AP Comp Sci Unit 2 Review

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What could be considered part of the beginning "state" of a Scratch program?

- visibility of sprites - the background image - the value of a variable

reporter block

A block in Scratch with round edges that contains a value (numbers, sentences, etc.) and can be used inside other blocks.


A description of what the computer is doing or the values of variables at any given moment.


A file that is capable of being executed or run as a program in the computer.


Attributes about the environment that the computer needs to remember in order to function properly.


turning on or off (binary)

modulus (mod)

used to return the remainder of a division operation.


when you finished writing the first draft of code and you test cases to make sure that his program functions properly, and when issues arise, fix them.


An object in Scratch that performs functions through scripting


A modified and shared version of an uploaded existing project


A named collection of steps in an algorithm that can be reused anytime it is needed without restating the detailed procedures (abstraction)


A placeholder to store a particular value - such as x and y in an algebraic equation or calculation.

iterative process

A process for calculating a desired result by means of a repeated cycle of operations

visual programming language

A programming language structured similar to a flowchart that utilizes blocks of code


A sequence of instructions that is repeated until a certain condition is met.

if-else block

A set of instructions within an if block is executed if a specified condition is true and instructions within the else block are executed if the same condition is false.

if block

A set of instructions within an if block that is executed only if the condition in the if statement is met.


A shared boundary across which two or more separate components of a computer system exchange information. (example: accelerator and brake pedals on a car)

Information Age

A shift in human history from traditional industry to an economy based on information computerization using analysis and thinking - AKA: Digital Age


A simple diagram with symbols showing the "flow" of a process


A systematic plan or sequence of instructions for a computer to solve a problem

Imagination Age

A theoretical period beyond the information age where creativity and imagination will become the primary creators of economic value.


A variable for a particular value or attribute.


A variable that defines a procedure or sets the conditions of an operation (example: REPEAT n times).


A whole number; a number that is not a fraction that is used in programs.

While writing a program to regulate the speed of a self-driving car, you find that your software sometimes miscalculates the ideal car speed for city streets to be over 1500 MPH (nearly twice the speed of sound), when it should be 30 MPH. Which of the following strategies would be best to employ in debugging your program?

After each calculation within your program, insert a temporary statement that displays the most recently calculated value. When running your program, compare the displayed values with the expected values to identify where in the program the error is being introduced.

Boolean values

Binary values (usually true and false), intended to represent the truth values of logic


Blocks of code that trigger corresponding behavior example: Green Flag

pen blocks

Dark-green colored blocks of code in Scratch that are used to control the pen aspect in Scratch.


How a user interacts with a program.


Instruction in a computer program that can cause a computer to begin executing a different sequence of instructions.

sensing blocks

Light-blue colored Boolean blocks that are used to detect different factors of a project such as touching.

operator blocks

Light-green colored blocks of code used to handle strings and math equations in Scratch.

motion blocks

Medium-blue colored blocks used to control a sprite's movement in Scratch


Only executes if a certain designated condition is true.

Looks blocks

Purple-colored blocks of code in Scratch that are used to control a sprite's appearance.


Repeatedly branching into two equal parts. A clear distinction between two things - yes or no.

Example of a visual programming language



The background of a project in Scratch which can have scripts, backdrops, sound, etc.

control flow

The direction the computer program moves from instruction to instruction over time. Can also be controlled by if statements and other binary conditions.


The process of removing or suppressing details to create a manageable level of complexity


The program code and current activity that is being executed in a computer program


The speed of a programming directive which is located in the sounds tab in Scratch


The x and y coordinates on the stage in Scratch


To identify and remove errors from a computer program.


User interaction with a program via clicking, mouse movement, or keyboard entry


When blocks of code are executed at a given time by communicating a message.


Where different logic structures sequence, selection and loops are combined or nested in one another.

While developing a program, you find a similar project that someone has created and posted online. It contains a number of elements (e.g., images, music, code segments, etc.) that you would like to integrate into your own project. Under what conditions may you reuse these elements in your work?

You may only reuse elements for which the original owner has granted a license to reuse


appearance of a sprite

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