign are called...


Blood leaves the LV through an artery known as the...


which valve guards the base of the aorta and opens when the ventricles are contracting

Aortic semilunar valve

What part of the neuron releases vesicles containing neurotransmitters?

Axon Terminal

What pat of the neuron releases vesicles containing neurotransmitters

Axon terminals

Neurotransmitters do not stay in the synaptic cleft for long. They are removed from the synaptic clefts in several ways. Which process is NOT a way that neurotransmitters are removed from the synaptic cleft?

Being engulfed by glial cells

The term central nervous system refers to the___

Brain and spinal cord only

The centers for the control of involuntary activities such as heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, swallowing, and vomiting are located in the....

Brain stem

Sandy had a few alcoholic drinks, and then found walking and maintaining her balance difficult. Which part of her brain was sedated by the alcohol


The substance that surrounds, protects, and cushions the brain is

Cerebrospinal fluid

The area of the brain involved in organization, personality, judgement, and thinking is the.....


What are the tiny white cords that anchor the cusps of the heart valves to the walls of the ventricles

Chordae tendineae

The large fiber tract that allows communication between the right and left cerebral hemispheres is the ___

Corpus Callosum

Lidocaine is used as a local anesthetic to block the sensation of pain. It operates by preventing sodium channels from opening in neurons. The specific event lidocaine prevents is....


Sodium channels open, sodium ions come rushing into the axon and the membrane potential increases to its maximum


When the oxygen level in the blood decreases, the kidney releases _____ to stimulate the production RBCs


A motor sensory neuron carries stimuli from the central nervous system to the effector


The optic nerve controls the movements of the eye, to the left and right and up and down


The ridges of the brain are the sulci and the depressions are the gyri


The somatic division of the nervous system is further divided into the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions


What long, thread-like molecules form the network of a clot during coagulation


which group of white blood cells includes the neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils


What component of a red blood cell binds and transports oxygen


What is NOT dissolved in the plasma of the blood


The condition in which maternal antibodies cross the placenta and destroy the babys RBC's is called.....

Hemolytic disease of the newborn

The process by which bleeding is stopped is called...


What statement best describes the RESTING STATE of a neuron

Neurons are polarized with more sodium ions outside the cell and more potassium ions inside the cell

What statement best describes the resting state of a neuron?

Neurons are polarized with more sodium ions outside the cell and more potassium ions inside the cell

What is the name of the FIRST cranial nerve and what is its function?

Olfactory - sense of smell

When antibodies bind to antigens on foreign blood types, clumping or ___ occurs


Neurons either conduct action potentials along the length of their axons, or they remain at rest. This statement best describes the________

all or nothing response

What division of the autonomic nervous system is often called the "rest and digest" division?


A polarized neuron at rest has more ____ ions outside the cell and less ____ ions inside the cell

Sodium; Potassium

Preparing the body for "fight or flight" response during threatening situations is the role of the......

Sympathetic nervous system

The part of the nueron that typically conducts nerve impulses AWAY from the cell body is the


Neurons either conduct action potentials along the length of their axons, or they remain at rest. This statement best describes....

The all or nothing response

What does the following statement mean, Neurons are amitotic. what does this mean when there is trauma to the nervous system

The neurons get damaged and don't have cell division to repair themselves

Gray matter contains collections of unmyelinated fibers and cell bodies in the central nervous system


The diencephalon (interbrain) sits below the cerebrum and above the brain stem


Which of the following represents the proper sequence of hemostatis

Vascular spasm, platelet plug formation, coagulation

The capability of white blood cells to locate areas of damaged tissue and infection by responding to certain chemicals is


the heart is situated within the medical section of the thoracic cavity known as the


The most numerous of white blood cells are the___


The initiation of clotting by forming a plug is the responsibility of ___


which vessels return oxygen-rich blood to the left atrium of the heart

pulmonary veins

Where does hematopoiesis occur to produce new RBCs

red bone marrow (myeloid tissue)

An action potential is starts with a rush of ____ ions into the cell


The gap between two communicating neurons, where neurotransmitters are released, is called.....

synaptic cleft

The gap between two communication neurons is termed

synaptic cleft

During ventricular ___, blood is ejected from the ventricles throgh the large arteries connected to the heart


Which valve is located between the RA and RV

tricuspid valve

There is an overshoot down to -80mV when re-establishing a potential of -70mV


Which of the following indicates damage to the precentral gyrus

Inability to voluntarily move skeletal muscles

What type of neuron connects sensory and motor neurons in reflex arcs


The walls of the ___ are thicker bc it acts as the more powerful systemic pump of the heart

Left ventricle

The following are degenerative diseases of the nervous system, which worsen over time, EXCEPT


Mr. Smith has A- blood and was bleeding from an ulcer in his stomach. A nurse was not wearing glasses and gave Mr. smith 1 unit of A+ blood, what was the likely outcome

Mr. Smith has a mild transfusion reaction and became ill

The transportation of blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs and back to the left side of the heart is known as....

Pulmonary circulation

Which of the following is the correct sequence in a typical reflex arc

Receptor, Afferent neuron, integration center, efferent center, effector

Sodium channels close, potassium channels open, potassium leaves the cell, and the sodium/potassium pump operates


There are more sodium ions outside the cell, there are more potassium ions inside the cell along with negatively charged proteins, and the membrane is at -70mV

Resting Potential

Veins draining the head and neck empty into the ___, which carries blood to the RA of the heart


Which neuroglial cell makes the myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system

Schwann cells

A blood clot developed in a deep vein in Mr. Zēngs leg How should this clot be named?


Astrocytes create the blood-brain barrier to keep toxic substances out of the central nervous system


3 symptoms of concussion

dizziness, severe headache, nausea. stay away from screens and stimulants

Which of the following describe leukocytosis

excessive number of leukocytes


lack a nucleus and most organelles

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